by Robert E. McElwaine
B.S., Physics and Astronomy,
TheWatcherFiles Website
report confirms the truth of Part01 through Part30 of
the ‘Space
Shuttle Coverup & True Story'
("Fire in the Sky")
Report |
In February 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin proposed to
the United States and the United Nations a global defense shield
(with "Star Wars"-type weapons) BASED ON RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGY.
Some people might wonder what the "backward" Russians could possibly
have that would be of value for the S.D.I. research
and development program. The little-known TRUTH is that the Russians
started deploying an OPERATIONAL "Star Wars" defense system in
September 1977, and it has greatly grown and improved since that
It is a SPACE TRIAD built around
In this article I will describe the Russian system as it developed
from 1977 to 1983, and give several examples of how it was used
during that period. But first I will try to convince readers of the
credibility of my main source of information about it.
My main source is articles published in a weekly legislative
newspaper, WISCONSIN REPORT (WR), of
Brookfield, Wisconsin, (P.O. Box 45, zip 53005), written by the late
Dr. Peter David Beter, a well-respected Washington, DC
attorney, Doctor of Jurisprudence, and expert and consultant in
international law, finance, and intelligence, who received much of
his information from associates in the CIA and other
intelligence groups of other countries who disapproved of many of
the things happening or being planned behind the scenes.
They believed that at least limited
public exposure might delay and ultimately prevent the worst of
those things, such as NUCLEAR WAR and NATIONAL DICTATORSHIP, from
taking place.
Dr. Beter started appearing on local radio and
TV talk shows, but soon found himself being BANNED from them,
as a result of government THREATS to cancel broadcast
So he started producing monthly one-hour cassette tapes
and sending them to a growing list of subscribers. From June 21,
1975 until November 3, 1982 he recorded eighty "Dr.
Audio Letters" plus eight "Audio Books" and three special topic
tapes. On September 1, 1977 Wisconsin Report started publishing
transcripts of those tapes.
Based on information from his sources, Dr. Beter PREDICTED
the bombing of the Marines in Beirut A FULL YEAR BEFORE IT HAPPENED,
WARNING that the U.S. Pentagon and the Israeli Mossad
Americans angry at the Arabs and generate public support for PLANNED
military action against them. He reported the impending
assassination of Anwar Saddat of Egypt SIX DAYS BEFORE IT
And Dr. Beter predicted what he called the
"retirement" of Leonid Brezhnev one week before Brezhnev
officially "died" (note that the word "retirement" was
used for the TERMINATION OF REPLICANTS in the 1982 movie "Blade
Runner"), and his quick replacement with Andropov which
occurred only three days after the "death" of Brezhnev,
to the surprise of all government and media analysts.
application and renewal forms for Dr. Beter's tapes would
usually say, "Subscribe to the Dr. Beter Audio Letter and watch the
news start making sense."
In September 1977 the Russians started launching MANNED killer
satellites, called "COSMOS INTERCEPTORS", armed
with CHARGED-PARTICLE BEAM weapons, into earth orbit, (12-15-77 WR).
By April 1978 there were about THREE DOZEN of them, and they had
FINISHED DESTROYING all American spy and early warning satellites,
(5-18-78 WR).
On September 27, 1977, in what Dr. Beter called "THE
BATTLE OF THE HARVEST MOON", a Cosmos Interceptor in Earth orbit
used a NEUTRON-PARTICLE BEAM to wipe out a secret American
laser-beam base nearing operational status in Copernicus
Crater on the Moon, (11-3-77 WR).
The Russians
quickly deployed their own military bases on the Moon,
the second leg of their space triad, starting on October 4, 1977,
with seven EXTREMELY POWERFUL charged-particle beam weapons BASES on
the near side of the Moon and three support bases on the far side,
(2-9-78 WR).
The first test of the Moon base weapons occurred on November
19, 1977, ironically at about the same time as the release of the
first "Star Wars" movie with its "death star"
The Russians were aiming at the eye of a cyclone near India.
But they miscalculated the deflection of the beam by the Earth's
magnetic field, and the beam struck the ocean too close to the shore causing a TIDAL WAVE that killed many people, (2-9-78 WR). A
blast of charged-particle beams from two or more of the Russian Moon
bases fired in quick succession would create the DESTRUCTIVE EFFECT
OF A HYDROGEN BOMB on its target.
The third leg of Russia's triad of space weapons is the "COSMOSPHERES".
The first-generation Cosmospheres were weapons
platforms that were ELECTRO-GRAVITIC (could hover against gravity),
ATOMIC POWERED, horizontally positioned by rocket thrusters, somehow
invisible to radar beyond about 40 miles (perhaps from a
radar-absorbing coating), armed with CHARGED-PARTICLE BEAM weapons
(at least a hundred times less powerful than those in the Moon
bases), equipped with "PSYCHO-ENERGETIC RANGE FINDING" (PRF)
which tunes in to the actual ATOMIC SIGNATURE of a target or object
and can NOT be jammed, and some of them were also armed with
microwave BRAIN-SCRAMBLING equipment.
