If there is no citation, the information may be found in conventional histories and encyclopedias.



9 "product of chaos": Hedrick P. Smith, "Brzezinski Says Critics are Irked by his Accuracy," The New York Times, (January 18, 1981), p. L3.

9 pushed by right-wing extremists: George Johnson, Architects of Fear: Conspiracy Theories and Paranoia in American Politics (Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tardier, Inc., 1983), pp. 21-22.

9 "Disney" version of history: Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen, Fifty Greatest Conspiracies of All Time (New York: Citadel Press, 1995), p. xii.

9  outside history pattern attacked or rejected: Anthony C. Sutton, America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (Billings, MN: Liberty House Press, 1986), p. 1. 10  Tragedy and Hope suppressed: G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island (Westlake Village, CA: American Media, 1994), p. 269.

10 French publisher quotes: Paul Manning, Martin Bormann: Nazi In Exile (Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart Inc., 1981), p. 271.

11 Webb Hubbell, Friends in High Places (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1997), p. 282.

11 Dr. Steven Greer: The Art Bell Coast-to-Coast Radio Show, January 5-6, 1998.

11    conspiracy poll: "Conspiracy Theory Poll," Nexus, (October—November, 1998), pp. 7-8.

12    "power is a fact of life": Jonathan Vankin, Conspiracies, Crimes and Cover-ups: Political Manipulation and Mind Control in America (New York: Paragon House Publishers, 1992), p. 252. I no "coincidence or stupidity": (Jary Allen, None Ditrc (Seal Iteai'h, CA: Concord Press, 1971), p. 8.

13   "pluralistic" view: Johnson, p. 12.

13  to rationalize fear and hatred: Ibid.

13   "strikingly similar world views": Johnson, p. 23.



13 elites govern America: Thomas R. Dye and L. Harmon Zeigler, The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics (Belmont, CA: Duxbury Press, 1975), p. 1.

14 2 percent ownership: William Greider, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country (New York: Simon &C Schuster, 1987), p. 39.

14 Census Bureau statistics: Editors, "Inequality: Still on the Rise," U.S. News & World Report (July 6, 1996), p. 15.

14 "two-tier   society":   Mortimer   B.   Zuckerman,   "Voting   pocketbook issues," U.S. News & World Report (November 9, 1998), p. 84.

15 Walter Rathenau: A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand: An Introduc tion to the Conspiratorial View of History (Tucson, AZ: Publius Press, 1985), p. 8.

16 "fifty men": Richard J. Whalen, The Founding Father (New York: New American Library, 1964), p. 182.

16 "military-industrial complex": David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, editors, The People's Almanac (New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1975), p. 464.



16 Benjamin Disraeli: Nesta H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (Palmdale, CA: Omni Publications, reprint of the original 1924 edition), p. iv.

16 power ... so subtle: Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (New York: Doubleday, 1914),pp. 13-14.

17 Justice Frankfurter: James Perloff, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline (Appleton, WS: Western Islands, 1988), p. 3.

17 Roosevelt's letter to House: Elliot Roosevelt, ed., F.D.R. His Personal Letters 1928-1945, Vol. I (New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1950), pp. 371-73. 17  "a dozen organizations": Elliot Roosevelt, The Conservators (New York: Arbor House, 1983), p. 320. 17 Mayor John F. Hylan: "Hylan Takes Stand on National Issues," The New York Times (March 27, 1922), p. 3.

17 The Secret Team: L. Fletcher Prouty, Col, USAF, (Ret.), The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1973), pp. 2-3.

18 "This great machine": Ibid., p. 424.

18  USA not run by "democratic" government: R. Buckminster Fuller, Criti cal Path (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981), p. 117.

18  Franklin D. Roosevelt: Epperson (1985), p. 7.

18 James Forrestal: Epperson (1985), p. 305.

19 Forrestal's statement on Korea: Cornell Simpson, The Death of James Forrestal (Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1966), p. 5.

19 "death warrant": Epperson (1985), p. 311.

20 danger has not diminished: David Wise and Thomas B. Ross, The Invisi ble Government (New York: Vintage Books, 1974), p. ix.



23 Clinton administration members: Membership roster of the Trilateral Commission (March 1, 1998); Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., Who's Who of the Elite (San Marcos, TX: RIE, 1995), pp. 19-97.

23 Clinton hurried to CFR: John F. McManus, "Insiders Call the Shots," The New American (October 12, 1998), p. 44.



24 "a council . . . would be a good start": Zbigniew Brzezinski, "America and Europe," Foreign Affairs (October, 1970), p. 29.

24 "impact of technology": Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America's Role in The Technetronic Era, (New York: Viking Press, 1970), p. 9.

24  "limitations on national sovereignty": Ibid., p. 296.

24 "more attainable": Ibid., p. 308.

25 "victory of reason over belief": Ibid., p. 72.

25 Bilderbergers at Knokke: Robert Eringer, The Global Manipulators (Bristol, England: Pentacle Books, 1980), p. 56.

25 founding members: Ibid.

26 "foster closer cooperation": Trialogue: A Bulletin of North American,

European, Japanese Affairs, No. 16 (Winter, 1977-78), p. 12.

26  $120,000: Annual Report of Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc.,  1977, p. 36. 26   "secrets" obtained from commission: Eringer, p. 60.

26    leaders needed: David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, editors, The People's Almanac #3 (New York: Bantam Books, 1981), p. 93.

27    Huntington and FEMA: Epperson (1985), pp. 411-12.

27  Cooper, Sawhill, and Bergsten: Eringer, p. 61.

27  "Shadow Government": Ibid.

27 "tentacles have reached": Wallechinsky and Wallace (1981), p. 92.

28 "Trilateralists make no bones": Editors, "We've Been Asked, Trilateral Commission: How Influential?" U.S. News & World Report (May 22, 1978 pp. 74-75.

28 persistent maneuvering: Anthony C. Sutton and Patrick M. Wood, Trilat-erals Over Washington (Scottsdale, AZ: The August Corp., 1979), p. 1.

28 unsettling thing: William Greider, "The Trilateralists are coming! The Trilateralists ;irc coming!" Dallas Times Herald (February 3, 1977).

28  calculations meaningless: Sutton mul Wood, pp. 2-3.

30   "most logical catalyst": Ibid, Preface.

30 world economic power: Barry M. Goldwater, With No Apologies (New     York: William Morrow, 1979), p. 280. 30  "concerned citizens":  David Rockefeller,   "Foolish Attacks  on False

Issues," Wall Street Journal (April 30, 1980).

30 Brzezinski makes his own policy: Nicholas von Hoffman, "Who's run ning foreign policy, anyhow?" Fort Worth Star-Telegram (October 21, 1980).

31 "a worrisome conspiracy": Ibid.

32 Reagan accepts George Bush: Ronald Reagan's remarks to the Republi can National Convention,  Congressional Quarterly Weekly Reports, July-September, 1980, Vol. 38, No. 29 (July 19, 1980), p. 2062.

32 Reagan's transition team: Epperson (1985), p. 247.

33 Trilateral "task force": Sutton and Wood, p. 2.

33  controlled by "Secret Brotherhood": Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty (Austin, TX: Living Truth Publishers, 1992), p. 28.

33 Rockefeller's newest cabal: Goldwater, p. 280.

34 "Guess who's coming to the White House": Washington Post Wire, "Trilateralists get invited to White House," Dallas Times Herald (March 18,1981).



34 "the Inquiry": Perloff, p. 32.

35 Article II: Epperson (1985), p. 196.

36 Council in Soviet press: J. Anthony Lucas, "The Council on Foreign Relations—Is It a Club? Seminar? Presidium? 'Invisible Government'?" The New York Times Magazine (November 21, 1971), p. 123.

36 "New York liberal elite": Peter G. Peterson, "Letter from the Chairman," Council on Foreign Relations 1997 Annual Report, p. 6.

36 early CFR officers: Perloff, p. 38.

37 funding for CFR: Epperson (1985), p. 196-97.

37 Lucas on "globalist activism": Lucas, p. 125.

38 "mission statement": Council on Foreign Relations 1997 Annual Report,p.5.

38  Admiral Chester Ward: Barry Goldwater,  With No Apologies (New York: William Morrow and Company, 1979), p. 278. 38   "intricate channels": Lucas, p. 34. 38   "want world banking monopoly": Epperson (1985), p. 197.

38 "CFR . . . put to work": Phyllis Schlafly and Chester Ward, Kissinger on the Couch (New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1975), p. 151.

39 Foreign Affairs' voice becomes policy: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 4, p. 877.

39 "it is the eastern Establishment": Alvin Moscow, The Rockefeller Inheritance (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977), p. 225. 39 John Kenneth Galbraith: Lucas, p. 129.

40 Morgan control moves to Rockefellers: Griffin, p. 302.

40   "historical records speaks . . . loudly": Perloff, p. 7.

40   "it is their property": Wallechinsky and Wallace (1981), p. 87.

40    CIA's principal constituency: Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1974), p. 267.

41    "put through a call to New York": Ibid.

41  Kissinger and Nelson: Moscow, 172-73.

41   $50,000 gift: Ibid., p. 371.

41   aid in writing book: Ibid., p. 226; Wallenchinsky and Wallace (1981), p. 87.

41    "CFR only has 3,200 members": Robert Anton Wilson, Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-ups (New York: Harper-Perennial, 1998), p. 129.

42    "not a dime's worth of difference": Allen, p. 123.

42   "break the insider control": Ibid., p. 130.

42    move toward "apocalyptic events": Perloff, p. 220.



43    Harold Wilson: David Icke, . . . and the truth shall set you free (Cambridge, England: Bridge of Love Publications, 1995), p. 369.

43 first American meeting:  Neal Wilgus,  The Illuminoids  (New York: Pocket Books, 1978), p. 126.

44 Clinton   at  Bilderberg:   "Clinton   to   Attend  Meeting  in   Germany," Arkansas Democrat Gazette (June 4, 1991).

44  Hillary Clinton at Bilderberg: James P. Tucker Jr., "Bilderberg Tracked to Scotland," The Spotlight (May 18, 1998), p. 4. 44  Retinger and friends: Eringer, p. 16-22. 44  Donovan as "Anglophile": John Ranelagh, The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987), p. 231.

44 "special consultant" Jackson as Bilderberger: Vankin and Whalen, p. 254

45 "unofficial CFR": Wilgus, p. 127.

46 MI6 creation: Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (Carson City, NV: America West Publishers, 1992), p. 207.

46   "evolving an international order": Ibid., p. 22.

46   "The Bilderberg agenda ..." James P. Tucker Jr., "TC, Bilderberg Set to Meet," The Spotlight, (April 30, 1990), p. 7. 46  Common Market nurtured at Bilderberg: Eringer, p. 26.

46    Jack   Sheinkman:   Trisha   Katson,   "Some   U.S.   Bilderbergers   Break Silence," The Spotlight, (June 24, 1996), p. 1.

47    "The Bildergerg Elite": Icke (1995), p. 167.

47 Prince Bernhard: Epperson (1985), p. 206.

47    Turnberry Hotel report: Jim McBeth, "Whole world in their hands," The Scotsman (May 15, 1998), reprinted in The Spotlight (June 1, 1998),

p. 12.

48    William Ê Ikicklcy and Paul Cigot: Karson, p. 4.

48   C. Gordon  p. 33.



49 rural Texas newspaper: "Rockefeller's Enormous Income," The Wise County Messenger (May 26, 1897).

50 "never trust anyone completely": Moscow, p. 64.

50 Rothschilds financed Rockefeller monopoly: "Central Banking and the Private Control of Money," revised and update excerpts from the book of the video The Money Masters: How International Banker Gained Control of America, Nexus (February-March, 1999), p. 12.

50   "competition is a sin": Epperson (1985), p. 73.

50 "moral criminality": Wallechinsky and Wallace, p. 211.

51 "this dangerous conspiracy": Moscow, p. 81.

