
The 19-foot tall Georgia Guidestones,
have been drawing curious visitors to Elberton, Ga., since 1979.
a former cow pasture on a hilltop in east Georgia, four towering
granite stones offer advice in eight languages on how to conserve
mankind and the earth. A handful of people know who put them there.
But 18 years after the stones were erected, their origin remains a
well-guarded secret
The Georgia Guidestones, a sort of modern-day Stonehenge, attract
UFO buffs, spiritualists and the just plain curious to their hilltop
in Elbert County, which calls itself the Granite Capital of the
World. "This pile of stones on this hill renders a response from
everyone who sets foot there," said Christy Gray of Watkinsville,
who is fascinated by the monument and visits it often.
The stones' message (See Below) encourages population control, a
single world language and harmony with nature.
"Protect people and
nations with fair laws and just courts," it says. "Balance personal
rights with social duties."
Each of the 10 precepts is repeated in
English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish and
Swahili, in addition to archaic Sanskrit, Babylonian cuneiform,
Egyptian hieroglyphics and classical Greek.
The four main stones are
topped by a capstone with an astronomical calendar. A center stone
has an eye-level, oblique hole drilled so that the North Star is
always visible. The stones weigh 119 tons.
A mysterious man calling himself by the pseudonym R.C. Christian
commissioned the structure in 1979, saying he represented an
out-of-state group that wanted to remain anonymous.
Few people in
Elberton met Mr. Christian, and those who did say he never revealed
his true identity.
Wyatt C. Martin, the now-retired bank president
Mr. Christian chose as his local agent, and Joe H. Fendley Sr.,
president of the granite company that did the work, insisted they
didn't know his real name, said Carolyn Cann, editor of the
"I witnessed a lie-detector test between Fendley and Martin
saying they didn't know who he was," she said.
Ms. Cann has written extensively about the stones and is one of
Elberton's few Georgia Guidestones experts.
"I've met some really
unusual people out there," she said. "It's kind of a catchall for
all people. There've been two weddings and a number of meditations.
And there are also people who just want to care for the place
She said one benefactor who wants to remain anonymous paid
to have rose bushes planted around the stones and now wants to pay
for benches nearby.
The original plan for the hilltop called for eight other stones to
be added, repeating the precepts in other languages, Ms. Cann said.
But that was never done.
"No money has ever come forth from Mr.
Christian or any others," she said. "There's been talk about it,
but nothing has ever happened."
Some Elberton residents see the
stones as evil; graffiti recently scrawled on them attributed their
words to the devil. But Ms. Cann said she's never felt anything evil
"To me, it's just a peaceful place."
The Guidestones are four large slabs made of Granite, standing
upright in the form of an X.
The center cluster was erected in 1980.
On the four sides of the top, center piece is written in four
languages the phrase...
"Let these be Guidestones to an age of
On the face of each granite slab, both front and back, is
another message (below) engraved in eight world languages.
There have been many rituals performed at this site. Witches,
Druids, Ceremonial Magicians, Native American, Christian, and
Neo-Pagan groups have all made use of the site for their own
purposes over the last ten years. It was no accident that the Guidestones
were located near a major geodetic alignment and over a
Power Point.
This project was both expensive and time-consuming, yet the authors
chose to give it a "mystical" feel by not putting their names to it
and asking the museum to keep it from the public. Notice the ideals
which are enumerated. It is interesting to note that the authors and
creators of this modern monument chose to engrave into the granite a
pseudonym (false name) with which to be known by.
The name they
curiously chose was R.C. CHRISTIAN.
Looking further at the evidence of their creation, one may wonder if
there is any significance to the choice of 8 languages out of the
many there are to choose from. The only thing that stands out is
that Hebrew was chosen even before French, Italian, Greek or German
which respectively have 124, 63, 12, and 120 million speakers.
was even chosen before Zulu, Swedish or Afrikaans which claims 8, 9
and 10 million speakers:
In millions of speakers
in the world 1,000+
English 463 Hindi 400 Spanish 371 Russian 291 Arabic 214 Swahili 47 Hebrew 4
The Georgia Guidestones are located on
the farm of Mildred and Wayne Mullenix on Georgia State Highway 77,
7.2 miles North of Elberton Georgia, 1.3 miles South of Hart-Elbert
County Line, 7.8 miles South of Hartwell Georgia.
