"The first casualty when war comes is truth."
Hiram W. Johnson
1.) The war on terror was never
about ensuring the security of Americans at home or abroad, nor was
the current situation the result of foreign policy blunders
The conflict was
engineered from the onset to
break up, destroy and
destabilize most of the
oil-producing countries in the Middle East
and Northern Africa.
The war on terrorism is,
The war on terrorism is also about
radically altering the legal framework of Western governments to
allow for
greater surveillance, control and
the militarization of once free
The aim is to
broaden the definition of terrorism so that any act of defiance
against the state or the corporate oligarchy, whether advocating for
human rights,
the environment, or any other issue of popular concern, can be
persecuted without due process.
The war on terror will be used to
target American citizens who
support the idea of limited government
and strive to maintain the protections afforded by the Constitution
and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America.
Additionally, the war on terror is about
creating new markets for the security industry and opening steady
income streams for war profiteers and arms manufacturers, so that
a relative minority can profit heavily from
the continuance of the
war and the waste,
swindling and destruction involved.
2.) The war on terror doesn't
stop terror, because it is terror
The Western nations most heavily
invested in the war on terror are also the nations most heavily
involved in global arms trading, which gives advanced weaponry to
any despotic
tin pot dictator with an
And France just happens to be
the world's number one exporter of arms per capita (below video).
The Western 'coalition'
regularly kills civilians in other
nations directly and indirectly, which is in and of itself a very
real type of terrorism.
"You cannot have freedom or peace in a
country whose government is engaged in the global wholesale
of advanced military arms and weaponry to national
Stefan Molyneux - above video

Regional arms sales by the UK.
3.) Our worst terrorist enemies
are the products of government, the military industrial complex and
Western intelligence agencies
The Mujahideen was originally
organized, funded,
trained and supplied by the CIA to oppose
the Soviet Union.
The Mujahideen became Al Qaeda with
the assistance of Saudi Arabia and American training, arms and
financial aid.
Al Qaeda has morphed into, or been replaced with
ISIS, who is the creation of
the military industrial complex, the US, Israel, the UK and
France, and is
supported by some 40 other nations who knowingly trade and deal
with ISIS.
"They tax you in order to create weapons to
sell to foreigners to attack you."
Stefan Molyneux - far above video
ISIS, the new Islamic Caliphate as they
call it, is the most barbaric, cruel and inhumane social movement to
come about in some number of centuries, perhaps even a millennia or
ISIS was given
birth and nurtured into being by the West, and
primarily Muslim people are
suffering horribly in their own homelands while
war intensifies and
extends into Europe in acts of urban terrorism.
from November 2015 of an ISIS fighter in Syria
using an American TOW
to waste an American Humvee.
4.) The mainstream media plays a
crucial in perpetuating the war on terrorism
The primary role of the
corporate-owned and government-controlled mainstream media is to
transform selected acts of terror into enduring symbols that can be
used again and again to reinforce the war on terror narrative.
secondary role is to
keep the level of tension and stress
as high as possible by
ceaselessly over-reacting to non-events and over-reporting on
non-issues, thereby keeping the public captivated and hypnotized by
an ongoing drama so that when a major event does occur it has the
greatest possible psychological impact.
Reporting on global terrorism is
duplicitous and hypocritical because certain events have more
franchise than others in influencing public support for government
policy changes and military actions.
In the practical world of
marketing, French flags pictured draped over national monuments at
night-time will go much further in promoting the war on terror than
Kenyan flags draped over African monuments.
The media uses shock and awe in a war of
psychological attrition against the public.
The objective is to
incapacitate and sideline people from participating in dissent,
while scaring people into acquiescence to any imposed government
authority or security measures.
5.) State-sponsored
False flag attacks still work to achieve political objectives
There is a tremendous continual
international effort underway to expose the true facts behind each
new terror attack, terror plot, and major government lie.
alternative media is growing in reach and effectiveness,
however, the reality is that the
Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution still works on
a shell-shocked public.
6.) Suicide is more deadly to
our soldiers than any terrorist organization
The war on terrorism represents the
first time in US history that
suicide has been
the leading cause of death of US soldiers.
psychological impact of this type of conflict is unique and the
suicide rate of returning soldiers may be our best evidence that the
war is unwinnable.