ThinkAboutIt Website
In the late 1970s/ early 1980s an electronics expert,
Paul Bennewitz,
living in the vicinity of Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque -
New Mexico, inadvertently intercepted radio transmissions from the
base apparently containing information about UFOs and aliens.
Bennewitz initially was intrigued but eventually became horrified by
the disturbing contents of the secret messages and the fact that the
general public were unaware of the apparent covert collaboration
between elements of the U.S. establishment and an alien force.
With this in mind Bennewitz began to put an increasing amount of
time and effort into attempting to intercept and investigate more of
the radio signals. Bennewitz’s activities came to the notice of
certain members of the intelligence community, one of whom decided
to approach Bill Moore, a former special agent in the Air Force
Office of Special Investigations, asking him to monitor and report
back on the activities of Bennewitz.
In return Moore, who had now
become a UFO researcher himself, was provided with classified
information about UFOs and aliens. Moore was not only successful in
supplying the necessary information to the members of the
intelligence community but also (reputedly) fed misleading
information to Bennewitz. This made it possible to discredit
Bennewitz - in other words declare him a crank - should he disclose
any of the details contained in the classified messages he had
In fact, in a most unnecessarily cruel way, they succeeded in
gradually causing Bennewitz to suffer an enormous nervous and
physical breakdown. Meanwhile, according to leading UFOlogists and
other observers, Moore was rewarded by receiving
The MAJESTIC-12 Papers.
Whilst all of this was ongoing, Moore disclosed what was
happening to fellow UFOlogist Jaime Shandera. In 1982, Moore and
Shandera began to receive officially classified information
regarding UFOs and whilst attempting to verify the material they
came across several other members of the intelligence community who
were willing to disseminate information.
In order to protect the
identities of these members of the intelligence community, Moore and
Shandera decided to give them pseudonyms - as the first was
designated "Falcon", the rest were given "bird names" - hence
collectively they became to be known as "The Aviary".
"The Aviary" was a
group of individuals who, rather than being just
a number of low grade intelligence agents, were working (or had
worked) at very high levels with very high security clearances; it
is almost certain that they became involved in the UFO phenomenon in
the early 1970s and included both active and retired military and
intelligence officers.
It seemed that their primary objective was to
make known to the general public, details of the government’s
involvement with extraterrestrials and technology gained from
crashed UFOs etc… However, it is probable that the members of the
Aviary had joined forces in order to gather information on the
As members of the intelligence community, they had all
been involved with or had contacts in the UFO field and their aim
was to access secret files and gather information which would
provide them with a greater understanding of that "above top-secret,
shadow group" -
the Majestic-12.
It does seem that there was an "overlap" in the alleged membership
of the Aviary and that of the Majestic-12 - in other words the
Majestic-12 had successfully infiltrated the Aviary.
This situation
caused a division of opinion in the members of the Aviary, some
wanting to publicize information regarding the US Government’s
knowledge of UFOs and aliens, whilst the others opposing these
It is highly probable that, in order to discredit some UFO
researchers and to protect their own status, some of the members of
the Aviary fed "disinformation" to gullible researchers - thus
causing disarray and arguments amongst the UFO research community
and protecting the activities of the Aviary.
In fact amongst the
electronic signals that Bennewitz intercepted, the following
messages were included - probably disinformation deliberately
transmitted so that Bennewitz would become increasingly paranoid:
"Established constant direct communication with the alien…
Subsequent aerial and ground photographs revealed landing pylons,
ships on the ground… aliens on the ground in electro statically
supported vehicles… charging beam weapons. The aliens are picking
up and "cutting" people every night… whether all implants are
totally effective I cannot predict… Conservatively I would
estimate at least 300,000 people have been implanted in the U.S…
at least 2 million worldwide."
Presumably Bennewitz, being an
acknowledged electronics and communications expert, was an astute
man who was not easy to fool and it would be reasonable to assume
that the original messages he intercepted were "genuine" and must,
surely, have contained information about UFOs/aliens - otherwise why
would the disinformation fed to him relate to "horrific"
involving the abduction of human beings and the insertion of
Surely disinformation is of no use or value if it does
not "blend in" with valid facts.
Where the truth began and ended in
the information collected by Bennewitz is debatable but one thing is
without doubt true - the content of the intercepted messages
certainly caused Bennewitz to become a paranoid and deluded man who
eventually suffered a colossal nervous breakdown in 1985.
There is no doubt at all that the
U.S. Military and Intelligence
agencies have been involved in experimentation on human beings
(without their knowledge or consent) for decades, so perhaps some of
the more bizarre messages intercepted by Bennewitz could well have
been more truthful than at first glance.
According to Jaime Shandera,
UFOlogist and research partner to Bill
Moore, when discussing the Aviary:
"We wanted the information but
didn’t want to reveal where we got our clues. To maintain anonymity,
I gave Bill’s source the name "Falcon", the next source we used we
called "Condor" and so on until we had 24 contacts from all levels
of the government. It was my idea to use bird names."
When asked if
the Aviary regarded disinformation as its main objective,
"No, but sometimes you have to misdirect the truth in order
to protect your source. Disinformation is an escape route; you can
discredit an entire project by referring to the one bad apple you’ve
Researchers believe they now know the identities of
some members of
the Aviary, indeed one man, Commander C.B. Scott Jones - a retired
Naval Intelligence officer, admits there was such a group and is
endeavoring to persuade the U.S. Government to reveal more about
their knowledge of UFOs.
Scott Jones remarked:
"I was in Naval
Intelligence for 15 years and I never saw any documents relating to UFOS. I am skeptical about a lot of the evidence, I don’t find it
compelling but I believe there is a very high probability that we’re
being impinged upon by non-Earth intelligence. The Aviary has not
met for years, the only exception being those who are just friends".
Whatever the initial aims of the Aviary were , it does seem that the
faction which wished to discredit UFOlogists was, ultimately, the
dominant influence on the actions of the group - Moore and Shandera
being just manipulated pawns in a campaign of disinformation, design
to devalue any genuine information collected by researchers.
Military Scientists monitor the skies
(Starfire laser telescope).
Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
Probable members of the Aviary

