September 19, 2009
DeadManMusings-Blogspot Website

The Rev. Jim Jones
In this blog, we have discussed the various
elements and components of mind control and focused on individual cases.
Now, we will turn our attention to the attempts by
the Illuminati and their allies in the
CIA to create an actual working "mind controlled society".
Jonestown had the support of
many noted politicians and celebrities
(including Jane Fonda, Walter Mondale and Hubert Humphrey). Jones himself
claimed that the community was a "Communist Enterprise" appearing to have
more loyalty with the Russia and China than the United States.
Jones purported to establish Jonestown as a
benevolent communist community, stating:
"I believe we’re the purest communists
there are."
Marceline Jones described Jonestown as,
"dedicated to live for socialism, total
economic and racial and social equality. We are here living
Jones wanted to construct a model community
and claimed that Prime Minister Burnham,
"couldn’t rave enough about us, uh, the
wonderful things we do, the project, the model of socialism."
In that regard, like the restrictive
emigration policies of the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea and other
communist republics, Jones did not permit members to leave Jonestown. (source)
The truth is, Jonestown was not created with the
help of Communist Russia or any other Communist Country.
It was created with the help and assistance of
the United States State Department and political influence.
The Temple established offices in Georgetown
and conducted numerous meetings with Burnham and other Guyanese
officials. In 1976, Temple member Michael Prokes requested that
Guyana's Prime Minister Forbes Burnham receive Jones as a foreign
dignitary along with other "high ranking U.S. officials."
Jones traveled to Guyana with California
Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally to meet with Burnham and
Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Willis. In that meeting, Dymally
agreed to pass on the message to the U.S. State Department that
socialist Guyana wanted to keep an open door to cooperation with the
United States.
So, contrary to the "official story" that
Jones was Communist sympathizer trying to reunite with Communist Russia,
he was in fact working hand in hand with "high ranking" US politicians and
the U.S. State Department to build Jonestown.
In fact, even the wife of Guyana's Prime
Minister pointed this out:
"Later, Burnham stated that Guyana allowed
the Temple to operate in the manner it did on the references of Mondale,
Rosalyn Carter and San Francisco Mayor George Moscone.
Burnham also said that, when Deputy Minister
Ptolemy Reid traveled to Washington in September 1977 to sign the Panama
Canal Treaties, Mondale asked him "How's Jim?", which indicated to Reid
that Mondale had a personal interest in Jones' well being."
The members of Jonestown, which had collectively
denounced their U.S. citizenship, continued to receive about $65,000 in
monthly "welfare checks" from the U.S. government.
It appears that this is one of the ways that
U.S. intelligence and politicians financed Jones and his "community". These
checks were confiscated by Jones and put in the "Temple's" general fund.
Jones also appeared to be involved in the use of
MK Ultra type sex slaves for political manipulation purposes:
"One Temple member, Paula Adams, was
involved in a romantic relationship with Guyana's Ambassador to the
United States, Laurence "Bonny" Mann. Jones bragged about other Temple
members he referred to as "public relations women" giving all for the
cause in Georgetown."
Trouble for Jones reportedly came from a group
of defectors that exposed the use of "brainwashing" techniques, torture and
the use of drugs to subdue members that were not fully compliant through the
San Francisco media:
"Various forms of punishment were used
against members considered to be serious disciplinary problems. Methods
included imprisonment in a 6 x 4 x 3-foot (1.8 x 1.2 x 0.9m) plywood box
and forcing children to spend a night at the bottom of a well, sometimes
upside-down. For some members who attempted to escape, drugs such as
Thorazine, sodium pentathol, chloral hydrate, Demerol and Valium were
administered in an 'extended care unit'."
Armed guards patrolled the area day and night to
enforce Jonestown's rules. Some local Guyanese, including a police official,
related stories about harsh beatings and a "torture hole", the well into
which the children were placed when they were perceived to have misbehaved."
Ironically, one of our current cultural icons, Harvey Milk, the first
openly practicing homosexual elected to office, wrote a letter to President
Jimmy Carter expressing his support for Jones and attacking his accusers:
"Milk wrote that Jones was known 'as a man
of the highest character'."
Regarding defecting Temple members pressing for
an investigation of the Peoples Temple, Milk wrote,
"they are attempting to damage Rev. Jones'
reputation" with "apparent bold-faced lies".
Congressman Leo Ryan from Northern
California, who had a penchant for embarrassing the CIA and bringing it
under Public scrutiny, was goaded into investigating the Rev. Jones and his
settlement in Guyana.
Congressman Ryan served on the International
Relations Committee and was known as the CIAs most vocal critic. His
biggest concern was the MK-Ultra mind control experiments being
conducted through CIA sponsored programs. (source)
What sparked Congressman Ryan's interest in Jonestown?
"The chain of events which led to
Representative Leo J. Ryan's death in Guyana on November 18, 1978 began
1 year earlier almost exactly to the date.
The spark that ignited his interest was a
San Francisco Examiner article of November 13, 1977, involving an old
friend and constituent, Mr. Sam Houston of San Bruno, Calif. Headlined
"Scared Too Long," the story recounted the death of Sam Houston's son,
Bob, beneath the wheels of a train on October 5, 1976, 1 day after he
had announced his decision to leave the People's Temple.
The article explained that Mr. Houston was
"speaking out" because he was outraged by the way the Temple had treated
his son, about whose "accidental" death he had lingering doubts.
He was also speaking out because his two
granddaughters, who were sent to New York on a "vacation," ended up at
the People's Temple agricultural mission in Jonestown, Guyana - never to
return. Sam Houston was also described as speaking out because he didn't
have much time left.
