by Steve Hammons
August 21, 2006
AmericanChronicle Website
Information was released to the public
today about contact between the United States Government (USG) and
visiting beings from outside our planet.
The sources of the data are alleged to be government insiders
associated with the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
The information was released at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time
through an e-mail stream list that includes many persons
scientific, military, intelligence and other backgrounds.
The new releases are alleged to be part of the process of
“disclosure” about the decades-long discoveries, research and
operations of the USG regarding contact with intelligent beings from
other planets and star systems.
Types of visitors, history of contact with the human race and
USG-sponsored research on advanced technology acquired through the
visitors are parts of the new information.
A gradual, planned and appropriate release of this kind of sensitive
information to the American and international public on these topics
has reportedly been underway for many years. This most recent
disclosure is alleged to be part of the program of a steady process
of education on these kinds of subjects.
The complete verbatim report as sent on the e-mail stream has been
posted on a well-known public Web site,
According to sources cited in the new information, some of the terms
for types of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth include the
- Ebens (from the Zeta Reticuli
star system)
- Archquloids (no further details presented)
- Quadloids (no further details presented)
- Heplaloids (no further details presented)
- Trantaloids (no further details presented)
According to the information released,
visitors have made contact with USG authorities by landing in the
U.S. for meetings or providing some kind of direct communication on
the following dates:
April 1964 - Socorro, New
Mexico (NM)
April 1969 - White Sands, NM
April 1971 - White Sands, NM
April 1977 - White Sands, NM
November 1983 - Unknown
location, but
believed to have been Kirtland Air Force Base, NM
November 1990 - White Sands,
November 1997 - Nevada Test
November 1998 - Nevada Test
November 1998 - Nevada Test
November 1999 - Nevada Test
November 2001 - Nevada Test
The next formal contact date of this
kind by the types of visitors the USG has had the most contact with
is alleged to be:
November 2009 - Nevada Test
In the information released today, there
was no further indication about informal visits to Earth, contact
with individual average persons, the plans and agendas of the
visitors, or other additional details of this kind.
The moderator of the e-mail stream did include, as background,
information that has been previously made public about an alleged
“Red Book” maintained by elements of the USG about visitor contact
and the “Yellow Book” maintained by the visitors.
According to this background information,
“'The Red Book’ is an
extremely thick, very detailed account summary written and compiled
by the U.S. Government on UFO investigations dating from 1947 to the
present day. This orange-brownish book is updated every five years
and also contains some cross-over information from ‘The Yellow
The background also describes “The Yellow Book” as,
“the aliens’
history of our universe written by the aliens themselves as well as
their interactions and involvement with Earth's
development/evolution. It was brought to Earth and presented to the
U.S. Government at the famous Holloman AFB [Air Force Base] landing
in April 1964 by female [visitor, known as] EBE #2 which was also
translated by her.”
According to the e-mail stream moderator,
“Steven Spielberg's 1977 film, CLOSE
ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND is based on the famous Holloman
landing as well as the human-ET exchange depicted at the very
end with 10 (ten) men and two (2) women who are shown embarking
on the alien spacecraft.”
In recent public information releases
starting in November 2005, it has been claimed the Spielberg’s film
also dealt somewhat accurately with a USG-visitor exchange program
This program reportedly involved selecting and training a team of
U.S. military personnel for a planned 10-year stay on the home
planet of the so-called Ebens in the Zeta Reticuli star system.
During the planning and implementation of the program, the effort
was code-named Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT. Upon the return of the
remainder of the U.S. team 12 years later, the code name was
reportedly changed to Project SERPO.
The claims released today describe several types of advanced
technology shared by and/or acquired from the visitors through
USG-sponsored efforts and activities.
One technology is the production of a substance called “Pentagen”
(the fifth isotope of hydrogen) or “Hydrogen-5.”
According to the new information, government researchers have built
facilities to research Pentagen. The complex process of
understanding and utilizing Pentagen is described in some scientific
detail in the information release.
