from OpenMindsForum Website



As you may already know, we have at the ’OM’ Forum been developing a team of researcher who specialize in UFO /Alien disclosure.

Although we have specialized in getting to the bottom of the SERPO disclosures, we have also been in contact with a number of other sources, who also have disclosure information.

Certainly, since the beginning of 2006, the ’disclosure movement’ has moved up ’a-pace’.

The disclosures being looked at here are exclusive to OM - and the source, for now will be referred to as ’TC’.

We have been sitting on the TC disclosures since March 2006. We do not apologize for doing so, rather we wanted to undertake some clandestine research instead of muddying the Serpo waters even more.

We now think it is time for the TC disclosures to sink or swim on their own merit.

We present below the entire disclosures to date, and will up date them as and when they develop.

The thread will be locked to ensure only the pure data gets published, however, feel free to open threads to address which ever aspects you want to discuss / analyze.

You will recognize some of this, as someone within TC registered here and posted some edited content on the main serpo thread.

It now has its own place.

Note: ’Charlie’ and ’Lucy’ may refer to the Schultz ’large headed’ characters of the period. NASA, also use the ’Peanuts’ terms for a lot of their project code names.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2006, 2:13pm by admin »


















Re: TC - Disclosures
Reply #1 on May 13, 2006, 2:44pm »

Originally passed to the OM Research Team in March 2006

"I have been instructed to pass the following information on to you per my dear friends last request. You must bear with me as the information was relayed to me in his final days while on various medications and a morphine drip. Many words were slurred and his memory was failing, so he referred to a journal at times, which I now have in my possession. He kept dozing and I would have to remind him where he left off. May God rest his soul.

You may come to find the information somewhat shocking and unable to understand as ****** has. I pray the Almighty will look out for the inhabitants of this planet as the coming years will bring much misery. I pass on this information in the hope that you, as an unbiased observer, will make sure the public learns the truth.

All space programs are a cover that exists to deceive the people of this world. We have a space fleet, which is codenamed ”Solar Warden.” There were, as of 2005, eight ships, an equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three “protectors,” which are space planes. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars’ orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. This base was established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork. Not everything is, as it seems.

We have visited all the planets in our solar system, at a distance of course, except Mercury. We have landed on Pluto and a few moons. These ships contain personnel from many countries and have sworn an oath to the World Government, also, known as the Bilderbergers. The technology came from back engineering alien-disc wreckage and at times with alien assistance.

The oil supply on Earth is and always has been renewable. We have known this since 1948 (he may have said 1958). The wars, diseases and oil crisis are just to keep the public from focusing on the real issues of government control and a presence not of this planet. We have the technology to rid the world of oil dependency and hunger, but it would destroy the world’s economies and the profits and control of some of our wealthiest families. I find this horrifying that 20+ families can control our world.

A few world government leaders learned of ALF’s, but with the approaching war, it became a low priority. ALF has since been renamed ABE and now EBE. (checks journal) Detlev Bronk came up with the EBE name and it has been used henceforth. These EBE’s were first seen around 1937 in Sweden and later Axis and Allied pilots reported seeing balls of light. These were the EBE probes, later called “Foo Fighters” during World War II. The Nazi’s were the first to retrieve a crashed disc in 1939.

These EBE’s set up numerous underground bases on our planet to monitor our progress. We have been in contact with four different EBE civilizations. Three are benevolent and unfortunately, one is not. The malevolent EBE’s have abducted many of us to help their dying race. We the human population are their experiment. They have made human clones that lack consciences and hybrids. For some reason, we have yet to identify, they are unable to clone themselves. Their intent is to take over this planet and use us as a food source to prolong their lives and as slaves. Factions within our government are even attempting to aide these creatures.

We have been in communication with these, now known, hostile EBE’s since 1953. This was after seventeen more alien-disc crashes and retrievals by our military, along with sixty-eight dead EBEs and body parts from Earthly animals and humans. The outskirts of Laredo, Texas was the location of the last crashed alien-disc. This disc was enormous and could not be transported, so it was buried were it lay and still is to this day. Another survivor was taken prisoner in 1951, and we nicknamed her Lucy, also, known as EBE-2. She confirmed the same information as our first prisoner, Charlie.

