by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
May 03, 2017
GlobalResearch Website

James Comey
Author's note
and Update
FBI Director James Comey confirmed in a Senate Judiciary Committee
on May 3 that his mandate required him to speak out regarding the
investigation into
Hillary Clinton's emails trove, 11 days prior to
the November 8 presidential elections.
Comey confirmed that he had no regrets:
"It makes me mildly nauseous
to think that we might have had some impact on the election, but
honestly, it wouldn't change the decision…
To not speak about it
would require an act of concealment in my view… Concealing, in my
view, would be catastrophic."
In four hours of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee,
Comey delivered his most impassioned defense yet of a decision that
many Democrats believe cost them the White House:
telling Congress
11 days before the Nov. 8 election that the FBI had uncovered a new
trove of Clinton-related emails.
… He told the panel one reason for the FBI's renewed interest in
Clinton's case was that investigators had found emails, some of them
classified, forwarded by Clinton's assistant Huma Abedin to her
husband, who was not authorized to see such information.
…Clinton said on Tuesday her election bid was derailed in part by
Comey's announcement about the renewed probe of her use of a private
email server while she was secretary of state.
She said her effort
also was damaged by the WikiLeaks release of her campaign chairman
John Podesta's emails, allegedly stolen by Russian hackers.
(Reuters, May 3, 2017)
It is important to recall the circumstances of the actions
undertaken by FBI director Comey.
The evidence revealed by the FBI points to criminal wrongdoings and
corruption on the part of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
pertaining to:
The email trove while Clinton was Secretary of State,
Corruption, money laundering and conflict of interest in relation
to the Clinton Foundation,
Meddling and corruption by the Democratic National Committee
(DNC) with a view to manipulating the primary elections in favor and
on behalf of Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders.
This was
fully revealed by John Podesta's emails. The blame was placed on
Russia's alleged hacking of Podesta's emails. Meanwhile the broader
issue of election fraud wilfully carried out by the DNC was
Bear in mind that if this DNC meddling had not occurred,
Bernie would in all likelihood have won the primaries, and would
most probably have won the presidential elections against Trump.
Barely acknowledged by the mainstream media Hillary Clinton had
also bribed a senior FBI official who was subsequently put in charge
of the investigation into her email trove.
Hillary had bought out the police chief, who in January 2016 was
promoted Number Two Man of the FBI and put in charge of
investigating her alleged wrongdoings.
The following article published by Global Research on November
one day before the presidential elections provides evidence of
possible criminal wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton as well as serious
divisions and conflicts within the FBI, resulting from the bribing
of a senior FBI official by Hillary.
The Senate Judiciary Committee is casually reviewing the matter,
while diverting attention away from Hillary-DNC meddling of the
primaries to Russia's alleged role in the hacking the DNC as a means
of supporting Trump's candidacy.
Will the truth be revealed? Highly unlikely.
This is what happened.
See below:
FBI Director James Comey...
Hillary Should Not Face Criminal Charges
by Michel
07, 2016
GlobalResearch Website
But Who Conducted the
FBI Deputy Director Andrew
whose Wife Received
FBI Director James Comey decided to issue a report two
days before the November election confirming that there is no
evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hillary in relation to the
recent release of 650,000 Emails on October 28th.
First let us outline the official MSM story as presented by the
media (November 6):
Washington Post
by CNN Anderson Cooper et al.
What the reports
intimate is that the FBI worked assiduously around the clock
and found nothing incriminating in the trove of 650,000
From the moment they secured a warrant, dozens of FBI agents
worked night and day to analyze a trove of messages that
they thought might help advance their probe of Hillary
Clinton's use of a private email server, according to a U.S.
The pressure was intense... The agents' work, at first,
seemed endless. They had to use special software to sift
through some 650,000 emails.
November 9, 2016)
According to CNN,
Hillary is Clean, "Cleared" by the FBI:
"FBI Director
James Comey told lawmakers Sunday the agency hasn't changed
its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal
charges after a review of new emails."
"Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions
that we expressed in July," Comey wrote in the new letter to
congressional committee chairmen.
(CNN, November 6, 2016)