51 interlocking directors: John M. Blair, The Control of Oil (New York: Pantheon Books, 1976), pp. 144-46.

52 Rockefeller family control: Ibid., p. 149.

52 "Rockefeller's revenge": Phillip J. Longman and Jack Egan, "Why Big Oil is getting a lot bigger," U.S. News & World Report (December 14, 1998), p. 26.

53 eugenics and sterilizations: Vankin and Whalen, p. 22.

53  Eugenics Records Office: Ibid., pp. 23-24; Icke (1995), p. 140. 53  Dr. Ernst Rudin: Tarpley and Chaitkin: p. 49.

53 Gen. William Draper: Ibid., p. 54-56.

54 "protect their racial superiority": Icke (1995), p. 141.

54 "no strings attached": Moscow, p. 95.

55 Nelson behind the scenes: Ibid., p. 171.

56 London School of Economics supporters: Epperson (1985), p. 195.

57 stand by British Empire: Moscow, p. 132.

57 waste as abhorrent: Ibid., p. 130.

57 Rockefeller and Dr. Bronk: Linda Moulton Howe, Glimpses of Other Realities—Volume II: High Strangeness (New Orleans, LA: Paper Chase Press, 1998), p. 408.

58 undisputed protege: Ibid., p. 228.

58   "David's fascination . . . dovetailed": Ibid., p. 227.

58 Rockefeller met 27 heads of state: Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1976), p. 28.

59 $461 million: Rockefeller Brothers Fund Annual Report, 1997, p. 20.

59 Korean unification: Ibid., p. 43.

60 "One World" strategy: Ibid., p. 5.

60  "unlikely partners": Ibid., p. 11.

60 HEW pioneered: Moscow, p. 93.

60    Rockefeller project expected to succeed: Ibid., p. 420.



61 "alliance with the House of Rothschild": Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism (New York: MacMillan and Co., 1963), p. 142.

62 Rothschilds operate anonymously: Eustace Mulling, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve (Staimron, VA: Bankers Research Institute, 1983), p. 53.

62   "who better than |. 1'ierpont Morgan": Griffin, p. 415.

62   "possibilities are obvious": Ibid., p. 419. 62   "Rothschild financial agent": Griffin, p. 209.

62 Morgan and rifle swindle: Litchfield, pp. 163-64.

63 "predominant source":  The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol.  8, p. 320.

63 "capital from British bankers": Ibid.

64 interlocking directorships: Ibid.

64    Morgan and Rockefeller created Fed: Griffin, p. 209.



65 von Thurn and Taxis  "prospered":  Derek Wilson,  Rothschild:  The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty (New York: Charles Schribner's Sons, 1988), p. 11.

66 "Mayer set the pattern": The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 10, p. 201.

66  Nathan manipulated the situation": Icke (1995), p. 42. 66  money provided liquidity and prestige: Wilson, p. 39. 66  importance of proximity to politicians and royalty: Niall Ferguson, The House of Rothschild (New York: Viking, 1998), p. 9.

68 "mutual-aid society": W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist (Salt Lake City, UT: self published, 1970), p. 8.

69 "Morgan's apparent anti-Semitism": Griffin, p. 419.

69  Morgan and Rockefeller as "gofers": David Icke, The Biggest Secret (Scottsdale, AZ: Bridge of Love Publications, 1999), p. 219. 69 Warburgs lobby for Rothschilds: Ferguson, p. 285.

69 Jacob Henry Schiff: Nexus (February-March, 1999), p. 11.

70 Harrimans and Bushs: Sutton, pp. 21-22.

70  intermarriages: Howard M. Sachar, A History of the Jews in America (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992), p. 92.

70    Pamela Churchill Harriman: Sally Bedell Smith, "Empire of the Sons," Vanity Fair (January, 1997), p. 113.

71    Nathan's 20,000 pound stake: Nexus, p. 11.

71   "remarkable coup": Wilson, p. 38.

71   Rothschilds took control of Bank of England: Icke (1999), p. 212.

71    "cool pragmatists": Griffin, P. 228.



72 "the crucial anomaly": Grieder, p. 12.

73 Marco Polo and fiat money: Griffin, p. 156.

74 "Colonial Script": Nexus (February-March, 1999), p. 13.

74 rich and state unite: Griffin, p. 329.

75 "every path of force or folly": Martin A. Larson, "The Essence of Jeffer son" (New York: Joseph J. Binns, Publisher, 1977), p. 192.

75   banks and standing armies: Ibid., 196. 75  bank unconstitutional: Ibid., p. IH5-86. 75   "I continue to abhor . . . ": Wilson, p. 32.

76  Rothschilds and Bank of the United States: Griffin, p. 331. 76   "a curse to a republic": Epperson (1985), p. 134.

76 "powers in Europe": Ibid., p. 137.

77 Biddle, a Rothschild agent: Mullins, p. 5.

77  "premonitions of the fate": Ibid.

77 "furtive as any conspirator": Mullins, p. 8.

78 Morgan starts 1907 panic: Epperson (1985), p. 169.

78  panics due to London operations: Mullins, p. 5.

78 Woodrow Wilson's solution: Epperson (1985), p. 169.

79 "That solution was a central bank": Ibid.

79   "commission was a sham": Griffin, p. 437.

79 "union of all banks": Ibid., p. 440.

80 "Aldrich Plan is Wall St. plan": Mullins, p. 11.

80  "poetically accurate": Greider, p. 276.

80  guidance of Warburg: Griffin, p. 445.

80 function of the organization: Ibid.

81 Wilson in shadow of Wall Street: Ferdinand Lundberg, America's Sixty Families (New York: Vanguard Press, 1937), p. 114.

81  Bankers faith in House: Skousen, p. 21

81 William McAdoo: Ibid.

82 "psycho-political attack": Griffin, p. 469.

82  "attention is warranted": Kim Clark, "Demystifying Alan," U.S. News & World Report (May 17, 1999), p. 64. 82  "an exact science": Allen, p. 53. 82  "most gigantic money trust on earth": Mullins, p. 28.

82 a few families own bank stock: Mullins, p. 179.

83 1997 Eric Samuelson report: "Central Banking and the Private Control of Money," Nexus (December 1998-January, 1999), p. 12.

83 Federal Reserve note: Griffin, pp. 466-67.

84 Fed publication quote: Epperson (1985), p. 173.

84  "negative trade balance": The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 29, p. 194.

84 Epperson's comment: Epperson (1985), p. 173.

85 "The . . . mechanism": Griffin, p. 207.

85 "too esoteric for ordinary citizens": Greider, p. 12.

86 Henry Ford, Sr.: Ibid., p. 55.

86  bankers don't want understanding: Goldwater, p. 281.

86 the Fed as religious institution: Greider, p. 53.

87 more money, more debt: Phillip J. Longman and Jack Egan, "Will the Bears eat Goldilocks?," U.S. News & World Report (January 11, 1999),p. 43.

87 gold standard abandoned: Greider, p. 228.

87 "familiar cliches": Ibid., p. 55.

88 massive debt: William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (San Jose, CA: DahlinFamily Press, 1990), p. 432.



88 "moved beyond the confines of Frankfurt": Griffin, p. 219.

89 "best business I have ever done": Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait (New York: Atheneum, 1962), p. 45.

89  bankers to crowned heads of Europe: Griffin, p. 219.

89 "remaining behind the scenes": Ibid.

90 Lionel de Rothschild: Wilson. P. 454.

90 gaps, omissions and no information predating 1915: Ferguson, p. xvii and 28.

90 "mysterious suicide": Smith, p. 96.

91 1996 death of Amshel Rothschild: Facts on File, Vol. 56, No. 2906 (August 15, 1996), p. 588; "Who Killed Amshel Rothschild?," The Spot light (August  19,   1996), p.   6;   1997 Britannica Book  of the  Year (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britiannica, Inc., 1997), p. 200.

91   $9 million in losses: Smith, p. 116.

91 hanging could not have been easy: Smith, p. 108.

92 "primogenitude": Ibid., p. 455.

92   "out of the loop": Ibid., p. 111.

92   "permit me to control": Epperson (1985), p. 140.

92  Edmund Rothschild and Japan: Albert J. Alletzhauser, The House of Nomura: The Inside Story of the Legendary Japanese Financial Dynasty (New York: Arcade Publishing, 1990), pp. 177-78.

92 Rothschild and Balfour: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 10, p. 202.

93 "father of modern Israel": Wilson, p. 71.

93    "Rothschilds financed John D. Rockefeller": William T. Still, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Publishers, 1990), p. 136.



94    "perpetuate British power": Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1994), p. 82.

94  "special relationship": Icke (1995), pp. 150-51.

94 Curtis   and   Commonwealth:   The   New   Encyclopaedia   Britannica (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1991), Vol. 3, p. 805.

95 "secret society": Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden (New York: Book in Focus, 1981), p. ix.



95    "struck at by madness": The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 10, p. 248.

?6 Ruskin, Blavatsky and Plato: Icke (1995), p. 233.

96    "my continual aim": Kenneth Clark, Ruskin Today (New York: Reinhart & Winstorv, 1964), p. 267.

46   "Rhodes copies lecture": Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Ili>/>c: A History d/'lbc World in  Time (New York: p. 130. 42.0 SOURCES

96 Rhodes as Freemason: Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple and the Lodge (New York: Arcade Publishing, 1989), p. 265.

97 "financiers to Cecil Rhodes": Griffin, p. 219.

97 Edmond Rothschild's de Beers holdings: facts on File, Vol. 57, No. 2970 (November 6,1997), p. 824.

97 Rhodes as Rothschild agent: Dr. John Coleman, Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 (Carson City, NV: America West Publishers, 1992), p. 150.

97 Boers dispossessed: Coleman, p. 151.

98 Frank Aydelotte quote: Gary Allen with Larry Abraham: p. 80.

98   "Round Tablers fanned out": Coleman, p. 153.

98  Round Table "maze": Ibid.

98 "international Anglophile network": Carroll Quigley, The World Since 1939: A History (New York: Collier Books, 1968), p. 290.

98 recovery of USA: Wallechinsky and Wallace (1975), p. 1331.

99 equal rights for white men: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 10, p. 27.

99   "substantial contributions": Quigley (1968), p. 291.

99  system to be greatly extended: Ibid., pp. 291-92.

99 chief aims commendable: Ibid., p. 294. 100 Institute for Advanced Study: Ibid., pp. 190 and 225. 100  "gracious and cultured gentlemen": Ibid., p. 294. 100  "centuries-old plan": Still, p. 191. 100  "Rhodes committed the same error": Bramley, p. 361.



101   "group within CFR": Sutton, pp. 3-4.

101 "man at the heart of the heart": Ron Rosenbaum, "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones," Esquire (September, 1977) p. 85.

102 Russell in Germany: Sutton, p. 223.

102  Connection to Illuminati: Rosenbaum, p. 87-88. 102  "Illuminati in disguise": Ecke, p. 214.

102 "story of opium and Empire": Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin,  George Bush:  The  Unauthorized Biography  (Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1992), p. 119.

103 other clubs: Ibid., p. 121.

103   "gentiles and vandals": Sutton, p. 7.

103 "core group": Ibid., p. 8.

104 quest for genetic dominance: Ecke, p. 215.

104  intermarriage: Rosenbaum, p. 149.

104 John B. Madden: Tarpley and Chaitkin, p. 117.

105 Jack Blum: Jonathan Beaty and S. C. Gwynne, The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride Into the Secret Heart of BCCI (New York: Random House, 1993), p. 7.

105 wealth of Carnegie controlled: Sutton, p. 24.

106 "political recruiting agency": Tarpley and Chaitkin, p. 124.

106   "great and present danger": Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty (Austin, TX: Living Truth Publishers, 1992), p. 187. 106   "recruiting center": Rosenbaum, p. 88. 106 "headlong decline": Rosenbaum, p.150.