Doctors would be removing his cancer-choked
voice box within a few days. Finally, Sam Houston said he was speaking
out because he was "tired of being scared." (source)
Some MK Ultra survivors claim that they
or others were "kidnapped" and forced into the mind-control program.
The kidnappings of these two girls could very
well have provided the motive for the murder of Sam Houston's son. I believe
that he was killed because he had a working knowledge of how the CIA
recruited "volunteers" for their Jonestown MK-Ultra project.
Ryan personally investigated the claims of
Patricia Hearst and believed she had
been mind-programmed along with others in the Symbionese Liberation Army,
as part of a CIA MK Ultra program that originated in the prison where
the group's founder served time.
As a result of that investigation, he asked that
Hearst's sentence be commuted.
"U.S. Air Force Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty,
who worked closely in key positions with the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of
Staff for many years, told Freedom that Leo Ryan had moved in too close
to certain skeletons that could never be safely disturbed.
A relentless and uncompromising
investigator, nothing could stop Ryan - short of violence. But how could
such a high-profile personality be eliminated without bringing down upon
the perpetrators an investigation to end all investigations?" (source)
Ryan did visit Jonestown, in what appears to be
a "set-up" to eliminate one of the CIA's most vocal critics, and also
destroy the now public MK ULTRA experiment at Jonestown.
When he actually toured the commune, he was
attacked by a knife wielding assassin that failed in his assignment.
When he left, he took 15 defectors with him.
"Because of the unanticipated large number
of defectors, an unexpected request was made to the Embassy in
Georgetown at about noon Saturday for a second plane. A considerable
effort was required by Embassy personnel to obtain the aircraft on such
short notice.
The entire group, including the defectors, arrived at the Port Kaituma
airstrip between 4:30 and 4:45 p.m. The planes, which were scheduled to
be there on the group's arrival, did not arrive until approximately 5:10
p.m. A six-passenger Cessna was loaded and had taxied to the far end of
the airstrip when one of the passengers in that plane, Larry Layton, a
self-styled "defector," opened fire on its passengers.
At approximately the same time, a People's
Temple tractor and trailer which had arrived at the airstrip shortly
before, was positioned near the twin-engine Otter aircraft onto which
some had already boarded. The trailer occupants waved off local Guyanese
who had gathered about and opened fire on the Ryan party. Mr. Ryan,
three members of the media, and one of the defectors were killed; Miss
Speier and nine others were wounded - five seriously.
According to information received by the
Staff Investigative Group, the shooting started at 5:20 p.m. (3:20
p.m. Washington time) and lasted about 4 to 5 minutes." (source)
If the knife wielder had done his job, the
highly visible attack at the airstrip would have been totally unnecessary.
Either way, the liquidation of the Jonestown
experiment had been pre-planned. So, it appears that Congressman Ryan's
death also served a second purpose. His death provided the cover the CIA
needed to make their little MK Ultra community go away.
Although many others lost their lives on November 18, 1978, according to Dr.
C. Leslie Mootoo, then chief medical examiner of Guyana, the
overwhelming majority of the deaths at Jonestown were murders, not suicides.
"Dr. Mootoo, the government’s top
pathologist and the first physician on the scene, told Freedom that many
had died from injections of cyanide. After 32 hours of nonstop work in
stifling heat, amid decaying flesh, in Mootoo’s words, “We gave up.”
By that time, 187 bodies killed by
injections had been examined by Mootoo and his team. Victims had been
injected in portions of their bodies they could not have reached
themselves, such as between the shoulder blades or in the back of an
upper arm.
“Those who were injecting them knew what
they were doing,” Mootoo said.
Many others had been shot. Charles Huff,
a former member of the U.S. Army Special Forces in Panama, was one of
the seven Green Berets who were the first American troops on the scene
following the massacre.
He told Freedom,
“We saw many bullet wounds as well as
wounds from crossbow bolts.”
Huff noted that those with fatal bullet or
bolt wounds appeared to have been running toward the jungle that
surrounded Jonestown.
Corroborating the information from Dr.
Mootoo, Huff said that the adults who had not been shot had been killed
by injections between the shoulder blades. The killers escaped before
the arrival of Huff and his team.
Congressman Ryan's survivors also were aware of
the CIA's involvement in Jonestown:
"More than 20 months after Leo Ryan was
killed, his five adult children - two sons and three daughters - filed a
lawsuit based on extensive investigation into what had precipitated
their father’s death.
Filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of
California on July 31, 1980, the suit asked for general damages of $3
million, plus costs for Congressman Ryan’s funeral and bringing the
The lawsuit charged that,
“the Jonestown Colony was infiltrated
with agent(s) of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United
“[That] the name of one said agent was Phillip Blakey, a trusted
aide of Peoples Temple leader James Warren Jones.
“[T]hat said agents were working with the Department of State and
the Central Intelligence Agency to use the Jonestown Colony as part
of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK Ultra program.
“[T]hat massive quantities of mind-control drugs were found at the
Jonestown colony after the fatal incident of November 18, 1978.” (source)
"At the time of his death, Leo Ryan’s
spotlight was trained on one of the darkest corners of the American
intelligence establishment - psychiatric “mind-control” experiments,
possibly combined with illegal domestic operations.
His probe included tests performed at a
Vacaville, California, state hospital, reportedly involving Donald
(known as “Cinque”) DeFreeze, a central figure in the 1974
kidnapping of Patricia Hearst.
A month before Ryan’s murder, Jack
Anderson published a column entitled “CIA May Have Inspired Cinque,”
exposing the secret experiments, with Ryan or his committee the most
likely source of the information."