by Mac Slavo
February 1, 2012
SHTFplan Website
James Cameron, the Hollywood producer
responsible for blockbuster films like Terminator, Titanic and Avatar, is
reportedly preparing to exit stage left.
While the move for the Canadian born Cameron may
initially be perceived as a rejection or denouncement of American policies
and ideals, Cameron, who has made campaign donations to the Democrat Party
in the past, most notably during the 2004 Presidential election where he
supported democrat John Kerry, may have ulterior motivations, as evidenced
by where he’s planning on moving and what he’s planning on doing once he
gets there.
From time to time we get a glimpse into the goings on of the well connected.
This may be one of those moments:
Cameron has successfully applied to buy 1,067 hectares (2,636 acres) of
farmland in New Zealand. In an application filed with the New Zealand
Overseas Investment Office, Cameron says he and his family,
“intend to reside
indefinitely in New Zealand and are acquiring the property to reside on and
operate as a working farm.”
Associated Press, via Matt Drudge
As we’ve outlined before, farmland is one of the only
reasonable physical
assets to hold in the event of a major crisis, as you’ll be outside of
highly populated metropolitan areas, you’ll have the ability to produce your
own food, generate your own energy, and, more so than your urbanite and
suburbanite counterparts, stay away from the chaos that will ensue during a
major upheaval.
Liberty Media CEO James Malone, like director James Cameron, has also
refuge outside of major cities at his ranch on the Quebec border, giving him
and his family an immediate international bug out plan in the event of an
Another sign from
the elite is that large net worth individuals
and investment managers are buying up and taking physical delivery
precious metals, which in our humble opinion, is a leading indicator that
large in-the-know investors are preparing for a loss of confidence in the
stability of the global economic, monetary, financial and/or political
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett recently
warned that Those Who Can, Should Move
Their Families Out Of the City, and insiders are worried about game changing
riots stemming from the Occupy movement.
The theory that elite members of society know something is amiss is further
strengthened by comments such as those of financier
George Soros who
publicly declared in a recent interview with Newsweek that he expects
violent riots on the streets of America in coming months and years.
Furthermore, we have federal agencies and local police departments actively
training for urban conflict, and the Pentagon has been war gaming scenarios
that include large scale
economic breakdown and civil unrest.
The stories reported over the last several years point to a growing
consensus among elite business leaders, politicians, and military generals
that we’re headed into a situation that is wholly unpredictable.
They know
the system is on the brink, have said so repeatedly, and are actively taking
steps to manage a crisis should it ever come to that.
Short of
the mainstream media coming out and broadcasting to the American
people that the system is about to destabilize and to expect nothing short
of total meltdown and pandemonium, reading between the lines and watching
the actions of those who are interconnected with the money and power
structures on which the system is built will be our only warning signal for
the difficult times we face in the near future.
The message is loud and clear.
Are you listening?