by Tony Cartalucci
January 7, 2012
LandDestroyer Website
Following a Dec 26-Jan 3 visit to Wall Street
and London's proxy of choice, "democratic icon" Aung San Suu Kyi in
Myanmar, billionaire banker/speculator
George Soros has declared his
intentions to set up a permanent mission in Myanmar, still called "Burma" by
neo-colonial advocates and Aung San Suu Kyi herself.
US State Department-funded "Democratic Voice of
reported that Soros' mission was an effort to aid Myanmar in,
"the transition from a closed to a more open

Soros is just
the latest globalist to rain accolades, praise, and support
down upon "democracy icon" Aung San Suu Kyi, whose entire
is in fact created and funded by the US State
Department and corporate-financiers like Soros. Here Suu Kyi
consorts with US Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, head of
a department Suu Kyi would not exist politically without.
By "open," of course, Soros means open to the
forces of globalization and exploitation by the "international order"
contrived by the corporate-financier elite that run it.
It should be noted that "democracy icon" Aung
San Suu Kyi's entire movement including the network of NGOs that support her
political movement as well as the domestic and foreign media fronts that
build up her image is entirely funded by Wall Street and London.
It should also be noted that Soros works in tandem with many of these Wall
Street/London organizations, including the National Endowment for Democracy
which was described by Australia's Southern Cross University's "Activating
Human Rights & Peace - AHRP" as carrying out,
"a lot of work that
was formerly undertaken by the CIA" in a revealing account of
AHRP's 2008
Myanmar's Wall Street
Every aspect of Aung San Suu Kyi is the creation of a carefully
orchestrated, immensely funded propaganda campaign carried out not within
Myanmar but from Washington and the city of London.
Every NGO associated with Suu Kyi, every pro-Suu
Kyi news service in Myanmar, and every opposition movement supporting her,
is either funded by, or a whole cloth creation of, the British and US
Soros' recent trip to Myanmar to meet with this unelected, though defacto
"point of contact" for the West, signifies an attempt to conduct this
support more openly and possibly attempt to dispel suspicion resulting from
Soros and NED's omnipresent sedition sown worldwide, often operating behind
the scenes.
However, as we will see, regardless of how open
or secretive Wall Street and London attempt to be as they carry out their
agenda, the trend of manipulating the destiny of a sovereign nation-state
for the sake of their own financial and political benefit is apparent.
A 2006
36-page document out of the "Burma Campaign UK" explicitly details
the enormous amount of money and resources both the US government and its
corporate-funded foundations have poured into Suu Kyi's image and her
It also details the complicity of then Thai
Prime Minister and
verified Wall Street-stooge Thaksin Shinawatra's
government in aiding the West in their Burmese agenda.
The most telling information begins on page 14 of 36 of the report's titled,
the People of Burma?" the report
enumerates the vast resources the West has invested in building a
"pro-democracy" movement,
in tandem with similar disingenuous movements
throughout the region, and indeed throughout the world, and insists that
even more support be given to initiate a "transition" in Myanmar.
It states:
The restoration of democracy in Burma is a
priority U.S. policy objective in Southeast Asia.
To achieve this
objective, the United States has consistently supported democracy
activists and their efforts both inside and outside Burma… Addressing
these needs requires flexibility and creativity.
Despite the challenges that have arisen,
United States Embassies Rangoon and Bangkok as well as Consulate General
Chiang Mai are fully engaged in pro-democracy efforts.
The United States also supports
organizations, such as the National Endowment for Democracy, the Open
Society Institute (nb: no support given since 2004) and Internews,
working inside and outside the region on a broad range of democracy
promotion activities.
U.S.-based broadcasters supply news and
information to the Burmese people, who lack a free press. U.S. programs
also fund scholarships for Burmese who represent the future of Burma.
The United States is committed to working for a democratic Burma and
will continue to employ a variety of tools to assist democracy
The report then continues detailing the
specifics of each organization mentioned, including the National Endowment
for Democracy:
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED –
see Appendix 1, page 27) has been at the forefront of our program
efforts to promote democracy and improved human rights in Burma since
We are providing $2,500,000 in FY 2003
funding from the Burma earmark in the Foreign Operations legislation.
The NED will use these funds to support Burmese and ethnic minority
democracy-promoting organizations through a sub-grant program.
The projects funded are designed to
disseminate information inside Burma supportive of Burma’s democratic
development, to create democratic infrastructures and institutions, to
improve the collection of information on human rights abuses by the
Burmese military and to build capacity to support the restoration of
democracy when the appropriate political openings occur and the
exiles/refugees return.