In late 1977 and early 1978, there was a strange rash of giant
AIR BOOMS along the east coast of the United States and
These air booms were NEVER satisfactorily explained, by
either the government, the scientific establishment, or the news
media. They could NOT be positively identified with any particular
Super Sonic Transport plane (SST) or other
aircraft, and indeed they were MUCH LOUDER than aircraft sonic
The giant airbooms were actually caused by Russian Cosmospheres firing CHARGED- PARTICLE BEAMS down
into the atmosphere in a DEFOCUSED MODE (spread out) for the purpose
of announcing their presence to the WAR-MONGERS in the United
States Pentagon, (2-9-78 WR).
The main purpose of any "Star Wars" defense system is to protect a
country against nuclear attack. During the weekend of January 20,
1980, Russian Cosmospheres accomplished such a mission.
NUCLEAR FIRST STRIKE against Russia by the then
BOLSHEVIK-CONTROLLED United States was being started with a
total of 82 special secret aircraft that can sneak up to a country's
shoreline under water, surface, change configuration, take off, and
fly at treetop level to their targets.
Dr. Beter describes
part of the action in his
Audio Letter #53, recorded on
January 21, 1980:
"At that point the real action got
under way, in the Caspian Sea and off northern Norway. The
Subcraft, with Israeli pilots, were on their way. They were
traveling under water on the first legs of their attack
"Late Saturday night, Washington time, a coded signal was
flashed to the Subcraft to continue as planned. By that time,
the northern contingent of Subcraft were in the White Sea. The
southern contingent had reached the north end of the Caspian
Sea. It was already daylight, Sunday morning, the 20th,
for the Subcraft contingents.
Their orders were to wait out the
day under water, out of sight; then, after nightfall, they were
to continue their steady approach to get close to their targets.
The Subcraft were maintaining strict radio silence.
They were
also deep enough under water to be invisible from the air to
either the eye or radar, yet they were also hugging the
shoreline in water too shallow for Russian sonar to pick them
And their infrared signatures were negligible as the result
of extensive development. In short, by the standards of Western
technology, they were undetectable. But in
42 I revealed Russia's master secret weapon.
It is called "Psycho-energetic
Range Finding" or PRF. It is unlike sonar and
similar techniques. PRF tunes in to the actual atomic
signature of a target, and there is no method known by
which PRF can be jammed.
"By deploying their Navy to the Arabian Sea, the Russians are
pretending to be fooled by the Bolshevik distraction with the
aircraft carriers. In this way they encouraged the Bolsheviks to
launch the Subcraft toward their targets. They waited until the
Subcraft were far away from their bases and out of sight of the
Bolsheviks, who are directing the American first-strike
But the whole time they were being tracked by Cosmospheres overhead using PRF, and
shortly after 1:00 A.M. yesterday morning Eastern Standard Time
the Cosmospheres began firing their Charged Particle Beam
There were 10 Subcraft in the White Sea. Each
disappeared in a blinding blue white water spout of steam,
smoke, and fire. In the north end of the Caspian there were 19
Subcraft - they, too, met the same fate."
(2-7-80 WR).
The 3rd-generation Russian
JUMBO COSMOSPHERES were first deployed in April 1981, in
parallel with the first U.S. Space Shuttle mission.
significantly interfered with that MILITARY mission, in ways
which were successfully covered up by NASA using techniques
similar to those shown in the movie "Capricorn I",
(5-7-81, 5-14-81, and 5-21-81 WR).
Jumbo Cosmospheres are much larger than the 1st-
generation models, and use ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPULSION instead of
rocket thrusters to move around.
For about two years after Dr. Beter stopped recording his
Audio Letters. In November 1982
(because of heart trouble), his distributor, Audio Books, Inc.,
published some newsletters titled "NewsALERT",
using information passed on to them by Dr. Beter or received
directly from his sources.
A special supplementary issue, dated
March 26, 1984, describes how Russian Jumbo Cosmospheres
captured two communication satellites right after launch from U.S.
Space Shuttle Mission #10, found anti-satellite (ASAT) missiles
mounted on one of them, and dumped both satellites into useless
NASA had fun TRYING to explain two-in-a-row
failures of a highly reliable PAM-D satellite booster.
Russia's offer to share their "Star Wars"
defense system with the rest of the world might also
extend to SCIENTIFIC SPACE EXPLORATION. For example, the United
States is planning to send two unmanned flyby and sample-return
space missions to a comet. These missions would cost BILLIONS of
dollars, take fifteen years from now to complete, and could FAIL in
DOZENS of ways.
A Russian Jumbo Cosmosphere could complete a
MANNED version of such a mission in a matter of MONTHS, if they have
not already done so, since these Cosmospheres can
accelerate continuously.
Note that the United States has announced a deal to purchase at
least one SPACE REACTOR from Russia. Now you know what
the Russians originally developed and used them for.