by Paul Levy
AwakenInTheDream Website
The other night I was watching Dan
Gillerman, the Israeli ambassador to the U. N. being interviewed
on TV by Charlie Rose. Gillerman was incredibly articulate,
and very brilliant. He spoke with the utmost authority and
confidence. Here was someone who seemed truly empowered, I thought.
Flawless in his logic, it seemed like no one had a chance to win the
slightest point in any argument with him. And then, something
revealing happened. At one point, Rose asked him whether Israel
preferred a military or a political victory.
The ambassador answered,
“We prefer a MILITARY victory over a
military victory."
Rose immediately corrected him,
saying he meant that Israel preferred a POLITICAL victory over a
military victory. Gillerman responded by saying “yes, a
political victory over a military victory,” as if that’s exactly
what he had said. He had no idea that he had mis-spoken, and that
his Freudian slip may have unwittingly revealed a deeper process
that was playing out through his, and by extension, Israel’s
A Freudian slip is the voice of the unconscious. In
his slip of the tongue, Gillerman unknowingly may have revealed what
is going on inside the unconscious, whose intentions are the polar
opposite of what he imagines or represents them to be (both to
himself and to the world) at that moment. In his Freudian slip,
Gillerman may have been unwittingly revealing what he was
unconsciously dissociated from and hiding from himself, and hence,
unconsciously enacting in the world. When we are not in conscious
relationship with a part of ourselves, we are doomed to
unconsciously give shape and form to it by acting it out in the
Once I began contemplating the ambassador’s Freudian slip, I
wondered what it could have been revealing about his (and Israel’s)
unconscious. If that was the voice of the unconscious, it is
expressing the shadow, the darker part, of what Israel is playing
out on the global stage. If it was a genuine Freudian slip,
Gillerman is unknowingly revealing that Israel prefers a victory by
force over anything negotiated via diplomacy.
It is as if this voice that wanted a
military victory was thirsting to assert its power and domination
over its enemies. It goes without saying that this is the absolute
polar opposite of the representatives of peace that Gillerman and
Israel like to think of themselves as being. This unconscious dark
side that the Israeli ambassador is revealing is none other than the
underlying, un-integrated collective shadow of his nation which is
being brutally acted out on the world stage.
Gillerman’s Freudian slip seems to be revealing an urge on
the part of Israel for revenge, an impulse to want to punish their
adversaries. Wanting to destroy the “other,” Israel is unconsciously
acting out the part of itself that has been abused. Israel’s
knee-jerk, vengeful reaction is coming out of a deep hurt, a deep
wound. Israel’s unconscious reaction to want to hurt and destroy the
other is an expression of the part of it that has been traumatized
by its enemies attempting to destroy it. And yet, Israel’s desire
for revenge is what transforms it from being the victim of terror to
itself becoming the terrorist.
The ambassador’s Freudian slip may be revealing that Israel, under
the guise of being the victim, is actually playing the role of the
victimizer disguised as the victim. By acting out of its wound and
unconsciously acting out its trauma, Israel is actually doing the
very thing it is accusing its enemies of doing. Accusing its enemies
of perpetrating violence, Israel is perpetrating violence, thereby
pouring fuel on the endless cycle of violence. Does Israel really
think that enacting violence is going to make it safer? Doesn’t
Israel realize that perpetrating violence is just going to inspire
and create more enemies than it will destroy? Of course, I can’t
help but notice the similarity between Israel’s (ultimately
self-defeating) attitude and that of my own country, the United
Israel’s argument that Hezbollah or Hamas “started” the violence,
though seemingly accurate on a superficial level of reality, is
profoundly untrue. Israel and its enemies “reciprocally co-arise”
together, which is to say that we can’t pinpoint in linear time
where the violence actually started. Hezbollah or
Hamas didn’t react out of a void,
but could just as easily point to a previous violence that Israel
had perpetrated onto them that they were just reacting to. Israel
and its enemies are both unconsciously acting out a deeper process
that is beginingless in time (atemporal) and acausal,
which is to say that it is a conflict which cannot be traced back to
a “first cause,” as no one “started it.”
