When the Avatar comes He will convey to humanity something for
which we have as yet no true name. It is neither love nor will as we understand them. Only
a phrase of several words can convey something of the significance and then only feebly.
This phrase is "the principle of directed purpose." This
principle involves three factors: [303]
- Understanding
(intuitive and instinctual, but intelligently interpreted) of the plan as it can be worked
out in the immediate future.
- Focused
intention, based on the above and emphasizing an aspect of the will, hitherto undeveloped
in man.
- Capacity to
direct energy (through understanding and intent) towards a recognized and desired end,
overcoming all obstacles and destroying all that stands in the way. This is not
destruction of forms by force such as is now being imposed on the world, but a destruction
brought about by the greatly strengthened life within the form. Only the next one hundred
years will reveal the significance of this statement and then only if the massed intent of
the people evokes this Avatar of Synthesis during the next twelve months. I have
called this Being by this name because it expresses the quality and the objective of the
force He brings and wields.
Another and
lesser Avatar is also awaiting a call from humanity. He is esoterically related to the
Avatar of Synthesis, being over-shadowed by Him. This Avatar can descend on to the physical
plane into outer expression and can thus step down and transmit the stimulation and
quality of the force of the greater Avatar Who can come no nearer than the mental plane.
Who this Coming One may be is not yet revealed. It may be the Christ, if His other work
permits; it may be One chosen by Him to issue forth, over-shadowed by the Avatar of
Synthesis and directed in His activities by the Christ, the Lord of Love. In this way, the
energies of both Shamballa and the Hierarchy will be focused through the chosen Coming
One. Thus a triangle of loving, purposeful energy will be created which may prove a more
effective way of releasing energy and a safer way, than the focused impact of one
selected force might be.
I realize the difficulty of this subject and perhaps may simplify the matter by a brief
- A great cosmic Avatar can come if the Hierarchy and humanity can stand together
with massed intent. [304]
- He will descend into the three worlds of human endeavor, but no nearer than the mental
- He will transmit a cosmic energy whose quality is Synthesis. This will express
itself through harmony and unity, producing necessarily understanding, promoting goodwill,
and eventually ending the separative, isolating tendencies of mankind.
- His note and vibration can only be sensed by those whose individual note is also
synthesis and whose life objective is the will-to-good. These are consequently the Members
of the Hierarchy, the disciples and aspirants of the world and a few of the men of
- A Messenger or Avatar of equal rank to the Christ in the Hierarchy (or possibly Christ
Himself) may come forth as the Representative of the Avatar of Synthesis and as His
transmitting Agent.
- This lesser Avatar works today as one of the senior Members of the Great White Lodge and
is in close touch with the Christ, with the Manu and with the Lord of Civilization, the
Master R -; He will act as the Coordinator between the Hierarchy and Shamballa. He will
fuse and blend in Himself, through the quality of His Own life, the three great energies:
The will-to-spiritual power.
The will-to-love in its spiritual connotation.
The will-to-manifest spiritually.
- The antiquity of the achievement of this Coming One is to be found in the name applied
to Him, which is found in so many of the world Scriptures: The Rider on the White Horse.
This refers to the time prior to the phrase so well-known in the Christian fields:
"The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." In the earlier cycle, the
then initiates spoke of the "sacrificial horse, slain to all eternity." It
conveys the same basic idea.
- This Avatar can descend to the physical plane and there appear, to lead His people - as
the Prince Who leads through war to peace. [305]
- The whole problem before the Hierarchy and humanity today, in connection with the coming
Avatar, can be summed up in the following four questions:
- Can He bring the energy of synthesis with Him, thereby bringing about rapid changes?
This depends upon His being over-shadowed by the Avatar of Synthesis and upon that Avatar
being evoked through the demand and the massed intent of humanity, aided by the Hierarchy.
- Will the demand of the people be strong enough to evoke the higher potency, or will it
be too feeble because of the failure of the world disciples and aspirants to focus this
massed intent throughout the planet?
- Will the higher over-shadowing not take place and only the lesser Avatar come to
institute a slower method of gradual reform?
This slower method will be necessitated only if and because humanity will have
demonstrated its inability to call forth and receive the higher measure and more potent
vibration of divine energy. It is entirely for the decision of the world disciples and
aspirants; not the decision of poor bewildered, deluded humanity.
- Will the world disciples and aspirants appreciate the crisis and opportunity? They have
not yet, as a whole, done so.
- The Hierarchy today stands with massed intent. The cry of the masses is rising up to the
very gates of Shamballa. It is stronger far than the demand of the spiritually oriented
people - the disciples, the aspirants, the men of goodwill. They seem - from the viewpoint
of the Hierarchy - to be overcome by inertia, to be engrossed by their theories and
idealisms, and to be blind to the issues at stake. Can they be aroused? Can they stand
with focused intent, strenuous [306] physical service and activity, and determined effort
to struggle, even unto death, for the defeat of evil? Can they preserve the inner attitude
of love and non-separateness? Can they relinquish all for love of humanity? Can they
sacrifice everything for the cause of freedom and of righteousness? This is the problem
confronting Those Who are working for the appearance of the Greater and the Lesser Avatars
Who can at this time save humanity if humanity desires salvation and will take the needed