There is however
something fishy with the mainstream media story. The report is
accepted at face value by the media. No discussion, no debate of
what's in the emails, etc.
The Republican National Committee
Chairman Reince Priebus issued the following statement in
a letter to Congress:
"The FBI found
evidence Clinton broke the law, that she placed highly
classified national security information at risk and
repeatedly lied to the American people about her reckless
"None of this changes the fact that the FBI continues to
investigate the Clinton Foundation for corruption involving
her tenure as secretary of state. Hillary Clinton should
never be president."
Post Video
Who Was in
Charge of the Investigation
About Turn at the FBI?
The media reports fail to mention the
name of the FBI official who was in charge. It wasn't Comey. It
was his number two man, deputy director of the FBI Andrew

Andrew McCabe
While McCabe was in charge of the investigation, FBI Director
Comey was entrusted with the release of a formal statement to
the US Congressional committee.
There is reason to question the validity of the investigation
led by Andrew McCabe.
To put it mildly:
Andrew McCabe is in conflict of interest.
(This has been the object of a previous article by the author)
Let us review the chronology.
Andrew McCabe is senior official of the FBI and husband of
Dr. Jill McCabe who ran for the State senate of Virginia in
According to the WSJ, Hillary's "Ally" Governor of Virginia
Terry McAuliffe allocated $675,000 in support of Jill McCabe's
"The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an
influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary
Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the
wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who
later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton's email
(WSJ, October 23, updated October 24, 2016)
A few months later, in late January 2016, Andrew McCabe is
promoted to the rank of Deputy Director of the FBI and put
charge of the investigation into Hillary's Emails.
Screenshot of FBI Press Release, January 29,2016
Following the release of a WSJ report on October 23, the
nearly $500,000 transaction in favor of Andrew McCabe's wife is
made public.
The WSJ as well as other reports suggest internal conflicts
as well as corruption within the FBI: Possible divisions between Comey and his Deputy who was "indirectly" bribed by Hillary
Five days later on October 28, FBI director James Comey
decides "to go clean" with a Second letter to the US Congress.
Upon the release of Comey's second letter, the FBI director
is accused of breaking the law.
In a bitter irony, nobody actually points to the fact that
Andrew McCabe rather than James Comey had broken the law.
fact that Andrew McCabe's wife had received close to half a
million dollars has gone totally unnoticed.
Was James Comey
being sidelined in favor of Andrew McCabe? Was Andrew McCabe
involved in stalling the investigation?
The Wall Street Journal
(October 30, 2016) points to an Internal Feud within the FBI:
FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe
Laptop may contain thousands of messages sent to or from Mrs.
Clinton's private server
"…Others further down the FBI chain of command, however, said
agents were given a much starker instruction on the case: 'Stand
When agents questioned why they weren't allowed to take
more aggressive steps, they said they were told the order had
come from the deputy director - Mr. McCabe."
Was James Comey and the senior staff of the FBI pressured into
accepting McCabe's twisted report?
"…Others familiar with the matter deny Mr. McCabe or any other
senior FBI official gave such a stand-down instruction." (Ibid)
Hillary had bought out the police chief, who in January 2016
was promoted Number Two Man of the FBI and put in charge of
investigating her alleged wrongdoings.
How convenient. Needless
to say Andrew McCabe was NOT the object of a police
investigation. If he had things would have turned out
While James Comey issued an official statement on November
6, "clearing Clinton" none of the news reports mentioned that
Andrew McCabe rather than James Comey was in charge of the
police investigation.
None of reports point to conflict of interest and the fact
that Andrew McCabe was protected by Hillary Clinton.
Without getting into the detail of what's in the trove of
emails, which has been the object of media coverage and analysis
(see recent articles by Global Research), there are grounds to
question the validity of both Andrew McCabe's investigation as
well as the official statement issued by FBI Director James Comey.