Here is the story
behind the construction of "The Guidestones" as related in the
Elberton Museum Pamphlet:
Elberton Granite's reputation as one of the world's best monumental
stones, Elbert County's geographic location, and fate seem to be the
key elements in why one of the nation's most unusual monuments was
unveiled near Elberton, March 22, 1980.
Already called "America's
Stonehenge," after the mysterious monuments in England which have
puzzled men for ages, THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES has attracted
nationwide publicity and promises to become a major tourist
Overwhelming in size and steeped in enigma, the
revealed to the nation in the Winter, 1979, ELBERTON GRANITEER --
and is as much a mystery now as it was then - and probably still
will be when man ceases to record his history.
The gargantuan,
six-piece monument stands 19-ft. high in the beautiful hill country
eight miles north of Elberton and proclaims a message for the
conservation of mankind. Its origins and sponsors are unknown;
hence, the mystery.
The components were manufactured from ELBERTON GRANITE FINISHING
COMPANY, INC.'s "Pyramid Blue Granite", and the firm's President,
Joe H. Fendley, Sr., said the project was one of the most
challenging ever for his quarrying and monument manufacturing
concern - partly because of the magnitude of the materials and
partly because of the exacting specifications from the mysterious
group of sponsors,
"and those specifications were so precise that
they had to be compiled by experts on stone as well as
construction," said Fendley.
He said it all began late on a Friday afternoon in June when a
well-dressed and articulate man walked into his offices on the Tate
Street Extension in Elberton and wanted to know the cost of building
a large monument to conservation.
He identified himself as "Mr.
Christian." He told Fendley that he represented a small group of
loyal Americans living outside Georgia who wished to remain
anonymous forever, and that he chose the name "Christian" because he
was a Christian.
He inquired where Fendley banked and Joe put him in
touch with both local banks. Wyatt C. Martin, President of the
Granite City Bank, was selected by "Mr. Christian" to be the
intermediary for the mysterious project.
According to Martin, the man showed up at his office 30 minutes
later, explained the project, and said after completion he hoped
other conservation-minded groups would erect even more stones in an
outer ring and carry the monuments message in more languages. He
told Martin that he wanted the monument erected in a remote area
away from the main tourist centers.
The gentleman also said that
Georgia was selected because of the availability of excellent
granite, generally mild climate, and the fact that his
great-grandmother was a native Georgian.
Martin persuaded the mystery man that Elbert County was the ideal
location for the memorial; and he agreed, provided a suitable
location could be found. He returned later and he and Martin
inspected sites.
"Mr. Christian", who now called himself "R. C.
Christian", chose a five-acre plot on the farm of contractor
Wayne Mullenix. It is the highest point in Elbert County.
A few weeks
later, Martin contacted Joe Findley and told him that funds for the
project were in an escrow account and to start work immediately. Martin promised that when the project was completed, he would
deliver his file on the affair to the anonymous sponsors and that
the secret would never be known.
He said "Christian" told him that the sponsors had planned the
monument for years and that the ten "guides" for the conservation of
mankind and the earth were carefully worded as a moralistic appeal
to all peoples of nationality, religion, or politics.
The guides are brief maxims espousing population control and other
conservation messages in eight languages. The guides are inscribed
in eight different languages on four huge stones set in a
paddlewheel arrangement with the center stone carved and drilled so
that the sun will mark the time of day and the seasons.
The guides,
which were accompanied by ten explanatory precepts in the
specifications, are:
"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
in perpetual balance with nature; Guide reproduction wisely -
improving fitness and diversity; Unite humanity with a living
new language; Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things
with tempered reason; Protect people and nations with fair laws
and just courts; Let all nations rule internally, resolving
external disputes in a world court; Avoid petty laws and useless
officials; Balance personal rights with social duties; Prize
truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite; and ,
Be not a cancer on the earth - leave room for nature - leave
room for nature."
If you perform a little research on the
you will see why the mysterious gentleman in the preceding story
called himself "R. C. Christian."
The selection of "Pyramid Blue
Granite" will also start to make a lot of sense.
