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The Destiny of the Nations - The Nations and the Rays |
It is obvious that the governing faculty of the Ray of Will or
Power is the outstanding characteristic of Great Britain. England is an exponent of the
art of control and her function has been to produce the first tentative grouping of
federated nations the world has seen and to demonstrate the possibility of such a
grouping. The United States is doing a somewhat similar thing and is fusing the nationals
of many nations into one federated state with many [52] subsidiary states, instead of
subsidiary nations. These two powers function in this way and with this wide objective in
order eventually to give to the planet a system of groupings within one national border or
empire, and yet with an international implication which will be symbolic of the coming new
age technique of government. The second Ray of Love or of Attraction governs - from the
soul angle - the British Empire and there is a relation between this fact and the fact
that the astrological sign Gemini governs both the United States and London. The fluid,
mercurial, intuitional mind is closely allied with the divine aspect of love and
understanding, producing attraction and interpretation. It is interesting to note that the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict which before long will come into power again, is to be prominent in the destinies of India, Germany, Italy, Austria and Brazil. It is for this that there is so much preparatory turmoil in four of these countries. The sixth Ray of Idealism is potent in Russia, the United States, Italy and Spain. It is the fanatical adherence to an ideal which is responsible for the potent changes in these four countries. In Germany and Italy the harmonizing of the fourth ray, working through conflict, is also to be seen. Hence we have in all these countries a process of "breaking-down" and of destruction of old forms prior to an adequate responsiveness to the influence of the incoming ray. It should be remembered that as with individuals, so with nations - the reaction to an increasing influence of the soul ray is ever accompanied by a breaking down period; this demonstration of destruction is, however, only temporary and preparatory. India hides the light and that light, when released upon the world and revealed to humanity, will bring about harmony in the form aspect; things will then be clearly seen as [53] they are and will be freed from glamor and illusion; this harmonizing light is sorely needed in India itself and when it has been manifested it will bring about the right functioning of the first Ray of Power or Government. The will of the people will then be seen in the light. It is in this connection that Great Britain will emerge into renewed activity for her personality ray and India's soul ray are the same. Many British people are subjectively linked with India, by past incarnations and association; the quarrel between Great Britain and India is largely a family affair in the deepest sense of the term and hence its bitterness. As you know, there is a close link between the fourth and second rays and this again emerges in the relationship between England and India; a destiny is there which must be jointly worked out. The static stabilizing tendency of Germany showed for instance in her futile effort to preserve a racial purity now, as then, impossible. This static quality is due to her first ray personality; her fourth ray energy was responsible for her effort to standardize and harmonize all the elements within her borders to the point of regimentation. This has been the line of least resistance for Germany, for though the first ray is not in manifestation at this time, yet the bulk of the people in power in Germany during the past world war (1914-1945) were all on the first subray of the seven rays and hence they were inevitably the transmitters of first ray energy. It is for this reason that Great Britain can contact the German race and handle the people in that sad country more understandingly than can the other nations or Great Powers. They share similar qualities and one of the services which Great Britain can render at this time is to come to the aid of world peace and live up to her motto, "I serve," by acting as an interpreter. [54] |
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