I forgot to explain how our prisoner, Charlie, came to be in our control. He was the only survivor from two crash sites. (checks journal) One was south of Roswell, New Mexico on Pine Lodge Farm, and the other near Azteca, New Mexico that our military retrieved in 1947. A civilian found the EBEs. His name was (checks journal) Gerald Anderson and he gave the EBEs water, which they rubbed on their bodies, but they refused food that was offered to them. The military, later, discovered the Pine Lodge Farm crash site and took Mr. Anderson and two of his family members to Roswell’s base for interrogation. They were threatened with death due to the national security issues at that time.

The living EBEs were being taken to Roswell and then transferred to facility YY-ll (I think that’s what he said) at Los Alamos. One of them began having a seizure and died. The three EBE remains were carefully packaged and frozen. Los Alamos was the only facility around that had a freezer that could hold the three bodies. Two Army Air Force personnel stationed at Roswell Army Air Base died within days from exposure when trying to crate the craft’s wreckage. We later confirmed it to be from radiation poisoning. Precautions were taken and the EBE bodies and discs were flown to Wright-Patterson.

We learned that the EBE-1, later called Charlie, was an engineer. He had a device attached to his diadem that allowed him to communicate with us. Charlie was deceptive at first. We learned he did not like the temperature below 77 degrees Fahrenheit, so we used that to our advantage and manipulated the heating system to get him to talk. He began to divulge an incredible tale. To this day, we are still not sure if all is true, as it could destroy man’s faith in religion and our understanding of this universe.

Their race is from a planet called Seinu and is in the Zeta Reticuli system (this is now their adopted home-?). (I’m trying to get him to tell me, again, where they originally came from) Their birth planet is in the Betelgeuse System, but is now uninhabitable. They were peaceful and traded with another race in a nearby star system. War broke out between them 3900 years ago Earth time (could not understand the name of the race, will ask later). They destroyed their enemy and in the process lost their home due to the use of genetic weapons. All plant and animal life began to die as well as their people. They found that over a few hundred years, the genetic weapons had begun to alter their offspring (? I believe that is what he said) and no longer could they reproduce or eat as they once had. Their physical features changed as well.

They are grayish-white in color with a scaly body and about 3-4½ feet tall. The scales were very tiny similar to a white snake. Teardrop shaped head with large, slanted cat eyes, a large protruding nose and a slit for a mouth. Lips were not seen on the mouth, but they had tiny sharp teeth. The Seinuvians seemed fragile with a thin neck supporting such a large head. They also had two arms with four fingers on each hand that had a suction cup on the end of the fingers. There bodies tapered down their legs to two feet with four toes that had claw nails similar to dog’s nails. When they turned, the entire body turned in unison. I don’t believe they could swivel their heads. (fell asleep)

They began to explore planets in other star systems until they found Seinu, with what remained of their species. As time passed, they discovered Earth and wanted to construct an outpost, but their leaders decided against it for unknown reasons. Charlie did state that they returned many times for the natural resources and to watch the advances of our people. We call them Seinuvians, at least this is what we have learned to call them as we are unable to pronounce their name.

(He jumps back to Lucy) Charlie and Lucy were allowed to see each other, although no words were spoken. We found it rather odd they enjoyed touching each other’s heads. It may be a hug or affection in their terms. (checks journal) We allowed them two hours a day to visit. Some of our scientists and military personnel believed they were able to communicate telepathically, even though they were housed in different buildings within the facility. Our scientists set up experiments to block their telepathic waves and were successful by February of ‘52, using radar. This information was used later to bring down more discs, until they figured out what we were up to and were able to defend against it.

Charlie and Lucy tried to explain that they needed a liquid food source to sustain them. We started out by grinding chicken parts and then blending it with the chicken blood. This made them both ill. We later tried pigs and I believe horses, but eventually found cows suited them the best. Both Lucy and Charlie would rub the blended liquid on their bodies and we could see the liquid being absorbed into their scaly skin. Charlie mentioned the genitals and eyes were a favorite of theirs. (fell asleep)

(After he woke, I reminded him where we left off) Somehow, (I think he said a rouge group within the government allowed) the Seinuvians to know we had Lucy and Charlie, and they wanted them back, but in our arrogance, we refused. The UFO reports in the New Mexico area, at that time, were actually scout ships looking for their survivors. As a warning to show their superiority over us, they began to interfere with our missile and (rocket-?) tests. We nearly had a nuclear explosion in NY, where we housed two nuclear weapons in a well-known university. The Seinuvians triggered the timing mechanism on one of the devices for a few seconds as a warning to us.

