by David DeGraw
AmpedStatus Website
Editor’s Note:
The following is the
introduction to
David DeGraw’s new book,
“The Road Through 2012 -
Revolution or World War III.” |
Word from the Watchtower - A Hard Rain is Going to Fall
September 16, 2010
“There must be some way out of here…
There’s too much confusion
I can’t get no relief…
Outside in the distance…
Two riders were approaching
The wind began to howl…
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour is getting late…”
Dylan, 21: 6-9
All Along the Watchtower
Years ago I read a quote from a book
called “The Evolving Self” which concisely summed up the mission of my life:
“To come ever closer to getting a glimpse of
the universal order, and of our part in it.”
In a determined effort to fulfill this mission,
I have become a highly efficient news analyst.
Using cutting-edge technology I developed a
system that allows me to analyze thousands of news reports daily. I
strategically sift through and condense them into the 200 reports which I
surmise to be the most significant. I then take those reports and carefully
read through them.
Approximately half of them are placed into a
database and presented daily on AmpedStatus.com.
After years of honing my skills and the technology involved, looking over
statistics from the past year I have read, on average, 600 pages of news per
day, six days a week. It’s a torturous and tedious process that takes 10-12
hours per day and barely pays the bills. I don’t do this expecting to make
much financial gain from it - if that were the case, given the time I put in
I would make more working at Starbucks.
I subject myself to this task because I firmly
believe that information is power and I see this process as an absolute
prerequisite to understanding, and then overcoming, the unprecedented crisis
which is just beginning to confront us.
Our current crisis has been steadily developing for several decades now.
However, over the past few years its pace has been exponentially
Last year I felt we passed a tipping point and
quickly evolved my method from purely information gathering to reporting and
released a commentary entitled, “The
Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society,” and then followed it up
with a more extensive series of reports which I called “The
Economic Elite Vs. The People of The United States of America.”
In all, over the course of the past year, I have
written 28 reports and posted over 30,000 news excerpts.
Closely watching tragedy after tragedy unfold throughout the world day after
day, week after week, is extremely depressing, to say the least. Having the
unfortunate task of consistently being the bearer of bad news is definitely
not something that I want to spend the rest of my life doing. The icing on
the cake is dealing with people who attack me for reporting the facts and
details on just how bad the economy, environment and political situation
truly are.
I am all too often forced to defend commonsense
positions that have consistently been proven to be correct.
Aside from having to defend obvious facts, as time has passed I have also
received some praise and been asked how it is that I knew the economy
wouldn’t be improving when most media personalities, politicians and
economists were saying otherwise. You don’t need a crystal ball to tell what
is going to happen within the near future; you just need to look at the
policies that are in place and the actions being taken.
To use a simple analogy: if someone pours
gasoline all over your house and then goes and gets a blowtorch, you can
pretty easily guess what’s going to happen next.
This is essentially what is happening to us
right now. When trillions of dollars are looted from the economy, and the
people who did the looting are not held accountable and are allowed to
remain in positions of power, only a fool would think that the economy would
If we all had a dollar for every time a mainstream “news” headline described
negative statistics in vital economic indicators as “unexpected” or
“surprising,” we could have paid off the national debt by now. The truth of
the matter is that there has been very little “unexpected” or “surprising”
economic news over the past year - unless, of course, you have been drinking
the Kool-Aid and buying into the mainstream propaganda.
It doesn’t take much intelligence to see through the charade, it just takes
a commitment to putting in the time to do the research for yourself.
When you stop listening to paid-off pundits,
so-called “experts” who have a long track record of almost always getting it
wrong, and when you take the time to research and analyze the data, the
facts and the-news-not-in-the-news, you begin to clearly see the horrifying
reality of the situation.
Wicked Messengers
I don’t get a fat paycheck from a Fortune 500 corporation or a political
I don’t have to bow before global bankers and
the Business Roundtable for campaign funding. It is not my job to build
investor confidence, entice consumer spending or sucker people into voting
for me. I do not report information to please a boss and collect a paycheck.
As I’ve stated, the information I present is the summation of extensive
research that I’ve done to educate myself and defend against the predatory
elements within society.
I mention all of this because it is vital to distinguish between independent
journalists who don’t have any financial incentive to deceive people, and
members of the mainstream media, economists and politicians who most often
do. They make a very comfortable living and are paid large sums of money to
manipulate and pacify us - to keep us isolated, divided, confused, ignorant,
apolitical and as passive as possible.
Their primary function is to dumb us down and
keep us on the sidelines.
The harsh truth is that we are not meant to be free-thinking, intelligent
human beings. We are not brought up to be critical thinking participatory
citizens involved in the decision-making processes that guide our lives. We
are bred to be spectators and servants - emotionally driven consumers and
wage slaves.
The manifestation of sociology, psychology, marketing, public relations, the
mass media and educational system represents the culmination of decades of
scientific and strategic planning. We have been brought up in a system of
mental domination. As a population, we have been intensely propagandized
daily since birth.
