The Australian
Saturday 29th November 2008
(photos and captions added by Jailing Opinions)
JailingOpinions Website

Dr. Töben's Passport is
Returned at Scotland Yard
by an extradition squad officer
Frederick Toben
has flown
out of London a free man, leaving fellow Australian Michele Renouf
celebrating her role in what she sees as a great victory for democracy and
freedom of thought.
After helping Dr Toben to avoid extradition to Germany on Holocaust denial
charges, Lady Renouf vowed yesterday to keep working for a cause that
is widely seen as a hateful and anti-Semitic twisting of history.
"This is not a hobby for me - I feel it is a
responsibility," she said. "Now I know people are being imprisoned for
their opinions, I can't stop trying to do something about it."

Dr. Töben with Lady Renouf as
he prepares to leave
London after fifty days in jail, having committed no crime
Lady Renouf, the third wife of the late New
Zealand banker Frank Renouf and a former beauty queen whose titles
included Miss Newcastle 1968, coordinated Dr Toben's successful defense
against a European arrest warrant.

The successful Töben defence
team's barrister Ben Watson
She then organized for veteran French Holocaust
denier Robert Faurisson to visit London this week to try to
capitalize on Dr Toben's legal victory by holding a press conference at
which he declared Adolf Hitler never used gas chambers to kill Jews.
The British press ignored Mr Faurisson's speech, but Lady Renouf said she
still felt triumphant because German prosecutors had failed to have Dr Toben
extradited for publishing on the internet views about the Holocaust that
were illegal in much of Europe, but not in Britain or in Australia.

Prof. Robert Faurisson is
seen off safely back to France at Heathrow by Lady Renouf.
On his visit to London he
freely explained the forensic revisionist
method - illegal in much of Europe
- while risking a warrant for his own extradition.
The Töben defence team had
proved European Arrest Warrants
for revisionism are too vague to act upon
and cannot be otherwise,
rendering impossible the
extradition of revisionists
from the U.K. when their defences are handled
"We have had a great success - Dr Toben was
not imprisoned and this country was not imprisoned by being brought into
harmony with Germany's Holocaust laws," she said.
"We have proved the
European arrest warrant is too vague to act on.
"If I had not intervened, he would now be in jail in Germany and this
country would be subject to Holocaust denial laws by the back door."

The successful Töben defence
team's solicitor Kevin Lowry-Mullins
won a decisive victory in a
case with major constitutional implications
Lady Renouf organized a top extradition
solicitor to defend Dr Toben and then convinced the Adelaide-based former
schoolteacher to allow his lawyers to base their case on the vagueness of
the arrest warrant issued by Germany, rather than mounting a futile
ideological defense about the merits of his views.
While virtually every mainstream World War II historian in the world agrees
on the extent of the Holocaust, Lady Renouf has become a high-profile
supporter of Dr Toben and others who argue that the Nazis' crimes were
exaggerated to help the Jews secure a homeland in Israel.

Lady Renouf had observed the
singularly successful strategy
of veteran Viennese lawyer Dr. Herbert
Schaller during 2006,
interviewing him in
2008 for a forthcoming DVD sequel Jailing The Lawyers.
Dr. Schaller's legal strategy
was the indirect inspiration
for Lady Renouf's approach to Dr. Töben
with the idea to defend
himself on detailed legal
rather than inappropriate ideological or futile
moralistic grounds.
Lady Renouf, who works as an advertising
model, has attended court cases and Holocaust conferences around the world.
She said she funded her activities "with some difficulty" by using her
savings and selling her art collection and family heirlooms because,
"the Jews I come across in my work are
Zionists, so my work has dropped off".
Lady Renouf was thrown out of the progressive
Reform Club in 2003 after taking controversial historian David Irving
there as a guest. She now faces expulsion from a London discussion group,
the European Atlantic Group.
Her critics "always say I am charming but
sinister", she said, "because if you meet me you don't find the hate
they talk about".
Denying she was anti-Semitic, she said:
"I oppose the Jewish religion, not the

Dr. Töben and Lady Renouf at
a champagne reception
on the evening of his release
Holocaust Denier Fredrick Toben Wins German
Extradition Fight
Dr Frederick Toben, An Australian Citizen, is Wanted in Germany For
Publishing Anti-Semitic Material on The Internet
by Hannah Fletcher
November 20, 2008
TimesOnline Website
The Holocaust denier, Frederick Toben, has been released from custody
after the German government gave up its legal battle to extradite him from
The controversial historian was arrested at Heathrow last month on a
European arrest warrant accusing him of racism and anti-Semitism. German
prosecutors were then forced to appeal to the High Court after a British
Court refused to hand him over.
Lowry-Mullins, Dr Toben's solicitor, confirmed today that the appeal had
been withdrawn and he had signed a consent order with the German government
to end the case.
Mr Lowry-Mullins told The Times:
"Dr Toben was released from custody
yesterday. He's over the moon."

