Mercola Website
A month after 13 year
old Jenny Tetlock was vaccinated against the HPV virus (human
papillomaviruses), she missed the lowest hurdle in gym class. It
was the first sign of a degenerative muscle disease that 15 months
later left her nearly completely paralyzed.
Her father, Philip Tetlock, a professor at UC-Berkeley, has embarked
on an odyssey to find out whether the vaccine, Gardasil (Merck
& Co.),
is to blame.
Tetlock is not the only one concerned. The public watchdog group
Judicial Watch has been periodically obtaining adverse event
reports on Gardasil from the FDA. 10 deaths have been linked
to Gardasil since September 2007, and there have been 140 reports so
far this year of serious side effects such as miscarriage and
Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Dr. Mercola's
Once you educate yourself and know the facts about Gardasil,
the truth about HPV, and the statistics of cervical cancer, it will
become quite clear just how outrageously useless - and dangerous -
this vaccine really is.
The FDA, in not-so-rare form, insists there's no medical reason to
be worried about the side effects of Gardasil.
"We're monitoring
the safety of the HPV vaccine very carefully, and the only
adverse event that causes some concern is fainting after the
vaccine," says Robert Ball, director of the FDA's office of
biostatistics and division of epidemiology.
He continues to say,
“Higher rates of
Guillain-Barré have been associated with the swine flu vaccine
and possibly with the meningitis vaccine Menactra, but it is no
more common in those who get Gardasil than in those who don't.”
Alright. Let’s say you
agree with the idea that the cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome are
pure coincidence, despite the fact that they occur within days or
weeks of vaccination.
But what about the
Infant deaths
following Merck’s rotavirus are routinely disguised under the label
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
So what do we have when
healthy teenagers drop dead for no reason? SAD -- Sudden Adolescent
Death? Will that be the next big thing? Will there be SAD campaigns,
with physicians educating the public about proper sleeping positions
until you’re well into your 20’s?
Let’s get real.
I recently read a comment online from one mother who said she’d do
anything in her power to make sure her children were protected, and
she couldn’t understand “the narrow-minded opinions” and “fear
mongering” of Gardasil nay-sayers.
“Would you rather
your daughters died of cervical cancer?” she wrote.
Well, that’s just it,
right there!
As I will show you, the
chances of your daughter dying of cervical cancer are already VERY
LOW, and the possibility of Gardasil sparing them from cervical
cancer is so RIDICULOUSLY LOW that no reasonable person could argue
for the use of this HPV vaccine if they knew all the facts.
How Likely are You to
Develop and Die From Cervical Cancer?
According to the
CDC, cervical cancer used to be the leading cause of cancer death
for women in the United States. However, in the past 40 years, the
number of cervical cancer cases and the number of deaths thereof
have decreased significantly. It is believed that this decline is
the result of many women getting regular Pap tests, which can find
cervical pre-cancer before it turns into cancer.
According to the U.S. Cancer Statistics: 2004 Incidence and
Mortality report, 11,892 women in the U.S. were told that they had
cervical cancer in 2004, and 3,850 women died from the disease. The
American Cancer Society mirrors these statistics, estimating that
about 3,870 women will die from cervical cancer in the U.S. in 2008.
Well. We’ve already lost 18 girls, some as young as 12, in the
effort to spare them from the mere possibility of cervical cancer
later in life. Others have developed debilitating and potentially
life-threatening ailments within weeks of being vaccinated, and
others still have had spontaneous abortions or given birth to babies
with birth defects.
Also consider this: Cervical cancer usually develops in your late
20s to mid 30s. The protection period of Gardasil is estimated to be
5 years. That means, if you receive your first set of shots when
you’re 10 years old, you’d need at least 2 to 4 additional booster
shots to make it through your 30s. And THAT means you’ll have to
expose yourself to the potential side effects of Gardasil over and
over and over again.
But now to the real clincher, and I want you to read the following
section as many times as you need to let this truly sink in…
U.S. statistics show there are 30 to 40 cervical cancer cases per
year per one million women between the ages of 9 and 26, which is
the age bracket that Gardasil targets (and was tested on).
According to Merck, Gardasil was shown to reduce pre-cancers by
12.2% to 16.5% in the general population. So, instead of ending up
with 30 to 40 cases of cancer per million, per year, in that age
bracket, the HPV vaccine can potentially bring it down to 26 to 35
cases of cervical cancer.
What that means is that you would have to vaccinate one million
girls to prevent cervical cancer in 4 to 5 girls.
Further, about 37 percent of women who develop cervical cancer
actually die from the disease, so vaccinating ONE MILLION girls
would prevent 1 to 2 DEATHS per year, at the bargain-basement price
of $360 million per year, plus potentially lifelong suffering for an
untold number of women, which has no price tag.
Understanding the HPV – Cancer Connection
There are more than 100 types of human papillomaviruses (HPVs).
Of them, about 40 types of HPV affect your genitals or sex organs,
and can cause genital warts, for example. 10-30 strains can lead to
cervical cancer. The remainder can cause to skin infections and
common warts on your hands and feet.
The CDC web site states that certain types of HPV can infect your
cervix and lead to cervical cancer over many years. (This may be one
of the reasons why cancer rates keep dropping, because there’s
sufficient amount of time to treat any abnormalities if you’re
getting regular Pap smears.)