NED is cited as behind the creation of the New
Era Journal, the Irrawaddy, and the above-mentioned Democratic Voice of
Burma (DVB) radio, all posing, just as the
recently exposed Thai-US
propaganda front, Prachatai, as "independent" media sources despite the fact
they are in reality fully funded by the US government.
The role of US State Department-run Radio Free Asia (RFA) and Voice of
America (VOA) is also discussed in detail, including the revelation that US
foreign policy specifically supports and actively promotes Aung San Suu Kyi
and "her" agenda.
Both Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free
Asia (RFA) have Burmese services.
VOA broadcasts a 30-minute mix of
international news and information three times a day. RFA broadcasts
news and information about Burma two hours a day. VOA and RFA websites
also contain audio and text material in Burmese and English.
For example, VOA's October 10, 2003
editorial, "Release Aung San Suu Kyi" is prominently featured in the
Burmese section of VOAnews.com. RFA's website makes available audio
versions of 16 Aung San Suu Kyi's speeches from May 27 and 29, 2003.
U.S. international broadcasting provides
crucial information to a population denied the benefits of freedom of
information by its government.
The US also pours vast resources into
organizations affiliated with Aung San Suu Kyi, including "Prospect Burma,"
London-based Soros-funded organization:
The State Department provided $150,000 in FY
2001/02 funds to provide scholarships to young Burmese through Prospect
Burma, a partner organization with close ties to Aung San Suu Kyi.
With FY 2003/04 funds, we plan to support
Prospect Burma’s work given the organization’s proven competence in
managing scholarships for individuals denied educational opportunities
by the continued repression of the military junta, but committed to a
return to democracy in Burma.
Of course, billionaire-bankster and geopolitical
meddler George Soros not only funds and coordinates with the above mentioned
"Prospect Burma" organization, but also directly funds activities through
his "Open Society Institute" literally training an army of subversion meant
to return to Myanmar and overthrow the government:
Our assistance to the Open Society Institute
(OSI) (until 2004) provides partial support for a program to grant
scholarships to Burmese refugee students who have fled Burma and wish to
continue their studies at the undergraduate, or post-graduate level.
Students typically pursue degrees in social sciences, public health,
medicine, anthropology, and political science.
Priority is given to students who express a
willingness to return to Burma or work in their refugee communities for
the democratic and economic reform of the country.
Throughout the period covered in the "Burma
Campaign UK" report, includes a description of then
Thaksin Shinawatra's
government and its support of Western activities to subvert the government
of neighboring Myanmar.
The Thai Ministry of Public Health, also
implicated in grants to the US propaganda front, Prachatai, is mentioned
Last year the U.S. government began funding
a new program of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to
provide basic health services to Burmese migrants outside the official
refugee camps in cooperation with the Thai Ministry of Public Health.
This project has been supported by the Thai
government and has received favorable coverage in the local press.
Efforts such as this that endeavor to find
positive ways to work with the Thai government in areas of common
interest help build support for U.S.-funded programs that support
Burmese pro-democracy groups.
While many may be tempted to claim that such
work is humanitarian in nature, it is mentioned several times that the
actual goal of dolling out scholarships and other aid is specifically to
create a pro-Western bloc meant to overthrow the anti-West regime in
With names like "National Endowment for
Democracy" (NED) people are meant to believe that a benign,
benevolent agenda is
being carried out that is in the best interest of all involved.
In reality, the National Endowment for Democracy
is packed wall-to-wall with corporate-fascist interests, warmongering
elitists, and confessed imperialists.
Historical Pattern of
Domineering Dressed up as "Democratization"
Students of history will recognize the immense network Wall Street and
London are building, not only in Myanmar, but in nations around the world,
as the imperial administrative networks that had managed the British Empire
for centuries.
While "civilizing" the world was the excuse used
by British elite to justify their megalomania and empire building during the
glory days of the British Empire, Wall Street and London are now using the
term "democratization" or the "opening of society" to justify their equally
unjustified, criminal consolidation of power and the dominion they seek to
hold over mankind.
This racket is perhaps best described by
Noam Chomsky in 1993 during the
"Covert Action Quarterly Anniversary Dinner" where he noted of NED's
projects in Nicaragua,
"It's about what you would expect from a
bipartisan democracy campaign - it's an attempt to impose what is called
democracy, meaning rule by the rich and the powerful, without
interference by the mob but within the framework of formal electoral
In other words - "sham democracy" to placate the people with
the illusion of
choice, while a system perpetually run by and for the elite lords over the
masses. A gilded cage kept by a global empire.
For those interested in what can be done to stop the building of this
insidious empire, please see "Solutions
Caging Humanity... And How to Escape."