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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section IV - Stages in the Externalization |
Approach, via Certain Ashrams Students must not proceed on the assumption that in the process of externalization there is a general moving forward of the entire Hierarchy onto the physical plane. Such is not the case. The whole effort is as yet (and will be for some time) experimental, and only a few of the Ashrams and a certain number of the trained disciples and initiates will be involved at first. It still remains to be proved how ready humanity is for this attempt. The Christian concept of the return of a triumphant Christ, coming in the clouds of heaven to Jerusalem, there to reign for a thousand years, is true in one way and utterly false as to design, location and method. Christ will return; the Jerusalem referred to (literally "the place of peace") is not the chief city of a small country called Palestine or the Holy Land; the word is simply symbolic of a peaceful world - a world which, through its own self-initiated efforts, has attained a general quietude and has acquired a certain measure of right human relations. His coming in the air might be interpreted literally to mean that at the right time He will come by plane from the place on earth where He has been for many generations, watching over the sons of men; the words [576] "every eye shall see Him" might mean that, by the time He comes, television will have been perfected and He will then be seen, by its means, from even the most distant spot on earth. To the orthodox Christian, the above will sound like the rankest blasphemy, but the question immediately arises: Why should it be blasphemy for Him to use modern methods? Whilst on earth before, He conformed to the customs of His time. "Riding on the clouds of Heaven" may sound more picturesque and apparently require a greater expression of divinity, but why use such a means when a plane will equally well fulfil the purpose and carry the prophecy to completion? A great deal of reactionary stupidity will have to be eliminated before He can come, and it will be as the new generation assert their hold over human thinking. But it is not the event or the stage of Christ's appearing with which we are now dealing, but with the preparatory stages and with the task of fitting the world (which means, in this case, preparing the human consciousness) for the presence in physical activity and manifestation of the Hierarchy - in full force and with its esoteric equipment. In the early stages, the task of preparation is arduous and difficult. Things will be relatively easy for the senior Members of the Hierarchy when They find the right time for Their appearance. In the meantime, the world disciples have to take the world - as it is at this time - and slowly and laboriously instill the new ideas, incite to better methods of human relations, help dissipate the aftermath of war, hold before the eyes of distraught humanity the new vision of hope and of spiritual enlightenment, offset the scheming of reactionary and conservative politicians and churchmen, and teach the youth of the age the new modes of living, indicating to them the better values, and thus slowly and gradually bringing in the new order. Among the seven major Ashrams and their subsidiary and affiliated Ashrams only a few have undertaken to send their disciples and their initiates at this time to carry out this initiatory task. The three major Ashrams so engaged are: [577]
Through the pressure of education (second ray energy), through the growth of the concept of synthesis (first ray energy), and through the correct use of energy (fifth ray energy), this world can be brought into a condition of preparedness for the externalization of the Hierarchy. |
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