U.S. Constitutional Crisis Escalates as Bushfraud Remains Under House Arrest
in The White House
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
September 27, 2008
TomHeneghanIntelligence Website

(doctored photo)
United States of America – It can now be
reported that occupant and nation wrecker, George W. Bushfraud, is
under house arrest and unable to leave the residence of the White
House at this time. |

It was U.S. Naval Flag Officers that ordered
Bush's arrest last Thursday after reviewing "smoking gun" evidence
implicating both the current Bush and former Clinton
Administrations involving DIRECT theft of American Taxpayers' U.S.
Treasury funds.
Note: It was former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, now looking to
escape prison, that provided the evidence to the U.S. Naval Flag Officers.
Current Senator Richard Shelby, Republican of Alabama, an expert on
banking issues and other types of financial transactions, is also in direct
communication with U.S. Naval Flag Officers relating to evidence showing
that both the Bush and Clinton Administrations used the now bankrupt
Bear Stearns hedge fund and the U.S. Federal Reserve to finance private
mercenaries and assassination teams that had direct links to Israeli and
British Intelligence.

Those who follow these intelligence briefings
know that these assassination teams are commonly known as the Bush-Clinton-Mossad-British
Intelligence-Gary Best "TRUE COLORS" assassination teams.
Reference: The initial stage of development aka these secret teams,
began during the Clinton initiated Bosnian War with the privatization of
U.S. Special Forces.
Most of the funding for this TREASON went through the Bear Stearns hedge
fund with links to private Yugoslavian banking interests.

Bushfraud, Dick Cheney and
Alan Greenspan
(Wash Post)
J.P. Morgan Chase, along with then
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, authorized
massive transfers of U.S. Treasury funds to Yugoslavia disguising it as
Danish Kroner currency.
Note: White House occupunk Bushfraud has continued this financial
TREASON by using the Central Bank of Iraq and an ILLEGAL private CIA
proprietary account linked to King Juan Carlos of Spain to fund
private mercenaries and Israeli assassins who are specializing in murdering
Sunni tribal leaders who oppose the rogue Bushfraud U.S. occupation of Iraq.

Bushfraud with co-conspirator King Juan Carlos of Spain
Most of this financial activity took place using
the Bear Stearns hedge fund and the 'Malaga' account tied to King Juan
Carlos of Spain.
Reference: Current Republican presidential nominee John McCain refuses to
talk to the current Spanish Prime Minister who is investigating the King
Juan Carlos 'Malaga' account aka the use of the account as a Bush-Clinton
money laundry.
European INTERPOL has ordered the account be frozen, i.e. missing funds from
the European Union.
It was King Juan Carlos of Spain that was the first foreign leader to
congratulate Bushfraud on his theft of the year 2000 presidential election
from then Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
Once again, it was J. P. Morgan Chase that helped disguise the ILLEGAL wire
transfers of funds, this time utilizing Euro currency.

Senator Richard Shelby (L),
House Minority Leader
John Boehner (R) with Bushfraud
Item: Current Republican House Minority Leader
John Boehner (R-OH) was briefed on this by Senator Shelby last Thursday when Bushfraud was placed under house arrest by the U.S. Naval Flag Officers.
Reference: Within hours after Boehner was briefed by Shelby, Congressman and
Israeli Mossad agent,
KHAZARIAN Jew Eric Cantor (R-VA), confronted Minority
Leader Boehner threatening and blackmailing Boehner in regard to supporting
the Bushfraud-Pelosi-Frank TREASONOUS bailout plan.
Cantor receives his orders from KHAZARIAN Jew, ratfink Israeli Mossad agent,
Joe Lieberman, (D-CT). Ratfink Lieberman is the 'handler' for Republican
nominee John McCain and is almost with McCain on every scheduled campaign
Note: In 1998 during the Clinton impeachment, it was then Vice President,
now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., that presented a written
deposition to both the House Republican impeachment leaders and his
Democratic colleagues describing:
the extent and out-and-out TREASON of
the Clinton "TRUE COLORS" assassination teams
the on-going theft of funds from the
U.S. Treasury
the complicity of Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan
Gore also fingered then First Lady, now
unelectable LOSER lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton as the
trigger-woman behind the assassinations of former CIA Director William
Colby, Clinton Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and Congressman Sonny Bono.
Immediately after presenting this HIGH TREASON evidence, Gore and his family
received death threats.
Within a year, First Lady Hillary ordered the assassination of the son of
the late President Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Jr.