107 Lyndon LaRouche: Tarpley and Chaitkin, p. 341.

107  "Order set up or penetrated": Sutton, p. 25.

107 "dense network of relationships": Gibson, p. 131.

108 top six stockholders: Ibid., p. 132.

108   "a class reunion": quoted at . . /8425/BONES. HTM.



109  merge with Soviet Union: Epperson (1985), p. 209; Perloff, p. 205.

109 Aspen Institute an "engima": Paul Anderson, "The Aspen Institute: A 'private university' running the world from high in the Rockies?" Aspen Times Weekly (July 25-26, 1998), p. 13-A.

110 IPS, Raskin and Barnett: Coleman, pp. 235-36.

111 IPS goals served Soviet Union: S. Steven Powell, Covert Cadre: Inside the Institute for Policy Studies (Ottawa, IL: Green Hill Publishers, Inc., 1987), pp. 360-64.

111 McGeorge Bundy: Perloff, p. 129.

112 H. G. Wells: Per Fagereng, "H. G. Wells: I Told You So ... ," Portland Free Press (November/December, 1996), p. 7.

113 NSC principals and power: John Prados, Keepers of the Keys: A History of the National Security Council from Truman to Bush (New York: William Morrow and Company, 1991), p. 31.

114 "torch has been passed from century to century": Still, p. 191.

114 Gore and Wall Street: lanthe Jeanne Dugan, "Al Gore's Wooing Wall Street," The Washington Post-National Weekly Edition (January 18, 1999), p. 12.

114 Karl Marx for free trade: Editorial, The Spotlight, (December 13, 1999), p. 2.



115 "what to think about": Michael Parenti, Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media (New York: St. Martin"s Press, 1986), p. 23.

115 Pew Research Center poll and Editor & Publisher. John Leo, "Elephant in the living room," U.S. News & World Report (April 20, 1998), p. 18.

115  media's major role: Parenti, p. 10.

115   "uncritical transmission": Ibid., p. 51. I 15  Britt Hume: Ibid., p. 52 13,6 twenty-three corporations: Martin A. Lee and Norman Solomon, Unreliable Sources (New York: Carol Publishing Group), pp. 70-71.

116   top ten media companies: Editors, Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys— (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998), p. 6.

117 like railroad and oil trusts of 1890s: William Greider, One World, Ready or Not (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997), p. 182. 117 Bertelsmann A.G.: Standard & Poor's Industry Surveys—Publishing, p. 5.

117 "policy-shaping groups": Lee and Solomon, p. 82.

118 CFR media members: CFR/Trilateral Influence on the Carter/Reagan/ Bush/Clinton Administration, non-copyrighted material from the Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate, Kerrville, TX; obtained from The United States Government Manual 1991/92, Office of the Federal Regis ter—National Archives and Records Administration; Standard & Poor's Register  of Corporations,   Directors  and Executives,   1991;  Annual Report 1991/92, Council on Foreign Relations, New York City.

119 Reed Irvine and AIM: Michael Collins Piper, "'Watchdog' Won't Bite," The Spotlight (May 7, 1990), p. 25.

120 Walter Cronkite, Daniel Schorr and Morley Safer: Bill Kirtz, "Disgust with the ranks," Quill (a publication of the Society of Professional Jour nalists) (May, 1998), p. 8.

120 top ten censored stories: Editors, "Unfit to Print," Utne Reader (July-August), 1996), p. 22.

120   "harshly disciplined": Greider (1997), p. 472.

120 Tom Putnam's NBC story: Michael Litchfield, It's A Conspiracy (Berkeley, CA: Earth Works Press, 1992), p. 13.



128 "artificial community of interest": Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States (New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1980), p. 354.



129 "clear and predictable danger": Report from Iron Mountain on the Pos sibility and Desirability of Peace (New York: The Dial Press, Inc., 1967), p. 4.

130 "the basic social system": Ibid., p. 29.

130   "principal organizing force" and "economic stabilizer": Ibid., pp. 33 and 38.

130   disestablishment catastrophic: Ibid., pp. 91-92.

130   not be allowed to disappear: Ibid., p. 88.

130   "elimination of national sovereignty": Ibid., p. 39.

130   necessary social classes: Ibid., p. 40.

131   control by Selective Service System, p. 42.

131   reintroduction of slavery: Ibid., p. 70.

131 war substitutes: Ibid., p. 84.

132 threat will have to be invented: Ibid., p. 67.

132 War/Peace Research Agency: Ibid., pp. 95-96.

132   "outrageous document": Ibid., p. xv.



134  "battle of the New World Order": Vankin and Whalen, p. 43.

134 Glaspie and Saddam's conversation: Russell S. Bowen, The Immaculate Deception  (Carson  City,  NV:  America West Publishers,   1991),  pp. 145-46; Tarpley and Chaitkin, pp. 562-63; Vankin and Whalen, p. 45.

135 Glaspie's summer vacation: Tarpley and Chaitkin, p. 563.

135 Paul Adler: Warren Hough and Lawrence Wilmot,  "Saddam:  Bush-Whacked?" The Spotlight (April 8, 1991), p. 3.

136 Bobby Lee Cook: Warren Hough, "Iraq Policy No Accident," The Spot light (October 5, 1992), p. 3.

136 Kinssinger Associates, Ibid.

137 Barr's impeachment: Mike Blair, "Gonzalez: Impeach Top Cop," The Spotlight (September 28, 1992), p. 1.



137 Bush administration repayments: Mike Blair, "You Pay for Bad Loans to Iraq," The Spotlight (April 27, 1992), p. 3. 137  loan guarantees enabled arms buildup: Bowen, pp. 150-51.

137 Bush quote: Tarpley and Chaitkin, p. 564.

138 $4 billion secret payoff: Warren Hough, "Did George Bush Get a Big Payoff?" The Spotlight (August 30, 1993), p. 22.

138   1990 Bahrain agreement for bases: Bowen, p. 171.

138 Harken stock sale: Ibid., 172.

139 doubtful the "real" reason will emerge: Vankin and Whaley, p. 50.

139 "weapons of mass destruction": Jay Higgnbotham, "Letters," U.S. News & World Report (January 18, 1999), p. 4.

140 Scott Ritter and Auster quote: Bruce B. Auster, "Inspecting the Inspec tors," U.S. News 6- World Report (January 18, 1999), p. 30.

140   inspection account: Ibid.



141 Ho Chi Minh as agent: Lloyd Shearer, "When Ho Chi Minh was an Intelligence Agent for the U.S.," Parade (March 18, 1973), p. 15; The New Encyclopaedia Eritannica, Vol. 5, p. 954.

142 U.S. conspired against Geneva: Michael McClear, The Ten Thousand Day War-Vietnam:1945-1975 (New York: Avon Books, 1981), p. 49.

142  Kennedy quote: McClear, pp. 43-44.



143  Galbraith comment on  CFR:  David Halberstam,  The Best and the  Brightest (New York: Random House, 1972), p. 60. 143  Kennedy on same old faces: Lukas, p. 126.

143 I 95 I CFR study group: Gibson, p. 82.

144 Hulks iiml SKATO: The New Encyclopaedia Hritannica, Vol. 4, p. 265.

144 Sulzberger quotes Perloff, p. 121. 143  424 * SOURCES

144  "rejection of Kennedy . . . became intense": Gibson, pp. 4-5. 144  "most knowledgeable president": Theodore Sorensen, Kennedy (New York: Bantam Books, 1965), p. 444.

144 JFK "reshaped laws and policies": Gibson, p. 24.

145 attack on economic program: Ibid., p. 14.

145 James J. Saxon: Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (New York: Carroll & Graf, 1989), p. 275. 145   "Kennedy apparently reasoned": Ibid.

145 JFK's tax and investment policies: Gibson, p. 33.

146 "conflicts between Kennedy and elites": Ibid., p. 41.

146 JFK consistently rejects ground forces: Ibid. p. 49.

146 "green light" cable: H. R. McMaster, Dereliction of Duty (New York: HarperPerennial, 1997), p. 67.

147 Ambassador Nolting: Ibid., p. 68.

147 Senator Mike Mansfield: Marrs, p. 307.

147 Oswald's wife on Federal Reserve Bank: Wilson, p. 333.



148  December 2, 1963, memo: copy in author's files.

148   destroyer patrols resumed: H. R. McMaster, Dereliction of Duty (New York: HarperPerennial, 1997), p. 213. 148

Commander Wesley McDonald: Editors, "The 'Phantom Battle' That Led To War," U.S. News & World Report (July 23, 1984), p. 62. "we are not going to take it lying down" and "Our boys": Ibid., p. 64. Gmening and Morse: Ibid., p. 66.

149   McNamara and Bundy urge military force: McMaster, p. 213.

149 "seeds were sown": Editors, "The 'Phantom Battle' That Led To War," U.S. News & World Report (July 23, 1984), p. 56.

150 CFR Board of Directors: Gibson, p. 83.

150  Donovan as Morgan agent; CFR and intelligence "inbred": Ibid. p. 72. 150  Rostow failed security checks: Perloff, p. 127.

150   "an end to nationhood": Walt Rostow, The United States in the World Arena (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960), p. 549.

150   McNamara created DIA: Stewart Alsop, "CIA: The battle for secret power," The Saturday Evening Post (July 27, 1963), p. 20.

151   McNamara and World Bank: Perloff, p. 128.

151  Bundy and OPLAN 34-A: McClear, pp. 94-95.

151 Bundy brothers control: Sutton, p. 52.

152 Advisory system built around Rusk: McClear, p. 95.

152 Acheson and Lovett recommended Rusk: McMaster, p. 3.

152 LBJ's "wise men": Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986), pp. 700-701. 152 Maxwell Taylor: Perloff, p. 133

152 Kissinger influenced Nixon: McMaster, p. 289.

153 Kissinger's "pretty high diplomacy": Ibid., p. 356,

153  Rep. John Rarick: Ibid., p. 134.

153   "we1 must be prepared to lose": James I1',. King, Jr., "Nuclear Plenty aiul Limitn.1 War," (January, ll>57), p. 256.



154   David Rockefeller's trip: Perloff, p. 123.

154   LBJ removes restrictions and North Vietnamese assistance: Ibid., p. 124.

155   Cyrus Eaton: Sutton (1985), p. 324.

155   Kama River factory: Perloff, p. 43.

155 George Pratt Shultz: Ibid., p. 169.

156 offered Rockefeller money: James Simon Kunen, The Strawberry State ment: Notes of a College Revolutionary (New York: Avon Books, 1970), pp.130-31.

156  Kunen's quote: Ibid., p.2.

156  costs of the war:  The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol.  12, pp. 362-63.

156   "deliberate mismanagement": Perloff, p. 135.



157 "trusteeship  for Korea":  A. J.  Grajdanzev,   "Korea  in the  Postwar World," Foreign Affairs (April, 1944), p. 482.

158 1944 CFR memo: Epperson (1985), p. 316.

158   "American negotiations and lend-lease shipments": Perloff, p. 89. 158  fourty-seven CFR members: Epperson (1985), p. 316.

158 "mandate to originate foreign policy": The New Encyclopaedia Britan nica, Vol. 4, p. 265.

159 General Albert Wedemeyer and his report: Perloff, p. 89.

159 "a clear signal": Ibid., p. 90.

160 General Lin Piao: Ibid., p. 92.

161 Truman's orders: Ibid., p. 91.

161   Soviet generals and UN Undersecretary: Epperson(1985), pp. 319-120. 161   Griffin quote: G. Edward Griffin, The Fearful Master (Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1964), p. 177.

161 MacArthur quote: Ibid., p. 322.

162 "historic progress": Adlai Stevenson, "Korea in Perspective," Foreign Affairs (April, 1952), p. 360.

162   Dean Acheson: Perloff, pp. 92-93.



163   Churchill wants no occultism revealed: Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny (York Beach, MA: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1973), p. xiii.

