by Janet Phelan
08 March 2013
JanetPhelan Website
Spanish version

The death this past week of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez raises
some disturbing questions.
It was reported that the iconoclastic and
controversial leader succumbed to a two year- long battle with cancer. In so
doing, he may have been the first world leader to lose his life to cancer
since 1980, when the Shah of Iran succumbed to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma while
in exile.
With cancer deaths figuring at 23% of the mortality rate in the United
States (cancer is the leading cause of death in developed countries and the
second leading cause of death in developing countries), one might think that
the Big C might be striking down leaders of countries with the same
regularity as it afflicts everyone else.
The rather unusual and nearly universal tendency
for the power elite to sidestep cancer death has raised questions as to
whether or not the powers-that-be might be bogarding the cure.
Since Hugo Chavez was leading his country, boldly, in a manner that
distinguished his leadership from the lockstep, pro-American arse licking
that typifies most of the world’s statesmen at this juncture in time, one
might ask if the power elite specifically bogarded the cure from Hugo
In a recent article in Press TV, Dr. Kevin Barrett has suggested that
the CIA
may have “given” Chavez the
death-dealing cancer.
Cancer may be transmitted through injection by
an unethical medical professional. A number of sources have alleged that a
fast acting cancer was developed in CIA labs decades ago and was responsible
for deaths ranging from Jack Ruby to investigative journalist Mae
Barrett writes that Chavez himself wondered if
agents for the US government had given him (and other Latin American
leaders) the illness that he succumbed to on March 5th:
“A little over a year ago, Chavez went on
Venezuelan national radio and said:
I don’t know but… it is very odd that we
have seen Lugo affected by cancer, Dilma when she was a candidate,
me, going into an election year, not long ago Lula and now Cristina…
It is very hard to explain, even with
the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some leaders in
Latin America. It’s at the very least strange, very strange.”
If one looks at other notable politicos who have
succumbed to cancer of late, the picture becomes a bit eerie.
The 2010 breast cancer death of Elizabeth
Edwards, estranged wife of former Presidential candidate John Edwards,
raises concerns as to whether John Edwards’ dramatic fall from grace and
subsequent prosecution dovetailed with the cure being withheld from his
Edwards was eventually charged with soliciting
and covering up spending more than $925,000 to hide his mistress and their
baby during the peak of his 2008 campaign for the White House.
The grand jury's indictment contained six felony counts, including
conspiracy, four counts of receiving illegal campaign contributions and one
count of false statements on his public campaign finance reports.
As Edwards had become a targeted political figure, it is safe to assume that
his Icarus-like tumble might have resulted in perks (such as the coveted
cancer cure) being withheld from family members.
Upon learning that Edwards had fathered a baby with a campaign staffer,
Elizabeth Edwards’ fury became tabloid fare.
It was announced in the national press when
she cut him out of her will. One might
wonder if her well publicized rage was solely due to his infidelity or if
she understood the price she was paying for his being kicked off the
political gravy train.
I mean, come on now...
Bill and Jennifer Flowers? JFK and Marilyn?
Dwight Eisenhower and Kay Summersby? LBJ and Madeleine Brown?
Powerful men tend to have powerful libidos and
for many women, there is no aphrodisiac quite like a man with clout.
When someone high enough on the political food
chain is trashed by the press for what the DC Press Club knows nearly every
powerful man does in his boudoir, then it is safe to assume that a very
powerful someone (or someones) wants him out.
Another upstart politico who recently succumbed to cancer was Canadian
National Democratic Party (NDP) leader, Jack Layton. On May 2,
2011, he led his party to the most successful result in the NDP’s history,
winning 103 seats - enough to form Canada’s Official Opposition. It was a
short- lived victory for Layton, who succumbed to cancer on August 22, less
than four months later.
Layton was committed to ousting the conservative
Harper government and the NDP’s leftist policies are in stark contrast to
the policies being promoted under the Stephen Harper reign. Prime
Minister Harper is largely considered to be a faithful lap dog for US
Dr. Kevin Barrett also pointed to the cult classic, “Confessions
of an Economic Hitman,” to buttress his argument that the CIA may
have given Chavez cancer.
Barrett writes:
“ John Perkins, in his bestselling book
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, supplies more evidence that the
bankers that own the US government routinely murder heads of state,
using private assassins as well as CIA killers.”
Barrett goes on to write:
“Perkins would meet with a targeted nation’s
leader and say:
“I have a fist-full of hundred dollar
bills in one hand, and a bullet in the other. Which do you want?”
If the leader accepted the loans, thereby
enslaving his country, he got the payoff. If he angrily chased Perkins
out of his office, the bankers would call in the “asteroids” to
assassinate the uncooperative head of state.”
As the US has tended in recent years to obscure
its blacker activities under “plausible deniability,” it doesn’t take much
imagination to figure that cancer would be a better cloak for murder than a
bullet to the head.
The evidence amassing that cures for cancer do indeed exist is becoming
For starters, see "The
Defeat of Cancer". And for those who still think that
chemotherapy actually cures (rather than kills),
these articles may be of interest.
The fact remains that if no cures for cancer
exist, then we should be seeing about a quarter of the power elite dying of
cancer. Instead, we see a few upstart and inconvenient political figures who
are succumbing to this disease.
Whether or not the CIA “gave” Hugo Chavez cancer, one thing we can be sure
of. They sure as
shinola didn’t give him the cure.