(checks journal) After numerous, unsuccessful attempts to intercept the UFO’s with Scorpions and Starfires, we realized that we were in a pickle. We had some recovered technology and weapons systems from the alien-disc wreckage, but we were still in the experimental stages and we didn’t want to tip our hat to them. We did not have the mechanical or scientific understanding to duplicate their technology at that time.

In April of ’52, Charlie began having health problems and died. Lucy was allowed to see his body and began to make high-pitched wailing sounds. She may have been grieving or conducting a ritual. Her health became a concern as well.

Our decision was finally made after a fleet of UFO’s flew over the (checks journal) White House, Capitol Building and the Department of Defense on July 19th, 1952 and, again, on July 25th, 1952. President Truman, finally, ordered the military to make contact to arrange the release of Lucy. Truman, in ’52, asked the CIA and later the NSA to broadcast a message to the Seinuvians that we wanted to discuss a treaty. This became known as Project Sigma and it was successful. In ’53, the military formed “Alpha Teams” to find and retrieve crashed discs and any aliens found at the crash site. This was called Project ------- Project Pounce.

President Eisenhower comes aboard in ’53 as I did. When he realized the threat was real, he contacted the Soviets, British and a few other trustworthy heads of state. Later this became the Bilderberger group. They met to discuss the threat and decided to work on weapons to bring down these creatures. In 1954, Eisenhower met the delegation of Seinuvians at Murdoc in California. Lucy was returned to her people and a treaty was signed to allow the abduction of a few thousand humans for an exchange of technology. A list was to be kept, so we could track these people following their abductions.

By ’55 we realized the Seinuvians had broken the treaty. Tens of thousands of people had been taken, some, multiple times. Others were not returned or found mutilated along with an increase in cattle mutilations. This is when I first learned that cow’s blood is very similar to human blood and can, in emergencies, be used as a substitute. They continued to interfere with our military installations and missile tests.

The Soviet Union and the U.S. had recovered 10 more discs and 27 more bodies. One disc blew up in the air at the Proving Grounds. Some of the alien bodies had autopsies performed on them. We found they did not have a digestive system, just a sac that allowed the storage of the food they absorbed through their scaly skin. Their blood was green in color and gave off an offensive odor. They also did not have kidneys or bladders.

Eisenhower believed the only way to defeat the alien technology was to play along with them until we could defend ourselves against them. By ’56 we had a surprise visit by a second alien group. They were called the Etherians, we called them the handsome people. They were humanoid and tall, probably 6’-3” to 6’- 6” and had athletic bodies. Many of the military men had to be dismissed, as they could not stop staring at the Etherian women. They warned us that the Seinuvians were hostile and were attempting to genetically engineer our race to fit their needs. They would help us if we would destroy all nuclear weapons and attempt to become a peaceful race. We refused and thanked them. They did leave a communication device with us if we changed our minds.

When Kennedy came into office, he was anything but shocked. He knew about the alien presence and the discs we had in our possession. He forced our military to release pieces of the alien technology to companies around the U.S. to back-engineer. The companies were told the technology was from the Soviets or Chinese. He later threatened to disband the CIA if they did not stop the drug trafficking and warned he was going to announce to the American people that aliens were real and felt they were ready for the information to be released.


As you know he was murdered. Oswald was not the shooter, nor did he fire a single shot. It was members of the Secret Service and CIA, under orders from the Bilderbergers. Kennedy became the second martyr to date following the murder of James Forrestal. I want it to be known that I did not agree with either murder and was not involved in any way, shape or form and only learned about them after the murders. I truly liked Kennedy; he was an honest man except for his many affairs, which I cannot fault him.

There is much more to disclose to you, but I will leave that to ****** to take care of after my death. I did want to discuss this load of manure called Project Serpo. The true name is Project Serponia. I guess someone shortened it to make it sound more interesting. We did train personnel as astronauts during that time frame, but I do stress that under no circumstance did we exchange our men for theirs. We already knew what they were capable of and would not put our men in harms way. The project was to fool anyone from discovering the truth and lead them on a wild goose chase. You may find it interesting that the group disclosing this false information is only seeking monetary gains and fame. This aviary group and disinformation group are the ringleaders in this charade. I am astonished that no one to date has checked the military background of Victor Martinez.