163  Airey Neave: Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy (New York: Dell Publishing, 1986), p. 161.

163   "they were a cult": Peter Levenda, Unholy Alliance (New York: Avon Books, 1995), pp. 133-34.

165   "more than religion": Joachim C. Fest, Hitler (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1974), p. 555.

164   Joly and  I Higo as Rosicrucians: Michael  Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, Holy lUood, Holy (Iniil (New York: Dell Publishing), 192.

165 Protocols summaries: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, translated from the Sergei Nilus edition of 1905 by Victor E. Marsden, former Russian correspondent for the London Morning Post, 1934, pp. 142-226.

168 "best criticism ... is reality": Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1940), p. 424.

169 Protocols  as  historic  truth:  Konrad  Heiden,  Der Fuehrer  (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1944), pp. 11-13.

169   "Illuminati Protocols": Icke (1995), p. 57.

169   "Scion of the 33rd degree": Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 193.

169 "radically altered text": Ibid., p. 194.

170 Eckart as "Christian mystic" and Indian lore: Levenda, pp. 69-70.



171   Blavatsky and Theosophical Society: The New Encyclopaedia Britan-nica, Vol. 11, pp. 696-97.

171 "a propagandist society": Webster, p. 309.

172 Germans as keepers of secret science: William Henry,  One Foot in Atlantis (Anchorage, AK: Earthpulse Press, 1998), p. 45.

172   Nazi projects traced to theosophy: Levenda, p. 15.

172   "incestuous embrace": Ibid., p. 18.

172   "international network of secret connections": Heiden, p. 20.

172 Thule as Atlantis: Ravenscroft, pp. 160-61.

173 Eckart as Master-Adept: Ibid., p. 161.

173 Thule as "Society of Assassins": Ibid., pp. 169-70.

174 "knew nothing about workers: Editors,  "The Twisted Dream,"  The

Third Reich (New York: Time-Life Books, Inc., 1990), p. 148.

174 modern Thulists crude: Ravenscroft, p. 159. 174 Haushofer in Vril Society: Bramley, p. 409.

174 General Karl Haushofer: Levenda, pp. 87-88.

175 "We need a fellow at the head": William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of

the Third Reich (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960), p.39.



176  Hitler and peyotl: Ravenscroft, P. 77.

176  Stein's meeting with Hitler: Ibid., pp. 60-65.

176   "spoke and spoke": Toland, p. 209.

176 "inner voice" and sleepwalker: Walter C. Langer, The Mind of Adolf Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report (New York, London: Basic Books Inc., 1972), pp. 42 and 31.

177 "List and Liebenfels": Levenda, p. 32.

177 Hitler and Lucifer: A. Ralph Epperson, The New World Order (Tucson, AZ: Publius Press, 1990), p. 132. 177 Hitler's poem: John Toland, Adolf Hitler (New York: Doubleday 8c

Company, Inc., 1976), p. 64.

178   "supernatural vision": Toland, pp. xix-xx. 178   "mystical enlightenment": Levenda, p. 66. 178   Captain Karl Mayr: Toland, p. 83. 178   "orders from headquarters": Hitler, p. 291.

178 Hitler wants party of his own: Ibid., p. 296-97.

179 Eckart as "spiritual founder": Shirer, p. 38.

179 Mein Kampf dedicated to Eckart: Hitler, p. 993.

179  Eckart called the tune: James Herbert, Spear (New York: Signet Books, 1980), p. 126.

179   "Secret Doctrine": Ravenscroft, pp. 235-36; Levenda, pp. 13-15; Colin Wilson, The Mammoth Book of the Supernatural (New York: Carroll & Graf, Publishers, Inc., 1991), pp. 389-90.

180   seven races: Ravenscroft, p. 237.

180  loss of magical powers: Ibid., p. 241.

180   "protect the purity of their blood": Ibid., p. 242.

180 "Aryan tribes subjugate foreign peoples": Hitler, p. 400.

181 Voelkischer Beobachter: Shirer, p. 46.

181   twenty-five points: Louis L. Snyder, Encyclopaedia of the Third Reich (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1976), pp. 63-64.



182   petition from business leaders: Toland, p. 277.

182  Dulles brother at Schroeders: Mullins, p. 75.

182 Schroeder bank as Germany's agent: Ibid., p. 77.

183 "no foolish economic experiments": Heiden, p. 643.

183  Ford as "one great man": Hitler, p. 930.

183 Ford's medal: James Pool, Who Financed Hitler: The Secret Funding of Hitler's Rise to Power, 1919-1933 (New York: Pocket Books, 1997), p. 95.

183   Edwin Pipp quote: Ibid., p. 67.

183 Ford chartered ship: Ibid.

184 Hitler condemns Rothschild: Ferguson, p. 23.

184  Schacht and Bank of England: Toland, pp. 185-86.

184 interlocking directorships with I.G. Farben: Bramley, p. 415.

185 Farben's Schmitz on board of National City Bank: Manning, p. 159.

185  Schmitz's Standard oil stock: Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot—1933-1949 (New York: Delacorte Press, 1983), p. 292. 185  American I.G. Chemical Company as source of information: Manning, p. 57. 185 Joseph Kennedy in Hoover note: Higham, p. 181.

185   Montague Norman and Bank of England: Howard S. Katz, The War mongers (New York: Books In Focus, Inc., 1979), pp. 78-79. 1É6  Sir Henri Deterding: Pool, p. 228-30.

186   Hitler as relative to Rothschild: Langer, p. 112. I 86   William Patrick I litler and Fran ken bc-rger confusion: Toland, pp. 245-47.

187  "enthusiasm for young girls": Ferguson, p. 186.

187  "riding my grandmother's chambermaids": Sally Bedell Smith, "Empire of the Sons," Vanity Fair (January, 1997), p. 102. 187  "explain the enormous support": Epperson (1985), p. 266.

187   "weather great misfortunes": The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 10, p. 202.

188   Rothschild arranges Paris meeting: Wilson, p. 377.

188   Lord Victor Rothschild: Ibid., p. 386 and 423.

188   Robert Rothschild gassed: Ibid., Vol. 7, p. 15.

188   German bank support: Shirer, p. 144.

188   loans to BMW and Mercedes: Manning, p. 67.



189   "dream by supernatural forces": Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970), p. 211.

189  Hess and horoscopes: Schellenberg, p. 194.

189 cult in-fighting: Levenda, pp. 90-91.

190 secretly solicited advice: Ibid., p. 84.



191 CFR in "cozy relationship": Lucas, p. 125.

192 ads calling for war: Perloff, p. 66.

192  "justification for world government": Ibid., pp. 65-66.

192  loans and "Flying Tigers": Litchfield, p. 12.

192 Roosevelt "prototypic Wall Steeeter": Ibid., p. 53.

192   "CFR-One World Money group": Curtis B. Dall, FDR: My Exploited Father-in-Law (Washington, D.C.: Action Associates, 1970), p. 185.

193   Admiral James O. Richardson: Wilson, p. 337.

193 Japanese war preparations known: Quigley, p. 81.

193 Marshall's message: Litchfield, p. 10.

194 Australian intelligence and Popov reports: Vankin and Whaley, p. 261.

194 Toland's names: Perloff, pp. 67-68.

194  Marshall and Knox in White House: Ibid.

194 Stimson's diary entry: Wilson, p. 338.

195 Germans intercept Roosevelt-Churchill conversation: Gregory Douglas, Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Mutter (San Jose,

CA: R. James Bender Publishing, 1995), pp. 46-50.

195  warning came on parallel level: Douglas, p. 51.



196 Jeannette Rankin: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 9, pp. 938-39. 196  courtmartial findings: Vankin and Whaley, p. 260. 196  forty-volume report: Perloff, p. 68.



197 Walter Teagle and tetraethyl: Higham, pp. 34-35.

198 Schroeder, Rockefeller and Company: Ibid., p. 22.

198  Thurman Arnold: Ibid., p. 46.

198   gasoline to Germany via Spain: Ibid., p. 59.

198   "The Fraternity": Ibid., pp. xiv-xvi.

199   Roosevelt's amendment: Ibid., p. xxi.

199   Morgenthau's CFR father: Perloff, p. 58.

199   worldwide control system: Quigley (1966), p. 50.

199   Bank for International Settlements as money funnel: Higham, p. 2.

200   Gates McGarrah and Helms: Gibson, p. 71.

200   Switzerland: Manning, p. 119.

200   steel connections: Ibid., p. 25.

200   ITT deal: Higham, p. 99.

200   General Motors: Ibid., p. 162.

200 tank manufacturers: Epperson (1985), p. 273.

201 Nuremberg Trials bury truth: Higham, p. 210.

201 James Steward Martin quote: Ibid., p. 217.

202 Allianz insures Auschwitz'. Editors with Jack Egan, "Insuring Nazi Death Camps," U.S. News & World Report (February 22, 1999), p. 52. 202 Deutsche Bank financed Auschwitz: John Marks, "Loans for Auschwitz," U.S. News & World Report (February 15, 1999), p. 41.



202 "the Rothschild Formula": Griffin, p. 235.

203 "Black Hand": Still, p. 154.

203  Daniel Coit Gilman: Sutton, p. 27.

203   "altering the life": Epperson (1985), p. 257.

203   "we were in it. . . ": Allen, p. 62.

203 $100,000,000 loan: Epperson (1985), p. 258.

204 Morgan's billion dollar loans: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 8, p. 320.

204  Barruch's $200 million profit: Allen., p. 64.

204 war profits, mosquito nets and buckboards: Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket (New York: Round Table Press, Inc., 1935), reprinted in Portland Free Press (November/December, 1996), pp. 31-32.

205 Page's telegram: Griffin, p. 239.

205 "agreement leaked out": George Sylvester Viereck, The Strangest Friendship in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House (New York: Live-right Publishers, 1932), p. 108.

205 control of daily press: Congressional Record, Vol. 54 (February 9, 1917), p. 2947.

206 Rockefeller advertising: Griffin, p. 245.

206 Polls show opposition to war: Barbara W. Tuchman, The Zimmermann Telegram (New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1958), p. 170.



206   "The maneuver": Winston Churchill, The World Crisis (New York: Scribner's Sons, 1949), p. 300.

207   "embroiling Germany with other Great Powers": Ibid., p. 275.

207  "floating ammunition dump": Griffin, p. 261.

207 Wilson orders manifest hidden: Colin Simpson, The Lusitania (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1972), pp. 264-65.

207 attempted 1902 take over: Griffin, p. 246.

208 German warning notice: Ibid., actual ad from the Des Moines Register reproduced, p. 262.

208  Wilson's sleepless hours: Simpson, p. 97.

208 plot by Winston Churchill: Ibid., p. i.

209 American not convinced: Tuchman, p. 170.

210 "note was a forgery": Ibid., p. 167.

210  German agent newsman: Ibid., pp. 168-69.

212 Warburg marriages: Neal Wilgus, The llluminoids (New York: Pocket Books, 1978), pp. 121-22.



212   "greatest myth of contemporary history": Griffin, p. 263.

212   Trotsky and Wall Street: Still, p. 139.

212   Jacob Schiff's $20 million: Allen, p. 69.

212   Elihu Root's $20 million: Icke (1995), p. 78.

212   Arsene de Goulevitch: Allen, p. 72.

213   American International Corporation: Icke (1995), pp. 77-78.

213   rich back Bolshevik Revolution: Allen: p. 73.

213 Churchill on worldwide conspiracy: A. Ralph Epperson, The New World Order (Tucson, AZ: Publius Press, 1990), pp. 104-105.

214 Fichte and Hegel as Illuminati: Sutton, p. 34.

215 "key to understanding world history": Texe Marrs (1995), p. 114.

216 "stop the war with Germany": Griffin, p. 265.

