Rituals of
Freemasonry Proven To Worship
Part 3 of 5
Once you understand what is going on in
the world you can then recognize evidences of Satanism in so many,
many places.
It was proven from Masonic books that Masons worship both Lucifer
and Satan. They serve both the "good" Lucifer and the "evil" Satan.
They believe that both good and evil exist in equal measure in the

They also believe good cannot exist
without an equally powerful evil.
This belief is the reason we see both type of 5-pointed stars within
Masonry; the star with the upright single point is a symbol of the
"good" Lucifer, while the star with the two points upward is a
symbol of the "evil" Satan. It also takes 33 degrees of rotation of
a pentagram (one point up) to achieve a Satanic pentagram (two points
up). Coincidence?
I don't think so.
The women's division of Freemasonry, Eastern Star (above right) is based upon the "evil Satan" Star, the
Goats Head of Mendes. This is one of the Infernal Names of Satan
within Satanism.
In looking at the Eastern Star Goatshead (above right), the star
itself is a Goatshead, and the star in the middle is a plain
Goatshead, which is within an inverted pentacle. In one symbol there
are three instances of inverted pentagrams.
So, just how important is the Pentagram to the Satanist? Listen to
the Witch of Salem, Massachusetts, Laura Cabot, on this question. In
her book, Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical
Path to Enlightenment, Cabot says,
"It really isn't
that difficult to distinguish the Craft from Satanism. Witches wear
the pentacle with the point up. Satanists reverse it with the point
down ..."
Once we examine the two symbols above, both Masonic, we
can only conclude that Freemasonry admittedly serves both the "good
Lucifer" and the "evil Satan!"
Cabot has more to say on page 93, about the significance of the
Pentagram to witchcraft.
"It [Pentagram] consists of a five-pointed
star inside a circle. It is the key symbol of the Craft. It is the
witch's Mandala ...."
The Pentagram, inside a circle or with no circle, is the key symbol
of witchcraft. Both "good" and "evil" pentagrams are within
Freemasonry in abundance.
The Triangle wasn't the first subject mentioned on this page because
the Pentagram is far more important to their practice of Witchcraft.
The triangle is part and parcel of the Pentagram. The triangle plays
a big part within the Hexagram as well.
To the occultist, the triangle is very important. It is used
constantly in every conceivable manner. It is used either with the
point up or down.

When you see the point down, this
represents the Deity and is called the Deity's Triangle or the Water
The Earthly Triangle or Pyramid Triangle is what it is called when
one point is up. It "symbolizes the PERFECT OR DIVINE MAN." This
quote is not from some heinous Black-hooded Satanist, it comes from
a 33rd Degree Masonic author named George Steinmetz [Freemasonry:
Its Hidden Meaning , New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply
Company, 1948, p. 63, repeated on p. 67]
Freemasonry joins all pagan
groups in saying that man can become "divine" or "perfect." In
another book, George returns to this theme once again:
"Be still -- and know -- that I am
God ... That I AM GOD -- the final recognition of the All in
All, the unity of the Self with the Cosmos -- the cognition of
[George H.
Steinmetz, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Richmond, Virginia, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1923, p. 92]
Freemasonry has been so sensitive about any of its secrets ever
becoming public knowledge. Masons in every age knew that if the
general public knew the Satanic core that existed in the heart of
Freemasonry, the organization would either go into oblivion or would
be arrested and put in jail. Now you know why Freemasonry insists
that its Initiates pledge that, if they divulge any of Masonry's
secrets, he would agree to having his throat slit and be
Manly P. Hall, another 33rd Degree Mason, writes,
"Man is a God in
the making ..."
[The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 92]
author, Joseph Fort Newton, clearly and boldly states,
".. to the
profoundest insight of the human soul -- that God becomes man that
man may become God."
[The Religion of Freemasonry: An
Interpretation, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1969,
p. 37]
Albert Churchward, another Masonic author states that the triangle
pointing upward us a symbol for Set, which is one of the Infernal
Names for Satan. [Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man ,
George Allen
and Company, Ltd., 1913, p. 189, 309, and 471]. Then, Masonic
author, J.S.M. Ward states,
"With the point upwards, the equilateral
triangle stands for Shiva the Destroyer and signifies the flame
which rises upwards from the funeral pyre toward Heaven. This symbol
is familiar to us in several degrees, most notably the Thirtieth
[Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods, 1921; also
reported by Masonic authors William Meyer, The Order of the Eastern
Star, p. 20; Alain Danielou, The Gods of India]
Shiva is another name for Satan in the occult. The triangle with one
point pointing up is a symbol for Satan. Most likely this is the
reason why the pyramid is such an important symbol to the Mason.
This is the symbol on the reverse of the one dollar bill. This
symbol contains two triangles: the Pyramid itself and the All-Seeing
Eye of Horus (Osiris).
Occultists know that both Horus and
are alternate names for Satan. There is one more proof from Masonic
authors, that Satan is the one they worship.

Masonic authors tell us that they
worship Lucifer in yet another way. Lynn Perkins (a Masonic Author),
states that
"Shamballa has a bearing on the
ancient origins of Freemasonry and upon its future in the coming
Aquarian Age ..."
[Masonry In The New Age, p. 56]
Then, on pages 55-56, Perkins says that
today's Mason has no idea that Freemasonry comes from such an
ancient, esoteric source. Most Masons today understand that the
roots of their organization are in Satanism. When Perkins said that
Freemasonry had its origins in Shamballa, he just identified Masonry
as Satanic.
Alice Bailey, with her Demon Master
Master D.K. -
writing through her, stated that
"Shamballa is the mythological place
where the 'Lord of the World', Sanat Kumara, or Shiva , is
supposed to live."
[Discipleship in the New Age].
Masonic author, Perkins, has just
admitted that Freemasonry originated in the place where Shiva
(Satan) lives.
Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Mason, K.T., in his book,
Initiates of
the Flame boldly admits Freemasonry is from Hell:
"Those who follow the path of faith
(or the heart) use water and are known as the Sons of Seth,
while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the
Sons of Cain, who was the son of SAMAEL , the Spirit of Fire.
Today, we find the latter among the alchemists, the Hermetic
philosophers, the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons."
[p. 20]
Hall places Freemasonry among the circle
of the damned -- Sons of Cain , who rebelled against God; alchemists
who are known sorcerers, Black Magicians, and worshippers of Satan,
and the Rosicrucians who have so desecrated the precious cross of
Jesus Christ with Pentagrams and Hexagrams as to make you sick.
Hall's major revelation was that Freemasonry is the son of SAMAEL.
being careful not to confuse Samael with the beloved prophet Samuel.
SAMAEL is one of the Infernal Names of Satan. In fact, House of
Theosophy author, writing under the influence of her demon
possessing her -- Master D.K. -- identifies SAMAEL as Satan! [The
Secret Doctrine] In fact, Satanists have a symbol of SAMAEL.
The pentagram on the left with the one point up represents the
Divine Man specifically and Lucifer the good god generally; the
pentagram on the right with two stars up and the goats head is
called the Goats Head of Mendes by most Satanists, but Black Magick
Satanists call him SAMAEL.