by Stephen Lendman
November 14, 2015

Evidence known so far strongly indicates false flag responsibility
Friday's Paris attacks.
They're usually identifiable the way
fingerprints ID people. They're strategically timed, most often for
what's planned to follow.
Post-9/11 horrors are well documented.
America declared still ongoing war on humanity.
The 9/11 incident provided a treasure trove of giveaways showing
what happened was other than the official narrative.
The most obvious was,
How could a handful of terrorists
outwit America's 16 intelligence agencies, including
sophisticated NSA eavesdropping on anyone or anything suspicious
back then?
No evidence implicated Al Qaeda.
Nothing to this day - yet claims
persist. Without verifiable hard facts, they're specious.
The official 9/11 story was beginning-to-end contradictions and Big
Lies - still supported by media scoundrels as gospel despite volumes
of evidence proving otherwise.
Bin Laden was dying of natural causes in a Pakistan hospital,
reported by CBS on 9/10/01. The New York Times and other sources
reported his death in December 2001. Obama did not kill Osama. The
Big Lie persists...
The mother of all all Big Lies still links so-called Arab terrorists
to what happened. Most named on the fated flights were discovered
alive and well in their home countries, mainly Saudi Arabia.
Claims about Mohamed Atta's luggage found at Boston's Logan Airport
containing "decisive evidence" about Al Qaeda's responsibility were
false - including a Saudi passport, an alleged letter saying he
planned martyrdom to go to heaven, video instructions on flying
Boeing airliners, and other belongings.
They were planted to blame Al Qaeda for
what happened...
A key unanswered question was why Atta's alleged luggage wasn't on
the flight he was accused of hijacking and piloting. Travelers don't
leave their belongings behind when boarding flights or disembarking
to reach destinations.
No one ever explained why Atta went to Portland, ME from Boston on
September 10, necessitating an early return the next day to be on
Flight 11.
Another passport allegedly belonging to one of the hijackers was
mysteriously found near the Twin Towers site, miraculously not
burned by ignited jet fuel.
the events of 9/11 were unfolding,
Secret Service agents let
George Bush remain at a
Sarasota, FL school for 30 minutes after learning about the second
twin tower strike. Standard procedure calls for securing his safety
immediately in case of potential danger.
Architects, structural engineers and other knowledgeable
professionals know it's scientifically impossible for jet fuel to
heat high enough to melt or cause rigid steel columns to crumble.
Controlled demolitions destroyed both towers.
Building 7 fell the same way. A
likely cruise missile, not an aircraft,
struck the Pentagon. No bodies or
aircraft parts were found at the site.
Numerous other Big Lies and contradictions completely destroyed the
official 9/11 narrative.
Will Friday's Paris attack unravel the
same way? Odds strongly suggest it. Important clues already exist.
Again most important:
How could a few terrorists outwit
French intelligence?
The attacks were a carefully
orchestrated, well planned military operation requiring some degree
of sophistication. Weeks of planning likely preceded it.
Operatives were armed with automatic weapons and explosive belts.
How could they have entered attack sites unnoticed? How was this
possible - dressed in black heavily armed?
They were well known to French security agencies, likely kept under
surveillance. Why was nothing done to prevent the attacks or
intervene straightaway once they began?
Syrian and Egyptian passports were found at the Stade de France
stadium, one of the attack sites, begging the obvious question: Why
would operatives carry IDs? Clearly they were planted - the
Mohamed Atta scheme redux.
French authorities claim three terrorist teams carried out the
well-coordinated attacks. Do they know more than they're telling?
Le Monde reported one team fled Paris by car with a Belgium license
plate. Paris police chief Micheal Cadot said all attackers
were killed.
French President Francois Hollande straightaway blamed
ISIS despite no evidence indicating its involvement. His
behavior was an automatic red flag.
A so-called ISIS statement claiming responsibility remains
unverified, yet it made headlines, likely getting most people to
believe it. Anyone can call themselves ISIS and claim
responsibility. The statement remains meaningless.
The incident preceded multi-nation November 14 talks in Vienna on
Syria and the November 15-16 G-20 meeting. Washington and key NATO
allies likely want so-called war on terror escalated, not resolved.
Resolution defeats America's imperial agenda. Israel is suspect.
Netanyahu wants justification to keep reigning terror on a
defenseless Palestinian population.
France and other European countries need justification to close
their borders to the human refugee flood caused by US-led imperial
wars. They now have it.
Hollande's low 12% approval rating needed something to boost it.
Following the January Charlie Hebdo/kosher market attacks, his
popularity increased by 21%.
On 9/10/01, George Bush's approval rating hovered around 50%. A day
later, it shot up to 90%. Expect Hollande to get a similar boost,
especially after vowing "pitiless war" on ISIS.
The world community now rallies around France the way it did for
America post-9/11. Landmark structures were lit in the French blue,
white and red tricolors.
The 408-foot One World Trade Center spire, built on the 9/11 attack
site, was illuminated Friday night.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio
called it "a very painful night."
"(O)ur hearts and our prayers are
with the people of Paris. (Y)ou know, we know all about this
feeling because of what we experienced on 9/11."
De Blasio stopped short of explaining
state-sponsored terrorism behind the fateful attacks.
Brazil's Rio de Janeiro's Christ the Redeemer statue was lit in
France's tricolors. So was London's Wembley Stadium, New Zealand's
Memorial Museum and Sky Tower, Sydney, Australia's Opera House,
Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur Tower, San Francisco's City Hall,
Washington, DC's Verizon Center, and numerous other sites.
Paris, called "The City of Light," went dark. Its signature Eiffel
Tower turned off its lights. So did New York's Empire State
Building, as well as Chicago's Sears Tower and John Hancock Center.
The world community clearly supports whatever response France
intends - complicit with Washington, Britain, likely Israel and
other rogue allies.
Expect the worst ahead, including,
greater police state erosion
of fundamental freedoms
endless wars of aggression,
likely escalating
perhaps new ones initiated
more mass slaughter and
greater numbers of refugees
desperate to find safe havens,
... now likely shunned by Europe.
There was nothing ordinary about Friday's Paris attacks. False flags
are planned for a reason.
Expect nothing good following what