Although there are deep, historical roots to this conflict, no
matter who is to blame for what has been done in the past, the fact
is the only place we have the power to make a genuine difference is
in the present moment. Thus, the present situation is the place
wherein effective action can be taken to resolve this crisis. From
the point of view of the present moment, no one “started” the
conflict. Either side, at any moment, can step out of the vicious
cycle which is nothing other than an infinite regression and simply
refuse to continue to feed the endless, self-reinforcing cycle of
Either side of the conflict can simply
refuse to participate in perpetuating the cycle of reactive and
retributive violence and the self-perpetuating cycle will be broken.
This is the deeper meaning of Christ’s urging to “turn the
other cheek.” This is the underlying meaning of both Gandhi
and Rev. Martin Luther King’s teachings on non-violence.
Only by not striking back can we become agents of peace.
There is an incredible “edge” or resistance around criticizing
Israel, as many people will immediately accuse me of being
anti-Semitic. Being of Jewish heritage myself, it breaks my heart to
see the abuse that Israel is unconsciously acting out against its
neighbors. It is as if the Jewish people have not learned the deeper
lesson of the very Holocaust that almost destroyed us, which is that
to project the shadow outside of ourselves is to become the very
evil that we are trying to destroy in the outside world (Shadow
Projection - The Fuel of War).
And yet, for anyone to criticize what
the nation of Israel is doing is to not only NOT be anti-Semitic,
but is to be a true representative of what the Jewish people
ultimately are supposed to stand for, which is peace. This situation
is analogous to when a family member in a position of power abuses
their power, the other family members are enabling and complicit in
the abuse if they remain silent (such as, in this case, other Jews
who blindly support whatever Israel does, as well as the United
States, who is giving tacit approval of Israel’s violent actions by
its silence). The family member who speaks up and sheds light on the
abuse, though at first quite unpopular and unwelcome, is the one who
is the truly loving “patriot” of the family system.
Of course, Israel’s enemies are doing to Israel exactly the same
thing that I am pointing out that Israel is doing to them. Both
Israel and its enemies are mutually projecting their own shadow onto
and blaming each other, which creates a dark, but very intimate
connection between them. Each party couldn’t project the shadow onto
the other without its adversary’s secret collaboration in playing
out and embodying the very shadow being projected. The violence that
is happening between these two polarized agencies couldn’t happen
without their unwitting, mutual co-operation. Israel and its enemies
don’t exist in isolation from each other, but in co-relation with
each other. A deeper process is revealing itself through their
Israel and its adversaries are both mirroring back what the other is
doing. They are enacting their trauma onto each other, and are
simultaneously playing both roles of
terrorized-victim/terrorist-victimizer. Though the American
mainstream media is propagandizing the conflict as being between
Israel and the “terrorists” (similar to how they frame the Global
War on Terror as being between the United States and the
“terrorists”), the question arises “Who is the real terrorist?"
(The answer goes something like this:
the terrorist is just a role in the field that is being played at
different moments by all participants in the conflict).
Like a kitten looking in a mirror, Israel and its enemies are
reacting to their mirrored reflection, thinking it is separate from
themselves. They don’t recognize that they themselves are generating
and calling forth the very behavior that they are reacting to.
Reacting to their own reflection, they are compulsively acting out a
collective form of the repetition compulsion, which is to be feeding
into and off of each other’s madness.
In my book
The Madness of George W. Bush - A Reflection
of our Collective Psychosis, I name this psychic epidemic
“malignant egophrenia,” or ME disease for short.
Falling prey to this psychic epidemic, we truly suffer from a case
of mistaken identity, an erroneous sense of ME, of who we imagine we
are. The essence of ME disease is a deep dissociative split in which
we project out our own darker half outside of ourselves, becoming
entranced in thinking that our own evil exists outside of ourselves.
We then try to destroy our darker half
as we meet it in the outside world, which is to act out and become
possessed by the very darkness we are trying to destroy. The figure
of George Bush embodies and is therefore a living symbol
of this disease. Not being separate from ourselves, Bush is
merely an embodied reflection of the mad part of all of us that
dissociates from and projects out our own shadow, and then tries to
destroy the reflection of our own darkness as it shows up in the
outside world.
The “inner name” of ME disease is “Mad Emperor”
disease, as it is what happens when an individual such as Bush,
or a nation such as Israel, is in a position of power and abuses its
power over others simply because it can. Those who have fallen prey
to ME disease identify with an illusory “separate self” (be it on
the personal, or national scale) which is fear-ridden, while
simultaneously generating fear in others by traumatizing anyone
within its dominion.
