by Charles Hugh Smith
09, 2017
CharlesHughSmith Website

If you want to understand why the status quo is unraveling, start by
examining the feudal structure of our society, politics and economy.
The revelations coming to light about Hollywood Oligarch
Harvey Weinstein perfectly
capture the true nature of our status quo: a rotten-to-the-core,
predatory, exploitive oligarchy of dirty secrets and dirty lies
protected by an army of self-serving sycophants, servile toadies on
the make and well-paid legal mercenaries.
Predators aren't an
aberration of the Establishment; they are the perfection of the
Establishment, which protects abusive, exploitive predator-oligarchs
lest the feudal injustices of life in America be revealed for all to
The predators reckon their aristocratic status in Hollywood/D.C.
grants them a feudal-era droit du seigneur (rights of the
lord) to take whatever gratifications they desire from any female
who has the grave misfortune to enter their malefic orbit.
Anyone who protests or makes efforts to go public is threatened by
the oligarch's thugs and discredited/smeared by the oligarch's
take-no-prisoners legal mercenaries.
the Clintons' Crisis Management
Team tasked with crushing any Bimbo Eruptions, i.e. any eruptions of
the truth about Bill's well-known-to-insiders predation of the
The dirty secret is that the oh-so-hypocritical power elites of
Hollywood and Washington D.C. circle the wagons to protect One of
Their Own from being unmasked.
The first weapons of
choice in this defense are (as noted above) threats from thugs,
discrediting the exploited via the oligarchy's paid goons and
lackeys in the mainstream media and dirty lies about what a great
and good fellow the oligarch predator is.
The last line of defense
is a hefty bribe to silence any peasant still standing after the
oligarchs' onslaught of threats, smears and lies.
Should the worst happen and some sliver of the truth emerge despite
the best efforts of the thugs, corporate media, legal mercenaries
and PR handlers, then the playbook follows the script of any
well-managed Communist dictatorship:
the oligarch predator
is thrown to the wolves to protect the oligarchs' systemic
predation and exploitation of the peasantry/debt-serfs.
Just as in a one-party
Communist dictatorship, an occasional sacrificial offering
is made to support the propaganda that the predators are
outliers rather than the only possible output of a predatory,
exploitive feudal status quo comprised of a small elite of
super-wealthy and powerful oligarchs at the top and all the
powerless debt-serfs at the bottom who must do their bidding in bed,
in the boardroom, in the corridors of political power, and in the
private quarters of their yachts and island hideaways.
Media reports suggest that the real reason Mr. Weinstein has been
fired is not his alleged conduct over the past 27 years but his loss
of the golden touch in generating movie-magic loot for the
oh-so-liberal and politically correct
Hollywood gang that was pleased to
protect Mr. Weinstein when he was busy enriching them.
What's truly noteworthy here is not the sordid allegations and
history of payoffs:
it's the 27 years
of intense protection the Hollywood/media/D.C. status quo
provided, despite hundreds of insiders knowing the truth.
Just as hundreds of
insiders with top secret clearance knew about the contents of the
Pentagon Papers, and thus knew the
Vietnam War was little more than an accumulation of official lies
designed to protect the self-serving elites at the top of the power
pyramid, only one analyst had the courage to risk his career and
liberty to release the truth to the American public:
Daniel Ellsberg.
Why are we not surprised that Hollywood, the corporate media and
Washington D.C. lack even one courageous insider?
If you want to understand why the status quo is unraveling, start by
examining the feudal structure of our society, politics and economy,
and the endemic corruption, predation and exploitation of the
privileged oligarchs at the top.
Then count the armies of self-serving sycophants, toadies, lackeys,
hacks, apologists, flunkies, careerists and legal-team mercenaries
who toil ceaselessly to protect their oligarch overlords from
Open your eyes, America:
there are two systems
of "justice": one for the wealthy and powerful oligarchs, and an
overcrowded gulag of serfs forced to plea-bargain in the other.
John Q. Public had done the
deeds Mr. Weinstein is alleged to have done, Mr. Public would have
long been in prison.
As Orwell observed about a
totalitarian oligarchy,
some are more equal
than others...