Lawyers acting for the German government argued
last month that Dr Toben, the founder and director of the revisionist
Adelaide Institute, should be extradited to face trial for posting claims on
the institute's website that there was no mass murder of Jews by the Nazis.
But Westminster Magistrates Court district judge Daphne Wickham ruled that
the warrant used to arrest the 64-year-old Australian as he travelled from
America to Dubai on October 1 was "vague and imprecise".
Dr Toben was unable to raise the Ł100,000 bail
however, and remained in custody awaiting Germany's appeal at the High
Under Section 130 of the German criminal code, holocaust denial is illegal
and offenders can face up to five years in jail, but the case caused unease
in Britain where there is no such law. Attempts to extradite him were seen
by many as an assault on free speech.
Mr Lowry-Mullins said:
"The offence is not made out in the UK. If
Dr Toben had been extradited back to Germany for Holocaust denial, which
does not exist as an offence in this country, then we would have found
ourselves in a situation where hypothetically, the Iranian government
could have asked for all the gay Iranian asylum seekers to be extradited
back to Iran."
Mr Lowry-Mullins said the German chief state
prosecutor handling Dr Toben's case had been so confident of success at one
point that he had bragged Dr Toben would be in Germany for Christmas.
But the solicitor said that he believed the German government had been
shaken by comments he had made outside court after the discharge hearing.
"I said, 'We will go all the way to the
House of Lords with this and let the House of Lords decide'. But when
the draft extradition Act passed through the House of Lords in 2002, one
of the questions was what would happen if someone was arrested on a
European arrest warrant to be extradited to a country where Holocaust
denial is an offence.
"The response was, 'No, that will never happen'."
Mr Lowry-Mullins confirmed that Dr Toben was
still in England waiting for his passport to be returned to him.
Dr Toben was previously convicted and jailed for nine months in Germany in
1999 after he claimed on the
Adelaide Institute website that the
Holocaust had been grossly exaggerated.
In a disclaimer on the present day site, Dr Toben writes that anyone who
questions the,
"Holocaust story/legend/myth... will face a
world-wide group of enforcers who will use any means to destroy
dissenting voices."
He adds:
"If you wish to begin to doubt the Holocaust
narrative, you must be prepared for personal sacrifice, must be prepared
for marriage and family break-up, loss of career, and go to prison.
This is because Revisionists are, among
other things, dismantling a massive multi-billion dollar industry
that the Holocaust enforcers are defending."
French Cops Raid Holocaust Scholar's Home
New Police Raid at my House
by Robert Faurisson
13 November 2008
Today, Thursday, November 13, at 6:15 AM, two investigators from the Police
Judiciary in Paris, having arrived in Vichy yesterday evening, burst into my
house accompanied by three uniformed policemen, not without deliberately
making a great deal of noise.
This caused a severe nervous shock to my wife,
who, at 77, suffers from a heart condition; I now fear the possible
consequences. For the next hour and a half the armed policemen kept her, her
brother and his wife (the couple had happened to be spending the night at
our house) confined in a room, forbidding them to leave it.
The police’s loutish behavior was all the more inadmissible as the two
investigators (officers de police judiciary – OPJ’s) knew of my wife’s poor
state of health. They had already visited us last January 24. That morning,
upon reporting at Vichy police station to answer a summons, I was
immediately placed in custody.
When told that, after a questioning session, the
policemen would be taking me back to my house and carrying out a search, I’d
informed the OPJ’s that, as my wife had a weak heart, I had kept the matter
of my summons a secret. I told them that at a certain time soon my wife
would be leaving the house, and requested that they wait till then to show
up for their search. However, they paid no heed to my warning and, with
their untimely arrival, they had already given my wife a cardiac trauma.
This November 13 I hauled them over the coals. I told them what was what.
And they calmed down.
The three men in uniform went away at 7:30 AM. The OPJ’s, a young woman and
a youngish man, performed their search from 6:20 to 10:30.
I refused to answer their questions. For nearly thirty years I’ve been in
the habit of responding to all questions from the police with the words: “No
answer”, even if the questions are harmless ones. I refuse to collaborate
with the French police and justice system in their repression of
historical revisionism.
Once again, my two OPJ’s drew a blank. Once again, they found neither the
computer nor the documents sought.
They came bearing five (!) warrants, the most important of these concerning
my participation at the Tehran conference of December 11-12, 2006. The
charges originated with then President Jacques Chirac and an essentially
Jewish “anti-racist” organization.
I ask indulgence of my correspondents beforehand should they find that, for
a certain period, I leave their messages or letters unanswered. I am once
more entering a time of turbulence. I have still not found a lawyer to
replace Eric Delcroix, who has retired. By the way, I shall also ask
my contacts not to come forth with recommendations of this or that reputedly
courageous lawyer: there are in fact only cowards and inveterate swaggerers.
(A model of the type: Jacques Vergčs. It
pains me to note how few people have seen through the act he puts on. His
pet artifice, clumsy as can be, is anti-racist one-upmanship. “Barbie a
racist? You must be joking! No one was ever more racist than the French
colonialists or the Australians, exterminators of the Tasmanian race.”)
In France as elsewhere at this moment, the Jews are demanding a greater
crackdown on revisionism. As long as the State of Israel persists with its
repeated provocations of the Palestinians, it will be putting itself in
growing danger and, eventually, bringing about, whether it likes it or not,
the Zionist regime’s disappearance.
For the time being, that regime must at all
costs safeguard its number one propaganda weapon: the lie that is the
religion of “the Holocaust” with its alleged homicidal gas chambers.
We may expect to be treated like Palestinians. For my part, I will not give
in. People sometimes find fault with me for forgetting, in my struggle, that
a man’s first duty is to preserve the safety of his wife and children. But
that, perhaps, is only a man’s second duty. Perhaps the first duty of a man
is to be a man.
I do not lose sight of the fact than my lot remains enviable when compared
with that of a good many other revisionists such as, for example,
I also think of the heroic Frenchman Vincent
Reynouard, his wife and their seven children.