216   Trotsky's release: Ibid., p. 266; Icke (1995), p. 76; Still, 140.

216   Lenin and "sealed train": Still, p_ 140.

216   Max Warburg and German High Command: Allen, p. 68.

217   Russian Revolution "multidimensional": Icke (1995), p. 77.

217   "moves as another force wishes": Still, p. 142.



217   Carbonari or charcoal-burners: Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies (New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1995), pp. 100-101.

218   Bolsheviks traced to Charcoal-burners: Ibid., p. 110.

218   "Communism, just like Carbonism": Still, p. 129.

218  Marx in Hegelian Doctor Club: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 23, p. 573. 2 I 8   "bring the world to ruins": Still, p. I 29.

219  Moses Hess and Robert Owen: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 23, p. 574.

219 Internationale is Illuminated Freemasonry: Still, p. 137.

220 Oswald Spengler: Epperson (1985), p. 145.



221   Maxwell Taylor quote: Editors, "Maxwell Taylor: 'Write Off A Billion,'Executive Intelligence Review (September 22, 1981), p. 56.



231   Schoenberg becomes Belmont: Griffin, p. 414.

231   Belmont as Rothschild agent: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 2, p. 81. 231  Belmont rumored as illegitimate Rothschild and daily correspondence: Wilson, p. 179.

231 Alphonse Rothschild: Ibid., p. 181.

232 "difficult to understand": Ibid., p. 182.



232   "International Banking Syndicate": Epperson (1985), p. 152.

232   Otto von Bismarck: Griffin, p. 374.

233   Nathan Rothschild official European banker: Wilson, p. 178.

233   Rothschilds financed cotton imports: Smith, p. 101.

233  European rulers well pleased:  Bruce  Catton,  narrative;  Richard M. Ketchum, ed., The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War (New York: American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc., 1960), p. 249. 233  gap and destruction of Rothschild letters: Ferguson, p. 28. 233  Lincoln's comment on race: ed. R. W. Johannsen, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858  (New York:  Oxford University Press,   1965),  pp. 162-63. 233   "my paramount object": Dye and Zeigler, p. 83.



234   "branch of the Illuminati": Griffin., p. 392.

234 bloodcurdling oath: Fletcher Pratt, A Short History of the Civil War (New York: Pocket Book, Inc., 1948), p. 218.

235 slave empire with monopolies: Editors, The New Handbook of Texas, Vol. 3 (Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Society, 1996), p. 1145.

235   "financial nucleus": Ibid. p. 37.

235   Bickley at University of London and correspondent: Ollinger Crenshaw, "The Knights of the Golden Circle," The American Historical Review, Vol. XIVII, No. 1 (October, 1941), pp. 24 and 43. 235   liickley locturc-d in I'.ngbnul: Ibid. p. 47.

235 end of slavery predicted: Ibid., p. 26.

236 "Texasizing" Mexicans: Ibid., pp. 30-31.

236 Washington the target: Ibid., p. 32.

236  invasions of Mexico and San Houston: The New Handbook of Texas, p. 1145.

236  South's military organization: Crenshaw, pp. 33-34. 236  "the fact is, we want a fight": Ibid., p. 38.

236 "disunion triumphed": William W. Freehling, The Road to Disunion

(New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), p. viii.

237 Edmund Wright: Pratt, p. 219.

237 conspiracy cases weak: Donald Dale Jackson, The Civil War—Twenty Million Yankees (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1985), p. 29.

237  "enemy behind us": Catton, p. 497.

237 "the loyal opposition": Larry Starkey, Wilkes Booth Came to Washington (New York: Random House, 1976), p. 23.

237 Knights' other names: Ibid.

238 income tax and Karl Marx: Epperson (1985), p. 155.

238   "Greenbacks": Catton, p. 395.

238   "government's greatest creative opportunity": Griffin, p. 384. 238  Booth and James as Knights: Pratt, p. 223; Epperson (1985), p. 154. 238 Judah Benjamin and Rothschilds: Epperson (1985), p. 160. 238  "sinister power behind the throne": Howard M. Sachar, A History of the Jews in America (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992), p. 77.

238 "Confederate cabal in Canada": Starkey, p. 187.

239 Jefferson Davis: ed. Ronald Gibson, Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy

(Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1977), p. 10.

239  what the Jacobins called it: Shelby Foote, The Civil War, A Narrative-Fort Sumter to Perryville (New York: Vintage Books, 1986), p. 539. 239   11,000 British troops and Dixie: Catton, p. 255.



240   Lincoln quote: Foote, p. 538.

240   easy to forget Northern insurrection: Griffin, pp. 381-382.

241   Russian fleets in America: Cattoa, p. 253.

241   "the inhibiting effect": Griffin, p. 378.

241 "one of the strongest powers on the globe": Catton, p. 397.

242 Belmont influences European bankers: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 2,p. 81.

242   Belmont buys Southern bonds: Griffin, p. 383.

242   Chicago Tribune assails Belmont: Sachar, p. 78.

242   Salomon Rothschild is pro-South: Wilson, p. 185.

242   "even to blood-letting": D. P. Crook, The North, the South, and the Powers (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974), p. 198.

242   boot print of Rothschilds: Griffin, p. 395.

242   K.G.C. tract: Jackson, p. 28.



243  50,000 Masonis in 1826: Still, p. 107.

243   Captain William Morgan plans: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 1, p. 448.

244   Morgan quote: Epperson (1990), p. 162.

244  Henry L. Valance: Still, p. 107.

244  Reverend Charles G. Finney: Ibid.

244 Masons burned aprons: William J. Whaley, Christianity and American Freemasonry (Milwaukee, WI: Bruce Publishing Company, 1958), p 9

244 "Blood Oaths": Still, p. 102.

245 New York investigation: Ibid., p. 108.

245  news media "silent as the grave": Ibid.

245 Shay's Rebellion: Zinn, pp. 92-94.

246 "the tree of liberty": Ibid., p. 94.

246   "French Jacobin conspiracy": Ibid., p. 95.

246 John Quincy Adams and George Washington: Still, p. 94.

247 why did Hamilton and Washington bother: Bramley, p. 320.



247 Freemasonry and Illuminati: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol.  26, p. 891. 247 Masons originated Revolution: Webster, p. 165n.

247 "key rebel leader": Bramley, p. 326.

248 Duke of Orleans buys grain: Still, p. 85; Epperson (1985), p. 87.

248 "invisible hand": Webster, p. 244.

249 Illuminized Freemasonry: Webster, p. 238.

249  Cagliostro: Still, p. 84; Webster, p.174.



250   James establishes his own Masonry: Albert Gallatin Mackey, The History of Freemasonry (New York: Gramercy Books, 1996), p. 270.

250   Stuart—Freemason theory repugnant: Ibid., p. 267.

250   Charter creates chapters: Ibid., p. 281.

250   Jacobite character indisputable: Webster, p. 134.

250   first time politics introduced: Mackey, p. 285.

250 Revolutionary leaders in third degree: Webster, pp. 244-45.

251 Count Mirabeau: Ibid., pp. 241-42.

252   Brigands hired to storm Bastille: Ibid., p. 86.

252   first time grievances exploited: Still, p. 83.

252   Grand Orient Lodges: Webster, p. 244; Epperson (1985), p. 88.

2,52  "invaded by intriguers": Webster, p. 149.

252   Grand Orient formed and victory of revolutionary party: Ibid    pp 149-50.

254   secret convention directed everything: Ibid., p. 245.

254   "Ihe invisible hand": Epperson (1985), p. 88.

254   "shipwreck of civilization": Webster, p. 246.



255   "founder of Freemasonry": Still, p. 47.

255  Bacon and Knights Templar: Icke (1995), p. 33.

255  gave birth to Freemasons: Mackey, p. 307.

255 "In Stuart England"; Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail (Rockport, MA: Element Books, Inc., 1996), p. 322.

256 "indistinguishable from one another": Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple and the Lodge (New York: Arcade Publishing, 1989), p. 145.

256   Sir Robert Moray: Ibid., p. 154.

256   famous believers: Wallechinsky and Wallace (1975), p. 87.

256   no evidence of Shakespeare: Ibid., p. 531.

257   Latin anagram: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 27, p. 266.

257   Bacon described Utopia: Andre Nataf, The "Wordsworth Dictionary of the Occult (Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Reference, 1994), p. 16.

257  Manly P. Hall: Still, p. 49.

257 America known before Christian era: Manly P. Hall, America's Assignment with Destiny (Los Angeles: The Philosophical Research Society, 1951), pp. 49-50.

257 "School of Atheism": The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 9, p. 914.

258 Bradford and two rival systems: Still, p. 58.

259 Nathaniel Bacon as relative: Ibid., p. 50.

259  Col. La Von P. Linn: Bramley, p. 305.

259  Freemasons on both sides: Baigent and Leigh, p. 216.



259 "Boston Tea Party": Arthur Edward Waite, A New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry (New York: Wings Books, 1996), p. xxxiv.

260 only one non-Mason signed declaration: Hall (1951), p. 96.

260  mysterious stranger: Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Los Angeles: The Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 1988), p. 200. 260 Franklin quote and comment: Epperson (1975), p. 129.

260 "deficit spending": Griffin, p. 162,

261 Loyal Nine: Zinn, p. 66.

261 "no divinity in it": ed. Moncure Daniel Conway, Thomas Paine: Political Writings (Franklin Mint Corp., Franklin Center, PA, 1978), p. 19.

261 "new social order": Bramley, p. 305.

262 only leaders aware of "plan": Still, pp. 61-62.

262  images related to alchemical tradition: Gardner, p. 347. 262  bald eagle substituted for phoenix: Bramley, p. 311.



263   Seligmann Geisenheimer: Ferguson, p. 75.

263   Kolmer as Altotas: Webster, p. 200.

264   Casanova's involvement and quote: Waite, Vol. I, p. 101.

264   Persian calendar adopted: Ibid., p. 201.

264 Alumbrados: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 1, p. 303. 264   "enmity of the Jesuits": Webster, p. 197. 264 code name Spartacus: Ibid., p. 200.

264   "Eternal  Flower Power":   Sandra  Glass,   "The  Conspiracy,"   Teenset (March, 1969), pp. 34-40.

265   "Man is not bad": Epperson (1975), p. 79.

265   "behold our secret": Ibid., p. 81.

265   strength in concealment: Still, p. 73.

265   real purpose remains impenetrable: Webster, p. 197.

266   honest and dishonest secret societies: Ibid., p. 198.

266   every member a ruler: Epperson (1975), p. 81.

266 Mirabeau memoirs: Webster, P. 205.

267 "the express purpose": Epperson (1975), p. 83.

267  "what it means to rule": Webster, p. 221.

267   "two immediately below me": Ibid., p. 223.

267   "extravagance of the scheme": Epperson (1975), p. 83.

268   adopted "Institution" degrees: Waite, Vol. I, p. 386.

268   Jefferson in defense of Weishaupt: Ibid., p. 84.

268   "Strict Observance Order": Webster, p. 233.

268  Baron von Knigge: Waite, Vol. I, pp, 433-34.

268  Knigge with authority from Weishaupt: Webster, p. 234.

268 Freemasons move to Frankfurt and admit Jews: Still, p. 82.

269 Rothschild members: Jacob Katz, Jews and Freemasonry in Europe (Boston: Harvard Press, 1970),

269 Strict Observance under a different name: Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation (New York: Touchstone, 1997), p. 142.

269 "active and influential" Duke of Brunswick in Order: Baigent and Leigh, p. 218.

269   "every important personality": Waite, Vol. I, p. 11.

269  Strict Observance "transformed": Ibid., p. 173.

269  Count de Virieu: Still, p. 82.

269 "secret society within a secret society": Still, Ibid.

270 Weishaupt knew how to draw from each association: Webster, p. 231.

270  existence of name Illuminati irrelevant: Still, p. 81.



271  Masonry in China: Waite, pp. 104-107.

271 knowledge of Greek geometers: Johnson, pp. 36-37.

