by John Galt
February 5, 2012
ActivistPost Website
Australia continues trying to outdo
America's march toward authoritarian control over its population.
The two countries seem to be trading salvos to see which can
eradicate the rights of their citizens faster.

Australia appears to have taken the lead
with their latest proposal to
ban travelers who refuse being
subjected to the full body microwave radiation scans that have
proven to be a horrible invasion of privacy, as well as a
threat to one's health.
The list of assurances from the Australian government via its
Orwellian-named Privacy Commission echo similar false guarantees
issued by America's TSA: passengers will not appear nude, and the
images will be discarded.
However, there is no mention of the
negative health effects (particularly to children) of
receiving a mandatory mega dose of radiation each time one exercises
their right to travel by plane.
Australia's transport minister, Anthony Albanese, cites the
unsubstantiated claim that,
...the public understands that we
live in a world where there are threats to our security and
experience shows they want the peace of mind that comes with
knowing government is doing all it can.
Adding for good measure that,
For this technology to work
effectively, obviously there can't be an option to refuse
What is more obvious is the blatant disregard of a public which
wants very little to do with this technology. The website
Body Scanner Truth, reveals the flawed polling techniques that have
been used and manipulated by the corporate media and the tyrannical
powers they serve.
In one CBS poll that revealed 81% of people approved of full body
X-ray machines, their simplistic methods demonstrated that:
They asked a random sampling of
Americans - not American flyers, or American frequent flyers.
They did not follow up with
questions regarding the likeliness of approval if the subject
knew that the machines were potentially harmful, that graphic
images were being stored, that they violated child pornography
laws, that security experts believe they are ineffective and
wasteful, that you may be subjected to sexual molestation even
after using the machines, or that pilots and flight attendants
recommend not to use them.
The devil is in the details once again.
When people are properly informed, instead of being subjected to
fear mongering and hyperbole of an exceedingly rare event like a
terror threat to airline travel, the results are far different, as
seen in an Infowars.com poll, which revealed:
"...that over 90 percent of
respondents will not use commercial airlines if airports
continue to subject travelers to deadly radiation emitting naked
body scanners. 92% said they would avoid airports while 8% said
use of the devices would not stop them from flying."
These results from an educated
alternative media source with a global readership (and nearly 14
times the number of respondents as the CBS poll cited above,
incidentally) is evidence that people the world over can see through
the scam of the decade known as the global
'war on terror' if they are
permitted to properly evaluate available information that can lead
them to a more rational conclusion.
Australia's attempt at a "no scan, no fly" policy is surely to be
cited as a precedent for global travel, including the United States,
as the journey from "opt-out" to "mandatory" continues unimpeded.
We must continue to expose the corrupt authoritarians that are
forcing this dangerous technology upon us even as we make our voices
heard that we see through their lies and distortions. We must also
reach out to
airport workers who are being affected the most by
these X-ray machines.
The corporatist political structure will never stop without mass
outrage, mass non-cooperation, and a mass stand-down by those on the
front lines of the war against human dignity and human rights.