Scottish Independence
Was the vote for Scotland's independence rigged?
It's no secret that
Westminster didn't want
Scottish self-determination to
prevail north of the border. The Glasgow City Council confirmed
that there were at least ten cases of suspected electoral fraud
occurring at polling stations following the Scottish referendum
vote on the September 18th.
There were
a number of reports indicating voter fraud, including the
Sky News cameras
capturing proof that 'Yes' votes were being placed
in 'No' piles on the day of the referendum.
The BBC case also caught
using its state-sponsored platform to effectively
smear the
'Yes' campaign.
There are plenty of financial and geopolitical reasons to ensure
that Scotland would stay in the UK, and according to some,
an independent Scotland could have seen as much as a
90 percent boost in income from profits derived from gas and
oil reserves due to the UK's borders being redrawn.
North Sea oil appears to have been front and center when
examining this seemingly fraudulent referendum vote in 2014…

Seth Rogen on a marketing junket for his bizarre film release.
9. Hollywood's
The Interview and 'Sony Hack' scandal
Despite being hyped and spun to high heaven, and getting a ton
of free publicity from the President himself, Sony Pictures
Entertainment's release of
The Interview failed to impress the critics, before
it proceeded to flop it's way into Hollywood's dustbin of
perennial mediocre films.
While the
FBI and the entire US media blamed the infamous 'Sony Hack'
on a fictitious secret North Korean hacking unit called
'Bureau 121′ (seriously?).
21WIRE called it from the onset for what it truly was - a 'false
flag' hack.
We also revealed how this film was actually an
expensive piece of Rand Corporation and US State Department
propaganda designed to
weaken morale in North Korea and hopefully pave the way for
regime change.
That didn't stop mindless US politicians and media charlatans
from claiming that it was our "patriotic duty as Americans" to
go and see this movie on Christmas Day. Another classic example
of consensus reality
gone Pete Tong…

conceals his identity with a scarf,
while Shiekh Monis plays
role of 'terror mascot' Down Under.
8. Ottawa Shooter and The Sydney Siege
Bizarre shootings have become an almost monthly event in the
west, so we've paired these two international terror mascots
together at #8.
In 2014, both Canada and Australia were thrust into America's
weird world of 'ISIS-related'
terroresque incidents. Suspected Parliament
Hill and National War Memorial assailant, aka 'The Ottawa
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, was
quickly elevated to international monster status by the media
and yet, he appeared to have the perfect 'modus operandi' and
fractured criminal résumé required to be
an informant for the Canadian security services.
It turns out, the authorities admit Bibeau was being 'monitored'
(managed). Just prior to the Ottawa shooting, we revealed how
the Canadian Security Intelligence
Service (CSIS), had pushed through a weighty anti-terror
security measure called C-44.
It should also be mentioned that
several multi-agency drills had taken place in weeks leading
up to the shooting in Canada.
On the day of the shooting,
Canadian SWAT officers could be seen
laughing and joking while posing for cameras - indicating
that this was a completely staged event.
Similarly, another colorful gunman rose to brief international
prominence in December - 'Shiekh'
Man Haron Monis
who starred in the
Sydney Siege in December.
Like in Canada, there were also a series of drills, like
'Operation Hammerhead', which took place prior to Monis
taking hostages at the Lindt Chocolate Cafe in Martin Place.
Like Bibeau, Australia's Shiekh Monis had the perfect informant
profile, including regular mainstream media spots given to him,
and just like Bibeau, Shiekh Monis was also being 'monitored'
The building of an 'artificial Jihad' has been an ongoing theme
since the
War on Terror was
declared, and there's been no shortage of coerced participants
and mentally disturbed, low-life criminals who've stepped on
stage to play the role of 'domestic terrorist', 'self-starter'
and 'homegrown ISIS-linked' boogeyman…