The headquarters
for the Rosicrucians in the USA is San Jose, California. Call them
up and order some of their literature. If you look up their order in
an encyclopaedia of freemasonry, you can get a feel for their belief
The following technical information was taken from a descriptive
pamphlet from the Elberton Museum. Here are the facts:
Overall Height: 19 feet., 3
Amount of Granite - 951 cubic
Weight (Grand Total) - 237,746
pounds or about 119 tons
Four Upright Stones - 6 feet, 6
inches wide - 16 feet, 4 inches high - 1 foot, 7 inches
thick - About 42,437 pounds each, or 169,750 pounds total.
One Center Stone The Gnomen
Stone - 1 foot , 7 inches thick - 20,957 pounds
One Cap Stone - 6 feet, 6 inches
wide - 9 feet, 8 inches long - 1 foot, 7 inches thick -
24,832 pounds
Four Support Stones Bases - 7
feet, 4 inches long, - 2 feet, 0 inches long - 1 foot, 4
inches thick - About 4,875 pounds each, or 19,500 pounds
One Support Stone Base - 4 feet,
2 1/2 inches long - 2 feet, 2 inches wide - 1 foot, 7 inches
thick - 2,707 pounds
Lettering Over 4,000 sandblasted
characters, each about 4 inches high.
The four large upright blocks
pointing outward are oriented to the limits of the migration
of the moon during the course of the year.
An eye-level, oblique hole is
drilled from the South to the North side of the center,
Gnomen stone, so that the North Star is always visible,
symbolizing constancy and orientation with the forces of
A slot is cut in the middle of
the Gnomen stone to form a window which aligns with the
positions of the rising sun at the Summer and Winter
Solstices and at the Equinox, so that the noon sun shines to
indicate noon on a curved line.
The cap stone includes a
calendar of sorts, where sunlight beams through a 7/8 inch
hole at noon, and shines on the South face of the center
stone. As the sun makes its travel cycle, the spot beamed
through the hole can tell the day of the year at noon each
Allowances are made because of
variations between standard time and sun time to set the
beam of sunlight at an equation of time.
The site was chosen because it
commands a view to the East and to the West and is within
the range of the Summer and Winter sunrises and sunsets. The
stones are oriented in those directions.
A massive granite monument espousing the conservation of mankind and
future generations.
Sources for the sizable financing of the project
choose to remain anonymous. The wording of the message proclaimed on
the monument is in 12 languages, including the archaic languages of Sanscrit, Babylonian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Classical
Greek, as well as English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese,
Spanish, and Swahili.
The guides, followed by explanatory precepts, are as follows, the
words are exactly as the Sponsors provided them:
Maintain humanity under
500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature
Note: Means the entire human race at its climax level for
permanent balance with Nature.
Guide reproduction wisely -
improving fitness and diversity
Note: Without going into details as yet undiscovered, this
means humanity should apply reason and knowledge to guiding
its own reproduction. "Fitness" could be translated as
"health." "Diversity" could be translated as "variety"
Unite humanity with a living
new language
A "living" language grows and changes with advancing
knowledge. A "new" language will be developed "de novo" -
and need not necessarily be adopted from any languages now
in existence.
Rule Passion - Faith -
Tradition - and all things with tempered reason
"Faith" here may be used in a religious sense. Too often
people are ruled by blind faith even when it may be contrary
to reason. Reason must be tempered with compassion here -
but must prevail.
Protect people and nations
with fair laws and just courts
Courts must consider justice as well as law.
Let all nations rule
internally resolving external disputes in a world court
Individual nations must be free to develop their own
destinies at home as their own people wish - but cannot
abuse their neighbors.
Avoid petty laws and useless
Self explanatory.
Balance personal rights with
social duties
Individuals have a natural concern for their personal
welfare, but man is a social animal and must also be
concerned for the group. Failure of society means failure
for its individual citizens.
Prize truth - beauty - love -
seeking harmony with the infinite
The infinite here means the supreme being - whose will is
manifest in the working of the cosmos - if we will seek for
Be not a cancer on the earth
- Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature
In our time, the growth of humanity is destroying the
natural conditions of the earth which have fostered all
existing life. We must restore reasoned balance.