by Richard Deegan
May 7, 2001
EducateYourSelf Website
A stunning admission was finally forced from the empire of the
New World Order’s George Soros
that, indeed, he had
contributed millions of dollars to the political campaigns of
Alejandro Toledo Manrique in Peru, included $1,000,000
specifically for Toledo’s “March from the Four Winds” that resulted
in six dead and multi-million dollar damage to government
and private buildings and property (the specifics of these riots
were the subject of a previous Report).
Smoking Fax
Obtained from Toledo Camp Defector
The admission came in the form of a fax from international currency
speculator Soros’ Open Society Institute in New York,
issued by Director Michael Vachon.
The fax was intended to
serve as a clarification after Toledo (who had previously denied
receiving money from foreign interests) acknowledged receiving a
million dollars from Soros specifically for the July 26-27-28
2000 series of demonstrations and attacks in the heart of Lima.
Toledo’s acknowledgement resulted from writer Alvaro Vargas Llosa’s
defection “for moral and ethical reasons” from the
Toledo camp in view of what he termed “conduct that left grave
doubts about Toledo’s moral capability to govern.”
While Toledo has long been known as indecisive and
inconsistent as well as a pathological liar on the level of his
former ally,
ex President Clinton, new evidence of his machiavellian
venality has recently rocked the Peruvian political scene.
disclosures have shocked many of his staunchest supporters.
Cocaine &
Neither revelations of his
cocaine orgies with prostitutes, nor his resort to corruption to
avoid a paternity case have phased the population, who were ready to
believe his claims that these “accusations” were part of a sinister
campaign of dirty tricks to destroy his candidacy as he attacked
reporters who dared to question him.
Not even his drunken harangue on the
night of the 2001 election (managing to get barely one-third of the
vote) had a negative effect or disappointed his fans, who view him
as their kind of “macho” guy.
What did hurt, however, was his statement that “Now I have the press
in my pocket”, along with other evidence of his
complete disdain for the democratic process and the Peruvian
The Telephone
Shortly after the April 8 election,
Toledo made a deal with Telefonica del Peru, subsidiary
of the international conglomerate Telefonica of Spain that controls most telephone and cable
service in South America.
Just days before, Telefonica had
faced two problems:
1. An investigation of
$6,000,000 of bribes to politicians in Argentina who supported
higher telephone rates
2. Populist demands (led by APRA candidate Alan Garcia
Perez and echoed by Toledo during his election campaign) to
reduce phone rates in Peru.
Telefonica wanted to help Toledo
see things “their way”, so they arranged for the elimination of a
news channel, CCN, (not
CNN) that had been critical of Toledo, and provided a pleasant
all-expense paid trip to Santo Domingo for Toledo and his
This produced a statement from Toledo that
telephone rates in Peru were, after all, fair and didn’t need to be
reduced further.
Fun in the Sun
The public was told that Toledo and his family had gone to Ayacucho
(Peru) for religious services, but his trip to Santo
Domingo during Holy Week was discovered.
When information began to
surface that he was in Santo Domingo, there was
initially panic from Toledo’s people, until his spin doctors learned
that ex-President Clinton was also going to Santo Domingo.
Toledo’s press releases suddenly
indicated that Clinton had summoned Toledo to Santo
Domingo for an emergency meeting.
Unfortunately, his writers had
misread the advance article about Clinton in the New York Times and
confused the dates of the supposed meeting.
Joseph Maiman,
George Soros, & The Peruvian Sol
The original reason for concealing Toledo’s meeting to Santo Domingo
was with one Joseph Maiman (a.k.a. Yosef, a.k.a.
Josef), now an Israeli citizen with his own background of financial
manipulations, arms deals, Russian-connected corruption,
Mid-East intrigue and controlling interests in international gas and
oil projects.
Toledo spoke at length with Maiman,
first asking him to try to purchase or otherwise take over Baruch
Ivcher’s Frecuencia Latina, whose Channel Two had been
giving Toledo some negative press.
Maiman, however, was more interested in another of Toledo’s
proposals. Toledo was upset that after Garcia placed second in the
election (which required a runoff election) and that the news had
not generated more financial panic than it 'deserved', considering
that Garcia’s previous government (1985-1990) was marked by
disastrous inflation in Peru. Yet one week after the election, the
Peruvian New Sol was still unchanged and stable on the
currency markets.
This piqued Maiman’s interest.
The Monday following this meeting, a systematic attack was begun
from Switzerland and Israel against the Peruvian Sol and
Peruvian “Brady” bonds. This Bear market raid led to a 7% decline in
the price of Peruvian Bradys and a drop in the Sol from
S/ 3.53 to 3.59 per US dollar.