Generally speaking, our critical thinking skills
and attention to, and comprehension of, deeper political and economic issues
are virtually non-existent.
The dominant characteristic of our present ruling system is the firm belief
that power is to be gained and maintained by manipulating the masses. Being
honest with the population is rarely an option for them. Current powers are
much more interested in deceiving people than informing them.
They dogmatically adhere to the doctrine and
tenets of propaganda, tactically utilizing technocratic methods of
manipulation and deception.
The Will to Empower
I am in direct opposition to the
existing power structure because my belief system is based on the premise
that the more you inform and empower people, the more empowered you will be.
The point is, I’m driven by a need to inform and
empower people, whereas current powers are more interested in manipulating
and deceiving people.
I firmly believe that Thomas Jefferson
had it right when he said:
“Educate and inform the whole mass of the
people… they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our
liberty… Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of
body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”
As I watch the mainstream press and politicians
continually deceive us and fail to relay vital and accurate information on
the dangers confronting us, as conditions continue to deteriorate, I realize
that we must not hesitate in exposing their lies and distortions, no matter
how much criticism paid-off propagandists send our way in their relentless
pursuit to marginalize the truth.
My main concern is that the mainstream media has obscured reality to the
point where I will be instinctively dismissed by many of the people who
could benefit most from the information provided. In exposing the harsh
reality of our situation, I am fully aware that I will sound extreme and
like an alarmist.
That’s understandable, I am most definitely
sounding an alarm and these are most definitely extreme times.
As my track record has proven, I will not say anything that I cannot back up
with ample evidence. Perhaps I will begin with something the casual observer
will not at first believe, but I assure you, if you hear me out, I will end
with something you cannot deny.
At this point, it is clear to anyone who spends time researching our current
economic and political environment, it is clear to anyone who cares about
truth, justice, democracy, freedom and the future, we all know damn well
that it’s time to sound the alarm, organize and fight back.
This realization may still be dormant in your mind, held within the recesses
of your private, isolated thoughts, but we all know deep down inside that
something has gone horribly wrong.
Nietzsche hit the nail on the head when he said,
“Even the most courageous among us only
rarely has the courage for that which he really knows.”
Ultimately, my goal is to reach those among us
who are aware enough to understand the reality and gravity of our current
situation, to reach those who are brave enough, who have the courage and are
prepared to take action and defend against it.
It is much easier to dismiss this harsh reality and turn away in the
short-term. I wish I could ignore and walk away from all of this myself.
However, in the long-term, unless we face this situation now, as we have
only begun to experience, we will all be confronted with a severe decline in
our living standards.
The longer we hesitate and remain passive, the
worse our fate will be.
A Hard Rain is Going to Fall
To put it bluntly, after much
analysis, I am forced to conclude that we are in grave danger.
If you think the past few years have been bad,
unless we significantly change our present course, they will be remembered
as a walk in the park compared to what we have coming our way.
When you are brave enough to leave the Disneyland of mainstream propaganda
and face the reality of our current crisis, the foreseeable future looks
absolutely horrifying and, given the course we are on, extreme conditions
are inevitable.
To poetically summarize the information I have gathered, and distill the
essence of this report for all the people who have a short attention span,
let me just echo the prophetic words of Bob Dylan and simply say, “A hard
rain is a-gonna fall.”
“I heard the sound of a thunder
It roared out a warnin’ …
Heard ten thousand whisperin’
And nobody listenin’ …
‘What’ll you do now?’ …
I’m a-goin’ back out ‘fore the rain starts a-fallin’
I’ll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest …
Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters …
Where the executioner’s face is always well hidden …”
And I’ll expose it, as I “think it and speak it and breathe it…”
Then I’ll:
“reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it …
I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin’
But I’ll know my song well,
before I start singin’.”
So let me end this introduction and
start to lay out the situation for your consideration.
We are at a critical crossroad. Stay the present course and it leads
directly down a road we have been twice before, to world war. Or, take the
road less traveled, one we took only once before, which leads to revolution.
To present things in such absolute terms - saying that we must choose
between one way or the other - is rarely a sincere interpretation of a
situation. In life, most things are not so black and white; there are
usually many shades of gray. I would much prefer to avoid such a dualistic
Manichean perspective. However, after much deliberation, I don’t see any
middle road.
As I will prove to you, we are on a clear path
of war, death and destruction and, at this juncture, the only way for us to
get off this path is through revolution.
The current system of control cannot be
partially adjusted at this point. The time for minor reforms has passed;
half-measures will no longer suffice. It is a world at war, or it is all-out
Perhaps these two roads will converge and
collide, and we will experience both for a period of time, but which one
will prevail? The Economic Elite have backed us into this corner, they’ve
forced upon us these two drastic options.
In the interests of self-preservation, it is time for our survival instinct
to kick in. I’m going to explain how we got to this point, and then you can
decide for yourself what your next move will be.
Ultimately, the choice is yours…
Eleutheria i Thanatos... Freedom or
Continue reading on
The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play -
The Road to World War III...