March 22, 2010
RT Website
“There are many of us who don’t believe the status quo of what we’ve been
told,” acknowledged former governor of the state of Minnesota, actor and TV
host Jesse Ventura in an exclusive interview with RT.
Ventura, who has had explosive encounters with the American mainstream
media, called it “soundbite news” and said it cannot be trusted at all.
“Major news organizations have really become almost monopolized. The media
today is in creating news rather than reporting it. And that’s very
dangerous,” he said.
Jesse Ventura shared that,
“the Internet is getting super powerful now, and
that is what the government has to control next.”
The ex-governor warned that,
“Whenever government says ‘to keep you safe’
- get ready, because you are going to lose your freedoms.”
The American Big Brother is watching you 24 hours a day with cameras on
every corner, tracking microchips in credit cards, and a North Star
satellite tracking system installed in private cars, revealed the author.
Jesse Ventura’s articles on 9/11 have been
censored and removed from Huffington Post website.
“I cannot believe The Huffington Post Today would
practice censorship. They asked me to be a contributing editor and they said
‘Write about anything you want!” - and they removed it.”
Ventura said that the explanation for the Huffington Post was as simple as
“we don’t do conspiracies.”
“The power structure does not want any questions on 9/11,” stated Jesse
Ventura, who do not believe that a new investigation on 9/11 will ever be
launched, “because they are not going to let it.”
Regarding whether or not the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 was an
inside job, Ventura stated that the
Bush and Cheney administration,
took part in it, or they certainly knew it was going to happen - and allowed
it to. To me both [of them] are as bad as each other.”
“Barack Obama started off with so much hope for change. But when he named
his administration, it was nothing but the old Democratic card again. They
are not change. If he would get new people in there, not people that have
been there 25-30 years - that would have been a change,” Ventura continued.
“The reality was - ‘We’ll fool them again, we’ll tell them there is going to
be change, they’ll all vote for a change’ - but it will still be the old
status quo as we get down to it.”
Jesse Ventura did agree that there are terrorists who are the enemies of
America, but they somehow “blow it up much bigger than it is.”
“Why do we have to spend literally almost half of our entire federal budget
on defense? Who is it that is going to get us? That we need to spend that
kind of money to defend ourselves? And if we do have to spend that kind of
money to defend ourselves - what have we done to make people want to attack
us so bad that we have to defend ourselves?” questioned the ex-governor.
Ventura acknowledged that,
“Our army now is a strong arm of corporate
America. When corporate America cannot go out and do it in the business
world, then we will send the military to get the job done in the military
The financial aid America gives to other countries is buying influence and
bribery by its nature, believes Jesse Ventura.
“It’s done to get people to
do what we want them to do - we buy them off - that’s the true American way
according to them.”
According to Ventura, the
New World Order conspiracy is probably true,
because once the global elite pushes through the so-called “global warming
tax” and starts making money out of it - they are going to expand because,
“with money government grows” and “the guys there are not trying to fix it,
but simply trying to become wealthier off it.”
Jesse Ventura told RT that for now he is done with politics and is not
considering running for the presidency at the next presidential election.
Instead, he wants to become a prolific surfer.