July 23 ,2017
AHTribune Website

Bolivia's President Evo Morales.
Image credit: Juanky Pamies Alcubilla/ flickr
Bolivia's President Evo Morales has been highlighting his
government's independence from international money lending
organizations and their detrimental impact the nation, the
Telesur TV reported.
"A day like today in
1944 ended Bretton Woods Economic Conference (USA), in which the
IMF and WB were established," Morales tweeted.
"These organizations
dictated the economic fate of Bolivia and the world. Today we
can say that we have total independence of them."
Morales has said
Bolivia's past dependence on the agencies was so great that the
International Monetary Fund had an office in government headquarters
and even participated in their meetings.
Bolivia is now in the process of becoming a member of the Southern
Common Market, Mercosur and Morales attended the group's summit in
Argentina last week.
Bolivia's popular uprising known as the
The Cochabamba Water War in 2000
against United States-based Bechtel Corporation over water
privatization and the associated World Bank policies shed light on
some of the debt issues facing the region.
Some of Bolivia's largest resistance struggles in the last 60 years
have targeted the economic policies carried out by
the International Monetary Fund and the World
Most of the protests focused on opposing privatization policies and
austerity measures, including cuts to public services, privatization
decrees, wage reductions, as well the weakening of labor rights.
Since 2006, a year after Morales came to power, social spending on
health, education, and poverty programs has increased by
over 45 percent.
The Morales administration made enormous transformations in the
Andean nation.
The figures speak for
nationalization of hydrocarbons
poverty reduction
from 60% to less than 40%
a decrease in the
rate of illiteracy from 13% to 3%
the tripling the
GDP with an average growth of 5% annually
the quadrupling
of the minimum wage
the increasing of
state coverage on all fronts
the development
of infrastructure in communications, transportation, energy
and industry
And above all,
stability, an unusual word in the troubled political history
Bolivia, of which today, with the economic slowdown experienced by
many countries in the region, is a real privilege...