by Willow Tohi
11, 2012
NaturalNews Website
Guarantees. Insurance.
Concerns over safety,
security, and health make most people apprehensive about the future
on some level. Guarding against future unknowns has become a big
part of the American economy.
You can get a warranty
on almost anything with a battery, take out insurance on many more
things than your grandparents would have dreamed of, and the medical
industry is working around the clock to develop new drugs and
vaccines to 'protect' us from whatever trending epidemic is in the
One fairly recent, major medical controversy that seemed, strangely,
to have no trending epidemic, is the HPV vaccine for cervical
The blatant
profit-mongering behind the development of the premiere vaccine,
Gardasil, was transparent enough that it served to further inflame
the ongoing vaccination controversies to a point that the media
could no longer fail to report on it.
The politics and profits involved in the medical industry, the
pharmaceutical industry, and the media industry become more obvious
and prevalent every day. Before taking any pharmaceutical product,
you should take ownership of your own health. Conduct your own
research on the ingredients and side-effects. Find out where your
doctor gets his information.
Many of them are paid to
promote specific pharmaceutical products. Others simply get their
information from sources they trust such as the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the American Academy
of Pediatrics (AAP).
Still, others are told
by their legal departments not to speak out.
Facts you probably don't
know about HPV and Gardasil
In August,
we interviewed neurosurgeon Dr.
Russell Blaylock, M.D.
Dr. Blaylock shared some little
known facts about the human papillomavirus (HPV)
and the quick development of a vaccine to address it. Dr. Blaylock
says the vaccine is "predicated on an absolute lie."
Some empowering facts you may not know about the human
papillomavirus and Gardasil:
First, the basis
is wrong. HPV by itself does not cause cervical cancer.
Evidence shows it takes a combination, or co-infections -
multiple viruses or virus/bacteria combinations to cause
cervical cancer. Examples include Epstein Bar virus, HIV,
and Chlamydia, along with HPV.
Birth control
pills and other hormonal drugs also increase the risk of HPV.
It has never
been proven that the HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer.
There is no scientific evidence of any kind.
There are over
100 strains of HPV, only about 15 of which can contribute to
cervical cancer.
HPV vaccines
only include two to four strains, leaving you open to more
than two-thirds of the dangerous strains. You will still
need to get routine screenings for cervical cancer.
You don't change
or reduce the incidence of cancer by receiving the vaccine.
Studies show that the human immune system develops
resistance to the strains given in the vaccine, allowing
others to become predominant.
The CDC website
states that the human body's immune system clears HPV within
two years, 90 percent of the time (70 percent in one year).
Without the vaccine.
One of the most
powerful connections proven to increase the risk of cervical
cancer is smoking. Women who smoke have 2.3 times higher
incidence of the precancerous lesions that lead to cervical
Diet is key. A
poor diet increases risk while a diet that includes high
amounts of vitamin B12 and folic acid have a 79 percent
reduction in HPV infections and cervical cancer. Vitamin C,
curcumin, quercetin, and other flavonoids are powerful
inhibitors against cervical cancer.
combinations have been proven to have far greater effect
against HPV than any vaccine.
All the
marketing assertions are false. It is one of the largest,
most harmful medical hoaxes of our time.
Officially, the
vaccine has been associated with approximately 100 deaths,
and 500 have been left permanently disabled.
Those numbers
are based on voluntary reporting, which historically means
only two to ten percent of cases are represented. The vast
majority of cases are never reported. So, conservatively,
5,000 young girls and women have been harmed by the vaccine.
Cervical cancer
is one of the rarest cancers in the U. S., with 12,000 cases
reported per year and 4,000 deaths.
The number of
girls and women that experience serious complications from
the vaccine meets or exceeds the number of deaths.
include: Multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, blindness,
pericarditis, coma, and death among many others.
The vaccine
Gardasil was "fast tracked." This was illegal. The FDA
requires new vaccines to undergo testing and a waiting
period of 4 years. Gardasil was developed and on the market
in 6 months, with FDA approval.
Texas governor
Rick Perry tried to force all girls in Texas entering the
sixth grade to receive the vaccine in 2007, despite the fact
that the incubation period for HPV averages 20 years with
the median age of sufferers being 48. He mandated it over
the legislature's objections.
People thought
they were required to receive the vaccine, but that too was
untrue as it wasn't an actual law.
Perry received
huge amounts of money from the manufacturer.
Perry's former
chief of staff became a hired lobbyist for Merck, the maker
of Gardasil in 2009, exposing the connection to the
pharmaceutical giant, and the motivation for pushing the
The Texas
Legislature overturned Perry's executive order requiring
girls to get the vaccine due to the huge backlash from the
public. However, the precedent had been set, and other
states and countries began to follow suit.
Pap smears alone
prevent over 80 percent of cervical cancer. A yearly pap
smear reduces your chance of getting cervical cancer to .002
HPV vaccines
have been illegally administered to millions without
informed consent as the risks are rarely disclosed.
What people
don't know is that there are Informed Consent laws that are
there to protect patients. They provide a legal strategy for
people who have experienced vaccine damage.
manufacturers do not want doctors to discuss and disclose
the risks associated with vaccines because they don't want
people to realize they can opt out. This has been documented
in multiple medical journals. Yet it is illegal for doctors
NOT to disclose the risks.
The vaccine was
only tested on 21,000 girls and women before being pushed on
millions of children, teens, and adults worldwide, according
to the FDA website.
The FDA website
has no mention that the vaccine was ever tested on males,
yet the CDC says the vaccine is "recommended for all teen
boys and men through age 21."
The Informed
Consent laws also address questions about the efficacy of
vaccines. Meaning you have a right to ask questions and
receive answers about how well it works, why you should
allow it to be administered, as well as the risks.
manufacturers have gone to the legislature(s) to get a law
passed that you cannot sue over vaccine complications. But,
you can sue.
learning the ins and out of the underhanded and unethical practices
involved in bringing this vaccine to market, people should wonder
why and how medical professionals and legislators continue to go
along with promoting it unquestioningly.
If this were
a financial situation, there would be enough evidence to bring
charges against manufacturers, the legislators, and the CDC. The
vaccine industry regularly operates in criminal practices.
They violate marketing
laws with false statements and exaggerated extrapolations/over
simplification of the facts; they doctor their statistical numbers,
and present their marketing as science.
Gardasil was
being tested before it was licensed. They have yet to offer a
plausible explanation as to why girls aged 9-12 need a vaccine for a
sexually transmitted disease, much less one that only offers two
years of "protection."
You have to question who is making the decisions to allow the
shortcuts that have resulted in so many deaths and disabilities.
these the same "powers that be" that are disseminating the
information to your doctor that it is safe and recommended for your