by Bill Van Auken
August 27, 2011
GlobalResearch Website
U.S. embassy cables
released by WikiLeaks on Wednesday and Thursday expose the
close collaboration between the U.S. government, top American politicians and Muammar Gaddafi, who Washington now insists must be hunted down and
Washington and its NATO allies are now determined to smash the Libyan
regime, supposedly in the interests of “liberating” the Libyan people. That
Gaddafi was until the beginning of this year viewed as a strategic, if
somewhat unreliable, ally is clearly seen as an inconvenient truth.
The cables have been virtually blacked out by the corporate media, which has
functioned as an embedded asset of NATO and the so-called rebel forces that
it directs.
It is hardly coincidental that the WikiLeaks posting of the
cables was followed the next day by a combination of a massive denial of
service attack and a U.S. judge’s use of the Patriot Act to issue a sweeping
“production order” or subpoena against the anti-secrecy organization’s
California-based Domain Name Server,
The most damning of these cables memorializes an August 2009 meeting (below
insert) between Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his son and
national security adviser, Muatassim, with,
Viewing cable 09TRIPOLI677,
Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
09TRIPOLI677 2009-08-19 15:36 2011-06-27 00:00 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy
Appears in these articles:
DE RUEHTRO #0677/01 2311536
P R 191536Z AUG 09
E.O. 12958: DECL: 8/19/2019
REF: A. TRIPOLI 662; B. TRIPOLI 674; C. STATE 43049; D. TRIPOLI 648
TRIPOLI 00000677 001.2 OF 002 CLASSIFIED BY: Joan Polaschik, Charge
d'Affaires, U.S. Embassy Tripoli, Department of State. REASON: 1.4
(b), (d)
1.(C) CODEL McCain discussed security, counterterrorism, and
civil-nuclear cooperation during August 14 meetings with Libyan
leader Muammar al-Qadhafi and his son, National Security Advisor
Muatassim al-Qadhafi, stressing the need for Libya to fulfill its
WMD-related commitments and to approve a Section 505 end-user
agreement in order to move forward on bilateral military and
civil-nuclear engagement. While Muatassim al-Qadhafi reiterated
long-standing Libyan requests for security assurances from the
United States and emphasized Libya's interest in the purchase of
U.S. lethal and non-lethal military equipment, Muammar al-Qadhafi
was notably silent on these subjects. The elder Qadhafi made a point
of expressing his satisfaction with the improved U.S relationship
and his hope that the relationship would continue to flourish. CODEL
McCain's discussion of the Megrahi case was reported ref A. End
2.(SBU) CODEL McCain (R-Az), including Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT),
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Senator Susan Collins (R-SC) and
Senate Armed Services Committee Staffer Richard Fontaine held
back-to-back meetings August 14 with Libyan National Security
Advisor Muatassim al-Qadhafi and Libyan leader Muammar Al-Qadhafi.
Libyan officials NSC Director Dr. Hend Siala, MFA Department of
Americas Secretary Ahmed Fituri and MFA Office of Americas Director
Mohamed Matari also attended the meetings, as did Charge and Pol/Econ
Chief (notetaker).
3.(C) Characterizing the overall pace of the bilateral relationship
as excellent, CODEL McCain opened its August 14 meeting with
National Security Advisor Muatassim al-Qadhafi by noting the drastic
change that the relationship had undergone over the last five years.
"We never would have guessed ten years ago that we would be sitting
in Tripoli, being welcomed by a son of Muammar al-Qadhafi," remarked
Senator Lieberman. He stated that the situation demonstrated that
change is possible and expressed appreciation that Libya had kept
its promises to give up its WMD program and renounce terrorism.