Madeleine Albright aka Halfbright and Hillary Clinton
Hillary, along with then Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright, i.e. Halfbright, also ordered Vice President Al Gore's
Air Force Two aircraft to be vectored over the skies of Chicago in 1999.
The attempt on Gore's life took place within weeks of JFK Jr.'s

Then Vice President, now duly
President Albert Gore Jr. steps off Air Force TWO
The timing of both the successful assassination
plot against JFK Jr. and the failed assassination plot against then Vice
President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. was no coincidence
since the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate wanted to clear the field for
Hillary's senate race in New York and Bush's upcoming presidential campaign
in the year 2000.
Again, it is important to remember, that it was the Republican AND
Democratic leadership in both the House and Senate that covered up this
explosive HIGH TREASON evidence given to them by Al Gore and instead
proceeded with a diversionary show trial i.e. Bill Clinton's oral sex with
Israeli Mossad agent Monica Lewinsky.

Hank (Henry) Paulson and Barney Frank
AP by Manuel Balce Ceneta
P.S. KHAZARIAN Jew and radical homosexual
Congressman Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, is currently the author
of the TREASONOUS bailout legislation that would empower U.S. Treasury
Secretary and KHAZARIAN Jew Henry Paulson with dictatorial power to
basically bailout the criminal Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate thugs who
have looted the U.S. Treasury.

Barney Frank, (D-MA), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee
Frank, an archenemy of duly elected President
Albert Gore, is the biggest receiver of campaign contributions in Congress
from both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Radical homosexual Frank, who once ran a
homosexual prostitution house out of his home in Washington D.C., had
actually conspired with his homosexual lover Herb Moses to 'cook the books'
of both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as to protect them from Federal
CLOSET homosexual
Bushfraud affectionately embraces
radical homosexual Barney Frank |
CLOSET homosexual
Bushfraud's lifelong lover
Victor Ashe and personal friend Barney Frank
Note: Frank, who also helped cover up the
Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" assassination evidence, once engaged in oral sex
in the White House with former President Bill Clinton and current ABC News
talk show host George Stephanopoulos.
Reference: Frank is also a personal friend of homosexual in-the-closet
George W. Bushfraud's lifelong lover, Victor Ashe.
Ashe, now Bushfraud's appointed Ambassador to Poland, along with Bushfraud
and then Las Vegas call girl Vicki Morgan, once engaged in a sexual
threesome at a Motel 6 in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1984.
It is clear that Barney Frank and Bushfraud have a lot more in common than
just the current proposed TREASONOUS bailout legislation.

