6 Junio 2010

del Sitio Web TrinityATierra

traducción Trinity a Tierra
Versión original en ingles




El co-fundador de la Comisión Trilateral dice que las luchas internas entre los miembros de la elite, combinadas con el despertar de la humanidad en su conjunto, están poniendo en riesgo el movimiento hacia el gobierno mundial único.








En un reciente discurso en Montreal ante el Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores, el cofundador junto con David Rockefeller, de la Comisión Trilateral, y asistente regular a las reuniones del Club Bilderberg, alertó sobre que "el despertar político global" en combinación con las luchas intestinas entre los miembros de la elite estaban amenazando desbaratar el movimiento hacia un gobierno mundial.

Brzezinski explicó que el liderazgo político global se había convertido en "mucho más diversificado de lo que era hasta hace relativamente poco", y se notaba el ascenso de China como poder geopolítico y que el liderazgo global en el contexto de la G20,

"tenía falta de unidad interna ya que muchos de sus miembros eran antagonistas en distintos frentes".

En otras palabras, la elite global se debilita por luchas internas y ello bloquea los esfuerzos para rescatar la agenda de gobierno global, que parece estar fracasando en casi todos los frentes abiertos.

Brzezinski explicó posteriormente otro factor significativo:

"Por primera vez en toda la historia la humanidad está despertando políticamente; esto es una realidad completamente nueva, no había ocurrido esto durante la mayor parte de la historia humana".

Aquí tenemos el clip:



CFR Meeting - Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening

by TheChannelOfLiberty

Jun 6, 2010

del Sitio Web YouTube




Brzezinski continuó:

"El mundo entero se ha despertado políticamente", y añadió que la gente de todo el planeta es consciente de lo que ocurre políticamente y "es consciente de las injusticias, desigualdades, faltas de respeto, explotación..."


"La humanidad está ahora políticamente despierta y esto es conmovedor", dice Brzezinski, añadiendo que esto, en combinación con una elite dividida "lo hace mucho más difícil para cualquier poder global, incluyendo el poder actual de líder de Estados Unidos".

Durante la sesión de pregunta-respuesta, se inquirió a Brzezinski sobre si pensaba que otra organización debería reemplazar a las Naciones Unidas, como de hecho pretende "el gobierno mundial único", a lo que éste respondió:

"Debería existir tal organización", después de señalar que las Naciones Unidas no estaba cumpliendo esa misión en estos momentos.







Brzezinski Decries...

"Global Political Awakening"

...During CFR Speech

by Paul Joseph Watson
May 19, 2010
from PrisonPlanet Website

Spanish version



Trilateral Commission co-founder says infighting amongst elite, combined with awakening of humanity worldwide, is hampering move towards one world government





At a recent Council on Foreign Relations speech in Montreal, co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission and regular Bilderberg attendee Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that a "global political awakening," in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move towards a one world government.

Brzezinski explained that global political leadership had become "much more diversified unlike what it was until relatively recently," noting the rise of China as a geopolitical power, and that global leadership in the context of the G20 was,

"lacking internal unity with many of its members in bilateral antagonisms."

In other words, the global elite is infighting amongst itself and this is hampering efforts to rescue the agenda for global government, which seems to be failing on almost every front.

Brzezinski then explained another significant factor in that,

"For the first time in all of human history mankind is politically awakened - that's a total new reality - it has not been so for most of human history."

Watch the clip:




CFR Meeting - Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening

May 15, 2010

from YouTube Website


Zbigniew Brzezinski giving the CFR branch in Montreal

a presentation discussing world government

and his fears of the mass global awakening that has taken place.





Brzezinski continued,

"The whole world has become politically awakened," adding that all over the world people were aware of what was happening politically and were "consciously aware of global inequities, inequalities, lack of respect, exploitation."

"Mankind is now politically awakened and stirring," said Brzezinski, adding that this in combination with a fractured elite "makes it a much more difficult context for any major power, including currently the leading world power, the United States."

During a subsequent question and answer session, Brzezinski was asked if he thought another organization should replace the United Nations as the de facto "one world government," to which Brzezinski responded,

"There should be such an organization," before pointing out that the UN was not it in its current role.

As the text at the end of the video makes clear, Brzezinski's admission that humanity has undergone a political awakening is not a positive development in the eyes of the elite.

In his 1970 book
Between Two Ages - America's Role in the Technetronic Era, Brzezinski wrote the following.

"The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.


Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."

The "elite" to which Brzezinski refers included many of those who were in attendance for his speech at the CFR meeting.


The global political awakening which Brzezinski discussed represents part of the resistance to that very elite dominated society and the systems of control, subjugation and surveillance that they have imposed upon the human race in pursuit of a "more controlled society" and a one world government.



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