Lieberman called Libya an important ally in the war on terrorism,
noting that common enemies sometimes make better friends. The
Senators recognized Libya's cooperation on counterterrorism and
conveyed that it was in the interest of both countries to make the
relationship stronger. They encouraged Libya to sign the Highly
Enriched Uranium transfer agreement by August 15 in order to fulfill
its obligation to transfer its nuclear spent fuel to Russia for
treatment and disposal. [Note: The Libyan Government subsequently
informed U.S. of its intent to sign the agreement on August 17 and has
begun taking good-faith steps to do so (ref B). End note.]
4.(C) Muatassim welcomed the high-level visit, describing it as a
good sign for the relationship - a relationship that Libya wants to
develop. He explained to the Senators the recent requests that the
National Security Council had made to procure defense equipment. He
stated that there were three categories of requests: one which was
approved by the USG, another which awaited congressional approval,
and a third which waited USG agreement. He reiterated the refrain he
conveyed to Secretary Clinton during his April visit (ref C) --
Libya has not been adequately rewarded for its decision to give up
WMD and needed some sort of security assurance from the United
States. He emphasized the need for Libya to purchase U.S. non-lethal
equipment in order to enhance its defense posture. Muatassim
requested the "highest level of help possible" to obtain military
supplies, including mobile hospitals and uniforms. He also requested
assistance with upgrading Libya's equipment, including helicopters.
"We can get [equipment] from Russia or China, but we want to get it
from you as a symbol of faith from the United States," he said. He
described the security threats that Libya could possibly face as a
result of its geography - "There are 60 million Algerians to the
West, 80 million Egyptians to the East, we have Europe in front of
U.S., and we face Sub-Saharan Africa with its problems to the South." Muatassim stressed that Libya wanted security assurances from the
United States as a sign that the United States was still committed
to Libya. He pledged to work with the MFA on approval of the Section
505 end user agreement, as well as the signing of the nuclear spent
fuel (highly enriched uranium-low enriched uranium) transfer
5.(C) Senator McCain assured Muatassim that the United States wanted
to provide Libya with the equipment it needs for its TRIPOLI
00000677 002.2 OF 002 security. He stated that he understood Libya's
requests regarding the rehabilitation of its eight C130s (ref D) and
pledged to see what he could do to move things forward in Congress.
He encouraged Muatassim to keep in mind the long-term perspective of
bilateral security engagement and to remember that small obstacles
will emerge from time to time that can be overcome. He described the
bilateral military relationship as strong and pointed to Libyan
officer training at U.S. Command, Staff, and War colleges as some of
the best programs for Libyan military participation.
6.(C) Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi, who joined the group in the
same tent in which Muatassim had met the CODEL, likewise highlighted
the strength of the U.S.-Libya relationship. Qadhafi commented that
friendship was better for the people of both countries and expressed
his desire to see the relationship flourish. He thanked the Senators
for their visit and described America as a race rather than a
nationality, explaining that many Libyans are dual citizens because
they were born in the United States. Senators McCain and Graham
conveyed the U.S. interest in continuing the progress of the
bilateral relationship and pledged to try to resolve the C130 issue
with Congress and Defense Secretary Gates. The Senators expressed
appreciation for Libya's counterterrorism cooperation in the region.
They urged Libya to fulfill the remainder of its WMD commitments.
Senator Graham reiterated the need for improved U.S. Embassy
security and urged Qadhafi to approve the site for a New Embassy
Compound (NEC) as a way to fortify the relationship. Qadhafi
remained quiet throughout the discussion and did not respond
specifically to any of the issues with the exception of Megrahi (ref
A). He indicated that the National Security Council would be charged
with addressing the security-related issues. COMMENT
7.(C) CODEL McCain's meetings with Muammar and Muatassim al-Qadhafi
were positive, highlighting the progress that has been made in the
bilateral relationship. The meetings also reiterated Libya's desire
for enhanced security cooperation, increased assistance in the
procurement of defense equipment, and resolution to the C130s issue.
