by Paul Fassa
May 23,
NaturalNews Website
Vaccinations are even worse than what most have thought.
Vaccine injuries that
can happen to anyone randomly amongst the vaccinated are not the
only issues. Some experts claim vaccines lower immunity for
everyone who receives them.
The increased disease
count for any given populace matches its increased vaccination
All Vaccines
Are Dangerous
A former vaccine developer, now whistle blower,
was interviewed by investigative journalist
Jon Rapapport.
The whistle blower used
an alias to protect his identity. He actually had helped develop
more than one vaccine. But eventually he couldn't tolerate the lies,
especially after his friend's baby died after a DPT shot.
He told Rapapport that there is no way to have a totally clean, safe
vaccine. And it's not just because of the adjuncts and
preservatives. Understanding this should change the informed consent
movements to no consent movements if they would realize this one
basic point.
From that interviewed whistle blower:
"As far as I'm
concerned, all vaccines are dangerous. They involve the human
immune system in a process that tends to compromise immunity.
They can actually cause the disease they are supposed to
prevent. They can cause other diseases than the ones they are
supposed to prevent."
There are viruses and
retro-viruses from animal and human tissues as well as other
An outstanding
documented example is
SV-40 (Simian Virus 40). SV-40 was
in most of the vaccines used to vaccinate against polio. For several
years this went on until the word got out that SV-40 was a virus
that could cause cancer.
The vaccine manufacturer, Merck, claimed they would no longer use
the monkey kidneys that had the SV-40 to manufacture their polio
vaccines. But they continued using the already existing SV-40
contaminated vaccines until well into the 1980s. The result has been
a cancer explosion among those vaccinated against polio
during that period, from the 1950s through the mid-1980s.
SV-40 viruses were found
in cancer tumors among many who received those shots.
Vaccinations Will Never Confer Immunity
The interviewed mystery whistle blower and Andreas Moritz,
holistic healer and author of
Vaccine Nation - Poisoning the Population One
Shot at a Time, both agree that even the premise of
vaccinations is flawed.
White killer cells or
antibodies are stirred up by vaccinations. But that is the secondary
action of an immune system.
Our whole body, our skin, eye water, mucous linings in our nose,
through the nasal passage and tonsils and into the gastrointestinal
(GI) system, offers the primary line of defense against disease.
Remember, pH balance is part of the immune system as well.
Intestinal flora are extremely important. These friendly bacteria
comprise over half of our immune system. It's been discovered that
our friendly flora are the switches for the secondary part of our
immune system, those killer white blood cells.
Andreas provides statistics to show the very dramatic increases in
asthma, allergies, ADD and ADHD, and other neurological diseases
including autism among those vaccinated.
Cancer and other
degenerative disease is more likely
as vaccinated children grow older
Andreas believes a child's future good health is more assured by
getting through childhood diseases without vaccinations.
Being politically correct to avoid the label of anti-vaccination is
a waste of time and effort.
Vaccination advocates
talk of protecting the herd with some collateral damage.
Vaccinations, cheap to produce and exempt from direct liability, are
for profit while sickening or maybe even culling the herd rather
than protecting it.
Instead of informed consent, there should be NO consent.