October 10, 2015
WashingtonsBlog Website
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The American Empire Is Quickly Declining
Consummate insider Colonel
Lawrence Wilkerson - former chief of
staff to Colin Powell, and now distinguished adjunct professor of
Government and Public Policy at
William & Mary - notes that the U.S.
is exhibiting all of the signs of a failing empire, including:
Relying on massive military force (and using gigantic complexes to
support it) as the be-all and end-all of power, and belittling
Maintaining standing armies, instead of disbanding military forces
between wars
Using more mercenary forces than citizen troops
Spending disproportionately large amounts of blood and treasure in
order to counter threats on the status quo… which simply
exacerbates the threat against the empire
Going ethically and morally bankrupt
Ending up up having bankers and financiers end up running the real
Suffering great hiccups in finance and trade
The leaders no longer really believe in or follow the ideals of the
The U.S. is also following the age-old recipe for imperial decline
And the decline of the America empire is
speeding up due the U.S. falling into the
Thucydides trap.