It also says that in 90 percent of women infected, HPV clears up on
its own within two years, at which point your cervical cells go back
to normal. It is only when the HPV virus lingers for many years that
these abnormal cells could turn into cancer.
Additionally, it’s important to know that the vast majority of
abnormal Pap tests do NOT equate to cancer. Even abnormal Pap tests
showing pre-cancerous cells of the CIN II grade clear by themselves
without treatment 40 percent of the time.
And, current treatment of pre-cancers has limited the progression to
actual cancer to only 1 percent. So, just like the polio vaccine,
Merck's HPV vaccine is coming out at a time when cervical cancer is
already on a steady decline, and anyone who starts talking about how
Gardasil has reduced cervical cancer rates in the next few years is
likely talking absolute nonsense.
Informed Consent:
Understand the Numerous Dangers of the HPV Vaccine
First of all,
the Gardasil vaccine contains just four types of HPV out of the more
than 100 strains. So if you contract one of the 96+ types that
aren’t included, you’re out of luck. And, if you’ve already been
exposed to one of the four types of virus in the vaccine, it doesn’t
work against those either.
This means that even if you accept the risks and get vaccinated,
your chances of getting some form of HPV are still very high.
Whether or not the HPV virus will lead to genital warts or cervical
cancer, however, depends in large part on the state of your immune
Gardasil, on the other hand, can damage your immune system, and can
potentially lead to death. The main causes of death include blood
clots, acute respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, and “sudden death”
due to “unknown causes” shortly after receiving the vaccine. Again,
11 of the reported deaths occurred within 2 weeks of vaccination,
and 7 within 2 days, so whatever the mechanism that induces death,
it’s quick and efficient.
Other side effects include:
Miscarriages and
spontaneous abortion
Genital wart
outbreak, even in patients who had tested negative for HPV
and genital warts prior to vaccination
Facial warts and
warts on hands and feet
Loss of
Grand mal
Says Tom Fitton,
President of Judicial Watch, “Given all the questions about Gardasil,
the best public health policy would be to reevaluate its safety and
to prohibit its distribution to minors. In the least, governments
should rethink any efforts to mandate or promote this vaccine for
It’s also important to know that Merck has NOT evaluated Gardasil’s
potential carcinogenity or genotoxicity.
There is currently no way of knowing how the HPV vaccine affects
fertility, birth defects, cancer, if it can pass through breast
milk, or if it can alter your genes or the genes of your future
children (genotoxicity).
However, five subjects who got the vaccine around the time of
conception had babies with birth defects, whereas no birth defects
occurred among the subjects who received a placebo. Likewise,
earlier last year when there were “only” 1,637 adverse reports, 18
of 42 women who had received the vaccine while pregnant experienced
side effects ranging from spontaneous abortion to fetal
Also remember that you cannot sue Merck if your child dies after
receiving the vaccine.
Drug companies have cleverly manipulated the government so that they
are immune from prosecution. Instead they’ve made the U.S. taxpayers
foot the bill for the hundreds of millions of dollars that are paid
out to families of children who are harmed or killed every year from
And even though it is nearly impossible to get one of these
payments, more than $1.5 billion has been paid out to affected
families already. So ponder on these stats if you haven’t already
taken a firm position on the vaccine issue.
Good Example of How to
Fake a Safety Study
In yet
another less-than-ethical twist, Merck was permitted to use an
aluminum-containing placebo instead of a standard saline placebo.
Since Gardasil contains 225 mcg of aluminum, using an
aluminum-containing placebo may paint an entirely inaccurate picture
of its level of safety, since you’re apt to get similar, detrimental
side effects in the placebo group.
In fact, about 60 percent of those who received either Gardasil or
the aluminum placebo had systemic adverse events including:
Myalgia (muscle
Gardasil recipients had
more serious adverse events such as gastroenteritis, appendicitis,
pelvic inflammatory disease, asthma, bronchospasm and arthritis.
You should also know that aside from being injected with four types
of HPV proteins, girls and women who receive this vaccine also
receive the following adjuvants:
adjuvants, which have been linked to neurological damage
including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and
Parkinson’s disease
Polysorbate 80,
which has been linked to infertility in mice
Sodium borate, a
main ingredient in roach killer
How To Reduce Your Risk of
Cervical Cancer to Virtually Zero
The following have been shown to be associated with increased risk
of cervical cancer:
deficiencies, especially vitamin A and folate
deficiency (zinc, selenium, calcium and iron)
Birth control
It is believed that
smoking has more to do with the progression of an HPV infection to
cervical cancer than any other single factor, as smokers with HPV go
on to develop cervical cancer much more frequently than infected
Cervical cancer is also well documented to be caused by an infection
acquired through sexual contact. So in addition to avoiding smoking
and eating a nutritious diet, it is behaviorally avoidable.
According to a New England Journal of Medicine study, the use of
condoms reduces the incidence of HPV by 70 percent, offering FAR
better protection than Gardasil’s protection rate of 12.2 to 16.5
As I’ve already mentioned, in 90 percent of all cases, your immune
system is strong enough to clear up an HPV infection without ANY
treatment. So maintaining a strong immune system is vital to beat
HPV as well as any other infection or disease.