Although Muatassim al-Qadhafi repeated Libya's familiar complaint
that it has not received enough recognition and support in exchange
for its decision to abandon its WMD programs, Muammar al-Qadhafi was
notably silent on this issue. Qadhafi's silence on these issues may
have been part of his reaction to the CODEL's discussion of the
pending release of convicted Pan Am 103 bomber Abdel Basset al-Megrahi
(ref A), an issue that reportedly is of great personal concern to
8.(C) Senior Libyan officials confided that the CODEL's meeting with
Qadhafi took place so late in the evening (nearly 11 pm) because the
Leader had been fasting and usually takes a nap after breaking his
fast. The Libyan officials told U.S. that Qadhafi often fasts on
Mondays and Thursdays and is doing so now, in the run up to the holy
month of Ramadan. Qadhafi appeared as if he had been roused from a
deep slumber for the meeting. He showed up with rumpled hair and
puffy eyes, and was casually dressed in a short-sleeved shirt
patterned with the continent of Africa, wrinkled pants and slip-on
shoes. In spite of his appearance, Qadhafi was lucid and engaged
throughout the meeting. Muatassim al-Qadhafi, on the other hand,
revealed his lack of strategic depth throughout the meeting,
referring to "the 52 countries of America -- or is that Africa?" and
asking MFA officials to clarlify Libya's role in the upcoming UN
General Assembly.
9.(C) Muatassim conducted his meeting in English, while his father
used an interpreter for his meeting. The elder Qadhafi appeared to
understand some of the CODEL's English-language remarks and offered
a few comments in English.
10.(U) CODEL McCain did not have the opportunity to clear this
message prior to departure. POLASCHIK
McCain, the Republican presidential
candidate in 2008, has in recent speeches denounced Gaddafi as,
“one of the most bloodthirsty dictators on
Earth” and criticized the Obama administration for failing “to employ
the full weight of our airpower” in effecting regime change in Libya.
In the meeting held just two years ago, however,
McCain took the lead in currying favor with the Gaddafis.
According to the embassy cable, he “assured”
them that,
“the United States wanted to provide Libya
with the equipment it needs for its security” and “pledged to see what
he could do to move things forward in Congress.”
The cable continues to relate McCain’s remarks:
“He encouraged Muatassim to keep in mind the
long-term perspective of bilateral security engagement and to remember
that small obstacles will emerge from time to time that can be overcome.
He described the bilateral military relationship as strong and pointed
to Libyan officer training at U.S. Command, Staff, and War colleges as
some of the best programs for Libyan military participation.”
The cable quote Lieberman as saying,
“We never would have guessed ten years ago
that we would be sitting in Tripoli, being welcomed by a son of Muammar
al-Qadhafi.” It states that the Connecticut senator went on to describe
Libya as “an important ally in the war on terrorism, noting that common
enemies sometimes make better friends.”
The “common enemies” referred to by Lieberman
were precisely the Islamist forces concentrated in eastern Libya that the
then backed Gaddafi in repressing, but has now organized, armed and led in
the operation to overthrow him.
The U.S. embassy summarized:
“McCain’s meetings with Muammar and
Muatassim al-Qadhafi were positive, highlighting the progress that has
been made in the bilateral relationship.
The meetings also reiterated Libya’s desire
for enhanced security cooperation, increased assistance in the
procurement of defense equipment, and resolution to the C130s issue” (a
contract that went unfulfilled because of previous sanctions).
Another cable issued on the same meeting deals
with McCain’s advice to the Gaddafis about the upcoming release from a
Scottish prison of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, who had been convicted for the
1988 bombing of Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
McCain, who now fulminates about Gaddafi having,
“American blood on his hands,” counseled the
Libyan leader that the release was a “very sensitive issue” in the U.S.
and that he should handle it discreetly, “in a way that would strengthen
the growing relationship between our two countries, rather than hinder
its progress.”
Ultimately Gaddafi and other leading Libyan
officials gave a hero’s welcome to Megrahi, who has proclaimed his innocence
and had been set to have his appeal heard when the Scottish government
released him.