It’s quite hilarious to see so many gullible people jump at straws. This Ryan fellow is just a patsy that got in the way and has now twisted the events to fit his cult project. Most of the information he has released from the so-called Anon #2 is not even in the Serponia files. I believe he has made them up or has had help from others. On the other hand, Anon #1 was quoting from the Serponia files, which is still false information with some truth included. ****** will pass on the remaining information I have for you, but not until this Serpo baloney is put to rest.

My dear friend has passed. He did leave much more information to send to you at a later time. This includes copies of his journal. For my own safety, I have copied all information and sealed them in accordion folders and have given them to (removed) people who I can trust. You will be #(removed) if you so desire, but I must warn you, it could cause you serious harm if a certain group was to find out. [...] All information from me will have this included as a code to let you know it’s me ------ "

« Last Edit: May 13, 2006, 3:49pm by admin »





Re: TC - Disclosures
Reply #2 on May 13, 2006, 2:48pm »

Passed to the OM Research Team - 03 April 2006

"(name removed),

I must apologize for my grandson’s harsh behavior. He’s worried and was trying to protect my family and me. (removed)

What my grandson told you was correct. They can search all they want, but shall never find the journal. It’s in a safe place. We have a tail, as my grandson puts it, that follows us around town and even a helicopter was seen above us twice. It is just for little old me, what a waste of taxpayer’s money.

I have brought my wife home and we now have made it our mission to bring out the truth my friend, hereafter known as "J", provided us. We are quite nervous and hope that in some way you may be able to help us in the near future.

At "J’s" funeral, we were astonished at the site of many distinguished people. As I was preparing to leave, a man approached and said verbatim, "Mr. *******, I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend. He will be missed by many." He then took my hand into both of his and shook it. As he did, he slipped a sheet of paper into the cuff of my shirtsleeve. As he turned to walk away, he said, "Goodbye Mr. *******," and winked his eye.

I have never seen this man before and was uneasy as to his intensions. As I climbed into the limousine, I pulled the note out and read the message. It was an address, date, time and a sequence of numbers. My wife told me to throw it away. I must admit, (name removed), that I was curious and felt a need to learn why I was given this message, so I went.

You may be to young, but I use to listen to the mystery shows on the radio as a young man. It was such an adventure to imagine you in the hero’s role fighting the evil. My how things have changed. I do not care for television, as I believe it corrupts our children.

Two days following the funeral I went as instructed and brought along a friend who is a retired police captain He has a permit to carry a firearm, which made me feel safe. We drove the thirty minutes to the city where we came to a five-story building with a security gate. My friend took the message and punched in the sequence of numbers written on the bottom of the note. The gate opened and we drove up a ramp into a parking garage. We walked over towards the elevator and my friend tried the stairwell door, but it was locked. The elevator started moving, but we could not activate it due to a box similar to a credit card scanner that was on the wall. I guess you needed a special card.

The elevator opened and the same man, who had given me the message, waived us into the elevator. There must have been a hidden camera near the doors. He turned a key and we went up to the fifth floor I believe. Another man was standing there when the doors opened. He asked me to raise my arms and proceeded to frisk me. My friend was not frisked and was told to sit on the couch near an office door. The first man escorted me into the same office and that’s when I saw an earpiece on his right ear. Secret Service?

I was told to walk into another office and I opened the door and two men were sitting on a long couch. I’ll tell you, (removed), I would never of guessed it would have been someone from the WH administration. PW and BM asked me not to use their names, only their initials, due to government computer tracking software. They stood up as I approached them. We shook hands and for the next three hours we discussed “J’s” journal, information that is not in the journal and what is to happen following the meeting.

We have friends now that can help! They knew about “J” and how he wanted the public to know about some of the things he shared with you. I am still breathless over this meeting. PW gave me a sheet with the items we had discussed, so I wouldn’t forget. He also asked that you release the information I originally gave you, “to start the ball rolling,” as he put it. The information is to be put on your Serpo forum. On the sheet it has proboards21, do you know what that is? I do not own a computer and must rely on others to transfer information to you, as I am doing with this message.

