by Joe Wolverton, II
02 May 2011
TheNewAmerican Website
In 1987, as a freshman in college, I walked into
the university library and took down a tome entitled The House of
The book told a story of a humble Jewish family
from Frankfurt that began as money lenders to the German aristocracy and
expanded its wealth exponentially and geographically until its interests
extended into the ruling houses of,
the United Kingdom
The Austrian branch was endowed with titles and
lands by the Hapsburg emperor and the British branch was similarly ennobled
by Queen Victoria.
To my wonderment,
the Rothschild family controlled billions
of dollars and literally had not only their fingers in every pie, but owned
the bakeries, as well.
The influence wielded by the fecund Rothschild family was unrivaled. Through
their grip on the purse strings of the governments of the world, they were
able to manipulate peace and war to their own aggrandizement.
As historian Niall Ferguson wrote in his
The World’s Banker - The History of the House of
As we have seen, however, wars tended to hit
the price of existing bonds by increasing the risk that a debtor state
would fail to meet its interest payments in the event of defeat and
losses of territory.
By the middle of the 19th
century, the Rothschilds had evolved from traders into fund managers,
carefully tending to their own vast portfolio of government bonds. Now
having made their money, they stood to lose more than they gained from
The Rothschilds had decided the outcome of
the Napoleonic Wars by putting their financial weight behind Britain.
Now they would sit on the sidelines.
Remarkably, a
recent article published in the
Washington Times reveals that the power and influence of the Rothschilds
has not diminished over the past 200 years.
In the piece, it is asserted that the various
programs promoted and established by George Soros are ultimately funded by
the global wealth of this notorious family of financiers, the Rothschilds.
In a story entitled “Geneva
Gnome’s Global Dread," Arnaud de Borchgrave, the editor at
large of the Washington Times and United Press International,
identified the various golden Rothschild threads woven into the globalist
tapestry held up as an ensign by
George Soros.
The Gnomes of Zurich were derogatory
caricatures of secretive, greedy, stiff Swiss-German bankers, pince-nez
aquiver, who ruled over the land of secret numbered accounts for tax
dodgers the world over.
With the world’s best financial intelligence
service, they knew their stuff and seldom spoke, even in retirement.
Their Geneva counterparts in French-speaking Switzerland were more
sophisticated, relaxed in the company of global wheeler-dealers, and
weren’t afraid to speak their minds, albeit off the record.
Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain
behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His
biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund
in 1969.
An original $100,000 stake in Mr. Soros’ fund was worth $150 million by
1994. Between 1970 and 2000, the return was 3,365 percent. (For 10
consecutive years, it did 42.6 percent per year.) In 1992, Mr. Soros bet
billions against the British pound - and broke the Bank of England (“Black
Although himself a neocon of the first order and
one to neither foment nor foster any Rothschild-centered conspiracy theory,
de Borchgrave’s analysis of the relationship between Soros and the
Rothschilds is worthwhile and illustrative of the well-established
growth of the mushroom of globalists conspirators in the accommodating
lengthy shadow of the Rothschilds.
The value of this tale to friends of liberty is found in the innumerable
points of common purpose visible when one lays the story printed in the
Washington Times over the story of the history of the founding of a
one-world government through the efforts of socialist/communist/globalist
operatives inside and outside the halls of government.
Furthermore, this same cadre of conspirators were ultimately responsible for
recent worldwide economic collapse as they were the creators of
the central banking structure that enables such booms and busts through the
manipulation of the world’s currencies.
As one writer
explained the cooperation between these
monied interests:
That is not to say that every single person
involved with the corruptions of central banking must intentionally be
fomenting Marxism; no more than to say every Marxist is excited about
But there is mounting evidence of close
associations over not only decades but centuries, associations not only
of people but of their intentions.
Whether intentional or not, the de Borchgrave
article painted the scene of world-wide financial distress in the following
very broad strokes:
The financial crises that have been blowing
up for years are speeding up, Mr. Karlweis says, because of expenditure
exceeding income, “borrowing hand-over-fist, even for no good reason, on
ever shakier fundamentals.”
In a display of openness not likely appreciated
by his Rothschild patrons, Karlweis attached the name of Hitler to
the current currency collapse:
After turning their countries into Weimar
Republics by printing more and more money "they will all need a currency
commissioner like Hjalmar Schacht,” a German banker who headed
Reichsbank and became an early Hitler supporter, “to save them from
hyperinflation. Let’s just hope they don’t turn their regimes into Third
Reichs in the meantime."
Next, Karlweis mixes his metaphors and uses the
demand for bread and circuses that bankrupted the Roman Empire as an analogy
for the potential of similar reactions in the empires that cover the earth
"No one wants to predict the reactions of
voters who constantly clamor for more bread and games to forget the
looming disappointments that could give rise to black swans," adds the
former giant gnome of Geneva.
Black swans are an aspect of the theory of
the same name that was developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
Basically, the theory,
“refers only to unexpected events of large
magnitude and consequence and their dominant role in history. Such
events, considered extreme outliers, collectively play vastly larger
roles than regular occurrences.”
Naturally, no observer can resist placing the
lion’s share of blame for the world’s financial distress at the feet of the
government of the United States.
Sadly, the placement is well and rightly placed
"Governments, public corporations, financial
institutions, consumers - everyone is over their head in debt," Mr.
Karlweis says.
And "a huge part of the blame for the
debacle of the past three years lies squarely with the U.S. By more or
less shoving free trade down everyone’s throat, America paved the way
for globalization. This is what has destroyed jobs and driven down wages
in the developed countries, hobbling economic growth and gouging tax
Given the stretch and strength of the Rothschild
web and the bottomless treasure chest at their disposal, George Soros and
others determined to obliterate the Constitution are likely to continue
their efforts for decades to come until the job is finished.