October 1, 2014
LandDestroyer Website

The Washington Post would report in an article titled, "Hong
Kong erupts even as China tightens screws on civil society,"
Chinese leaders unnerved by protests elsewhere
this year have been steadily tightening controls over civic
organizations on the mainland suspected of carrying out the work
of foreign powers.
The campaign aims to insulate China from subversive Western
ideas such as democracy and freedom of expression, and from the
influence, specifically, of U.S. groups that may be trying to
promote those values here, experts say.
That campaign is long-standing, but it has been prosecuted with
renewed vigor under President Xi Jinping, especially after the
overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych following
months of street demonstrations in Kiev that were viewed here as
explicitly backed by the West.
The Washington Post would also report:
One foreign policy expert, who spoke on the condition of
anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject, said Putin had called
Xi to share his concern about the West's role in Ukraine.
Those concerns appear to have filtered down into conversations
held over cups of tea in China, according to civil society group
"They are very concerned about Color Revolutions,
they are very concerned about what is going on in Ukraine," said
the international NGO manager, whose organization is partly
financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), blamed
here for supporting the protests in Kiev's central Maidan
"They say, 'Your money is coming from the same
people. Clearly you want to overthrow China'."
Congressionally funded with the explicit goal of promoting
democracy abroad,
NED has long been viewed with suspicion or
hostility by the authorities here.
But the net of suspicion has widened to encompass such U.S.
groups as the Ford Foundation, the International Republican
Institute, the Carter Center and the Asia Foundation.
course, NED and its many subsidiaries including the International
Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute
do no such thing as "promoting democracy," and instead are in
the business of constructing a global network of
neo-imperial administration termed "civil society" that
interlocks with the West's many so-called "international
institutions" which in turn are completely controlled by interests
in Washington, upon Wall Street, and in the cities of London and

The very concept of the United States "promoting
democracy" is scandalous when considering it is embroiled
in an invasive global surveillance scandal, guilty of prosecuting one
unpopular war after another around the planet against the will of
its own people and based on verified lies, and brutalizing and
abusing its own citizens at home with militarized police cracking
down on civilians in towns like Ferguson, Missouri - making China's
police actions against "Occupy Central" protesters pale in
"Promoting democracy" is clearly cover for simply expanding its
hegemonic agenda far beyond its borders and at the expense of
national sovereignty for all subjected to it, including Americans
In 2011, similar revelations were made public of the U.S.' meddling in
the so-called "Arab Spring" when the New York Times would report in
an article titled, "U.S.
Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings," that:
number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the
revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6
Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and
grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in
Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the
International Republican Institute, the National Democratic
Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights
organization based in Washington.
The article would also add, regarding NED
specifically, that:
The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated
with the Republican and Democratic Parties.
They were created by Congress and are financed through the
National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to
channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations.
The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually from
Congress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from the
American government, mainly from the State Department.
Pro-war and interventionist U.S. Senator John McCain had famously
taunted both Russia's President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping's predecessor in 2011 that the
U.S. subversion sweeping the
Middle East was soon headed toward Moscow and Beijing.

U.S. Senator
John McCain on stage in Kiev, Ukraine cheerleading U.S.
funded sedition in Eastern Europe. In 2011, McCain would famously
both Russia and China that U.S.-funded subversion was coming their
"Occupy Central" is one of many waves that have hit China's shores
The Atlantic in
a 2011 article titled, "The
Arab Spring: 'A Virus That Will Attack Moscow and Beijing',"
would report that:
He [McCain] said, "A year ago,
Ben-Ali and Gaddafi were not in power. Assad won't be in power
this time next year. This Arab Spring is a virus that will
attack Moscow and Beijing." McCain then walked off the stage.
Considering the overt foreign-funded
nature of not only the "Arab Spring," but now "Occupy Central," and
considering the chaos, death, destabilization, and collapse suffered
by victims of previous U.S. subversion, "Occupy Central" can be
painted in a new light - a mob of dupes being used to destroy their
own home - all while abusing the principles of "democracy" behind
which is couched an insidious, diametrically opposed foreign imposed
tyranny driven by immense,
global spanning corporate-financier interests that fear and
actively destroy competition.
In particular, this global hegemon seeks
to suppress the reemergence of Russia as a global power, and prevent
the rise of China itself upon the world's stage.
The regressive agenda of "Occupy Central's"
U.S.-backed leadership, and their shameless exploitation of the
good intentions of the many young people ensnared by their gimmicks,
poses a threat in reality every bit as dangerous as the "threat"
they claim Beijing poses to the island of Hong Kong and its people.
Hopefully the people of China, and the
many people around the world looking on as "Occupy Central" unfolds,
will realize this foreign-driven gambit and stop it before it exacts
the heavy toll it has on nations that have fallen victim to it
before - Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, and many others.