They seemed to know your whereabouts and even mentioned you were a (removed). Is this true? They knew too much in my opinion.

Anyway, they asked me to mention the following:

  • About 3,000 years ago, the Seinuvians had a coup that allowed their military to take control. They were prevented from taking control of Earth by another group of aliens, but did establish small military outposts.

  • Pyramids throughout the world were for sacrifices to appease the Gods, who turned out to be the Seinuvians. They used the blood and bodies as a food source.

  • Genetic modifications of our food source to prevent the Seinuvians from abducting our people and cattle.

  • Altering our water supply to prevent them from using our water sources.

  • At least 63-underground/underwater alien bases on Earth.

  • Movement of troops and weapons to prepare for the alien invasion due to start in a few years. God, I hope this is not true.

  • Seinuvians have begun to alter our weather to warm the planet for their needs. Global warming, melting polar ice caps and increases in CO2 and ultraviolet light.

  • A genetically engineered human, created by the Seinuvians that has a conscience. He escaped and is trying to aid our world. He is extremely intelligent and telepathic. They call him J-Rod. Have you heard of this? Seems far-fetched to me.

  • Asteroid was sent towards Earth by the Seinuvians only to be destroyed by the Etherians. Another race of aliens, which I believe "J" mentioned before. I’ll have to look when I see the journal again.

(name removed), I will send the rest of the information to you from “J” as soon as I can get access to the journal again. I feel as though I’m on a roller coaster ride. Scared, excited and wondering about what is to come next and hoping not all the above is true. Until next time my friend. "

« Last Edit: May 13, 2006, 4:03pm by admin »





Re: TC - Disclosures
Reply #3 on May 13, 2006, 2:51pm »

Passed to the OM Research Team - 11th May 2006

"(name removed),

If you will go through the information I sent a while back, you will see that I did mention an asteroid that was sent towards Earth. This asteroid was later confirmed to be comet SW3 (Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 - 73P). Our friends diverted this danger causing it to break apart. If you check NASA’s web site, they confirm that this comet was not in an area with that amount of external force to cause it to separate and are still puzzled.

Tracy, California - August of ’98

A "protector" lost one of of the three coils in the engine and began to emit a green vapor. It began to descend and glide back towards California, trying to make it to Edwards. Unable to reach that point, it turned towards the Livermore Lab. As it approached, F-16s were sent to intercept this bogey. Security forces from the lab fired upon the plane with a laser cannon, which had been developed three years earlier. The plane began to spin and both pilots ejected safely. The crash site was just outside the lab boundaries, near a school.

The owner of a nearby tire recycling plant witnessed the episode and went to help. Security forces and the military from the lab responded and told him to leave. A half hour later, his tire recycle plant was set on fire as a diversion to keep the public from the area. The owner saw them setting the fires and tried to stop them only to die from a heart attack. Two large tractor trailers were brought in and the wreckage was removed while others repaired the damage. Local reports were that it had been a meteorite, but no one bothered to check out the story. Numerous witnesses and still not talked about. Three separate sources have sent this information to me, each from a different agency.

Cape Girardeau - Pre Roswell 1941

The first true crash of an exterestial vehicle. Leo Stringfield and later Tim Cooper wrote about this story. You can check out the information yourselves. What wasn’t reported was that the exterestial vehicle was repaired in 1942 and flown by our military, only they crashed and destroyed it. It was going to be used as a psychological tool against the axis powers. What the allies didn’t know was that Germany had retrieved a disc in ’39. The three occupants were the same Seinuvian race discussed in my prior e-mails.

As I explained to (name removed) earlier, Slyvester is an alias. Tacitus is a shill.

More to come."

« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 10:12pm by admin »






Re: TC - Seinu Disclosures
Reply #4 on May 18, 2006, 10:14am »

Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 13:15:31 -0700


The information is authentic and verified. I’m told that the IP is ours, but we did not authorize the release. A virus was found attached to software and something was stolen from us and sent to an unknown source. In the process, a draft were sent out as well. We were tracking down other witnesses (non military) who would publicly verify the accounts were indeed true when this happened. In the pipeline, we have very bright computer experts that have worked for the very same ones that may have done this. The IP that you see is not where the information is being relayed. I think they called it IP bouncing or ricochet.

