TheLandOfHorus Website
avowed and declared objective of the Prieure de Sion is
the restoration of the Merovingian dynasty and bloodline
- to the throne not only of France, but to the thrones
of other European nations as well."
Leigh & Lincoln
The Holy
Blood and the Holy Grail
Seiyes urged Napoleon to marry Josephine Beauhamais
because she was a Merovingian descendant, and to adopt
her two children by a previous marriage who were of this
anciently royal stock." In 1798 "on the way to Egypt,
Bonaparte detoured to capture Malta and the treasure
held by the Knights of Malta."
Holy Grail
Across the Atlantic |
The Prieure de Sion is known as one of the most secretive
hermetic orders, profoundly involved in political and esoteric
conspiracies and generally mistrustful of the rest of the Order. It
is suspected among occultists that it is the hermetic side of the
Merovingeans of the Celestial Chorus: a tradition-spanning
secret society. Still, many students of conspiracies wonder why it
is so obvious that the Prieure is conspiring? What is really going
Actually, many of the rumours are true. The Prieure de Sion
was founded to protect and aid the sangreal, the Holy
Blood. The Holy Blood consists of certain bloodlines inheriting
mystical power, a form of spiritual nobility. According to
some stories they are the
descendants of
Jesus, whose child with Mary
Magdalene was smuggled to southern France and in time founded the
Merovingean lineage of kings.
Whether this is true or not is
hard to tell, especially since the Prieure actively seeks to confuse
the issue, but. it seems that the sangreal is linked with the
descendants of several major characters in history (Osiris, Caesar,
King Arthur, Muhammed, Napoleon etc.).
The Prieure sees the
Holy Blood as more than a predisposition towards magickal, spiritual
or mundane power, but as true spiritual nobility destined to rule.
As the land and king are one, by placing one of the Blood on the
throne the land can be perfected. Their vision is to bring members
of certain bloodlines to the metaphysical thrones of Europe,
creating a new era.
Exactly when they were founded is unknown except for the highest
Most members suspect the order can
be traced back to the middle ages, but there are rumours that
it began in Egypt, as a sacred order of priests protecting
the Horus child from the followers of Set.
Another story link them to the
Ishmaelite, who sought to bring the descendants of Ali
to power in the Kaliphate.
A third theory is that the order has
emerged several times, rediscovering ancient wisdom.
Their headquarters were
originally in southern France, but during the crusades they
moved to Malta, especially after breaking up with the
Templars in 1188. Here they continued their plans, attempting to
manipulate European politics to bring the Holy Blood to the thrones.
At one point they made a fatal mistake: one of their initiates,
Napoleon Bonaparte, joined forces with the Technocracy and in
1798 he attempted to take over the Prieure. The leaders managed to
flee in secret with the most important genealogies, but Napoleon
successfully seized its resources and many members were hunted down
and either killed or forced into the Technocracy. The Prieure
hid in southern France again, slowly building a new and even more
secret network across Europe and America.
Recently, the leaders of the Prieure have decided it was time
to hide their plans in the open: by leaking enough, they have made
conspiracy theorists aware of their existence and some of their
manipulations. The result is of course an impenetrable mist of
speculation, best-seller books, misinformation and imitation that
hides the real plans. While everybody are scrambling to search for
secret tunnels in Rennes-le-Château, track down forged
documents or to find out if Sir Isaac Newton really was a
member, the Prieure is quietly working on its own goals in
Their current main plan is to bring up a number of candidates, and
during the next chaotic decades attempt to put as many of them into
positions of power. Many will fail, but the Prieure believes
haste is necessary: a time of reckoning is approaching, and destiny
itself will ensure that the right one will reach his throne.
As this
happens, the networks nurtured by the Prieure will link together,
giving the new rulers the power needed to implement the will of the