Important Note
The very fact that such a conspiracy involving a small core elect
from Zionist Judaism exists does not implicate the mass of the
Jewish people in the conspiracy. Nor does it blame only those of
Jewish persuasion for being complicit. The mass of Jewish people
have no desire to see the
New World Order instituted, nor do the
majority even know of the existence of the conspiracy. Jewish people
per se should not be judged according to their religious beliefs or
racial descent as being a part of the conspiracy, as most Jews
follow a far more tolerant version of Judaism which has reformed
many of the extreme elements of their historic creed. Furthermore,
many Jewish people have been sacrificed to the cause outlined in
Protocols through the misguided belief of the elders that the
justifies the means’, and all who fall for the cause are greatly
exalted in the eyes of
The above information is provided so that Jews and Gentiles alike
can become more aware of what a small percentage of self-appointed
elite members of the Jewish religion believe and adhere to as their Holy Law.
Comments in the following text related specifically to ’the Jews’
which superficially seem to implicate all Jews do not reflect my own
attitude to this issue as I have already established. However, these
were the words of those individuals quoted and of the publishers who
presented the following document many decades ago, and I hesitate to
censor them.
This document is meant to challenge hatred; racism and deceit; NOT
ferment it.
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