272 G is for Geometry: Mackey, p. 41.

272   square and compass as Star of David: Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1998),p. 240.

27i  Abraham to Hermes to Euclid: Mackey, p. 70.

273   Freemason name from Lombardy: Ibid., p. 42.

273   Collegium Fqhrorum: Mackey, p. x.

273  Godfrey de Bouillon as founder: Webster, p. 139.

273   "true, inner history": W. I,. Wilmshursi, of Mjsonry (New

York: Bell Publishing Company, 1980), a reprint of the fifth edition published in March, 1927, in London, p. 26.

273  organization that forgot original meaning: Picknett and Prince, p. 126.

273   "substituted secrets": Knight and Lomas, p. 4.

273 Freemasonry started at Rosslyn Chapel: Ibid., p. 313.

274 a combination of traditions with the Cabala: Webster, pp. 123-24.

275 "intimate union with Knights of St. John of Jerusalem": Ibid., p. 137.

275  connection to Diana and Isis: Picknett and Prince, p. 131.

275 "unknown superiors" and Templar list: Michael Baigent, Richard Leight and Henry Lincoln, Holy Blood, Holy Grail (New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1983), p. 149.

276 "interior, advanced knowledge": Wilmshurst., p. 64.

276   "a sacred secret": A. Ralph Epperson, Masonry: Conspiracy Against Christianity (Tucson, AZ: Publius Press, 1997), pp. 18-19.

276 Albert Pike quote: Epperson (1990), p. 33.

277 most Masons never pass first stage: Wilmshurst, p. 56.

277  Casanova's memoirs: Waite, Vol. I, p. 101.

277  "obligated by oath": Epperson (1990), p. 17.

277 pyramid structure manipulates majority: Icke (1995), pp. 199 and 201.

277  inaccuracies, anachronisms, and absurdities: Mackey, p. 16.

277 defection from orthodox religion: Wilmshurst, p. 15.

278 divest all past preconceptions: Ibid., p. 12.

278   "private study": Ibid., p. 5.

278   "guided by the 'gods'": Ibid., p. 173.

278  scientific assistance from 'gods': Ibid., pp. 174—75.

278 founded the Great Mysteries: Manly P. Hall, What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of its Disciples (Los Angeles, CA: Philosophical Research Society, 1982), p. 27.

279 reincarnation: Wilmshurst, p. 195.

279   accusations have pursued order: Mackey, p. ix.



280   Leopold-George, son of Francis II: Bramley, pp. 285-86.

280  son of a Jew or Wolf: Webster, pp. 172-73.

280  Arabian princess and reptile: Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts (New York: Perigee Books, 1967), p. 176.

280   Voltaire's quote: Andrew Tomas, We Are Not the First (New York: Bantam Books, 1973), p. 145.

281   Valet's confirmation: Cavendish, p. 176.

281   "studied in the pyramids": Ibid., p. 155.

281   "a major coup": Bramley, p. 295.

281   Saint-Germain initiates Cagliostro: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 10, p. 318.

281  Karl "head of all German Freemasons": Bramley, p. 284. 281  Karl praises Saint-Germain as philosopher: Tomas, p. 145. 281   "Egyptian masonry": Webster, p. 174.

282  Saint-Germain and William of Hesse: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 10, p. 318; Bramley, p. 293. 282  "a fascinating link": Bramley, p. 285.

282 Jean-Baptiste Willermoz: Nataf, p. 191; Waite, Vol. II, p. 91. 282  Saint-Germain at Wilhelmsbad: Tomas, p. 153. 282   "any reference to Falk": Webster, p. 188.

282 Gotthold Lessing: Ibid., p. 191.

283 Falk and the Duke of Orleans: Ibid., p. 194.

283   "applied for guidance": Ibid., p. 189.

283   "real initiates . . . carefully kept dark": Ibid., p. 190-91.



283   famous Masons: Still, p. 115; Mackey, p. ix; Baigent and Leigh, pp. 264-66.

284   no political orientation or consistency: Baigent and Leigh, p. 265.

284  Lucifer's order over God's chaos: Epperson (1997), p. 150.

284  "they work to invent chaos": Texe Marrs, p. 101.

284 "mechanism in operation": Bramley, p. 259.

285 Raskob and Roosevelt plot: Vankin and Whalen, p. 237.

285   "worldwide fascist conspiracy": Vankin, p. 175.

285   Mino Pecorelli: Ibid., p. 176.

285   other P2 ties: Icke (1995), p. 205.

285   Richard Brenneke: Ibid., p. 206.

286   Gelli description: Vankin and Whalen, p. 115.

286   "a state-within-a-state": Vankin, p. 175.

286   Gelli friends with Bush: Icke (1995), p. 204.

286   Operation Gladio: Wilson, p. 200.

286   "Gnomes of Zurich": Ibid., p. 201.

286 Pan Am 103 and CIA: Vankin and Whalen, pp. 282-84.

287 Panamanian Company: Ibid.

287 testimony on Kissinger: Icke (1995), p. 206. 287 Moro's death tied to CIA: Vankin, p. 189.

287 Sindona using Vatican money: Richard Hammer, The Vatican Connection (Neew York: Charter Books, 1982), p. 265.

288 "reveal some very delicate information": The New Encyclopaedia Bri tannica, Vol. 10, p. 831.

288   Saint Ambrose: Wilson, p. 39.

288   Marcinkus prosecution blocked by White House: Wilson, p. 293.

288   "largest bank frauds": Vankin and Whalen, p. 116.

288   "something similar happening": Icke (1995), p. 205.



289  perpetuation of mysteries and initiations: Epperson (1997), p. 88.

289 "when Christianity became state religion": Wilmshurst, pp. 211-12.

290 In Eminent}: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 3, p. 374.

290  purpose is to destroy Christianity: Epperson (1997), p. 350.

290  good side and bad side: Still, p. 27.

290  Freemasonry like algebra: Webster, p. 271.

290   "Divine Wisdom": Still, p. 27.

290  "a world-wide university": Hall (1988), p. 176.

290   "a doctrine of the universe": Wilmshurst, p. 74.

290   "positive energy": Ibid., p. 111.

290  "regeneration": Ibid., p. 42.

290 "aura": Ibid., p. 99.

291 "celestial beings": Ibid., p. 83.

291  inexpedient to say more: Ibid., pp. 133-34.

291  transition from Deist to Satanist: Still, p. 75.

291   Satanists vs. Luciferians: Ibid., p. 31.

291  secret is Luciferian doctrine: A. Ralph Epperson, The New World Order (Tucson, AZ: Publius Press, 1990), pp. 27 and 63. 291   "Via Lucis": Wilmshurst, pp. 209-10.

291 Lucis Trust and Lucifer Publishing: Constance Cumby, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow (Lafayette, LA: Huntington House, Inc., 1983),p. 193.

292 Lucifer explanation: Epperson (1990), p. 80.

292  Pike on Osiris and Typhon: Epperson (1997), pp. 274-75.

292  God has dual nature: Still, p. 31.

292  Adonai rival to Osiris: Epperson (1997), p. 110.

292 "worship of the Sun": Ibid., p. 113.

293 "the Sun God . . . created nothing": Ibid., p. 116.

293   "a repetitive geometric law prevails": Gardner, p. 247.

293 "the measure of the universe": Wilmshurst, p. 155.

294 "more than science": Picknett and Prince, p. 113.

294   "Hermetic element": Mackey, p. 329.



294 Rosicrucian element in High Degrees: Ibid., p. 351.

295 Count Mirabeau's claim: Webster, p. 90.

295   Andrea connections to Duke of Brunswick: Mackey, p. 330.

295   "more . . . humanizing system": Ibid.

295   Order of the Gold and Rosy Cross: Picknett and Prince, p. 141.

296   da Vinci created Shroud of Turin: Ibid., pp. 24 and 33.

296   "Rosicrucianism was the Renaissance": Ibid., p. 135.

296   "spiritually aware environment": Gardner, p. 308.

296   "pernicious Protestant establishment": Ibid., p. 313.

296   Ashmole as Rosicrucian: Webster, p. 122.

296   J. M Ragon: Ibid.

297   "virtually one and the same": Picknett and Prince, p. 141.

297   Pharaoh Tuthmosis III: Gardner, p. 310.

297   "combination of ancient secret tradition": Webster, p. 89.




303 Payens as cousin to Count Champagne: Graham Hancock The Sign and the Seal (New York: Touchstone Books, 1993), p. 93.

304 all came from Champagne or Languedoc: Picknett and Prince, p. 100.

304 Payens and Champagne together in Holy Land: Hancock, p. 95.

305 "Great House": Trent C. Butler, ed., Holman Bible Dictionary (Nash ville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1991), p. 1325.

305  carbon copy of Sumerian temple: Knight and Lomas, p. 23. 305  Royal Engineers find Templar artifacts: Ibid., p. 267.

305 Templars acquired scrolls of knowledge: Knight and Lomas, pp. 267-69; Picknett and Prince, pp. 110-11; Gardner, pp. 257-58.

306 Templars did not find Ark: Hancock, p. 96.

306  insight into Church misinterpretation: Gardner, p. 265.

306 "Templars possessed purest 'Christian' documents": Knight and Lomas, p. 58.

307 "inner circle was different": Picknett and Prince, p. 106.

307 Payens and Montbard returned with Rule and wealth: Knight and Lomas, p. 31.

308 "most wealthy and powerful institution in Christendom": Baigent and Leigh, p. 43.

308  first preceptory on Saint-Clair Land: Ibid., p. 295.

308 "law unto themselves": Ibid., p. 46.

309 Count Fulk of Anjou: Zoe Oldenbourg, The Crusades (New York: Ran dom House, 1966), pp. 264-65.

309  Assasins with Templars at Damascas: Daraul, p. 42. ASSASSINS

309   "Assasseen": Daraul, p. 28.

309 Hasan's schoolmates: Ibid., p. 19.

310 Cairo Lodge perfected techniques: Webster, p. 38.

310 Abdullah ibn Maymun's plans: Webster, p. 38.

311 "wholesale assassination": Ibid., p. 46.

311 recruitment "Paradise": Daraul, pp. 21-22; Webster, pp. 46-47.

312 Thug sign similar to Assassins: Daraul, P. 37.

312 molding Templar dogmas and ceremonies: Mackey, p. 236. 312  S. Ameer Ali quote: Ibid., p. 38.

312 "bad as anyone else who did not accept Assassin doctrine": Daraul, p. 43.

313 Damascus attack: Oldenbourg, p. 262.

313  Templar arrangements with Assassins: Mackey, p. 238.



314   "all the functions of the 20th century merchant bank": Baigent and Leigh, pp. 47-4H.

314 sixty percent interest per year: Ibid.

315 Templars as tax collectors: Ibid., p. 49.

316 "Mother Goddess" site: Gardner, p. 264.

316  Bernard's daily conferences: Hancock, p. 102.

316 Templars pass knowledge to Bernard: Ibid.

316  Greek goetik as magical: Ibid., p. 263.

316 Templars formed stonemasons: Picknett and Prince, p. 110.

317 magical stained glass: Gardner, p. 264.

317 Bernard's definition of God: Hancock, p. 306. 317 Ark transported: Gardner, p. 263.

317 Arcis foederis: Picknett and Prince, p. 113.

318 "a strange combination": Gardner, p. 294.

318 uncertainty about consecrated status and description: Knight and Lomas, p. 305.

319 Rosslyn not a simple chapel: Ibid., p. 306.

319 Wolframs's Templets or Templars: Hancock, p. 91.

320 Munsalvaesche connected to Montsegur: Gardner, p. 239.

320 Arabic manuscript housed by Anjou: Ibid., p. 240.

320   true church being suppressed by dark power: David Hatcher Childress, Introduction to Charles G. Addison's The History of the Knights Templar (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997), p. 18.



