by Henry Makow PhD
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author
"Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New
World Order." (www.cruelhoax.ca)
His articles can be found at his web
He enjoys receiving your comments,
some of which he posts on his site using first names only.
hmakow@gmail.com |
George W. Bush has returned to menacing Iran like a
Tourette's patient prone to making embarrassing ill-timed outbursts. He
called Iran "the major sponsor of terrorism" when a mirror would reveal the
true holder of that title, and the biggest mass murderer of the fledgling
21st century.
His Arab hosts rolled their eyes as he maligned their Iranian friends and
trading partners. The US national debt has more than doubled on his watch;
the US economy and dollar are tanking; and all he can do is plot another
gratuitous war?
How did a man whom we wouldn't trust to run a convenience store end up as
the "leader of the free world?"
Whose sick joke is our political leadership?
I won't bore you with details when all you really need is the paradigm. Our
political life is a grotesque carnival designed to convince the rubes they
live in a democracy. This is so they will pay taxes and lay down their lives
for their betters.
Our true rulers have determined that we shall have no real say in our
collective future. Like livestock, we will chew our collective cud on sex,
drugs, toys and trivia, which they will supply in abundance.
This explains why the mass media (incl. movies) and education long ago
ceased to deal in reality, or teach civics or history. Instead they are
engines of deception and conformity.
The US election is really a job competition where a shortlist of candidates
vie for the privilege of selling the public on the central bankers' agenda.
Even this process is fixed, as the bankers naturally prefer the candidates
who are most corrupt and dissolute and therefore most blackmail-able and
Four current Presidential contenders are on the 'Judicial Watch' list of 10
most corrupt politicians of 2007.
There hasn't been a President in the last 100 years who hasn't been
controlled by
the Rothschilds via
the Rockefellers. The ones that resisted
were poisoned (Harding); murdered (JFK) or framed (Nixon.)
The bankers use the US to force laggard nations to accept their world
government tyranny. At the same time, they weaken the US so it can be
merged. As citizens, our role is to be diverted like children at a summer
camp and do our "patriotic" duty on cue.
Our world resembles a B-movie Horror where many of the leading citizens
secretly join a satanic cult and plot at the expense of everybody else. This
is why so many of our "leaders" are drunks.
They have sold their souls to the devil and they
know it.
Culture is financed and directed by money. People, like ants, go where the
jam is, and adopt the most expedient ideas. Since the so-called
"Enlightenment," culture has been financed by the bankers and geared to
being "revolutionary" which means transferring power from the landed
nobility and church to the bankers' nominees under the guise of "liberty"
"equality" "fraternity."
The bankers must destroy the Christian basis of Western civilization. A
religion like Christianity or Islam holds that there is a
Moral Order which
we must uphold for our own wellbeing.
We are made in God's image, and must constantly measure our behavior in
terms of our divine potential. God is the ultimate Reality for which we all
aspire: a state where pure and absolute Truth, Goodness, Justice, Love and
Beauty are self-evident.
As I understand it, the Satanist believes that man already is God, and need
not hold himself to a higher moral standard. This is why the watchword of Illuminism (from the
Marquis de Sade to
Aleister Crowley to Charles Manson)
is "Do whatever you want." There are no moral laws.
In the mass media, it is considered courageous and cool to flaunt decorum
and be disgusting. These days, no bodily function escapes scrutiny and sex
is an obsession. Attempts to raise humanity above the level of fruit fly are
considered old fashioned and prudish.
Much of what passes for "modern" is really Satanist dysfunction: the attempt
to rationalize man divorced from God or Morality. Thus we have the frenzied
finger painting that passes for modern art, philosophy and literature, "Oh,
the angst, the despair!"
The bankers fragment reality with neurotic solipsisms because they want to
redefine reality themselves. In places where they hold sway "black is white"
and "day is night." This is the Orwellian world we are entering. Money and
Power - not God is Reality.
This is Satanism, where man becomes God and the banker takes the helm of
It appears to originate in the Cabala which is the source of all
Many central banking families are cabalistic Jews. Cabalism is pantheistic
in nature. It holds that God is in all matter and nature rather than a moral
force independent of nature.
The logic became,
"if man is at the top of the
natural hierarchy, then he must be God."
In his book "Les Juifs et Le Talmud" (1913)
Flavien Bernier says that Jewish
teaching makes them the "God-people" rather than the "people of
"The religion of the 'Deified Man' with which they were impregnated in
Babylon, was only conceived as benefiting the Jew, superior and predestined
being.... The promise of universal domination found in the Law by the
orthodox Jew was not interpreted by the Pharisees in the sense of the reign
of the God of Moses over the Nations, but in the sense of a material
domination which would be imposed by the Jews over the universe."
This elitist philosophy was enlarged to include anyone who will serve their
Satanic agenda, Jew or not. That's why the cast includes non-Jews like
Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, Nelson Mandela, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey
and Bill Gates.
The philosophy that man is God (Humanism) pervades our society. There is a
widespread sense of entitlement and self-importance. Paradoxically, this
delusion of grandeur covers for a campaign to degrade us with sex, violence
and trivia.
Our leadership class is a "sick joke" because it belongs to an international
satanic cult beholden to the Cabalist (i.e.Masonic) central bankers.
The mass media and education systems function to legitimize the criminals,
perverts and traitors, I mean "leaders."
Our society is a fraud because our national credit is controlled by private
banking families. They have assumed control of the economy, undermined
civilization, and installed compromised pseudo leaders to sabotage society.
Don't doubt for a moment - mankind has the means and the smarts to solve
all its problems quickly. But that is not the destiny the money masters have
in mind for you or me.
The tragic wars which have marred modern history and caused untold suffering
were caused by a relatively few sick minds who hate God and humanity.
demented centuries-old plot is entering its final stage.