Other cables highlight the increasingly close U.S.-Libyan military and
security cooperation. One, sent in February 2009, provides a “security
environment profile” for Libya.
It notes that U.S. personnel were,
“scheduled to provide 5 training courses to
host government law enforcement and security” the next month.
In answer to whether the Libyan government had
been able to,
“score any major anti-terrorism successes,”
the embassy praised the Gaddafi regime for having “dismantled a network
in eastern Libya that was sending volunteer fighters to Algeria and Iraq
and was plotting attacks against Libyan security targets using
stockpiled explosives. The operation resulted in the arrest of over 100
Elements of this same “network” make up an
important component of the “rebels” now armed and led by NATO.
Asked by the State Department if there existed any “indigenous anti-American
terrorist groups” in the country, the embassy replied “yes”, pointing to the
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), which it noted had recently
announced its merger with Al Qaeda in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb
Again, elements of the LIFG are active in the
leadership of the so-called rebels.
An April 2009 cable preparing Muatassim Gaddafi’s trip to Washington that
month stresses plans for anti-terrorist training for Libyan military
officers and potential arms deals.
In its conclusion the embassy states:
“The visit offers an opportunity to meet a
power player and potential future leader of Libya. We should also view
the visit as an opportunity to draw out Muatassim on how the Libyans
view ‘normalized relations’ with the U.S. and, in turn, to convey how we
view the future of the relationship as well.
Given his role overseeing Libya’s national
security apparatus, we also want his support on key security and
military engagement that serves our interests.”
A May 2009 cable details a cordial hour-long
meeting between Gaddafi and the then-head of the U.S. Africa Command, General
William Ward.
An August 2008 cable, a “scene setter” for the “historic visit” of Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice to Tripoli, declares that,
“Libya has been a strong partner in the war
against terrorism and cooperation in liaison channels is excellent…
Counter-terrorism cooperation is a key pillar of the U.S.-Libya
bilateral relationship and a shared strategic interest.”
Many of the cables deal with opportunities for
U.S. energy and construction firms to reap “bonanzas” in the North African
country and note with approval privatization efforts and the setting up of a
Tripoli stock exchange.
Others, however, express concern, not about the Gaddafi regime’s repressive
measures, but rather foreign policy and oil policy moves that could
prejudice U.S. interests. Thus, an October 2008 cable, cynically headlined
“AL-QADHAFI: TO RUSSIA, WITH LOVE?” expresses U.S. concern about the Gaddafi
regime’s approach to Russia for lucrative arms purchases and a visit to
Tripoli harbor by a flotilla of Russian warships.
One month later, during a visit to Moscow,
Gaddafi discussed with the Putin regime the prospect of the Russian navy
establishing a Mediterranean port in the city of Benghazi, setting off alarm
bells at the Pentagon.
Cables from 2008 and 2009 raise concerns about U.S. corporations not getting
in on “billions of dollars in opportunities” for infrastructure contracts
and fears that the Gaddafi regime could make good on the Libyan leader’s
threat to nationalize the oil sector or utilize the threat to extract more
favorable contracts from the foreign energy corporations.
The cables underscore the hypocrisy of the U.S. and its allies in Britain,
France and Italy, who have championed “regime change” in the name of
protecting Libyan civilians and promoting “democracy.”
Those like Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron and Berlusconi
who have branded Gaddafi a criminal to be hunted down and murdered were all
his accomplices. All of them collaborated with, armed and supported the
Gaddafi regime, as U.S. and European corporations reaped vast profits from
Libya’s oil wealth.
In the end, they seized upon the upheavals in the region and the
anti-Gaddafi protests in Libya as the opportunity to launch a war to
establish outright semi-colonial control over the energy-rich country
Rid themselves of an ally who was never seen
as fully reliable or predictable and upset his patrons with demands for,
better deals with big oil
closer ties with Russia and China
the threat of replacing the Euro and
Dollar with a “Gold Dinar”