by Claire Bernish
August 16, 2016
TheFreeThoughtProject Website

Leaked files from billionaire
George Soros'
Open Society Foundation (OSF) two days ago
have exposed
several startling machinations about the organization -
including flagrant schemes to manipulate the media, influence
international immigration policy, and cash designated for social
justice initiatives.
Soros has been ousted previously for
pulling political strings
in Ukraine, but as one memo revealed
in the massive
DCLeaks cache
shows, the globalist also sought direct manipulation of Western
media to align with that political agenda.
Titled the "Ukraine
Media Project," the memo's authors admit that,
"this isn't
proper independent journalism and we may damage our credibility
with journalists," but that
"journalists may produce stories that have no
relevance for the narrative we seek to inform or stories that
are counterproductive (enforcing narratives of fascism, etc.)"
In other words, Soros and his OSF (Open Society Foundation)
acknowledged their designs in Ukraine could be conflated with
fascism and thus, as they wrote, sought to alleviate potential
backlash or opposition by offering,
"[s]elect journalists from 5
target countries (Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Greece) and
offer them long stay reporting trips in Ukraine."
Once finagled into the trip, the
memo's authors decided, rather than dictating content directly,
they would,
"retain a veto on stories we think are
Tellingly listed under the memo's
"Pros" section is the fact the scheme is a,
"Similar approach to
what we have done for other press trips" and that the Ukraine
trip would provide an "Opportunity to build relationships with
journalists and news outlets."
Judging by the degree of influence
Soros sought, those relationships wouldn't amount to just a
drink after a hard day's work.
In fact, under the "Cons" portion,
the authors lament specifically the potential for the trip to
"enforce the narrative of GS/OSF manipulation" - because that's
exactly what it would be?
Another portion of the Soros leaks
concerns Europe's immigration crisis - which OSF argues should
just be accepted as the "new normal."
On May 12, OSF program officer Anna
Crowley and program specialist Katin Rosin co-wrote a
memo titled "Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review,"
focusing on the OSF's International Migration Initiative created
to influence world immigration policy, as the
Daily Caller first reported.
The outlet reports:
"The nine-page review makes three
key points:
OSF - which doles out millions to
left-wing causes - has been successful at influencing global
immigration policy
Europe's refugee crisis presents 'new
opportunities' for the organization to influence global
immigration policy
the refugee crisis is the 'new normal'."
Crowley and Rosin write that the
review seeks to "consider the effectiveness of the approaches we
have used to achieve change at the international level."
Anyone unaware how far Soros'
fingers stretch into global policy-making should consider the
section of the review highlighted by the Daily Caller, titled
"Our Work" - which describes how OSF has worked with "leaders in
the field" to,
"shape migration policymaking and influence
regional and global processes affecting the way global migration
is governed and enforced."
The authors continue:
"Our premise for engaging in work
related to governance was that, in addition to mitigating the
negative effects of enforcement, we should also be supporting
actors in the field proactively seeking to change the policies,
rules, and regulations that govern migration.
"We also believe that advances at
the regional or national levels could create impetus for policy
change or implementation of existing norms at the national
We deliberately avoided the term 'global governance'
because there is no single system at the global level for
managing migration."
Further, IMI,
"has had to be
selective and opportunistic, particularly at the global level,
in supporting leaders in the field to push thinking on migration
and better coordinate advocacy and reform efforts.
We have
supported initiatives, organizations, and networks whose work
ties directly to our aims in the corridors."
Zero Hedge
reported on a third aspect of the leak in a
memo concerning the United States, indicating potential
funding of the Black Lives Matter movement by Soros - though the
connection appears hazy at best.
Providing $196,000 in funding for
Baltimore Education
Research Consortium - a joint project of the city's public
schools and Johns Hopkins and Morgan State Universities - one
memo states:
"To support the American Journalism
Review's series of articles on the crisis in American journalism
with a focus on, among other things, coverage of federal
agencies and state governments, including Maryland
/$200,000/Strategic Opportunities Fund/2009."
A second part of that
memo states:
"Throughout its 15-year history,
U.S. Programs has complemented its national work with state and
local grant-making.
The Emma Lazarus Fund, the Southern
Initiative, the Program on Reproductive Health and Rights, and
the Youth Initiative all had a strong presence in states like
Louisiana, North Carolina, Texas, New York, and California.
this way, U.S. Programs has not only advanced core priority
issues at the national level, but it has also worked to enable
local and state actors to play a more critical role in shaping
discussions around criminal justice, drug policy, immigrants'
rights, government security, and other key issues at the state
Obviously, given the enormous size
of the document cache published by DCLeaks, an untold number of
other Soros manipulations will likely be revealed in the weeks
to come.
