by TAL Levesque
Nevada Aerial Research Newsletter
P.O. Box 1701 Rock Springs Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128
MetaReligion Website
Many civilizations with “flying saucers” exist, and are hidden
inside this planet. Beings which generate out of their own thought,
various craft which are among us. There are also the UFO craft that
are built by surface cultures.
All these are linked together in various ways. Most all of these are
OCCULT (hidden)... and most are “messengers of deception”.
In 1867, Wentworth Little founded the English Rosicrucian Society.
He was in contact with the German Rosicrucians. Little recruited his
followers, up to 144 people, from the ranks of the higher-ranking
One of his disciples was Bulwer Lytton, who was a learned man
celebrated throughout the world for his novel “The Last Days of
Pompeii”. He also wrote “The
Coming Race” which featured a mystical pre-Nazi group in
This Berlin group called itself the “Luminous Lodge”, or “Vril
Society” Vril (like the force) has enormous energy
The book describes a race of men physically far in advance of
surface humans. They have acquired powers over themselves and over
all material objects.
They lived in caves and would emerge to reign over the surface
world. The most prominent member of the Vril Society was Karl Haushofer, a close confidant of
Hitler, Hess and Rosenburg, who all
belonged to the Thule Society (Thule Gesellschaft) that was
founded in Munich in 1918.
Thule was a neo-Gnostic racist group, which became a rallying front
for the societal roots of Nazi thought. The chief architect of the
Thule group was
Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff
(Rudolf Glauer) who had direct contact with the Dervish Orders and
knew a great deal about Islamic mysticism, particularly Sufism in
all its aspects. He also had contact with Herman Pohl, leader of the
German Order Walvater of the Holy Grail.
Nazi occultism was a mixture of influences and a host of
interrelated secret societies, including the
Bavarian Illuminati,
the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Holy Vehm, the Golden
Dawn, the Rosy-Cross, the
Vril Society, the German Order and its
offshoot, the Thule Society.
Thule is known as the capital of Hyperborea, in the polar regions.
Also known as “Ultima Thule”, it was the gateway to other worlds.
It was known to serve as both a place to leave the earth and a place
on the rim of the opening to
the “hollow earth”. It is interesting
to note that the major powers of the earth have microwave stations
setup in the area, broadcasting ELF waves on brain-wave frequencies.
Tradition has it that Hyperboreans were
in contact with various “alien cultures”. War supposedly broke out
between the Hyperboreans and other civilizations (atomic war).
Descendants of the Thule caste (Celts) emigrated elsewhere to other
areas of the planet. They colonized these areas, driven by “memory
chromosomes” inherited from their space-travelling ancestors.
These star seed people are mostly of Celtic origin (Basques, Irish,
English, Norsemen, Icelanders, Bretons, Spaniards and Portuguese)
which, strangely enough, make up the largest percentage of
RH-NEGATIVE blood types.
Current neo-Nazis are allegedly trying to locate and control these
people. Apparently, most contactees have RH-blood type. Are UFO
cultures tracking their own “cross-breeds”?
The Grand Lodge of Vril was seeking to re-unite the ancient Aryan
traditions and to make contact with the original super-human
“luminous race” and to make an alliance with beings who have secret
sanctuaries hidden inside the planet.
The book “UFOs - NAZI SECRET WEAPON?” by Mattern-Friedrich brings
out some interesting information, It seems that Victor Schauberger
(1885-1958) invented a number of “flying disks” for the Nazis
between 1938 and 1945.
We have seen a copy of a letter from Schauberger to a friend which
states that he worked at Matthausen concentration camp directing
technically oriented prisoners and other German scientists in the
successful construction of a saucer.
In this letter written by Schauberger, he gives further information
from his direct experience with the German military:
“The “flying saucer” which was
flight-tested on the 19th February 1945 near Prague and which
attained a height of 15,000 meters in 3 minutes and a horizontal
speed of 2,200 km/hours, was constructed according to a Mod l 1
built at Mauthausen concentration camp in collaboration with the
first-class engineers and stress-analysts ASSIGNED TO ME from
the prisoners there.
It was only after the end of the war that I came to hear,
through one of the workers UNDER MY DIRECTION, a Czech, THAT
was no answer to my enquiry.
From what I understand, just before the end of the war, the
machine is SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN DESTROYED on Keitel’s orders.
That’s the last I heard of it.
In this affair, several armament specialists were also involved
who appeared at the works in Prague, shortly before my return to
Vienna, and asked that I DEMONSTRATE the fundamental basis of
Schauberger and his son lived in the United States for a short time
after the war, where he was reported to be working on a top secret
UFO project in Texas for the US Government.
Reports of Aryan looking saucer pilots are many. Long haired blond
folks that speak German. It is interesting to note that the
so-called “venusian” saucer design of contactees all look like
German saucer designs. The Thule Society is still alive in the minds
of neo-Nazi (Fourth Reich) occultists.
There is a booklet going around that reports to be the secret log of
Admiral Richard Byrd. In 1978,
copies were sent out by the Hollow Earth Research Society in
Ontario, Canada.
Ivan Boyes, its director, claims that “after the war, the allies
discovered that over 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had
vanished along with almost a million people to the Land beyond the
This is apparently what Admiral Byrd’s expedition was all about. To
hunt them down. The domain of the Arianni. The “Flugelrads” (wingwheels)
were noted in the secret log as being sent to the surface world to
investigate the first nuclear explosions.
These were the model T’s of the German saucer design.
Do we have a
myth in the making? So... Admiral Byrd goes back and tells the
Pentagon and the President what he has seen. They order him to be
It seems that the inner earth cavern civilizations and the
lands inside the earth have been a part of the occult/military
secret for a long time.