by Charles Hugh Smith
September 06, 2016
CharlesHughSmith Website

The truth is we have more in common with people of different
and religions than we can possibly know in a
totalitarian system drenched in the divisive propaganda of identity
Identity politics are the core
of every totalitarian state.
Identity politics were the
beating heart of Nazism, and the core strategy of the USSR's
of kulaks and other groups identified as enemies
of the state.
Identity politics eliminate the
potential for class consciousness that crosses ethnic and
religious boundaries.
As noted yesterday in 'Our
Impoverished, Pathological Society,'
"race is not a significant
determinant of social polarization in today's America. It is
class that really matters."
Identity politics divide and fragment
the debt-serf class into ethnic and religious silos that are
propagandized into viewing each other as enemies rather than
The core of identity politics is if you
fail to vote the party line, you are a traitor to your
The appeal to ethnic/religious identity as the sole definition of
political selfhood is the perfect tool for manipulating
the masses - and this is why the only possible output of
identity politics is totalitarianism.
In the U.S.
both political parties deploy identity politics, but the Democrats
in particular depend on the,
"if you don't vote the Democratic
ticket, you're a traitor to your race",
...line of propaganda.
The goal of both parties is of course identical:
to fragment the
bottom 90% who actually share common cause into ethnic, religious
and secular silos that cannot possibly threaten the power elite's
hold on the nation's wealth and power.
If you fall for identity politics, then
you're complicit in an oppressive, parasitic system that aggregates
most of the wealth and power
in the hands of the few at the expense
of the many.
This chart shows that the bottom 99% received essentially zero
income gains since 2009, but even those in the top 1% who earn their
living have treaded water compared to the top 1/10th
of 1% that own most of the nation's capital and have used it to buy
political power.

95% of Income Gains Since 2009
went to the Top 1%:
Berkeley economics professor
Emmanuel Saez put out an update to his estimates of income
inequality, and the headline figure has everybody outraged: 95%
of income gains since 2009 have accrued to the top 1%.
The favorite tool of fascists and
totalitarian states is identity politics, for obvious
Appealing to ethnic and religious
identities fires up our built-in engines of identity and our
propensity for "us vs. them" divisions.
The truth is we have more in common with
people of different ethnicities and religions than we can possibly
know in a totalitarian system drenched in the divisive propaganda of
identity politics.
