420 - The
New Number Of The Beast
by Mark Ballard
TheRegister Website
The police team assembling Britain's national Auto Number Plate
Recognition (ANPR) database have got some interesting results in.
Making the use of ANPR computers that spook traffic using roadside
CCTV cameras, police in the UK made 420 arrests a week in January.
Then again in February, the combined efforts of 43 British police
forces nabbed 420 criminals a week using ANPR. John Dean, the
national ANPR coordinator for the Association of Chief Police
Officers (ACPO), says the February figures are preliminary.

Nevertheless, these figures are very odd
Those 420 arrests a week are the latest results from stage
three of ACPO's 'Laser' ANPR project, which involved the use of ANPR
by all Britain's 43 police forces. As it happens, the Laser two
pilot, in which 23 police forces used ANPR for a year to the summer
of 2004, reported that one car in every 420 stopped by the ANPR team
was a stolen car containing stolen goods.
This is where it gets spooky. In February last year, 420 people were
'accurately' stopped by Metropolitan police ANPR in London (civil
libertarians might want to note that 3,318 more people were
mistakenly stopped by police after they were falsely identified by
the system).
While in the City of London, Operation Daimon, using a 'mobile ANPR
vehicle' over two days in August 2004, "produced 420 hits" out of
the 6,900 registration plates it read.
As it happens, the growth of the network of CCTV cameras in Wales
has been justified numerous times on a flimsy bit of evidence that
over 12 months to May 2004, cameras in Brynmawr, Blaina, and
Abertillery recorded 420 'incidents', an unspecified number of which
led to convictions.
That's quite a coincidence, because the Crime Reduction Programme
(CRP), through which, amongst other things, the British government
funded the growth of the world's largest CCTV network, had a total
budget of £420m.
If this doesn't get your conspiracy alarm bells ringing, you need to
smoke some more pot. Then note that most modern CCTV cameras have a
420 line resolution. Take another lug, and let's get back to the
mystical powers the number 420 endows on those who wield power.
The Stonehenge People's Free Festival beloved of druids, hippies and
peacenik crusties in the late 70s had its last summer
solstice party in 1985, when police broke it up and apparently
arrested 420 revelers at the legendary Battle of Beanfield.
420 is quite clearly a number not to be associated with CCTV alone.
It has the ring of freedom about it, used as it is by old American
freaks and younger counter-culture types as a loose reference to the
act of smoking pot and the attitude of smokers - 420 means 'good
This despite the fact that, as the Americans would arrange it,
Adolf Hitler was born on 4/20, or 20 April.
Take, for example, biometrics, the 420 prisoners who were left
wandering relatively freely around a high security jail for a month
after the biometrically-controlled locks failed and wardens failed
to notice.
Yet, 420 appears so regularly in the official statistics in the
defense of things that would restrict your freedom, and among
matters of interest to conspiracy theorists it has you a jumpin' and
a startin' like you been toking big lugs on a joint made of
Amsterdam's finest skunk weed.
Take, for example, the British government's case for introducing
biometric identity cards. Among the evidence was the total of
financial losses attributed to plastic card fraud in 2002, which
totaled £420m. Or referenced for the same purpose, the total losses
to plastic card issuers in 2003, a similar amount, from transactions
totaling £420bn.
Californian law SB 420, by the way, imposed ID Cards on those people
who wanted to use marijuana for medical purposes.
But that was just a decoy to lull you into a false sense of reality.
Let it go... Oxford Research Group found in 2001 that the UK
government spends around £420m annually to subsidize the arms trade.
The basic budget for fiscal 2005 military spending in Iraq was
420 seconds was supposed to be the amount of time president Bush
took to respond after he was told of the terrorist attacks on 11
September. Flight 77 is supposed to have outran 420 supersonic
fighter jets before hitting the Pentagon. On 14 September, the House
of Representatives voted 420 to 1 to give Bush "all means necessary"
in pursuit of the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, which gave him
the means to attack Iraq, which had no links to the attacks.
On 21 September, the Hearing on Aviation Security and the Future of
the Aviation Industry learned that "about $420m" would be spent on
explosive detection systems for airports. On 27 September, the
president announced a plan to up security at the US' 420 commercial
passenger airports.
Page 420 of the 9/11 Commission report of July 2004 noted that as
the intelligence services are useless, someone should keep a close
eye on them. After failing to spot the 9/11 attacks (conspiracy
theorists go a little further than that, as this former intelligence
agent reckons), and rolling us a pack of reefers in support of the
