by PF Louis
August 22, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Big Pharma, the CDC and other public health organizations tell
mainstream media (MSM) what to report about outbreaks and epidemics.
So you may have the impression that
recent measles outbreaks are
occurring because of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination
According to official public health documents kept from public
attention, the opposite is true.
Many stricken with measles have had
the full array of three MMR vaccinations.
Measles and
MMR Vaccinations
If you're old enough, you may remember that measles and mumps were
common childhood diseases that came and went. The incidence of death
or permanent damage was very small. Once you recovered from measles,
you were immunized for life.
The rate of measles outbreaks began declining during the 1970s. This
may be attributed to increased immunity by those who had measles and
recovered, or a decline in the virulence of measles.
But of course, the medical establishment wants you to believe all
infectious disease declines are from vaccines. The opposite is
usually factual. It has been documented and graphed that measles had
diminished greatly before vaccinations were administered. (7)
The three in one
MMR shot was developed during that decade for
convenience. Prior to that, there was one vaccination for every
disease. But the three in one MMR is inoculated on three separate
occasions within a few months, usually before 15 months of age.
Preteens and teenagers
are often subjected to this risky business as well if they missed
the early schedule.
Breakouts Among the Vaccinated
There have been many, and the various public health organizations,
including the CDC, are well aware of them.
Yet, pediatricians
convince and school boards coerce parents into making sure their
children get three MMR vaccinations in short succession. Obviously,
not enough know of measles breakouts among the vaccinated.
Medical authorities eager to vaccinate maintain it takes a
population vaccination rate of 90% to ensure an "immunized" disease
will not break out within that community. This high percentage was
contrived as necessary for "herd immunity," which would prevent any
outbreak from occurring.
That has been proven false. Basic logic begs the question: Why do so
many have to be vaccinated if those who are vaccinated are immune?
Could it be that the vaccinated are not really immune.
One thing is
for certain, vaccinating 90% of all populations creates more
In 1984, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMRW) of
the CDC
reported a late 1983 early 1984 Illinois high school/junior high
measles outbreak. The total student population was around 400, and
ALL of them (100%) had complied with Illinois State Law requiring
the complete MMR schedule. (1)
In 1987, Pub Med Central reported another public school measles
outbreak among a 98% MMR vaccinated population. This happened in
another high school, this one in Massachusetts early in 1984.
Another population with over 90% vaccinated again. (2)
University of Helsinki Department of Public Health reported an
"explosive outbreak" of measles in a rural community during 1989.
Most of the infected had been vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. Those
vaccinated who became infected anyway also managed to spread the
measles to their siblings. So much for herd protection. (4)
The WHO (World Health Organization) reported an outbreak of measles
with thousands of EU citizens of all ages throughout 2010. Most of
them occurred in France.
Here's what Copenhagen
WHO official Rebecca Martin said,
"There's been a
buildup of children who have not been immunized over the years.
It's almost like a threshold. When you have enough people who
have not been immunized (sic), then outbreaks can occur."
Apparently Rebecca is
not aware of those earlier reports of outbreaks among populations
with over 90% vaccinated.
Nor is she aware of any
graphs that show the enormous decline in measles episodes occurred
before measles vaccinations appeared on the scene. But she did
invoke the 90% rule. (7)
Those who have been scared away from using
dangerous vaccinations
with horrendous side effects just to prevent a short term mild
disease, from which recovery confers real immunity, are blamed.
What Is
Scaring Away Vaccination Prospects
Could it have something to do with over six times as many MMR
vaccine adverse events reported than cases of measles so far in
Keep in mind that all
adverse events are not reported. Most are so indoctrinated with the
sanctity of vaccines they don't make the connection to their child's
turning blue and becoming paralyzed or dead after a series of
Even former FDA
commissioner David Kessler wrote,
"only one percent of
serious adverse events are reported to the FDA." (6)
More and more parents
are witnessing tragic consequences of MMRs and other vaccines, which
include neurological damage, autism, paralysis, chronic illness,
extreme colitis, and death occurring shortly after or during a
scheduled series of inoculations.
And they are reporting
their tragic stories to vaccine safety group sites, blogs, or chat
rooms. (7)
Some even start their own vaccination warning sites. Yeah, that
might have something to do with more parents holding their children
back from being jabbed with toxic vaccines. Especially with a
vaccine that doesn't work on a diminished childhood disease that is
usually minor. And especially after being lied to about
(mercury) being removed from childhood vaccinations. (8)
By the way, there was a very large mumps outbreak among teens and
preteens, during early 2010 in the New York/New Jersey area.
80% of them had their MMRs too. (9)
(1) http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00000359.htm
(2) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1646939/
(3) http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5500100
(4) http://www.vaccines.me/articles/jfdlf-explosive-school-based-measles-outbreak-in-vaccinated-students---finland.cfm
(5) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/21/europe-measles-outbreak-france_n_851911.html
(6) http://therefusers.com/refusers-newsroom/6-times-more-measles-vaccine-adverse-reaction-reports-than-measles-cases-in-2011/
(7) http://www.thinktwice.com/mmr.htm
(8) http://healthmaven.blogspot.com/2011/08/united-nations-invites-mark-geier-md-to.html
(9) http://www.naturalnews.com/028142_mumps_vaccines.html