[removed] - [removed] spoke with someone in our pipeline last night and relayed your message and offer. Thank you, but from my standpoint, people are not ready for that amount of information to be dumped into their laps. We, as a human race, are not ready. From what I have been told, there is, too, much bickering and fighting between investigating groups. And with that statement, the same can be said for the forums. Numerous Intel and investigation group members frequent these forums to disrupt and drop hints and lead you away from the subject at hand. We will not allow "J’s" information to be twisted in this manner and it goes against his initial request.

[removed], Mods and members of the forum - "J" did not want his information to be released until the other was done, but in my haste and urging from others, including PW, I went ahead and sent some information to Lucianarchy per "J’s" request. That was a mistake. I’m being told that instead of investigating the incidents themselves, certain people spout out nonsense as fact. A little digging would show that we are correct, as we have spent the time investigating and talking to numerous witnesses.

Many have, in fact, verified the information presented to you. We now have over 100+ assets and growing each day that have confirmed about one-third of the journal logs. At this point we can tell you the information released to date is accurate, except for one detail. The number of e-races now exceeds twenty. I cannot explain why "J" knew of only four. All we have are hunches.

An example of our search for truth is the fact that we have 2,027 pictures in our possession. Out of those 1,623 are fakes. The rest were given to an expert to run tests and she found that 394 do not come from the period indicated or were proven to be doctored in some manner. That leaves us with the original 10 pictures that "J" had given to me. But we have to assume they are fakes as well until witnesses can either confirm them or we find collaborating evidence. Do you see the problem we face? Either we give in to your desires and contribute to the problem or we release evidence based on proof and witnesses. We will always choose proof.

Due to my health, I’m spending my last few months traveling with my wife and seeing my family and friends. I will be passing on all control to others. If they choose to communicate with you, then, you will receive word soon. If not, then you can imagine why, based on what they have told me. To doubt is logical and sane, but at some point you must realize the truth has been before you the entire time.

My last information:

Only one-third of all sightings and abductions are by EBEs. The rest can be traced back to the dark-half of our governments. We have boxes of documents sent to us stating that tests and abductions were done mainly at night, but they were so bold as to believe people would believe they were UFOs/aliens that they now do these tests and abductions during daylight hours as well.

September of ’65 - Exeter, New Hampshire

One of the retrieved discs was test flown by a contingent of American and British military pilots. After nearly colliding with a few moving vehicles, it managed to land hard behind a row of trees and near a set of railroad tracks. One pilot broke his neck and died, two others were seriously injured. Another pilot took control of the damaged disc and flew it at a near 135-degree angle back to Pease Air Force Base. This disc was not repaired and flown again until ’75 when our technology was able to duplicate the technology of the part needed. Many witnesses, some are former military men that were at the base when the disc returned, one of the pilots and eight civilians that witnessed the incident.

From everything we are able to find and told by witnesses, J-rod’s blood is the key. Teams of scientists using his blood have conducted RNA/DNA manipulation on many humans. Many of the abducted are children, as they have less contamination in their systems and are less likely to struggle. Pregnant women are also tested to see the effects on the unborn fetuses in early terms. The sperm of men were not affected and all tests with men have ceased and the subjects terminated.

Vancouver Island

British Columbia


"click image right"


It’s not what’s above, but below that matters.

  •   49º 17' 11.20" N

  • 124º 10' 04.92" W

I wish all the best in seeking out your own truth, but you may not like what you find in the end!


« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 10:14am by admin »






Re: T.C.GROUP - The Seinu Disclosures
Reply #5 on Jun 9, 2006, 4:32pm »

I have been asked NOT to divulge the contents of the last communiqué from 'TC', which arrived yesterday. However, I can tell you that it contained some extraordinary information - although it was not about disclosure or the alien presence. Please don't be cross about the withholding of the content, as I am bound by their OWN wishes for the development of the Seinu disclosures. Given what happened to Serpo, I will respect that 100%.

"[...]Just let your members know that we are still here and we will be in touch in due time.[...]"

« Last Edit: Jun 9, 2006, 5:45pm by admin »





11th June 06 - Closure (for now?)
Reply #6 on Jun 11, 2006, 1:51pm »


I’m saddened to inform you that Serpo, Serponia, Seinu and anything else you want to call it has turned out to be a test of sorts by the dark side.

