February 9, 2012

from YouTube Website


A revealing documentary about the international world of private equity banking.

The Carlyle Group, one of the largest investment banks in the world, is based in Washington and has accumulated its capital mainly by investments in the defence industry.


On their list of employees are people like,

  • Lou Gerstner (former chairman of IBM)

  • George Bush Sr.

  • James Baker III

  • John Major (former British Prime Minister)

  • Fidel Ramos (former Prime Minister of the Philipines)

The Carlyle Group invests in areas that are closely tied to government policy:

With 16 billion dollar under management they have the reputation of being the best-connected company in the world.


Their list of private investors include,

How does the Carlyle Group operate, who are the people behind the Carlyle Group and how much power does Carlyle have?


This film explores the fine line between the conflict of interests and a new global way of doing business.