After all, a majority of people want a healthy future, free of pollutants and global warming where the earth is protected for ourselves and subsequent generations. There is a catch, however.
The underpinnings of sustainable development are rooted in Agenda 21, a body of regulations inspired by the United Nations (UN) "Earth Summit" conference in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
At first glance, the agenda looks beneficial and
harmless - except for the fact that it sets forth a policy which strips
individuals of freedom and controls private land unconstitutionally.
Agenda 21 was born out of the summit as an international standard of policy. On the surface, the agenda appears favorable - helping to save humans, wildlife and the environment from destruction through building guidelines and proper management of natural resources.
But dig a bit deeper and it will soon become
apparent Agenda 21 is yet another vehicle of control.
According to Red State, the Cedar Falls City Council in Iowa approved an ordinance that will require:
It may seem like cities such as Cedar Falls are acting locally in the best interest of their community's safety, but in reality the lock box legislation is based on international code and regulation which has ties to Agenda 21.
If an ICC official deems a space to be in violation of Agenda 21 rules, property can be searched (easily with the provided key), heavily fined or seized at their discretion without due process.
If Agenda 21 comes to fruition, private land
will be a luxury of the past and citizens will be told how they will live
and where as dictated by UN guidelines.
Concerned citizens believe this framework has nothing to do with environmentalism and everything to do with control of a nation's resources. Massive swathes of 'public land' will be under the command of the government who are then controlled by the policy of the UN.
Many are troubled that the agenda is created by a global organization yet spoon-fed to the American public under the auspice of "local" government. If this doesn't sound alarming enough, have a look at the "Biodiversity Map" of the United States:
The legend indicates the small areas where
citizens would be allowed to live under the rules of the agenda.
Does the American public truly desire regulation
by a behemoth world organization or would citizens rather find solutions
within the freedom of authentic, local innovation and small government?