We were given an audience with a former high-ranking official and for more than two hours he explained the purpose and the feedback it has given this group.

As we had figured out before, the higher your clearance the more truth you were allowed to receive.

Unfortunately, the dark side also had a suspicion, this started during the early ‘60’s, that a few people with high clearances were divulging secrets, by word of mouth or acts of treason by screening classified material. To counter it, they would allow “employees” to learn of a false top-secret project or information. Depending on where the “employee” was working, he/she learned of this particular project/information and if a leak occurred, it could be traced back to that group of “employees” only.

They devised a setup that was two-fold in its release.

1- would show how the material was leaked to the outside and by whom.

2- once the material was released, track the flow and study where it may lead. It was a bonus to them when these projects hit the Internet and they learned the identities of those viewing the information and for study in the near future tests.

Now, notice I said near future. This is in part due to more of these types of setups that are going on at this time and more to come. There is truth in all this and it will be explained below.

Some members of the Bird group are involved and were told of these tests. Please note: the rest of these birds are innocent and just as clueless. We don’t know who fits into which category and he would not divulge this information. Damn, he would only smile and it P'd us off.

The reason we asked for a meeting with him was due to us catching an asset trying to pass off a third story, which we knew to be fake. We put 2 and 2 together and realized what was happening, but we wanted to verify this revelation and regrettably it has been proven true.

Now, the good news that you may know by now is that in all this comes some truth, at least in “J’s” case. This was not told to us, but rather he would smile if our question was confirmed and not if it was negative or false. It took us a minute or two to figure out what he was attempting and again this P'd us off regarding the game, but we needed his responses. After about 5 minutes of questions he halted the proceedings, wished us the best
and escorted us to the front door.


The questions and responses are listed here.

Q - Was “J” involved in all these agencies as stated in his journal and as we tried to discuss with you?
A - Smile.

Q - Are there space-based aircraft?
A - Smile.

Q - Are they called protectors?
A - No smile.

Q - Are they known by other names?
A - Smile.

Q - Is the project/mission still called Solar Warden?
A - No smile.

Q - Was it ever called Solar Warden?
A - No smile.

Q - Did one of these damaged space-based aircraft crash trying to land at Livermore Lab in 1998?
A - Smile.

Q - Was it shot down as being an unidentified aircraft?
A - Smile.

Q - Was this due to its’ speed and location?
A - Shrugged his shoulders.

Q - Did they mistake it for a missile?
A - No smile.

Q - Was a laser used to shoot it down?
A - Smile.

Q - Was this space-based aircraft trying to land on the road that runs along the perimeter of Livermore Lab?
A - Shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

Q - Have we back engineered craft, disks, ships that are not… let’s put it this way, not from this planet?
A - Smile.

Q - Are we flying some of these recovered craft, disks and ships?
A - Smile.

Q - Are we being visited, the planet Earth that is, by multiple EBE species?
A - Smile.

Q - More than 20?
A - Smile.

Q - Are some hostile towards us?
A - Smile.

Q - Is one of these EBE species from the Zeta Reticuli system?

At this point his facial expression changed and as we stated above, he rose, wished us the best and walked us to the front door without uttering another sound. I’m not sure if it was the question or he disliked something we did.

We have always said that we stand for disclosing the truth. In this instance, the truth is discouraging, but there’s a positive side as well. “J” was well respected and this pompous man confirmed “J’s” information to be true except for Seinu. What he didn’t confirm is what we were attempting to ask above.

We did learn some interesting facts regarding disinformation internet websites and UFO groups, which I will discuss at another time.

I’m tired and today's round-trip plane ride took its toll on me, but you needed this information ASAP. We will circle the wagons for now and go back to square one just to make sure we aren’t being fooled once again, but I doubt that.

I don’t have the heart to inform [code removed] due to his condition. It may be humane to let him pass on believing in Seinu.

[removed], we are sorry this has caused a bump in the road. It was verified with assets, but we know now they were from the same area this fake project was released from. In the end some truth was revealed and that is always a victory. We do have the rest of “J’s” material (not Seinu) and other information that was sent to us, but in light of what has happened, we will need a new system to verify before releasing. We will be in touch, but it may be awhile.