321   prejudice against Jews: Michael Costen, The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997), p. 38.

322   "complex series of connections": Picknett and Prince, p. 185.

322  "most serious and widespread" heresy: Costen, p. 52.

322  Cathars as Buddhists: Arthur Guirdham, The Cathars and Reincarnation (Essex: The C. W. Daniel Company Ltd., 1970), p. 25. 322  "their way of life ... no threat": Picknett and Prince, p. 89.

322 unusual opportunity to choose for themselves: Costen, pp. 200-201.

323 Jesus as spirit: Guirdham, p. 27.

323   Old Testament God as Satan: Costen, p. 63.

323   "this reincarnation business": Guirdham, p. 29.

323   "the overriding reason": Picknett and Prince, p. 90.

323   Cathars not heretics: Gardner, p. 269.

323 expertise in Cabala: Ibid., p. 270.

324 Saint Bernard's report: Ibid., p. 269.

324 quote from Gospel of Philip: James M. Robinson, general editor, The Nag Hammadi Library (New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1981), pp.138-39.

324   Sister Catherine: Picknett and Prince, p. 95.

225 Jesus' bloodline and the Merovingians: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 399.

325 James as Joseph of Arimathea: Gardner, p. 167.

326 "Never any secret . . . ": Laurence Gardner, "The Hidden History of Jesus and the Holy Grail," Nexus (February-March, 1998), p. 21.

326 movements with women judged heretical: Cullen Murphy, "The Bible According to Eve," U.S. News & World Report (August 10, 1998), p. 52.

326  Mary as almah: Gardner (1996), p. 119.

326 Jane Schaberg: Murphy, p. 50.

327 Golden Legend: Gardner (1996), p. 117.

327 Mary and children: Ibid., p. 115.

327   de Joinville quote: Ibid., p. 129.

327   "greatest of all threats": Ibid., p. 123.

327   Rennes le Chateau: Ibid., p. 117.

327 "the body of Our Lord": Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 58.

328 Bogomilism beliefs: Costen, p. 58.

328   Yuri Stoyanov: Picknett and Prince, p. 94.



329   "Peace of God": Costen, pp.23-24.

329 Order of the Temple ineffectual: Ibid., p. 101.

330 "motivated by religious zeal" and biggest army: Ibid., p. 121.

330 "inhabitants massacred": Ibid., p. 123.

331 "curious phenomenon": Picknett and Prince, p. 91.

331  Montsegur "mysteries": Ibid., p. 92.

331  no resistance: Costen, p. 160.

331 pecuniary treasure taken three months earlier: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 62.

332 Templars hungry for knowledge: Picknett and Prince, p. 220.

332  Templars' "warm rapport" with Cathars: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, pp. 73-74. 332  Bertrand de Blanchefort: Ibid., p. 93.

332 "new weapon, the Inquisition": Costen, p. 179.

333 Inquisition created for Cathars: Picknett and Prince, p. 85.



333   King Henry III threatened: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 71.

333   King John in Knights' Temple: Baigent and Leigh, p. 45.

334   Cyprus bought from Richard the Lion Heart: Oldenbourg, p. 456.

334   Teutonic Knights' Ordenstaat: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 73.

334   King Philip turned down: Ibid., p. 74.

334 Philip engineered Pope's death: Ibid., p. 75.

335 Philip's agreement to support Clement: Mackey, p. 256.

335  plot to restore Merovingians: Addison, p. 15.

335   captured knights and paid witnesses: Gardner (1996), p. 271.

336  Templars betrayed by Church: Knight and Lomas, p. 282.

336   Jacques de Molay ordered books burned: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 75. f ?d   hidden in I'nris Ireasury vaults: Gardner, p. 271. 336  eighteen gnllcys transported Ibid., p. 272.

336 five years of legal wrangling: Baigent and Leigh, p. 65.

337 Knight engraving and Newport Tower: Knight and Lomas, p. 289.

337 Templar cross in Patagonia: Scott Corrales, "Bright Lights, Lost Cities" Fate (September, 1999), p. 23. 337 corn cobs and aloe: Knight and Lomas, p.

337 "certain evidence": Ibid.

338 Waldseemueller: Ibid., p. 292.

338   "silly misunderstanding": Knight and Lomas, p. 290.

338 Knights of Christ: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 78.

339 fled across the sea: Baigent and Leigh, p. 64.

339 one route open: Ibid., p. 69-73.

340 "full-sale rout": Ibid., p. 36.

340 Templars commanded by Henry Saint-Clair: Gardner, p. 294.

340 "body of Templars" Mackey, p. 259.

341 Johannite sect and Christos: Picknett and Prince, p. 146.

341  Payens initiated into Johannite beliefs: Webster, p. 68.

341 Hiram Abif symbolizes Molay: Mackey, p. 265.

342 Molay's face on Shroud of Turin: Knight and Lomas, p. 286-87.

343 Hospitallers became Knights of Malta: Gardner, p. 261.

343  Catholic and Protestant wings: Icke (1999), p. 133.

343   "both were same force": Ibid., p. 157.

343  Knights of Malta between Vatican and CIA: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln (1986), p. 359.

343 five organizations claiming Templar origins: Baigent and Leigh, p. 41.

344 Templars and Hospitallers merged: Baigent and Leigh, p. 97.

345 business conducted in secrecy: Gardner, p. 305.

345   "last vestige of free thinking": Ibid., p. 265.

345  Order still flourishing: Ibid., p. 272.

345   Templars existed as Rosicrusians and Freemasons: Picknett and Prince, p. 221.



346   Sauniere's activities: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 32.

346 "defying even a computer": Ibid., -p. 33.

347 Saint Sulpice as Priory front: Picknett and Prince, p. 186.

347  Sauniere and Emma Calve: Vankin and Whalen, p. 217.

347   "To Dagobert II King . . . ": Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 34.

347   "builder of Solomon's temple": Ibid., p. 36.

348   authors suspect body being taken out: Ibid.

348   Latin words: Ibid.

348   "consecutive accounts": Ibid., p. 37.

348   "visibly shaken": Ibid., p. 38.

348 speculation over Sauniere's discovery: Picknett and Prince, p. 182.

349 Antonie Gelis: Ibid., p. 193.

349  Balncheforts as Cathars: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 73. 349  Templars remained free: Ibid., p. 94.

350  "curious feature" of dossiers, Picknc'lt and Prince, p

350   Royalists with delusions: Ibid., p. 41.

350   names connected to Templars, Priory: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, pp. 415-38.

351   Priory Grand Masters: Ibid., p. 131.

351   orchestrated critical events: Ibid., p. 107.

351   "avowed and declared objective": Ibid.

352   "meandering history of Europe": Vankin and Whalen, p. 221-22.

352   Jesus' story holds "many dangerous secrets": Vankin, p. 227.

352 protocols program for infiltrating and control: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 194.

353 Order charter with Hugh de Payens name: Ibid., p. 113.

353 Templars and Priory schism: Picknett and Prince, p. 40.

354 Priest wrote Gisors founded Rosy Cross: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 124.

354   Ordre de Sion charter at Orlean: Ibid., p. 119.

354 "studies and mutual aid to members": Ibid., p. 201.

355 not for financial gain: Ibid., p. 205.

355   press article regarding Pierre Plantard: Ibid., p. 214.

355   "Gray Eminence": Speer, p. 452.

355   return treasure to Israel: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 225.

355 dismiss the Priory as "lunatic fringe": Ibid., p. 226.

356 fragile at best, fictitious at worst: Picknett and Prince, p. 44.

356   Priory a "fraud": Robert Richardson,  "The History of Sion Hoax," Gnosis Magazine (Spring, 1999), p. 54.

356   concocted story plagiarized from Order of Rose-Croix: Ibid., p. 53.

356 Monti's group "highly likely" as guise: Ibid.

357 Blanchfort not a Templar Grand Master: Ibid.

357   Blanchfort as Templar Grand Master: Childress, pp. 46-53; Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 32.

357   "single-minded intent": Picknett and Prince, p. 44.



357   Francio descended from Noah: Gardner, p. 164.

357   Meroveus traced to Jesus: Ibid., pp. 166 and 140.

357   sea beast: Ibid., p. 166.

358   Merovingians as extraterrestrials: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln: p. 459, n8.

358   David Wood: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln (1986), p. 232.

358   lost tribe of Benjamin: Picknett and Prince, p. 49.

358   "seed of the royal house of David": Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 393.

359   Guillem de Gellone as king of the Jews: Ibid., p. 395.

359   two official objects of worship: Gardner, p. 160.

359 Arian Christianity of neighbors: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 386.

360 "ultimate Christian religion": Ibid., p. 173.

360 Siegebert and Bouillon: Ibid., p. 224.

361 Jesus  bloodline  "not explicitly stated":  Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 3H7.

361  Bouillon's dynasty and "royal tradition": Ibid., pp. 107 and 396.

361  church's ideal came to fruition: Gardner, p. 223.

361 church proclaimed Merovingians "irreligious": Ibid., p. 167.

362 Hitler dismantled plan for Merovingian throne: Henry, p. 193.

363 Marie Antoinette and Hapsburgs: Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 404.

363 Hieron du Val d'Or. Ibid., p. 197-200.

363 "theocratic United States of Europe": Ibid., p. 410.

364 Grand Alpine Lodge: Ibid., p. 99.

364  journalist Mathieu Paolio: Ibid, and Wilson, p. 117.



364 Henry Kissinger as member: Icke (1999), p. 149.

365 "these genealogies contain proof": Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln (1986), p. 248.

365   "Rhedae" older name for Rennes-le-Chateau: Ibid., p. 295.

365 three names on Mise document connected to First National Bank of Chicago: Ibid., p. 285.

366 Chicago bank connected to Rockefellers: Gibson, p. 62n.

366   "active in London": Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln (1986), p. 289.

366 prominent Europeans in Shaw's book: Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1988), p. 146.

367 reasons   for   resignation:   Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln (1986), pp.

367 Priory became invisible: Ibid., p. 310.

368 "indisputable evidence": Ibid., pp. 313-14.

368   "shadowy underworld" and "murky sphere": Ibid., pp. 309-11.

368 "a holographic image": Ibid., p. 294.

369 Lincoln's disheartened comment: Vankin and Whalen, p. 223.



376   "one of the most important purposes": Patricia G. Eddy, Who Tampered with the Bible (Nashville, TN: Winston-Derek Publishers, Inc., 1993), p. 81.

377 descriptions of secret societies: Hall (1988), p. 22.

378 tampering not random: Ibid., p. x.



378 Paul's view won out: Ibid., p. 202.

379 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon: Gardner (1996), p. 154.

379   "diverse forms of Christianity": Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels (New York: Vintage Books, 1981), pp. 7-8.

379 the Roman Church: Eddy, pp. 219-20.

380 Simon the Magician: Nataf, p. 182.

380  Basilides the Egyptian: Hall (1988), p. 25.

380  Christianity "branch of Gnosticism": Nataf, p. 37.

381   "religious existentialism": Ibid., p. 35.

381   "doctrine of antiquity": Hall (1988), p. 76.

381   New Testament as example: Ibid.

381   "Lost Keys" of Freemasonry: Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (London: Bantam Press, 1999), pp. 128-29.

381   "Gnosticism profoundly influenced men's minds": Daraul, p. 84.

382   monastery called "the Wilderness": Gardner (1996), p. 63.

382   Georgi Ivanovich Gurdjieff: Nataf, p. 141.

382   Pythagoras's "New World Order": Gardner (1996), p. 63.

382   Great White Brotherhood: Gardner (1999), p. 127.

382   Mary and Joseph as Essenes: Hall (1988), p. 179.

383   Nazarene as Essene term: Gardner (1996), pp. 36-37.

383   Jesus in Melchizedek's temple: Hall (1988), p. 178.

383   "Michael-Zadok": Gardner (1996), p. 38.