Rodgers toasts his fans on
while Jerad Miller plays the role
of the 'Joker' in Batman.
7. Isla Vista
Tortured Teen Rampage and Vegas 'Sin City' Shooters
In 2012, we had
Aurora and
Sandy Hook, and in 2013 it was
Aaron Alexis and
LAX, and 2014 was no different.
In the US, regularly scheduled and seemingly unexplainable
bizarre shooting incidents have become something of a national
pastime, so we've included this dynamic duo in at #7.
California, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger (son of a
Hollywood producer) was named in an apparent
drive-by-shooting near UC Santa Barbara in Isla Vista.
He pulled off the improbable:
twelve crime scenes at ten
different locations, including three stabbings at the alleged
shooter's apartment complex - all prior to two separate
shootouts with police, according to 'official' reports.
In his well-scripted YouTube videos, Rodger craved "Retribution",
and lamented 'being a virgin', blaming women for rejecting
his advances.
It was
a plot straight out of any teen vampire movie.
Similarly, the incredible narrative of the newlywed 'Vegas
Jerad and
Amanda Miller, whose wild road adventure took
them from Occupy rallies in the Midwest, to Las Vegas, where
they quickly reconfigured their image from left-wing activists
into that of right-wing 'patriots'.
Their apparent cross-country American adventure documented on
YouTube soon turned into a double cop-killing rampage in Vegas
this past June, and eerily mirrored the plot of the Hollywood
Natural Born Killers.
After their arrival in Las Vegas, the Millers were sent to
Bundy Ranch before the infamous standoff in April, where a
number of major media spots were organized for them on networks
like NBC, and Al Jazeera America.
It turns out that the Millers have a working relationship with
the Las Vegas Sheriff's department, although it is still unknown
exactly what purpose they served…

Michael Brown shooting sparked
protests in Ferguson, MO,
while the plight of Eric Garner
mobilized crowds in the Big Apple and beyond.
6. Michael Brown in
Ferguson and Eric Garner in NYC
A verdict was returned, and Ferguson burned. It brought
back memories of similar scenes; the 1965 Watts Riots, the
Rodney King verdict and the subsequent 1992 LA Riots, and was
also a near repeat of the
Zimmerman-Martin verdict scenario in 2013.
On the evening of November 24th, in Clayton, Missouri, St. Louis
County prosecutor announced that the Grand Jury had delivered
its decision in the case of Officer Darren Wilson vs.
Michael Brown. Five indictment charges were presented, but
the jury found "no probable cause" and returned a "no true" bill
for all charges.
Tremors began to shake the streets
almost immediately after.
The Three Amigos,
President Obama
AG Eric Holder
'Reverend' Al Sharpton,
...worked overtime,
fomenting a national race war on the back of the incident,
and it worked - racial tensions were inflamed, as the
US Mainstream media continued to promote the lie that
Michael Brown cried '#HandsUpDontShoot'
and was somehow shot in the back while in retreat.
The lie went viral in a
social media explosion fueled by more Twitter #hashtags.
Then lightning seemed to strike twice - a similar incident and
verdict was returned in NYC, and the victim's name was Eric
Garner, who had died after an apparent 'choke-hold' arrest by a
NYPD officer.
'#ICantBreathe' became the new #hashtag
de jour.
Anti-police street protests and march went nationwide.
It all came to a thundering halt, however, when 28 yr old
Ismaaiyl Brinsley,
shot and killed two NYPD officers on Dec. 20th - a
point-blank revenge attack for Eric Garner's death in Brooklyn's
Bed Stuy district.
After the double-hit, Police began
to push back against Twitter mobs and against blanket
accusations of racism.
It was a drama and controversy like no other before it, and will
no doubt take even more twists and turns as the Occupy
Movement finalize their plans for renewed nationwide
demonstrations in either the spring, or fall of 2015…

5. Nazi Coup in Kiev
Last February, a coup d'état
took place in the Ukraine, and a US
and EU-backed junta seized power in Kiev.
What the mainstream media did not report on however, was that
the US State Department and NATO intelligence had utilized both
NeoFascists and
NeoNazi street gangs and paramilitaries during their regime
change operation in the Ukraine.
Before and after
seizing power, Nazi elements worked to methodically remove and
intimidate any political opposition in Kiev.
After the coup was
complete, with the backing of the CIA, the junta government in
Kiev then moved its army into the mostly Russian-speaking
eastern portion of Ukraine, where it began shelling civilian
areas, driving some 500,000 refugees out of the area in an
effort to
ethnically cleanse the east and further solidify its grip on
political power there.
Kiev ran into resistance, however, and
that civil war is far from over.
Boffins in Washington spun
endless fake news stories generally titled, "Russia Invaded Ukraine",
in order to justify more unwarranted economic sanctions, and
allegedly because of Washington's belief that Russia had invaded
and 'annexed' the Crimea (formerly both a Russian and Ukrainian
region) even though
the Crimean people voted
over 90% in favor of independence
from the US-backed, illegal junta puppet government in Kiev.
Meanwhile, the
US continues to push the two nations further towards WWIII
by trying to isolate Russia internationally.
Watch this