Instead of being in relationship to
others and the environment, people (or nations) taken over by ME
disease want to dictate, subjugate, dominate, and have power over
others. They are tantrum-throwing bullies, who live by the rule of
“might makes right.” I immediately associate to the archetypal and
mythic figure of the negative father (Cronos/Saturn), who abuses his
power over others simply because he can, a morally indefensible act.
ME disease is a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that
non-locally pervades and is holographically enfolded throughout the
entire field of consciousness. This is to say that ME disease
exists, in unmanifest potential, deep within the collective
unconscious of all humanity.
ME disease in-forms and gives
shape to the greater body politic of the world, and it is noteworthy
that the Middle East is currently having an acute outbreak of ME
ME disease could just as easily
stand for “Middle East disease,” as this is where the disease
is currently having a localized inflammation and is thereby, in
fully condensed and essentialized form, where this deeper,
underlying non-local field disease is becoming visible in 3-D space
and time for all who have eyes to see. This is to say that ME
disease, an illness that exists deep within the entire unified
field, is embodying, incarnating and revealing itself in,
through and as events in the Middle East. We are simply asked to
recognize what is being revealed to us.
The ME epidemic that is playing out in the Middle East is a
reflection of a deeper process going on within the collective
unconscious of humanity, and is hence revealing something to us very
important about ourselves. In the crisis in the Middle East there is
an extremely valuable lesson for all of humanity hidden (veiled),
while simultaneously being revealed for all who have eyes to see.
Israel and its enemies are engaged in a ritualized dance of mutual
shadow projection in which they are both doing the exact thing they
are accusing the other of doing.
Terrorized by the other, each side
terrorizes in return. They are both looking in a mirror (whose inner
meaning, etymologically speaking, is “holder of the shadow”), and
trying to destroy their own shadow, which is not only a battle that
can never be won, but is a form of insanity. Seen as a
dreaming process, we have dreamed them up to objectify and show us
these mad parts of ourselves. Israel and its adversaries are
embodied reflections of the part of ourselves that unconsciously
enacts this same insane behavior, both within ourselves and outside
in the world.
Just like George Bush and the terrorists, Israel and its
adversaries are acting out a form of collective madness in
full-bodied form on the world stage. This is to say that a madness
that exists deep inside the psyche of all humanity is being
symbolically re-presented and played out in the Middle East.
Something is being revealed to us about ourselves through this outer
display of collective madness in the Middle East.
The only genuine and lasting solution which will create true peace
is for enough of us to realize what is being revealed by what I am
calling ME disease as it unconsciously is being endlessly
re-enacted in the Middle East. Acting out the unconscious on the
world stage, we are a species possessed by a more powerful energy.
Like Israel, we are a species in trauma, enacting our trauma as we
traumatize others while simultaneously re-traumatizing ourselves in
a diabolical self-reinforcing feedback loop with no exit strategy.
We are a species gone mad, and yet, in
unconsciously acting out our madness, something very important is
being revealed to us. Events in the Middle East are both the
literal as well as symbolic crystallization of this process. A
deeper, mythic process that is taking place in the soul of humanity
is playing itself out, both literally and symbolically, in extreme
and exaggerated form in the Middle East. Encoded in these events are
the key to its resolution.
Once we realize we are reacting to our own mirrored reflection, our
relationship to our reflection, both within ourselves and as it
appears in embodied form in the outside world, changes. Instead of
trying to kill our reflected shadow, we recognize and embrace it as
part of ourselves. Re-collecting our projected and split-off parts,
we “re-member” ourselves (coming back to our “right mind”), which
becomes instantaneously reflected in the outside world, as we
remember who we are to each other.
Instead of projecting our shadow
outside of ourselves (which is to dis-associate and dis-member from
a part of ourselves), we recognize, own and take responsibility for
our own darkness. Integrating our shadow into the
full-spectrum of our being literally “fleshes us out,” as we become
more spiritually substantial, embracing the light and dark parts of
ourselves, which is what genuine incarnation is all about. Waking up
to who WE are allows us to open up to including “others” as being
inter-related, inter-connected, and inter-dependent parts of
ourselves. We step out of a world in which we are alien, and
recognize we are co-related with each other as well as the universe
at-large, which is to say we are not separable from the universe as
a whole.
Stepping out of the illusory “separate
self,” we heal our mistaken sense of ME (which is the cure
for ME disease), as we simply recognize what has always been
the case, which is that we are truly one.