John Alexander, Ph.D.
A member of Army Intelligence, involved in mind control experiments.

Commander C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D.
Admitted to being a member of "the Aviary" - probably was known as
"Falcon". |

Bruce Maccabee, PhD. - "Seagull"
Involved in research into optical physics and laser weapons, US
Naval Surface Weapons Laboratory (Maryland) |

Christopher Green, M.D. - Known as "Bluejay"
CIA officer - involved in "remote viewing", later chief of
Biomedical Sciences at General Motors. |

Harold Puthoff - "Owl"
involved in remote viewing research with the CIA, physicist at the
Institute for Advanced Research in Austin, Texas |

Jacques Vallee Ph.D. - "Partridge"
Defense Department computer expert, previously investigated UFOs for
the French Government |
Other members of the Aviary include:
Captain Robert Collins - "Condor" - Special Agent Office of Special
Investigations - involved in UFO Intelligence activities.
Ernest Kellerstraus - "Hawk" - Worked at Wright Patterson Air Force
Base, involved with alien/ufo research.
Richard Doty - "Sparrow" or some believe "Falcon" - USAF Office of
Special Investigations.
Jack Vorona - "Raven" - researcher into psychic warfare.
Ronald Pandolphi - "Pelican" - Deputy Director for the Division of
Science and Technology at the CIA. Pandolphi has secretly leaked UFO
information for several years.
Other Aviary members are thought to include:
Henry Kissinger
Barry Hennessy - Former head of AFOSI.
General Albert Stubblebine - "Heron" - head of US Military remote
viewing and psychic warfare activities.
Brent Scowcroft - US National security advisor.
"Behind the scenes high-ranking Air Force officers
are soberly
concerned about UFOs.
But through official secrecy and ridicule,
many citizens
are led to believe the UFOs are nonsense".
Rear Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
Director of C.I.A. (1947-50)