EastwoodsWorldOfProphecy Website

Eastwood Goes to Granite City
Elberton, Georgia, USA
March 7, 1999

If you know your Hebrew ...then you know
what this 16 foot tall, 21 ton hunk of granite says. If not, perhaps
you will have a better time reading it in Chinese, Spanish, Russian,
Arabic, Hindi, or even Swahili?
Still no?

Well, don't be concerned, because the
folks that spent all that money to erect this modern "Stonehenge"
wanted to make sure that everyone could read it and understand its

The Ten Commandments for the New Age
were provided to the world back in March 1980 by "a small group of
Americans who seek The Age of Reason".

Oh, my... what's this?
The first commandment says we
need a population of only 500 million people on the Earth. Gee,
that's only about 9% of what we currently have worldwide... Does
this mean that 9 out of 10 people that I know today must die for a
better tomorrow? Am I one who needs to be terminated for the good of
Mother Gaia?
Well, I suppose they've been warning us for years:
In order to stabilize world
population, we must eliminate 350,000 per day.
- Dr. Jacques Cousteau
The ten commandments are as
Maintain humanity under five
hundred million in perpetual balance with nature
Guide reproduction wisely,
improving fitness and diversity
Unite humanity with a living new
Rule passion, faith, tradition,
and all things with tempered reason
Protect people and nations with
fair laws and just courts
Let all nations rule internally,
resolving external disputes in a world court
Avoid petty laws an useless
Balance personal rights with
social duties
Prize truth, beauty,
love...seeking harmony with the infinite
Be not a cancer on earth...leave
room for nature...

Here is the message
"Let These Be Guidestones to
an Age of Reason"
written in Classical Greek, one
of four dead languages used on the capstone. The others are
Babylonian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Sanskrit. Why the
dead languages? I suppose those civilizations are thought to have
given way to newer, more advanced ones... Is that what we are being
asked to do?
This granite plaque tells us a little more about the author: R. C.
Christian (a pseudonyn).
They misspelled it, not me!

They also buried a time capsule six feet
deep but neglected to carve the burial or excavation dates!
What did they bury for a future generation to find?
This neo-megalithic site is an
intricate and well-designed astronomical observatory built of
granite in 1979 near the small town of Elberton under the
direction of the pseudonymous "R. C. Christian," who
presumably named himself after "Christian Rosenkreutz,"
the pseudonymous 17th century author of "The
Chemical Wedding." In addition to astro-calendrical
features, it also boasts didactic New Age messages of the "ten
commandments" type in numerous languages.
The Guidestones are located
outside of Elberton, in Georgia. They weigh a total of
237,746 lbs, and were carved using thermal lances rather than
using water-jets. The lettering was then carved into the stones
to carry the various messages. The stones themselves site on
slabs which are flush with the surface, and the entire site was,
when visited, located in a pasture.
The Gnomen, or Center Stone, has a small window through its
center which is aligned with the Pole Star. This alignment
changes over the years, so that the star will not always be in
the center of the view. This is unlike the
UMR Polar window,
which was made large enough to retain the star position for the
next 4,000 years.
At an erosion rate of one inch every thousand
years, it is our hope that by that time the window will have
grown to accommodate any additional size changes required.