It should be mentioned that Stephanopoulos has
'power of attorney' on various ILLEGAL secret offshore accounts for Bill and
Hillary Clinton, which are titled with Clinton's daughter's name 'Chelsea'.
The subprime fraud, which Barney Frank is trying to cover up, involves large
banks buying long-term subprime mortgages from regional banks, who then
repackaged the mortgage-backed securities and sold them as short term
'commercial paper' without guaranteeing them.
Clearly there was no real collateral behind any of these financial schemes.
in other words folks, if you or I go to the bank for a loan we have to show
collateral first before we get the loan.
What radical homosexual Barney Frank is out to do is to create the
collateral out of nowhere after the bogus loans, i.e. the U.S. Treasury
theft has already occurred.
In fact, Frank looked the other way when J. P. Morgan cooked the books and
claimed bogus 'commercial paper' were assets in their purchase of Washington
Mutual Savings and Loan.
It is basic accounting 101, that non-guaranteed 'commercial paper'
are liabilities not assets.
So the question now is, when are the SEC, the
FBI and the Bush Justice Department going to launch a FRAUD investigation
against J. P. Morgan Chase.
P.P.S. It was Barney Frank, along with former Senator Phil Gramm, Republican
of Texas, and now John McCain advisor, who sponsored the late 1990s
legislation that repealed the Franklin Roosevelt Depression Era safeguard
called the 'Glass-Steagall Act', which kept banks from engaging in this type
of fraudulent activity, as well as keeping brokerage firms from shorting
stocks on down-kicks.
Now the extortion-friendly, in-the-closet homosexual elite, compromised
corporate-controlled media will not report this to you, folks.
Remember CNN, FOX News, NBC and ABC Mickey Mouse need to get bailed out too.
We do not need to bail them out since they are spending STOLEN U.S. Treasury
funds at bathhouses and toga parties in the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate capital of the world, occupied Washington, D.C.
Stories developing:
Why the Guantanamo Bay 9/11 prosecutor
has resigned
The latest news from former FBI agent
and chief aide to FBI Director Mueller on why there is no real
evidence on Osama bin Laden and how the BOGUS tapes of bin Laden are
actually tied to British Intelligence and former Iraq War
co-conspirator British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The document classified by British
Intelligence is entitled 'WD 199'. The document also deals with
British Petroleum (BP), J. P. Morgan oil derivatives linked to the
Queen of England, the Bush-Queen joint account at Couts Bank and the
real reasons for the war in Iraq.
How dare you, you
conspiratorial tyrants and kings and notable queens!
Remember, when the invasion of Iraq began
the British forces were the ones that moved into the oil rich producing area
of Basra; while Americans were dying, the British were pumping.

Just another reason why the American People
should know who their REAL friends are and who their real friends aren't.
The British Monarchy remains the oldest and current enemy of the American
Note: We do not intend to attack the People of Great Britain. It is their
government and monarchy that have participated in looting U.S. Treasury
funds from the American People.
So we ask the British People to rise up and rid themselves of this
House of Hanover royalty, which will eventually leave the British People
In fact, we urge you, the British People, to get rid of those video cameras
and surveillance devices which monitor every move that you make.
Osama bin Laden has been dead for almost seven (7) years and is only
kept alive by the liars and whores of the press to control U.S. Treasury
funds for the purpose of more derivatives and financial fraud.
A message to the American People: Remember who your REAL friends are as
Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the REAL
president of the United States.

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U. S. Congressional
Leadership and Bushfraud Now Declare War on the American People as
TREASON-Gate Escalates
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
September 28, 2008
TomHeneghanIntelligence Website

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the
House and Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee
(Getty Images)
and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
United States of America – It can now be
reported that the Democratic Congressional Leadership lead by radical
homosexual Barney Frank and TREASONOUS Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,
along with the UN-elected occupunk George W. Bushfraud, have agreed to take
the entire U.S. Federal and State pension funds and use them as collateral
to bailout the now bankrupt [privately owned]
Federal Reserve and its
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge corporations.
This backbreaking news is not being reported to
you by the criminally-compromised, extortion-friendly, corporate-controlled
American media elite.

As much as $280 TRILLION worth of new UN-secured
derivatives and option warrants will be issued with the collateral being the
retirement savings of every living American citizen.

Paulson, Bushfraud, Bernanke
Bushfraud and his TREASONOUS KHAZARIAN Jew Henry (Hank)
Paulson, Secretary
of the U.S. Treasury, will use the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act as the
legal mechanism for the authority to loot U.S. retirement savings.
How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants and kings and notable queens!

