by Thalif Deen
Jun 28, 2014
IPSNews Website

The United States and
the EU have warned
they would not cooperate with
an intergovernmental working group (IGWG)
which is to be established to
lay down ground rules
for negotiating a proposed
treaty to prevent human rights abuses
by transnational
Credit: Omid Memarian/IPS
The United States and the 28-member European
Union (EU) have assiduously promoted - and vigorously preached - one of the
basic tenets of Western multi-party democracy: majority rules.
But at
the United Nations, the 29 member states
have frequently abandoned that principle when it insists on "consensus" on
crucial decisions relating to the U.N. budget - or when it is clearly
outvoted in the 193-member General Assembly or its committee rooms.
"The division of the votes clearly shows
that the countries who are host to a lot of TNCs, such as the EU, as
well as Norway and the U.S., are against this proposal."
Anne van Schaik
That's exactly what happened Thursday at the
U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva which adopted, by majority
vote, a proposal to negotiate a legally-binding treaty to prevent human
rights abuses by transnational corporations (TNCs) and the world's
business conglomerates.
But following the vote, the United States and the EU, have warned they would
not cooperate with an intergovernmental working group (IGWG) which is
to be established to lay down ground rules for negotiating the proposed
Stephen Townley, the U.S. representative in the HRC, told delegates:
"The United States will not participate in
this IGWG, and we encourage others to do the same."
There are also a host of practical questions
about how an internationally binding instrument would apply to corporations,
which are not subjects of international law, and how states would implement
such an instrument, said Townley, special assistant to the legal adviser at
the U.S. State Department.
The vote was 20 for, 14 against and 13 abstentions in the 47-member HRC.
The United States and EU members, including,
the Czech Republic
South Korea
...voted against the resolution.
Spearheaded by Ecuador and South Africa, the resolution received positive
votes from,
...amongst others.
The Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and
Kuwait, along with Mexico, Peru and the Maldives, abstained.
Anne van Schaik, accountable finance campaigner with Friends of
the Earth Europe, told IPS the voting list,
"makes clear we are up against powerful
"Who will not back away from using old bullying techniques?" she asked.
She said the EU has clearly stated it will not
cooperate in implementing the proposal.
And after the vote, the United States said this legally binding instrument
will not be binding for those who vote against it.
"So we can expect some fierce opposition,"
Schaik said, even as the IGWG plans to hold its first meeting sometime
next year.
"But we are cheerful because it is not every day public interest wins
over corporate interests which are backed by the EU and the U.S.," she
Both United States and the EU have argued that
the three-year-old U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
is adequate as a yardstick to monitor the business practices - and
malpractices - of corporations and big business.
"We have not given states adequate time and
space to implement the Guiding Principles," Townley told delegates.
He said "while we share and appreciate the concerns expressed by some
delegations and civil society colleagues that we need to do more to
improve access to remedy for victims of business-related human rights
abuses, our concern is that this initiative [for a legally binding
treaty] will have exactly the opposite effect."
Philip Lynch, director of
International Service for Human Rights, told IPS that in order to be
effective, it is crucial that any treaty on business and human rights be
negotiated with input from all relevant stakeholders and that it cover all
business enterprises, not just transnational corporations.
"We consider it very important that the
European Union participates in this negotiation process," he said, since
the EU is both the headquarters for many corporations, and global
leaders in the implementation of the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights.
"We also hope that the negotiation of the treaty can complement and
build on the consensus underpinning the Guiding Principles, which enjoy
strong EU support," he added.
Speaking of the proposed treaty, Schaik told IPS
this is something that Friends of the Earth has campaigned for years, if not
"We have always wanted the U.N. to take
responsibility to develop such a mechanism, since they are the only
international democratic decision-making body that is able to work on
such a proposal."
So, it is better than, for example, having
legislation adopted by some countries, or regional bodies (if this would
have been feasible at all), she added.
Secondly, Schaik said, what is very positive as well is that in the
resolution, a roadmap is already laid out for the first steps of this
working group.
"The division of the votes clearly shows
that the countries who are host to a lot of TNCs, such as the EU, as
well as Norway and the U.S., are against this proposal," she noted.
Asked how the Western opposition could be
countered, she pointed out the U.S. warned, even before the vote, that
countries who voted against it would not be obliged to respect the
"This is of course total nonsense, but it
does mean that both civil society, as well as the countries who voted in
favor, will have to do what they can in order for this working group to
be successful."
She said:
"We have built at very short time a
coalition of more than 610 organizations and 400 individuals."
She said the treaty alliance is already making
plans on how to follow up on this victory,
"and I think particularly for groups in
Europe, the U.S. and Norway there is an important task to keep
pressuring their countries to respect the resolution."
"We will campaign, set up email actions, present research, organize
speaker tours and take to the streets, if necessary, to ensure the
working group will be successful," she said.