by Tyler Durden
September 22, 2012
ZeroHedge Website
If anyone thought the bad blood between Germany
and the rest of the insolvent proletariat, aka the part of the Eurozone
which is out of money (most of it), and which has been now confirmed
will be supporting Obama (one wonders what the quid for that particular
quo is, although we are certain we will find out as soon as December).
Complete collapse of the Greek neo-vassal state of the globalist agenda
notwithstanding, had gone away, here comes former ECB chief economist
Juergen Stark to dispel such illusions.
In an interview with
Austrian Die Presse, the former banker said what everyone without a PhD
understands quite well:
"The break came in 2010. Until then
everything went well..."
Then the ECB
began to take on a new role, to fall into panic...
Together with other central banks, the ECB is
flooding the market, posing the question not only about how the ECB will get
its money back, but also how the excess liquidity created can be absorbed
"It can't be solved by pressing a button. If
the global economy stabilizes, the potential for inflation has grown
enormously... It gave in to outside pressure ...
pressure from outside Europe"
Why, whichever bank headquartered at 200 West,
NY, NY might he be referring to?
He added that "panic" about the Eurozone
breaking up was "nonsense" but that the only way to end the crisis was
for member states to bring down their debts and implement structural
reforms to boost economic growth.
"Governments have recognized that returning
to budgetary discipline is indispensable. Markets focus much more on
whether states will be able to service their debts in five years' time,"
he said.
Mr Stark quit in late 2011, following in the
footsteps of former Bundesbank head Axel Weber, who stepped down earlier
in the year from Germany's central bank because of unease about the
ECB's policies.
Mr Weber's successor Jens Weidmann was the
only member of the ECB's policy-setting governing council to vote
against the bank's new program earlier this month.
"Weidmann's arguments ... should not be made
light of," Mr Stark told Die Presse. "The way in which his position has
been publicly commented upon by the ECB leadership has crossed the line
of fairness."
And speaking of continuing takeover of the world
by a few not so good banks, a loud warning that the advent of globalist
influences (i.e., bankers) is taking over Europe and that the "destruction
of Europe's democracy is in its final phase" comes not from
some European (or American... or Zimbabwean) fringe blog, but from the 71
year old president of the Czech Republic, someone who certainly knows
about the difference between communism and democracy, Vaclav Klaus.
In an interview with
The Sunday Telegraph,
Václav Klaus warns that "two-faced"
politicians, including the Conservatives,
have opened the door to an EU
superstate by giving up on democracy, in a flight from
accountability and responsibility to their voters.
need to think about how to restore our statehood and our
sovereignty. That is impossible in a federation. The EU
should move in an opposite direction," he said.
Alas, what also is impossible in a Federation is
for a banker-controlled entity to provide money out of thin air, i.e.,
public debt, which dilutes the "common currency" in the process preserving
the illusion that credit-fueled growth (the only kinds the world has seen
since the advent of
the Federal Reserve) can continue for ever, when in
reality all that is happening is the ongoing dilution of sovereignty
alongside the destruction of individual currencies.
This is precisely what the status quo, i.e., the
abovementioned company headquartered at 200 West, wants.
And what the status quo wants it always gets,
absent a revolution.
Back to
Speaking in Hradcany Castle, a complex of
majestic buildings that soars above Prague, and is a symbol of Czech
national identity, Mr Klaus described Mr Barroso's call for a
federation, quickly followed by the German-led intervention, as an
important turning point.
"This is the first time he has
acknowledged the real ambitions of today's protagonists of a further
deepening of European integration. Until today, people, like Mr
Barroso, held these ambitions in secret from the European public,"
he said.
"I'm afraid that Barroso has the feeling
that the time is right to announce such an absolutely wrong
development. They think they are finalizing the
concept of Europe, but in my understanding they are destroying it."
President Klaus, 71, is one of Europe's most
experienced conservative politicians; he has served as his country's
prime minister twice after winning national elections and will complete
his second term as Czech President next year.
Frequently referred to as the "Margaret
Thatcher of Central Europe", Mr Klaus was born in Nazi-occupied Prague,
played a key role in the 1989 Velvet Revolution that overthrew Communism
and became founder of the Czech Civic Democratic Party, which has
remained in government for most of the Czech Republic's independence.
He reluctantly recommended Czech Republic
membership of the EU in 2004 and five years later was the last European
head of state to sign
the Lisbon Treaty, delaying signature, under
intense international pressure, until all legal and constitutional
appeals had been exhausted against it in his country.
were entering the EU, not a federation in which we would become a
meaningless province," he said.
"When it comes to the political elites
at the top of the countries, it is true, I am isolated," he said.
after our Communist experience, we know, very strongly and possibly
more than people in Western Europe, that the process of democracy is
more important than the outcome.
"It is
an irony of history, I would never have assumed in 1989, that I
would be doing this now: that it would be my role to preach the
value of democracy."
Even more ironic than the return of
corporation-controlled statism under the guise of 'socialism,' will be the
return of fascism, whose neo-variants are already exhibiting themselves in
countries like Greece.
But more on that in a few months, when other
European countries get sick and tired of the banker oligarchy and realize
that there is really no party that represents the people in a world in which
democracy is merely a mirage.
And so, once again, the most horrific aspects of
humankind history will repeat themselves, only this time with far more
potent and destructive weapons to enforce one's ideological superiority, or
in this case to preserve an global equity tranche where the legacy wealth is
preserved, and which in any normal parallel universe would have long since
been wiped out.
Just as soon as the "Democratic" emperor is
exposed as having no clothes by more than just those who still are not
afraid to tell the truth.