Soros Hack
- Top 10 Machinations of a Master Manipulator
by Makia Freeman
August 23, 2016
Freedom-Articles Website

The Soros hack has revealed
the vast and
stunning influence of
NWO master manipulator George Soros.
recent Soros hack - the hacking and release of 2500+ emails
and documents release by
DCLeaks - shows black-and-white proof of the machinations, manipulations and
massively long reach of Hungarian-born Jew, multi-billionaire, top
Hillary Clinton donor, arch manipulator and big-time
New World
Order insider George Soros.
The MSM (Mainstream
Media) is ignoring the
Soros hack,
which is to be expected, but those coming to it with little or no
knowledge of the man will be blown away by the extent to which
Soros directs world affairs.
This man is extremely influential and
deserves to be focused upon in the same way that
the Rockefellers
Rothschilds have been. He has been behind some extremely
important political movements in the U.S. (e.g. BLM or Black Lives
Matter) and geopolitical events around the world (e.g. the U.S.-funded
Ukrainian coup which installed a Neo-Nazi puppet government).
Soros' favorite method is to fund
color revolutions (fake grassroots uprisings) through his
numerous NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) which specialize in
propaganda and the overthrow of democratically elected foreign
governments in coups.
Soros and his NGOs were banned last year in 2015 by Russia as a
threat to national security, and the Soros hack shows us why Russian
leaders don't want the man near their nation.
There's a Movement, Good Chance Soros is Behind It
So just what do these emails reveal
about Soros?
He has an incredible array of Open Society Foundations
(OSFs) in numerous countries across the world, all of which are
pushing his particular agendas, such as,
open borders
welfare and support for illegal migrants
justice" (a loaded term which means many different things to
different people)
the "humanitarian" spreading of
U.S. "democracy"
around the world (more loaded terms and doublespeak)
The leaked
documents include proof that Soros has been involved in all of the
below top 10 machinations. Soros is actively intervening and
interfering on a colossal scale.
He is causing problems and chaos
(including murder and war) to reshape the world in his view (ordo
ab chao):
1. Trying
to sway a
U.S. Supreme Court decision to get documentation and welfare for
undocumented or illegal immigrant parents of a child U.S. citizen
"Grantees are seeking to influence the Justices (primarily
via a sophisticated amicus briefs and media strategy) in hopes
of securing a favorable ruling in U.S. vs. Texas, and using the
case to redefine messaging and align the movement."
"Select journalists from the 5 target countries (Germany,
France, Spain, Italy, Greece) and offer them long stay reporting
trips in Ukraine.
Rather than specify what they should write
about they should make suggestions for articles; we retain a
veto on stories we think are counterproductive… this isn't
proper independent journalism and we may damage our credibility
with journalists.
Journalists may produce stories that have no
relevance for the narrative we seek to inform or stories that
are counterproductive (enforcing narratives of fascism etc.)"
(Remember that in June 2015, a small
group of Ukrainian hackers exposed the communication between new
Petro Poroshenko - U.S. asset - and Soros, which showed that Soros
was the puppet master assuring Poroshenko of U.S. help.)
Influencing and trying to take advantage of the
European migrant crisis
"Our premise for
engaging in work related to governance was that, in
addition to mitigating the negative effects of
enforcement, we should also be supporting actors in
the field proactively seeking to change the
policies, rules, and regulations that govern
We also believed that advances at the
regional or international levels could create
impetus for policy change or implementation of
existing norms at the national level.
deliberately avoided the term 'global governance'
because there is no single system at the global
level for managing migration."
current refugee crisis is creating space to reconsider the
governance of migration and the international refugee regime
… reforming migration governance at the global level."
"Although [comprehensive immigration reform] was not achieved,
winning the Senate with such a large, bipartisan majority was a
partial victory and further than the movement had gotten in
recent decades, and, as a result of the effort, the immigrant
rights movement infrastructure matured and ultimately emerged
stronger, more coordinated, and more cohesive."
including a presentation from Ivy O. Suriyopas, a program
officer with OSF's U.S. Programs
BLM (Black Lives Matter)
to the tune of $650.000, which had more
to do with instigating violent anti-police riots than genuinely
helping black people in poverty facing racism and discrimination
"Recognizing the need for strategic assistance, the U.S.
Programs Board approved $650,000 in Opportunities Fund support
to invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at
the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement."
For more analysis on how the BLM
movement is being coordinated at higher levels, along with the
migrant crisis, see article Decoding
Current Social Engineering Tactics of the Anglo-American-Zionist NWO

Wikileaks added to the Soros hack
showing George Soros told Hillary (as Sec. of State)
how to
intervene in Albania.
A serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs
urgent attention at senior levels of the U.S. government. You may
know that an opposition demonstration in Tirana on Friday
resulted in the deaths of three people and the destruction of
There are serious concerns about further unrest
connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the
governing party on Wednesday and a follow-up event by the
opposition two days later to memorialize the victims…"
Soros went on to tell Hillary exactly
who she needed to appoint as mediator:
Carl Bildt
Martti Ahtisaari
Miroslav Lajcak
Hillary did what she was told.
"Build state-based power:
Advance social justice in
critical states through
state-based issue advocacy and
organizing where the
opportunities to advance (or the
threats to) open society are
particularly significant."
general, and at your discretion, do not say you are doing this
for Open Society because it is likely to close down
doors. There's a lot of suspicion about Open Society in Greece,
mainly because of its positions vis-à-vis the former
Daily Caller reports that Soros gave
Center for American Progress (CAP) a $200,000 grant, then two more
grants for a total of $500,000, for the purpose of researching and
monitoring the activities of,
opponents such as Pamela Geller (Stop Islamization of America)
organizations such as Jihad Watch and the
Middle East Forum
Liz Cheney (daughter of former VP Dick Cheney)
examining the role played by right-wing media, the Tea
Party movement and others
Controlling the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine and other key Ukrainian
Soros and his NGO executives conducted
detailed and extensive meetings with just about every actor involved
in the
Maidan coup in Ukraine.
These included,
U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt
David Meale (Economic Counsellor to the Ambassador)
Lenny Benardo (OSF)
Yevhen Bystrytsky (Executive Director, IRF)
Oleksandr Sushko (Board Chair, IRF)
Ivan Krastev (Chariman, Centre
for Liberal Studies)
Sabine Freizer (OSF)
Deff Barton
(Director, USAID, Ukraine)
I wonder where Vicky "Fuck the EU"
Nuland is in all of this, but I'm sure she'll be in there somewhere.
In this excerpt below,
Soros and Pyatt are on the same team
in terms of propaganda dissemination after the illegal
U.S. coup:
The short term issue that needs to be addressed
will be the problem in getting the message out from the
government through professional PR tools, especially given
Putin's own professional smear campaigns.
Agreement on the strategic communications issue - providing
professional PR assistance to Ukrainian government would be very
Gave an overview of the Crisis Media Center set up by IRF and the need for Yatseniuk to do more interviews with them
that address directly with journalists and the public the
current criticisms of his decision making."
NGOs - Domination through Subversion and Infiltration
It is no wonder that nations now view
NGOs very suspiciously.
No doubt, there are many good NGOs doing
important work for the benefit of humanity, but on the darker side, NWO manipulators like Soros have seized upon them as a vehicle of
infiltration and subversion, as a way to covertly influence, control
and dominate a country without needing to overtly go to war with it.
Today's battles are being fought with NGOs and electronics, rather
than armaments and nukes. We are in the middle of a giant propaganda
The Soros hack completely vindicates the prescient words of JFK,
who made a famous speech where he mentioned that:
are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless
conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere
of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on
subversion instead of elections…"
For anyone familiar with key conspiracy
documents, this approach of Soros and his minions also echoes what
is found in
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:
that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a
silent weapon by its creators, but only in its own manner of
it shoots situations, instead of bullets
by data processing, instead of chemical reaction (explosion)
originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder
from a computer, instead of a gun
operated by a computer
programmer, instead of a marksman
under the orders of a banking
magnate, instead of a military general"
public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot
believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon."
a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts
to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their
lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes
too great and they crack up.
Therefore, the silent weapon is a
type of biological warfare.
It attacks the vitality, options,
and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing,
understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of
natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and
emotional strengths and weaknesses."
Conclusion - The Soros Hack Exposes a Vast Hidden Influence
Like so much conspiracy theory that
turns out to be conspiracy fact, the Soros hack now proves the
nefarious and heretofore hidden influence that rich NWO
billionaires like George Soros have on world affairs, foreign and
domestic, due to their practically unlimited funds.
If you want to
change the world, $25 billion goes a long way and will buy you a lot
of influence over government policy and law.
The Soros hack is yet
more evidence that we do not live in a world where our leaders are
elected; they are selected, and on top of that, they rarely
represent the common people, because they are beholden to moneyed
interests, to the point where they are emailed and told how to
intervene and directed what to do.
The Soros hack is yet more proof
that the real truth of who runs the world is to be found in
conspiracy research, and thankfully, as more and more leaks and
hacks surface, we are beginning to put the full picture together.