383   progenitors of Freemasonry: Hall (1988), p. 178.

383 Essene use of codes and allegory: Gardner (1996), p. 27.

384 leper, blind and the Way: Ibid., p. 28.

384   NSA code breaker shocked by Bible code: Michael Drosnin, The Bible Code (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997), p. 23.

384 "a book unlike any other": C. L. Turnage, New Evidence the Holy Bible Is an Extraterrestrial Transmission (Santa Barbara, CA: Timeless Voyager Press, 1998), p. 104.

385 references to gods, or Elohim: Ibid., p. 105.

385 fate of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Eddy, pp. 222-23.

386 Constantine's "strategic buy-out": Gardner (1996), pp. 157-58.

386 "crucial alterations": Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, p. 368.

387 Essenes not Christians: Webster, p. 27.

387   "their faith was closer to original teachings": Gardner (1996), p. 161.



388   "mysteries of wisdom": Webster, p. 8.

388   Cabala as form of Gnosticism: Nataf, pp. 20-21.

388   Moses' oral tradition: Webster, p. 6.

388 "a tremendous secret": Nataf, p. 152; Webster, pp. 10-11.

389 Ab-ram who possesses Ram: Gardner (1999), p. 100.

389   Table of Destiny tied to Emerald Table of Thoth/Hermes: Ibid., pp.219-20.

389   borrowed philosophies: Webster, p. 11.

389   Moses de Leon: Ibid., p. 9.

389   "a point in history": Icke (1999), p. 82.

390   Masonic system due to Mysteries: Wilmshurst, p. 212.

390   Pico della Mirandola: Picknett and Prince, p. 135.

39J)  Mendelssohn as Cabalist: Webster, pp. 228-29.

390   Moses Mendelssohn as Rothshild partner: Ferguson, pp. 113 and 285.

390   Follower of Moses Mendelssohn: Ferguson, p. 75.

390 John Byrom': Picknett and Prince, pp. 139-40.

391 Global population figures: Tomas, p. 163.

392   "birthright of knowledge founded Mystery Schools": Hall (1982), pp. 25-28.



392 Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons together: James Shreeve, "The Neanderthal Peace," Discover (September, 1995), p. 77.

393 "incompatible, separate species": Ibid., p. 79.

393 unusual Chinese seals in Ireland: Simon Welfare and John Fairley, Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World (New York: A&W Visual Library, 1980), pp. 43-44.

393  crystal skulls: Ibid., pp. 51-55.

393  giant round stones: Ibid., pp.55-58.

393 "vitrified" stone forts: Ibid., pp. 58-60.

394 "Antikythera Mechanism": Marrs (1997), pp. 61-62.

394  Baghdad battery: Ibid., pp. 63-64.

394 gigantic Maltese Cross: Maurice Chatelain, Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1978), pp. 71-74.

394  identical weight coins: Ibid., p. 130.

394 Chinese characters in Central America: Charles Fenyvesi, "A Tale of Two Cultures," U.S. News & World Report (November 4, 1996), pp. 46-48.

394 helicopter and jets in Seti's Temple: Terry O'Neill, "Helicopter Hoax?"

Fate (June, 1999), pp. 27-29.

395 Babylonian cuneiform: Tomas, p. 65.

395 Piri Reis maps: Marrs (1997), pp. 68-69.

396 "our distant past is a vacuum": Ibid., pp. 8-9.

396 Sphinx predates Ice Age: John Anthony West, Serpent in the Sky (Whe-ston, IL: Quest Books, 1993), p. 229.

396   "Hall of Records": Edgar Evans Cayce, Gail Cayce Schwartzer, and Douglas Richards, Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997), p. 129.

397   Earlier jewelry better: Tomas, p. 17.

397  Bible commandments: Exodus 20:1-17.

397 Egyptian "Protestation of Innocence": The Book of the Dead: Papyri of Ani, Hunefer, Anhai (Geneva: Productions Liber SA, 1979), pp. 91-93.

398 Monte Verde, Chile: Sharon Begley and Andrew Murr, "The First Americans," Newsweek (April 26, 1999), p. 56.

398   "different ethnic groups": Ibid., p. 52.

398   "a shadowy prehistory": Alan F. Alford, Gods of the New Millennium: Scientific Proof of Flesh & Blood Gods (Walsall, England: Eridu Books, 1996), p. I.



399 Sigmund Freud and Moses: Don Ecker, "One God Or One Overseer?" UFO Magazine (June, 1999), pp. 56-58.

400 Manetho the adviser: Gardner (1999), p. I 85.

400 Aten as Adon and Amen: Ibid., p. 216.

400 Akhenaten floated downstream: Gardner (1996), p. 12.

401 Sargon the Great: Gardner (1999), p. 186.

402 "marshy territory": Gardner (1996), p. 13.

402   "contemporary Moses": Henry, p. 81.

402 Miriam: Gardner (1999), p. 208.

403 "the Words of the God": Knight and Lomas, p. 157.

403  El-Shaddai or El for God: Butler: pp. 404 and 416.

403   "individual absolute": Gardner (1999), p. 108.

403 Bond between man and nature destroyed: Henri Frankfort, Kingship and the Gods (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948), p. 343.

404 Moses establishes branch: Gardner (1996), p. 267.

404 Jehovah as reptile being: Joe Lewels, The God Hypothesis (Mill Spring, NC: Wild Flower Press, 1997), p. 242.

405 "not of mammal origin": R. A. Boulay, Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past (Escondido, CA: The Book Tree,1997), p. 55.

405   "circumcision as form of branding": Lewels, p. 243. 407  "very powerful dynasty": Gardner (1999), p. 16.



407 Events occurred during Hammurabi's rule: Alford, p. 358.

407 Hammurabi Code drawn from Sumerians: Zecharia Sitchin, The 12th Planet (New York: Avon Books, 1976), pp. 42-43. 409  Sumerian "firsts": Ibid., pp. 120-21.

409 Queen Shub-ad's description: Tomas, p. 17.

410 Geometry and time system: Alford, p. 124.

410 "uncomfortable question": Ibid.

411 "answers are relative": The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 21, p. 907.

411  Tales branded as myths: Sitchin (1976), p. viii.

411   "now that astronauts have landed on the Moon": Ibid.



412 Nefilim as ancient heroes: Butler, p. 1017.

413 Sumerians ahead of modern man in astronomy: Hugh McCann, "10th Planet? Pluto's Orbit Says 'Yes,'" Detroit News (January 16, 1981), p. 1.

413  take epic at face value: Sitchin (1976), p. 211.

415   Nefilim named Nazi: Zechariah Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men (New York: Avon Books, 1985), p. 155. 4M  Enki's approach to Earth: Sitchin (1976), p. 291.

416   gold to repair upper atmosphere: Lloyd Pye, Everything You Know Is WronK (Madeira Beach, PL: Adamu Press, 1997), pp. 231-32.

416   Comparison  of names:  Ignatius  Donnelly,  Atlantis:  The Aiitt'dilui'iiin wW</(New York: Publishing Co., lc>44), p. IÆ

416   ancient South African mines: Zecharia Sitchin, Genesis Revisited (New York: Avon Books, 1990), p. 22.

417   "purified precious": Sitchin (1976), p. 319.

417  "distress was much": Ibid., p. 331.

417   "Assembly of the Great Anunnaki": Dr. Arthur David Horn, Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins (Mount Shasta, CA: A & L Horn, 1994), p. 62.

418   Genesis based on earlier texts from Sumer: Sitchen (1990), p. 159.

418  Mutants created: Ibid., pp. 164-65.

418 Statues bought by Rockefeller: Henry, p. 21.

419 "drank water from the ditch . . . ": Sitchin (1976), p. 107.

419  Kramer's comment on TI: Horn, p. 64.

419 "Adam was the first test-tube baby": Sitchin (1990), p. 162.

420 "non-Darwinian" principles required: Michael A. Cremo and Richard L.Thompson, Forbidden Archeology (Los Angeles: Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing, 1998), pp. 711 and 722.

420 Thomas E. Lee: Ibid., p. xxix.

420   "knowledge filter": Ibid., pp. xxx and xxxi.

420   scientific institutions  set up by elite:  Personal correspondence from Jonathan Starbright, 1999.

421   not "worship" but "work": Sitchin (1976), p. 337.

421  Anunnaki treated slaves poorly: Horn, p. 65.

421  Enki retaliates against Enlil: Ibid., pp. 288-89. 423  Epic of Gilgamesh quote: Alford, p. 277. 423   "Star Fire": Gardner (1999), pp. 126 and 129.

423   Jews lost knowledge: Alford, p. 297.



424   Utnapishtim and father in Shuruppak: Ibid., p. 306.

424 "biblical account is an edited version": Sitchin (1976), p. 380.

425 "the seed of all living things": Ibid., p. 381.

425 three races saved: Alford, p. 305.

426 "crowded like flies": Sitchen (1976), p. 384.

426  Kent Flannery: Horn, p. 101.

426 agriculture began in highlands: Ibid., p. 102.

427 Enlil institutes mountain farming: Zecharia Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men (New York: Avon Books, 1985), p. 121.

427 no explanation for botanogenetic miracle and three phases:  Sitchen (1976), pp. 414-15.

427   Earth divided into four regions: Horn, p.  119; Alford, pp. 229-30; Sitchin (1976), p. 415.

428   Kish as Cush: Sitchen (1976), p. 20.

428   "the Trilithon": Alford, p. 52.

428   "rockets of the gods": Ibid., p. 175.

428   Arabic text found at Baalbek: Ibid., p. 53.

428   Shem as something that flies: Turnage, p. 12.

428 not "name" but "sky vehicle": Sitchin (1976), p. 148.

429 different racial groups: Alford, pp. 303-6.

430 Anunnaki built two great pyramids of Giza: Sitchin (1985), p. 135. 430  Great Pyramid as space beacon: Chatelain, pp. 60-61. 430 Mount Sinai as "shining": Butler, ed., p. 991.

430 enormity of name change: Henry, p. 113.

431 Marduk's Egyptian progeny: Sitchin (1985), p. 39.

432 Marduk held in Great Pyramid: Ibid., p. 222.

432  rescue of Marduk: Ibid., 226-28.

432 "worshipped a sole female deity": Alford, p. 135.

433 Inanna and Enlil with Sargon: Sitchin (1985), p. 249.

433 Abraham as personage of high standing: Ibid., p. 292.

434 Yahweh as Iskur or Adad: Alford, p. 362.

434 Ark as radio transmitter: Ibid., p. 363.

434 Tablets activated ark: Bouley, p. 292.

435 "vapor" not "salt": Sitchen (1985), pp. 313-14n.

435  son of Marduk launched nukes: Ibid., p. 324.

435 settlements abandoned and radioactivity: Ibid., p. 315.

436 blackened stones: Alford, p. 227.

436 Kramer's translated "Lamentations": Ibid., pp. 220-21.

436 "stacked up in heaps": Sitchin (1985), p. 340.

437 "what actually transpired": Gardner, p. 60.



438   "as close as we'll come to the truth": Horn, p. 104.

438 "admire the ancient scribes": Sitchin (1990), p. 171.

439 "Righteous Ones of the Rocketships": Sitchin (1985), pp. 76-77.

440 altered primitive genetically: Erich von Daniken, The Return of the Gods (Boston: Element Books, 1998), p. 40.

440 "slave race languishing on an isolated planet": Bramley, p. 37.

441 "race of interbreeding bloodlines": Icke (1999), p. 1.

441  Man conditioned to deny truth of ancestry: Boulay, p. 337.

441   "I think we're property": Charles Fort, The Books of Charles Fort (New York: Henry Holt, 1941), p. 163.

441   a few world leaders permitted to approach them: Alford, p. 407. 441  eternal conflict between powers of darkness and light: Webster, pp. 405-6.

441 "two great religious truths": Mackey, p. 181.

442 "science, as it is always called": Mackey, p. 33.

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