invasion of Iraq, can they be trusted to keep their hands off a
society managed by intense surveillance and powerful identity laws?
We need to call in an independent advisor to help us look at this,
because we are clearly getting carried away with this whole
conspiracy lark. How about some divine intervention?
Legend has it that Buddha, in defense of a holy man who was getting
hassled by some nosy neighbors, read verse 420 of the Dhammapada,
which when paraphrased says,
"there's only one person who knows
how righteous you are, and that's you dude; anyone else,
including God, can keep their nose out".
420BC, incidentally, is a year thought
by scholars to be a strong contender for the year in which the
Buddha died. It was also the year in which the Chinese Emperor Gong,
the last of the Jin dynasty, died at the hands of an evil mandarin's
treachery, leaving behind a legacy that led to a flowering of
Chinese Buddhism.
Gong is also the planet where the pothead pixies live, as recounted
by the space-rocking stoner band of the same name. It is worth
noting at this point that psychedelic godfather Alfred Hofmann was
supposed to have come up on his first LSD trip at 4.20 in the
Pot and LSD are not a combination that should be administered to
conspiracy theorists, which is why we're now onto the Bible's book
of Revelations. And Satan has quite a big part to play in
Revelations, which is why we're taking the liberty of reading it
backwards: Revelations 20:4 (in the British date format) talks of
the mark of the beast. RFID bar codes tracked by intelligence
services using CCTV cameras anyone?
Time to come down, with a thud. United Nations Security Council
Resolution 420 was a repetition in 1973 of earlier resolutions
intended to make the Israelis pull out of occupied Palestinian
territories and 'let their people go'.
It harks back, via earlier resolutions, to Resolution 242,
implemented at the end of the 1967 Six-Day War in which Israeli
forces took the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.
By the time of Resolution 420, 42 Israeli settlements had been built
in the occupied territories in defiance of the UN. The West Bank
barrier, the middle-East equivalent of the Berlin wall, is 420 miles
Resolution 242 called for all states to adhere to Article 2 of the
UN Charter, which recognized the importance of sovereignty and
allowing every state its right to live in peace within secure and
recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.
It was written in the aftermath of the second world war in the vain
hope it would stop hawkish leaders from invading other countries on
the flimsiest of evidence.
Last September, 60 years after the UN charter, in the run up to the
first Palestinian elections the Israelis spent a week assaulting
targets allied to Hamas, the party that subsequently won the
election. They arrested 420 Palestinians from their most wanted
list, reported The Guardian newspaper.
Are those building the surveillance state hawks too? Is your
personal sovereignty safe from invasion by the powers that be?
British police have justified their apprehension of anybody they
catch using ANPR who just happens to have a minor driving offence
listed against them with the following statement:
"Research indicates that minor
traffic offenders are both more likely to commit serious traffic
offences and be involved in other types of criminality. By
focusing enforcement on these offenders, these technologies help
to enable an intelligence-led approach to roads policing.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a particularly
significant example of this strategy and is viewed by many to be
among the most important new policing technologies."
It is a defense you will hear again and
again in justification of the use of surveillance to restrict
people's freedoms. Like, "if you have nothing to hide, you have
nothing to fear".
If you do fear, don't worry. Cash'n'Carrion will provide you with a
shiny new tin foil hat - just £420 each.

The symbol above is the
insignia of MI5.

The pyramid and the
all-seeing eye are also symbols of
the illuminati.
Although freemasonry would falsely deny, the pyramid and
the all-seeing eye are as intrinsic to
masonic ritual as
the square, the compass, the apron, the handshake, and
the oath of secrecy.

Is it by 'coincidence' that
the letters highlighted in red form an anagram of Mason?
Is it by 'coincidence' that MI5 have an occultic
insignia that is also of immense importance to those who
practice the rituals of freemasonry?
Why would freemasonry so strenuously deny that the
all-seeing eye and the pyramid hold great symbolical
meaning to freemasons?
Could it be that they are afraid that more people will
wake-up to their Satanic plot, and make the connection
between freemasonry, the Illuminati, and the
intelligence services?
The image below is the logo of the
US Information
Awareness Office. Here we have yet another in-your-face
example of a state intelligence agency using masonic/Illuminati
Purely coincidental?

Yeah...right. |
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