Unidentified Flying Object Implication for Nation
Security and Human Survival,
December 1976 (390k) (replica followed by original)
This paper is an Executive Briefing for the
Director of Central Intelligence titled:
Unidentified Flying Object Implication for Nation
Security and Human Survival. LCR reveals that
between 1946 and 1955 he was tasked with preparing
information on UFOs and the U.S. Intelligence community
that was published in a 1956 book written by him,
published by the CIA and titled Central Intelligence,
UFOs, and National Security. It reveals the
surprising fact that many secret documents concerning
UFO encounters at Los Alamos and the White Sands Missile
Range in the period 1944-1949 were destroyed and also
reveals how this caused problems in trying to evaluate
the true picture from a historical perspective. The
paper also touches upon the CIA’s role in espionage and
UFO investigations, and LCR’s examination of the CIA’s
historical UFO studies. |