Another technology discussed is an “unlimited power” energy device
referred to as the “Crystal Rectangle (CR).” It is also allegedly
referred to as the “Particle Vacuum Enhanced Energy Device.”
It was reportedly retrieved in 1947 from a second crashed spacecraft
found near Roswell, New Mexico.
Scientists made many efforts over subsequent decades to understand
how the CR works. A detailed timeline of research operations into
the CR from the late 1940s to 2002 is described in the information
The long-rumored USG efforts to comprehend and reproduce the
technology of visitor flying air/spacecraft are also addressed in
the new information.
A “historical” timeline of such research is
alleged to include:
1957: First attempt to test
Roswell capture craft's propulsion system. Test was
conducted in Area 8, Unit 3c
1961: First attempt to fly
repaired Roswell craft in Area 29, unit 1b
1962: Radiation tests conducted
on Roswell craft by Los Alamos in Area 18, unit 3Z
1964: Explosion caused by
experimental propulsion system placed in Roswell craft, Area
7, unit 19S
1968: First successful flight of
Roswell craft (with U.S. propulsion system; old nuclear
propulsion system) Area 29, unit 1B
1970: Explosion caused by the
visitors’ propulsion system Area 25, unit 8B
The information also details several
USG-sponsored projects, contractors and locations dealing with
research into aspects of visitor air/spacecraft technology and
related matters.
Communication devices that allow U.S. personnel to have contact with
the visitors at great distances are also described.
According to the accounts, this communication technology may direct
“multiple frequencies in a particular direction. High speed sending
system allows the beam to be propelled at an enormous speed.” This
process may use chemical lasers in “pushing the communication beam.”
Additional alleged aspects of this technology include several
frequencies “put together on a beam and propelled towards a target
or receiver. The receiver then boosts the energy and re-sends the
signal to another point.” A relay system of sorts may then convey
the signal through deep space.
The new information also details government officials, scientists,
military officers, elements of the USG and military, private
contractors and others involved with the many aspects of this
challenging situation over the decades.
In an effort to limit the scope of details of such information here,
these will not be specifically listed. However, the list includes
persons associated with some of the most prestigious universities in
the U.S. Respected scientists, some well known and some not so
famous are also noted for their involvement.
Divisions of major companies involved in projects from high-tech
military and space equipment to televisions and cars are also
reported to have been involved.
Major branches and operations of the U.S. military and various
elements of the U.S. intelligence community are also noted.
Project code names for the many separate programs exploring
different aspects of the visitor phenomena and technology are also
included in the information release.
Over the past decades, many reports and rumors have made their way
into the public arena about the so-called “Roswell Incident,”
visitors from deep space, secret USG projects on UFOs and similar
These accounts have made their way into books, movies, TV and even
advertisements, T-shirts, toys, children’s cartoons, music videos
and all types of media. The Internet is full of Web sites that
explore these kinds of subjects too.
Separating fact from fiction and looking at the fear and fun of
contact with extraterrestrial visitors is part of our lives in the
21st Century, whether we like it or not.
It is difficult to know how much of the information presented today
or that which has surfaced in the past is accurate, somewhat
truthful or mostly fiction.
The people who have reported information to the public about the
Roswell crashes in 1947 and the activities that followed have often
been credible military officers and others whose perspectives seem
valid and authentic.
The idea that in 1947 USG officials feared that the public would be
quite fearful about visitors from outer space seems very reasonable.
The desire to acquire advanced technology and maintain the security
of it from hostile Cold War nations on Earth also seems natural.
The complexity and significance of this kind of situation from 1947
until now probably cannot be underestimated, if true. As a result,
it could be that some leaders concluded that Americans and the human
race would best able to learn about these developments through slow
and discreet methods of sharing this kind of information.
Maybe today’s information is another chapter in testing the
intelligence of the American people and people around the world.
Maybe it is an effort to take us to another level of understanding
of ourselves, our activities on Earth and a future for the human
race that is brighter, full of hope and brings us closer to
comprehending the plans of our Creator.