[code removed]

« Last Edit: Jun 11, 2006, 1:58pm by admin »





Reply #7 on Jun 11, 2006, 5:07pm »

...and so, with the latest from TC Group resolving the current 'disclosure' regarding serpoinia / seinu as a 'test' of sorts(!), it brings the circle to a close once again. We have postulated the 'water temperature test' a few times - and so it seems we were correct - at least in respect of 'Seinu / serpo'. What did come out of this was some confirmation that, again, the core contains some truth, but splashed all over with disinfo-juice!

They allude to some of the machinations going on behind the scenes which relate to the disclosure process. And I can confirm that the penultimate communiqué from the TC Group did contain some extraordinary information regarding recent events which relate to the 'serpo politics' / ATS / cointelpro and disinfo. As soon as they give permission to release the full details, you will see it here first. I am bound by their instructions - and given how the 'seinu' disclosures developed - by giving them a free platform and compartmented and protected media - we were ALL able to watch the story unfold free from sabotage and meddling from outside forces.

As I said in the Serpo thread recently:

FWIW, I don't think there is much truth to Serpo released data. Although I do think the core is true, in particular the exchange program.

Ernie Kellerstrass , 'Hawk', has said that "we had 12 more humans ready for an exchange program departing on April 24th 1997". Note the word "more".

'Raven' (JJ Angleton) also mentioned the exchange program. "They have been here, and we have been there." He said that contact goes back to the 1930's. Roswell happened, but not as is known - one Eben which survived went 'back' during the Holloman 1964 mutual contact program.


Apparently, we are still (or up until recently) in contact with one species, the Ebens who are 20-25000 years ahead of us. It takes "22 days. It's not 11 up and 11 back. Our sending takes longer than theirs." - 'Sparrow'.

So this all reinforces, for me, that there most definitely IS a 'water test' going on right now, and as long as we 'play by the rules', we can expect further and more intriguing disclosures as time progresses. You, the reader, contributor, are part of this historic process, and how you react / respond is up to you - however, please be mindful of the responsibilities which come with any involvement and hopefully we can progress away from suspicion, mistrust, meddling and deception and into a brighter future which should shed light about Life through the cosmos, and hopefully, - in Peace.






Questions answered.
Reply #8 on Yesterday at 9:34pm »

OMRT: The co-ordinates you allude to, what do they relate to? I have checked on grid refs etc,. some clues to posse us navy, but that's it. Could you enlighten me further?

TC: These coordinates were from two Canadian fishermen (who happened to witness strange lights enter the water in this vicinity at night and disappear), a Canadian asset (military, who confirmed a deep underwater entrance) and later confirmed by a British naval officer who was aboard an American vessel in this area during a joint U.S./Canadian torpedo test when an alert was broadcasted. All personnel were confined to the interior of the ship and the sonar and radar were ordered shut off. He wasn't able to see what was occurring outside, but the ship began rocking, tossing some against the walls.


After nearly an hour, all personnel were ordered back to their stations, but the sonar and radar were kept off. That night while he was having a smoke, he witnessed a small glowing object leave the water from that location and disappear. When he reported this to the American executive officer, he was pulled aside and told it was a planet and not to start rumors on his ship. We could not release this until the Canadian asset gave us the green-light.

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 9:34pm by admin »





Reply #9 on Jul 28, 2006, 4:45pm »
July 28th 2006


"A few of us have returned from (removed) in which we viewed evidence a Colonel had in his possession. We were amazed at the material, which included a 40-minute long video of an American or Russian military recovery team seizing two Grey bodies and parts from a downed disc. Incredibly no words were spoken, only hand movements. They then boarded an unknown and unmarked helicopter and began flying off when the helicopter disappeared!!! Possible cloaking??? After ten minutes the disc exploded and shrapnel flew everywhere.

We are in negotiations to obtain this information, but this Colonel wants a lot of $$$$$$ and we need to make sure the video is not a hoax. He is, also, negotiating with a news crew from the US. I'm not sure who they represent.

We are working on a few things, but need to verify with other sources. I'll let you know this much, Serpo may be true regarding going to this planet, but we have only found evidence that [...](removed). Please keep that part secret as we need to verify with many other sources. The Russians, also, sent a few people to this planet three years later and our Russian contact might be able to get us documentation.

We are happy to hear you are recovering well. Our best to you.