The success of the currency devaluation move helped Toledo
rise in the polls and inspired Toledo to try another tour of New
York and Washington, with an eye to tapping his old pal Soros
for some more ready cash.
Readers of these reports will recall that the reasons for Soros’
investments in Toledo were to take advantage of currency
fluctuations caused by Toledo’s demonstrations, riots and
inflammatory statements. When Toledo, after pocketing a million in
July alone, hit on Soros for more money in October of last year, he
was turned down because Soros “hadn’t gotten the
desired result” for his money.
In other words, although the July 28 riots caused death and
destruction for the Peruvian people, there was no sharp change in
the Sol’s rate of exchange.
Soros’ history of currency
manipulations is legion, and he’s been accustomed to winning as
he had done in Peru in 1989 &1992, in England in 1992, in Russia in
1996-7, and in Thailand in1997. But without currency market
fluctuations, there was no gain.
Thus Toledo, having manipulated a
2% drop in the Sol, felt George would give him more money to
create further destabilization of the Sol.
Boastful as ever, Toledo boldly announced last Sunday that he would
engage in a series of meetings with the heads of 35 US banks,
President George W. Bush, and Secretary of State Adam (sic)
Powell, among others. He missed the mark somewhat, but he did
manage to speak to old friends at Amnesty International; Carter’s
NWO front organization the National
Democratic Institute; and a group of tourists at the National Press
He even went on a tour of the White House,
but his hopes for more money from Soros were dashed when Soros’ US
director, Miguel Vivanco, told him that the cupboard was bare
and no further funds were available.
Toledo addressed some eight or nine functionaries of various
financial institutions, during which he promised to increase
privatizations, especially of Sedapal, the state water
utility, and to pay all foreign debt in a timely manner. Those
attending were both impressed and relieved. Luckily, they had not
heard Toledo’s discourses in Lima just ten days earlier in which he
swore to end privatizations, never to privatize water, and to
immediately halt payment on 20% of all outstanding foreign debt.
What happened with the money raised (a total of over $1,600,000
dollars from foreign sources) for Toledo’s March from the
Four Winds demonstration?
Among those most surprised to learn of
the large amount of money Toledo had raised were the ten to twenty
thousand Peruvians who actually supported this demonstration. They
not only paid their own way, but also contributed heavily to cover
their expenses.
Now they were asking,
“What about me? What about my
bus fare?”
The estimated total expenditure for this
march (including the five thousand people who came from outside Lima
who were lodged in tents and were fed in communal kitchens, with the
Rimac River serving as their sanitation facility) is around $60,000,
including bus fare from those provinces.
The final tally was $60,000 spent and $1.6 million raised. So, what
happened to the rest of the money? Part of the answer is that much
of the money was transferred to the United States under the names of
Toledo family members.
Unemployed nephew Jorge Toledo, who lives in Toledo’s million
dollar compound in La Molina, and accompanies him on most trips
(including the recent excursion to the US) deposited over $500,000
cash in Weisse-Sudameris Bank, Camacho Branch on June 13, 2000; with
another $200,000 cash deposit on September 29.
Funds were also
transferred to an account in Jorge’s name at First Union Bank in
Charlotte, NC (US) on August 12, August 17 and September 30, 2000.
$200,000 each day for a total of $600,000 in just this one bank.
This is exclusive of the funds obtained from Soros.
The Soros money, according to Toledo spokesman Carlos
Bruce, was transferred into Peru in small amounts going into
phantom accounts using aliases and co-operative straw men. Funds
were then withdrawn and laundered through other
accounts, and subsequently “used for their intended purpose.”
since these funds came from Soros’ Open Society Institute in New
York, these machinations and the whole transfer plan are clearly
in violation of US, N.Y. and Peruvian banking laws.
The more that becomes known about Toledo, the one-time
Haight-Ashbury party animal, the more he looks like a loser. He
now refuses to speak to the press, insists that any debates should
be between advisors, and not candidates (comedians have said, "First
the chauffeurs will debate, then the bodyguards, then the cooks,
After polling 36% in a largely
uncontested election (less than his 42% in the supposedly fraudulent
election of 2000), his 38% standing in current polls is singularly
unimpressive, especially considering the millions of dollars and the
two years spent in campaigning.
Alan Garcia Perez, who ran the
country during a staggering 2,000,000% inflation period and was
impotent against terrorists and drug lords, is currently polling 32%
after a nine-week low-budget campaign.
It seems that Al Gore’s not
the only one who lost out after Clinton left office.