[privately owned] Federal Reserve in St. Louis
and the East German DVD-Mossad Deutsche Bank
P.S. The financial wire transfers will start this evening with the
[privately owned] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis moving the funds to none
other than the East German DVD-Mossad Savings and Loan aka the Deutsche
Rumor has it that if you open up an account at Deutsche Bank in the next 48
hours you receive free sausages with British mustard.

Roy Blunt and Bushfraud
P.P.S. The key Republican negotiator in this
Bushfraud-Pelosi-Frank financial TREASON is Congressman Roy Blunt,
Republican of Missouri.

Bushfraud and Kit Bond, Bushfraud and Dick Gephardt
Blunt, a lifelong CIA asset, along with Senator
Kit Bond, Republican of Missouri, and former Democratic presidential
candidate and Speaker of the House Richard Gephardt, cooperated for years
with the Bush-Clinton-Iran/Contra-mega Mossad-Mena, Arkansas arms and
narcotics money laundry with the [privately owned] Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis used to disguise the ILLEGAL profits and converted dollars into
Japanese yen currency.
In fact a secret account exists at the [privately owned] Federal Reserve
Bank of St. Louis called the 'Boatmen's Special Account'.
This account has
direct tie-ins to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and TRILLIONS of dollars
of commodity derivatives.

Reference: The Arkansas State Development Finance Authority run by
Clinton-Bush stooge Bob Nash.

PATRIOT Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan
Further, Blunt, Bond and Gephardt conspired with
the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate to assassinate, in the year 2000,
the Governor of Missouri, Mel Carnahan, before Carnahan could reach St.
Louis on his ill-fated aircraft and present 'smoking gun' evidence of this
TREASON to then Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.
before Gore and then Texas Governor George W. Bush had their final debate in
St. Louis, Missouri in October of 2000.

Oct. 17, 2000
Texas Gov. George W. Bush (left)
and Vice President Al Gore (seated, right)
face off in the third
Presidential Debate at Washington University in St. Louis
Reference: Right before the presidential debate
started in St. Louis, then Vice President, now duly elected President Albert
Gore Jr. personally walked over to Bushfraud as to confront the little
sexual deviate-cocaine snorting-AWOL misfit.

As we recall, the misfit Bushfraud cowered in
his chair knowing that Gore was aware of the assassination of Governor Mel
Carnahan, and that the Vice President of the United States might be ready
enforce immediate justice upon Bushfraud by beating the living hell out of
Final note: At this hour the [privately owned]
Federal Reserve is issuing
naked options on every retirement account and 401K in the United States.

9/11 Co-Conspirator
Warren Buffet, Berkshire Hathaway CEO
And who is the underwriter for these naked
None other than British-owned Berkshire Hathaway and its bagman,
9/11 co-conspirator Warren Buffet.

Reference: Buffet knew in advance of the 9/11
BLACK OP attacks on America and made BILLIONS of dollars on put options on
various airlines and insurance companies through the Chicago Board of
Options with the profits being laundered through none other than the
[privately owned]
Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis, Missouri 'Boatmen's
Special Account'.
Accordingly, this gang of TREASONOUS filth have left the American People
with no choice but to exercise their God-given Constitutional right to
remove this TREASONOUS government from power and return this country to
Constitutional Rule.
"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the apparatus linked to U.S.
intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue
breakaway entity of the U.S. government; allowed to de-compartmentalize from
oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best's rogue black ops specialists
for scripted activity outside the U.S. government, with its funding being
orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police—an entity of the U.S.
Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
"The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and
ALL of their co-conspirators face unprecedented, monumental prosecutions
for massive HIGH TREASON against the American People; thus, before the
2008 election, they are plotting 'False Flag Attacks' in the U.S. with
expectations of nullifying and eradicating individual and States rights
and freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution, via martial law and
subjugation of the American People, in order to stay in control of the
compromised U.S. Justice Department to continue sealing Federal Grand
Jury (We the People) indictments and hiding them from the American
People to avoid convictions and public punishment with due prejudice."
Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
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