Another CIA Assassination Victim?
by Dr. Kevin Barrett
March 6, 2013
PressTV Website
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
died of cancer
at a military hospital in Caracas
on March 5, 2013.

The Venezuelan
president himself, before he died yesterday, wondered
aloud whether the US government - or
the banksters who own
it - gave him, and its other leading Latin American
enemies, cancer.
A little over a year ago, Chavez went on
Venezuelan national radio and said:
“I don’t know but… it is very odd that we
have seen Lugo affected by cancer, Dilma when she was a candidate, me,
going into an election year, not long ago Lula and now Cristina…
It is very hard to explain, even with the
law of probabilities, what has been happening to some leaders in Latin
America. It’s at the very least strange, very strange.”
Strange indeed… so strange that if you think,
Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff
Paraguayan Fernando Lugo
former Brazilian leader Luiz Inácio
Lula da Silva - Latin America’s top anti-US empire leaders,
...all just happened to contract
cancer around the same time by sheer chance, you must be some kind of
crazy coincidence theorist.
Am I 100% certain that the CIA killed Hugo Chavez? Absolutely not.
It could have been non-governmental assassins working for the bankers.
But any way you slice it, the masters of the US empire are undoubtedly
responsible for giving Chavez and other Latin American leaders cancer. How
do we know that? Just examine the Empire’s track record.
Fidel Castro’s bodyguard, Fabian Escalante, estimates that the CIA attempted
to kill the Cuban president an astonishing 638 times. The CIA’s methods
included exploding cigars, biological warfare agents painted on Castro’s
diving suit, deadly pills, toxic bacteria in coffee, an exploding speaker’s
podium, snipers, poison-wielding female friends, and explosive underwater
sea shells.
The CIA’s assassination attempts against Castro were like a Tom and Jerry
cartoon, with the CIA as the murderously inept cat, and the Cuban president
as a clever and very lucky mouse.
Some might even argue that Castro’s survival, in
the face of 638 assassination attempts by the world’s greatest power, is
evidence that El Presidente’s communist atheism was incorrect, and that
God, or at least a guardian angel, must have been watching over “Infidel
Castro” all along.
Theology aside, the CIA’s endless attempts on Castro’s life provide ample
evidence that US authorities will stop at nothing in their efforts to murder
their Latin American enemies.
John Perkins, in his bestselling book
Confessions of an Economic Hitman, supplies
more evidence that the bankers that own the US government routinely murder
heads of state, using private assassins as well as CIA killers.
Perkins, during his career as an “economic hit man,” gained first-hand
knowledge about how the big international bankers maintain their empire in
Latin America and elsewhere. Perkins’ job was to visit leaders of foreign
countries and convince them to accept loans that could never be paid back.
Why? The bankers want to force these nations
into debt slavery. When the country goes bankrupt, the bankers seize the
nation’s natural resources and establish complete control over its
government and economy.
Perkins would meet with a targeted nation’s leader and say:
“I have a fist-full of hundred dollar bills
in one hand, and a bullet in the other. Which do you want?”
If the leader accepted the loans, thereby
enslaving his country, he got the payoff.
If he angrily chased Perkins out of his office,
the bankers would call in the “asteroids” to assassinate the uncooperative
head of state.
The “asteroids” are the world’s most expensive and accomplished professional
killers. They work on contract - sometimes to the CIA, sometimes to the
bankers, and sometimes to wealthy private individuals. And though their
specialty is causing plane crashes, they are capable of killing people,
including heads of state, in any number of ways.
This isn’t just speculation.
John Perkins actually knows some of these
CIA-linked professional killers personally. And he has testified about their
murders of Latin American leaders. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is
dedicated to Perkins’ murdered friends Gen. Torrijos of Panama and President
Jaime Roldos of Ecuador. Both were killed by CIA-linked “asteroids” in
engineered plane crashes.
Do CIA-linked killers sometimes induce cancer in their victims? Apparently
they do.
One notable victim:
Jack Ruby (née Jack Rubenstein), a mobster
who was himself a professional killer, and whose last hit was the
choreographed murder of JFK-assassination patsy Lee Harvey Oswald in the
basement of the Dallas Police Department.
Ruby begged to be taken to Washington to
tell the real story of the JFK murder, but instead died in prison, of a
sudden and mysterious cancer, before he could reveal what he knew.
Have the CIA-bankster “asteroids” ever tried to
kill Latin American leaders with cancer? The answer is an unequivocal “yes.”
Edward Haslam’s book
Dr. Mary’s Monkey proves what JFK
assassination prosecutor Jim Garrison had earlier alleged:
Child-molesting CIA agent David Ferrie, one
of President Kennedy’s killers, had experimented extensively with
cancer-causing viruses for the CIA in his huge home laboratory.
The purpose:
To give Fidel Castro and other Latin
American leaders cancer. (Ferrie himself was killed by the CIA shortly
before he was scheduled to testify in court about his role in the JFK
To summarize:
We know that the bankers who own the US
government routinely try to kill any Latin American leader who refuses
to be their puppet. We know that they have mounted thousands of
assassination attempts against Latin American leaders, including more
than 600 against Castro alone.
We know that they have been experimenting
with cancer viruses, and killing people with cancer, since the 1960s.
So if you think Hugo Chavez died a natural
death, I am afraid that you are terminally naïve.