by Owen Myles
August 13, 2012
ActivistPost Website

Some time near
February of
2012, Wikileaks, which is is presently enduring its second week of
DDoS attacks, had begun releasing millions of hacked
Stratfor emails, i.e.,
the Global Intelligence Files.
Over the last few days, newly analyzed content
from those emails involving
TrapWire has begun surfacing around the Web.
Responsibility for originally acquiring the emails has been attributed to
Anonymous. As the name should indicate, the identity of Anonymous - aside
from occasional arrests or confessions - is self-described. It seems
inevitable that many, including even directly-opposing groups and
individuals share this name. Failure for certain agencies to exploit such an
opportunity would require improbable strategical retardation.
For this reason, Anonymous productions should be
given the benefit of their name unless otherwise verified.
Regardless of who Anonymous actually was at the time of
the Stratfor leaks,
some interesting information has certainly come of it. For some who pay
special attention to this field, it is not so much a surprise as it is an
affirmation. Surveillance is a very popular sport amongst our frightfully
feisty overlords, but not so much for their subjects.
They generally advertise it only where it will
encounter the least amount of angry pitchforks.
Perhaps it was the same Anonymous that produced the video below - a video
quite beautifully, but depressingly putting the colossal surveillance empire
we now face into perspective:
Anonymous - Big Brother is Watching
Prepare to End of Privacy
Part 1
Part 2
A surveillance empire is indeed
closing in; silently from some directions, and boldly from others.
is forcing their
entire population into biometric registration
the U.S. military and
Afghan government have begun imposing biometric registration throughout
the U.K. -
the LHC of
surveillance - is desperately trying to make Orwell look like an
unimaginative bore
other nations such as Mexico are floundering
in suit
Brazil is wiggling lustfully for a biometric future
The sane person may wonder: can such an enormous
addition to the already-vast Control that so overtly and unfairly mismanages
this world be trusted to use this new tool?
Whether they can or not, they
plan on using it like a super-voluminous Swiss Army knife of domination.
The FBI’s
IDENT biometric systems,
are merging into into
NGI which already contain data for 1/3 of the U.S. population
proposals like
E-Verify are brooding
drones are being deployed throughout the U.S.
whole cities have been transformed into electric
Skinner-Boxes, and even the realm of the mind is
being stalked
Corporations have merged with government on
nearly all matters:
...and on and on.
But thankfully, we have Stratfor
to manage “global intelligence” for us. Maybe they should change their motto
“Getting vital data to the plebeians - because the government never
Biometrics as a widely applied science is
From your
keystrokes to your shopping cart, you are leaking a perpetual trail of
what has been for nearly the whole of humanity’s existence private or
non-existent data. Far beyond the stale cookies and
LSO‘s of the
browser, we are being mined, existentially.
If not yesterday, then before long,
streetlights will
instruct and admonish you, your
grocery-store will scour your purchasing habits and even your face and
send your daughter coupons for baby products before either of you know she’s
pregnant - and
Google will gather your voice and other biometrics for the NSA, and the
NSA will pimp it to VIP customers.
Or maybe
your car will find your mood intolerable and drive you to the nearest
FAST machine for screening. And when the great hero of biometrics fails, the
TSA will oblige you with good old-fashioned organic molestation at one of
many omnipresent checkpoints.
With artificial climates defining the outdoors, artificial-intelligence
confining our conduct, artificial food nourishing us, and an artificial
media suspending our heads in the artificial clouds, it looks like without
an epic solar-flare or global holocaust, we’ll all eventually exist in some
surreal virtual-reality representation of the ids of our masters, with a few
allotted virtual-liberties to keep us working.
Technology is a part of us; as we develop, learn and strive for a will
unrestricted by hitherto unsubdued limitations, it is a necessary phase -
but one which should be executed through self-definition and
It is frightening to see us so prematurely thrust into
the reckless and impatient fantasies of the few, whose version of the phase
is not evolution, but is a masquerade.