4. The Downing of
Flight MH17
Just as the world was recovering from the psychological trauma
of the disappearance of Boeing 777 Malaysian Airlines Flight
MH370 three months before, lightning seemed to strike once more.
The downing of
Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17
on July 17, 2014, was a potential game changer for global
geopolitics, as east and west faced the very real prospect of a
heating-up of the New Cold War, but a funny thing happened on
the way to the Kremlin.
At the time,
it was released one of
the most comprehensive reports on the
incident available, which revealed that Washington and Kiev
had in fact cooked-up the story that Russian-backed rebels in
the east had shot down the passenger airliner with a BUK SAM
missile system.
US media gladly took the bait on this story, and
ran 24/7 reports trying to pin the blame on Moscow. Washington
and London's plan to assign the blame on Russia rapidly
disintegrated though.
This story is far from over.
evidence is now emerging which shows that
Kiev had shot down the
plane and then attempted to blame this on 'Russian
separatists' in the
Donbas region.
You have to question the sanity of any
Western leader or journalist who thought they could sell the
government 'conspiracy theory' to the public.

3. Malaysian Airlines
Flight MH370
The case of the missing airliner which had the world on the edge
of its seat for one whole month.
Weeks into the search,
Malaysian authorities made the dramatic announcement that they
had finally "found" the aircraft, but hopes faded when it turned
out to be another false alarm.
Global mainstream media outlets
ran continuous coverage showing footage of men looking out the
window of Royal Australian Air Force P-3, but it was all for
The British then joined in the hoax, when satellite firm
INMARSAT sparked another
international fishing trip to nowhere in the
South Indian Ocean.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media completely
ignored other reports that
the plane had been spotted heading
west towards Diego Garcia (it's likely
destination). Some contend
the plane was actually shot down and is being covered up to
save international embarrassment.
Others believe that
MH370 was renamed MH17 and was shot down over the Ukraine in
To confuse matters more, another plane went missing just
before the New Year when Air Asia Flight 8501
vanished from view
fueling a number of
fresh conspiracy theories about what
really happened.
This year, we also released the web's most
extensive report to date detailing the real smoking gun
in the MH370 mystery - a technology known as the
Boeing-Honeywell 'Uninterruptible' Autopilot System.
The case
remains open…

2. Ebola - The
Pandemic That Wasn't
There are still many questions surrounding the Ebola outbreak of
2014 - which was in Africa, and not in the US.
think it was a pandemic after listening to mainstream media
reports. Some mainstream pundits even claimed that
ISIS terrorists would act as human carriers,
bringing Ebola to
the US.
The fear went viral, even though Ebola didn't. The
rhetoric reached insane levels, as media outlets looked to
cash-in on the Ebola fear campaign.
The Ebola
Ebola media circus
reached new levels of panic upon the return to
New York by Dr. Craig Spencer,
from Africa. After that, the story died a quick death.
CDC reported another outbreak in their lab right before
Christmas, so the 'Ebola threat' still lingers…

1. The 'ISIS Crisis'
It was hard to pick a winner this year, but no other evil
conspiracy narrative captured the imagination of traumatized
western hearts and minds like the 'Islamic
State' (IS) aka ISIS, ISIL
rogue terrorist brigades.
They became al Qaeda 2.0 - a band of
unstoppable sand pirates who began to pillage and plunder
their way through Syria and Iraq in the spring, with their
narrative reaching fever pitch in July and August.
It wasn't
long before people began to catch on to the obvious fact,
however, that this
ISIS Crisis was induced by the West and its Gulf State
allies - providing the basis for Washington's long-desired
plan for military intervention in Syria, and also to help
John McCain's Rebel Army (photo above) of terrorists in
Then came the beheadings - starring the colorful ISIS
British actor, 'Jihadi John', in a
series of seemingly
staged videos involving American and British
victims that appear (based on the timing and sustained
political PR campaigns) to be designed to help sway public
opinion and bolster the case for more US-led airstrikes.
also revealed how
Israel is deeply involved in aiding the Islamic insurgency
in Syria, as well as how
ISIS may be returning to Libya in order to attract a new
NATO air campaign in North Africa in 2015.
The ISIS story will
continue to develop in 2015.
the US media to adopt even
more insane story lines - and give even more free prime-time
coverage and cheap ISIS propaganda YouTube videos in order to
further frighten an already fragile American public…